• Published 8th Jun 2016
  • 1,113 Views, 15 Comments

Angel's Dark Secret - Damaged

Fluttershy finds her little friend is missing and is about to discover a secret that will shake the foundations of her world.

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Bun Hunt

"Angel?" Fluttershy was at a loss, she couldn't find her bunny friend. "Angel, we have to get ready for the Winter Wrap-up." Her wings ruffled a little in consternation and Fluttershy started to make Angel's favorite meal.

Preparing the little rabbit's salads was something that Fluttershy enjoyed; the mare hummed happily as she worked but when it came time to add carrots she found there were none left. "What is going on here?" Then she spotted the first discarded carrot-top. "He must have gotten hungry and eaten all his carrots in one go." With a happy smile, the pegasus put the salad away and looked around for more incriminating evidence.

Wandering around her house, Fluttershy found another carrot-top just outside the bunny's room. "Ah ha!" She flung the door open, her voice the softest shout that ever existed. The room was completely devoid of bunnies, however. "Oh darn."

Fluttershy, with a little searching, found the tied bedsheets hanging out the window and down. "You may be a clever bunny, but you can't get away this easily." Spreading her wings, the gentle mare launched out the window and started to circle. There was another discarded carrot near the small storage shed behind her house.

"This is getting to be quite the chase." Fluttershy winged her way down and landed at the door to the shed and, opening it, was disappointed once more to find an empty shed. Not really completely empty, of course, there were some tools and things that were too dirty to keep in her house, but she did notice an odd hoe that she didn't remember getting. Reaching out a hoof she tried to lift it up but instead, it tilted a little and clicked.

As a small hole opened up with silent mechanical precision, Fluttershy was astounded. "Angel?" Ducking her head, the pegasus had to crawl down the tight hole. Angling down, she couldn't even guess at how far she had come before the tight tunnel opened out into a huge room. A room full of bunnies.

Angel recognized the intruder immediately and his little paw reached up and bopped himself on the forehead. Hopping over to Fluttershy, he put his forepaws on his sides and looked up at her with an upset look.

"What is happening? What is this place?" Fluttershy reached a hoof out to her ward slowly, rubbing his cheek as she gazed around. Then she saw it. Hidden half in shadow, a huge machine was trembling. A small swarm of rabbits worked at one end, feeding the great machine. While at the other the most curious thing, things were coming out of it. "Eggs?"

Another bunny hopped over to Angel and the two talked far too fast for Fluttershy to follow. She looked between them and saw her little friend puff out his chest. "She is my friend, no." The words were quite clear to Fluttershy and she smiled in delight and grabbed at Angel, hugging the bunny tight.

"You deliver all these, don't you?" Fluttershy wasn't the sharpest of mares, but she knew about the mysterious eggs that showed up for young fillies and colts to find and devour. "It's okay, I won't tell anypony."

Angel couldn't stop himself, he reached out and hugged the mare back. "But now you know, we need help!" He looked up at the mare, having to speak slowly enough for the pony to follow.

"Of course I will help, what do you need me to do?" Fluttershy looked around for something a mare of her talents could handle. "Oh, do you need me to help feed your machine?" Angel shook his head. "What about checking the eggs, I am sure quality control is important…" Angel shook his head more violently. "Then what?" She followed the bunny's pointing paw and her eyes widened in surprise; a few titters of delight got past her lips.

Leaping free of the, admittedly nice, mare's grip, Angel hopped over to the costume. "This, you need to wear this, it will help you be as invisible as anybunny else."

Questions ran through Fluttershy's head, lots of questions. Why do you have a pony-sized bunny suit? How does dressing up like a bunny make her invisible? How did they fit a machine that big down the tiny hole in the bottom of her shed?

Instead of asking, and wanting to be her favorite bunny's best friend, she started to climb into the white costume. Her legs went in first, pushing down into the elastic cloth. Then her flank pushed back and she squeezed her head forward into the outfit. A loud zippering sound heralded Angel fastening her into it.

It was so easy to see she was a pony. Wings hanging out from her back, her mane and tail spilled free of the fabric. Fluttershy turned around, noticing Angel had pulled out a hand-mirror. She lifted it in one hoof and fell backwards on her rump. Looking back at her was a cute little bunny. No wings. No mane or tail. Certainly no badly-fitting costume. "Angel, what is this magic?"

