The Cutie-Mark Crusaders have become idle and lazy, spending their time in a constant dozy, grumpy stupor. Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash are growing worried- and quite frankly, annoyed- with their lack of effort and energy. What happened to the energetic trio who spread chaos and laughter across the whole of Ponyville with their escapades? Seeking a solution, the concerned mares head to Twilight.
Turns out that wasn't the best decision ever.
Maud, I need help kissing my own ass goodbye...
It reminds me of an experience Jessica Simpson had once her show biz star showed signs of fading. She tried to reinvent herself in the country genre and wound up looking so horribly aimless the audience cringed. Then she became a fashionista and never looked back.
Alright. You failed miserably with one detail here. Flurry Heart is two words. Whatever idiot says it isn't, flunked out of Kindergarten probably.
Love the story by the way. Just thought I'd point it out.
Ah, thanks for the catch! This is just one reason I really like people to point things out, because that was something I had just never thought about tbh. I'll go edit that:)
Thank you for you kind words and improvements!