• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


'The last man on earth to think that 'phoetid' is still how we humans spell that.'


Starlight Glimmer has been living with Twilight for a while now, and naturally, they've grown closer. However, Starlight wasn't aware how close until a sudden burst of feelings spurred on by nothing more than a goodnight kiss gives her a whole lot to think about, which is really hard to do with that beautiful purple mare around. Luckily, there's always someone to lend an ear, no matter the time and place.

Inspired by the season premier and some drunken notes I scribbled down at some point.

(I think this is my first actual shipfic. I think. I also think it turned out quite nicely, but I'll let you be the judge of that.)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 12 )

Very sweet, though I'm not actually a fan of this pairing. I just prefer Starlight with Sunburst, that's all. Still, great story and worth a few minutes of my time.:heart:

nicely done! this one made me like starlight even more! they do make a veryinteresting couple. well done to you!!

Thank you kindly! :twilightsmile:

Thank you :)
Funnily enough, I wasn't much of a fan of the ship either, until I got about halfway through this fic and then thought, 'Oh, wait, I like the way they fit together.' :P Now I think they're one of my favourite pairings.

7107639 i like this story, especially how you wrote glimmer's mind conflict, you made her look like a hopeless romantic

Thank you very much :twilightsmile: I do love hopeless romantics- it's just such a nice, cutesy idea.
Somewhat of one myself :twilightsheepish:

Dude, this fic was amazing. My only regret is that I read it so fast.

Thank you very much, I'm glad you enjoyed it :twilightsmile: It was originally a bit longer, but I ended up scrapping the original ending scene because I wanted to end it on the romantic walk home.

Yeah, you executed this pretty awesomely. The only minor problem I see a little bit in this is missed punctuation, but as I said, it's minor.

There really isn't enough TwiGlimmer out there. Same for a lot of other ships I quite like.

I like this, they were, succinct but on point on what makes them well together ❤

Cute story. I always found it strange how few ship fics there are about Starlight/Twilight. There are nearly as many as there are Derpy/Twilight fics.

I know right!? I'm a little surprised there aren't more stories of Starlight and Twilight.

Increidble, cute, and cold. Is summer and you made me feel cold, and warm inside.

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