"Bunny magic." Angel shrugged and took the mirror back, plunging it behind his back where it returned to whence it had come.

Two bags were brought forth, Fluttershy could see they were both brimming with eggs. The fact that one was small enough for Angel to carry and one huge enough that Fluttershy was sure she wouldn't be able to fly with it, wasn't surprising. "We have to hide all these?" Angel nodded. Fluttershy spread her wings and gripped tightly to the bag. A flap, then another, proved that it was indeed too heavy to fly with. "There is a better way to move them?"

Angel shook his head and slung his bag over one shoulder, the bunny was hopping to a much larger tunnel where there were dozens of other bunnies, all with sacks of eggs prepared.

"Oh my, there are a lot of you. I am going to need to plant more carrots this year." Fluttershy was having trouble balancing the sack, but with some effort she got it so that she could walk easily with it, if not maybe trot.

The outer door opened with machine efficiency and with a shout that was the cutest battle-cry in the history of the multiverse, nearly fifty bunnies scattered with their sacks full of eggs. Something occurred to Fluttershy then as she trotted out. "How many other bunnies are pony helpers?"

Angel glared at her a moment before lifting one paw up to his lips, the universal sign for a secret. Hopping off, the rabbit was headed right for town. Fluttershy trotted along, carrying her heavy load. She almost froze when she saw Twilight. She opened her mouth to say something but Angel glared at her. "The costume won't hide your voice."

"Well, is that Angel Bunny? I bet Fluttershy is looking for you." Twilight walked forward to the cute pair of bunnies. "And who is your friend?"

When the violet-eyed mare reached to pet Fluttershy after Angel, the pegasus thought the game was up. But it was amazing, Twilight thought she was reaching down to pet a bunny, instead she reached up to pet Fluttershy's head right between the fake bunny ears.

"Well, just try not to get in the way, you two. Everypony is getting ready to push old winter out and welcome spring." Fluttershy turned around and Fluttershy couldn't help but giggle as the alicorn launched into a song.

Apparently it would be easy to sneak around and hide chocolate eggs for foals.

Author's Note:

So this started such:

"Sure, you can expect me to write a story about the easter bunny, but it isn't likely" -A message to David Silver in regards to something I would never, ever do but that somepony expected me to.

And then it hit me, Winter Wrap-up is the spring equinox, there is no reason it couldn't happen. And of course Fluttershy in a bunny costume is damn near the cutest thing to imagine ever.

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Awesome ponies who are already helping to keep me in keyboards and rum:
Canary in the coal mine
Mary Rowland

Comments ( 15 )

A more convincing excuse for easter than Christianity has offered to date.:yay:

Oh god *hrk* It's too- *hrk* cute.
skye.exe has stopped responding

And then there's Angel's real secret: once you put on that bunny costume, the curse begins, wiping your very identity from your mind, making you a helpless mind slave. You will become a minion of the new Bunny Army, devoting every aspect of your soul to the upcoming Bunny Uprising. Who would ever think that such a dark shadow would come form such cute creatures? Soon, there will be a bloodshed unleashed upon Equestria unlike any that has ever been seen before. Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha!:pinkiecrazy:


Ducking her head, the pegasus had to crawl down the tight hole.

You should probably be more careful about phrasing!

Cute! :twilightsmile:

shed and opening it was disappointed - shed and, opening it, was disappointed


This was a lot of fun to read, the cuteness alone had my blood glucose spiking. :twilightsmile:

What? Oh come on! Nopony made any comment about going into Fluttershy's shed? I... I thought we were friends! :fluttercry:

Is there some colloquial meaning to the phrase that I'm not aware of? :twilightsheepish:

Personally, I was half expecting a Phineas and Ferb reference when she discovered the secret passage.

Since this story comes on the heels of Given Shape, the more lascivious part of my mind was also wondering if Fluttershy would be helping out by laying more eggs for the bunnies to use. :derpytongue2:

7285892 I was really hoping that it was not a reference :twilightoops:

This gave me an idea... GORE FANFIC WITH SAME NAME WOULD MAKE PERFECT SRNSE. Everything is the same apart from the machine is a pony mincemeat thingy.

JK... That's a funny idea though :pinkiecrazy:

7287203 Nah, next story is going to involve Twilight Velvet. :twilightsheepish:

7285892 You mean crawling in a tight hole in the back shed? Why would anyone make THAT connection

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