• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


'The last man on earth to think that 'phoetid' is still how we humans spell that.'


Nightmare Moon, the embodiment of evil, has decided that she must target the hearts and minds of the ponies of Equestria to truly destroy Celestia and take her place. It turns out that creating a kingdom of debauchery and sin was a lot easier a thousand or so years ago.
Still, that won't stop her trying.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 8 )

Oh my god that was amazing. So much fluff! I loved how you handled Pinkie Pie, too. She can either be fun, or a force to be reckoned with.

I had many a giggle

That was... interesting. And funny.
I wonder what Nightmare Moon will try next.

Is Nightmare Moon an entity seperated from Luna now?
And how did Twilight get these nicknames?

Thank you :twilightsmile:
And to answer your questions:
1. In this story, yes. I kinda like her as a standalone character- gives her more scope and variety than just being an alternate personality.
2. That was mainly me being silly, but I guess Twilight managed to banish NMM when she had the aid of the stars, and thus vanquished the eternal night. Perhaps 'Starkiller' and 'Nightbane' were a bit much, but I thought NMM would be as over-the-top as possible, so you get the point :twilightsheepish:
Thank you very much :raritystarry:
I was a little concerned with how I wrote Pinkie, thank you for setting that little doubt to rest :twilightsmile:

I think generally? the way to mess up Pinkie Pie is to have her be the opposite of how she is, and I don't mean like Pinkamina. Calm, slightly indifferent, though she still can have her friends at heart, but parties aren't that terribly hugely important.

Pinkie is beyond Deadpool with the fourth wall. She is chaos pony. She bends physics to her will and not even the creator can save you if a Pinkie Promise has been broken or her calling in life is calling her.

... Not that I, uh, write Pinkie or anything :twilightsheepish:

Pinkamena Diane Pie is an omnipotent and benevolent eldritch being from Between Places who exists and assists because it amuses her. To insult a party in her presence is to invite torment and suffering on the greatest of scales, and to break a promise sworn in her name is to bring the wrath of the stars down upon your head.

Fear her, and her unstoppable dark desires for the happiness of everypony.

"Starkiller" x3 Lol, this is exactly one of the ways the Evil should act and be dealt with :twilightsmile:

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