• Published 21st Apr 2016
  • 2,951 Views, 75 Comments

A Gem in Canterlot High - Golden Flare

Before Peridot's ship crashed, another Gem that was held prisoner had escaped and used one of the escape pods and landed in a different version of Earth. Now he tries to live a normal life, but he'll soon realize the past catches up with everybody...

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Chapter 5: Fear of the Future

Three Days Later...

It had been almost half a week since that fateful night, the night that changed everything. Ever since I revealed who I am during the Fall Formal, nobody treated me the same; I had a lot more respect from everyone because of my abilities and sympathy for my tragic past. As for Sunset Shimmer, everyone treated her like she was the plague, steering clear of her and whispering curses under their breath to her. But me? She and I were inseparable, the best of friends, we took care of each other, I even had to protect her from a group of three gray skinned boys who wanted payback.

I gave them Tartarus in a hand-basket.

As time went by, I noticed Sunset blushing every time we laughed or smiled, there was no doubt about it.

Sunset has a crush on me.

But I couldn't return her affections, she needs a friend right now, not a lover, though it is tempting now that I've seen a sweeter side of her, but either way, I stand firm on my decision. Sunset is my friend, my best friend even, and I will remain as such.

...For now.

Other than that, there was one other thing on my mind: Homeworld. They're going to come back, I just know it.

But will I be ready to face them when they do?


The bell for lunch had finally rung and I headed out of my latest class and to the cafeteria. The whole walk there, Homeworld was fresh in my mind; they're going to come for me, that's unmistakable, but who will they send this time? The Rubies? Jaspers? Peridots? Or will they send out the Feldspar Gems again? The latter is most likely since that Amazonite has a grudge against me. I was so busy thinking about Homeworld that I didn't realize that I had already gotten my lunch and was walking around the cafeteria aimlessly.

"BLACKY! OVER HERE!!" I hear Pinkie yell.

I turned to see her and the rest of the girls, including Sunset, sitting at a nearby table. I smile and made a beeline to their spot, trying to ignore the stares aimed my way. I sat and spoke to Pinkie.

"I thought we agreed you'd stop calling me that."

"Aww! You're no fun! Gems are no fun!" Pinkie pouted.

"Who said we were fun?" I smirk.

Sunset giggles at my inside joke, making me smile at her.

"Ugh!" Rainbow groaned, "Will you two just date already?! You're killing me here!"

"Rainbow Dash!" Rarity chastised, "If they wish to pursue a relationship, then that's their choice! You didn't need to make a fuss about it!"

"They've been at this for three days now, either they kiss and start going out or they try to be less obvious about their feelings, I'm trying to eat here!"

The two of them kept arguing while Sunset and I tried to cool down the blush that arrived on our faces. Even to our friends, our feelings were obvious.

"A-Anyway," I tried to take back control of the conversation, "Do you girls have any free time after school? I want to show you the bunker."

"You mean...?" Sunset began and I nodded.

"Yeah, I think it's time I showed some more trust for you girls, despite the fact that I detest humans." I muttered that last part.

"It's gonna have to wait," Rainbow interjected, "we have to get ready for the Musical Showcase that's coming up."

So much for taking some of my mind off of Homeworld, "Oh...okay."

"You can come with us, you know." Sunset offered.

"I-I don't wanna be a burden."

"It's okay. Besides, I need some moral support if a bunch of students show up at the gym."

By "moral support", she means she needs a bodyguard if somebody tries something they'll regret, at least that's what I think, "...Okay then."

"YAY!!!" Pinkie cheered.

Everyone continued their lunch like normal, except for me, still thinking about how to protect everybody from Homeworld and...the Diamonds.

Sunset sighs, "I am never gonna live that down."

I knew what she was talking about; helping out at the gym was a disaster, no one accepted her assistance, everyone glared at her and whispered profanities behind her back.

Geez, and I thought Homeworld was bad.

That thought by itself brought my focus back to Homeworld, I knew I needed to protect these girls for when they come, but how can I keep them out of harms way and guard Sunset from the student body trying something stupid? None of the scenarios in my mind seemed remotely close to working, I've been wracking my brain out (if I had one) since this morning and it yielded no results.


My thoughts were crushed as I brought back to reality and realized that we were all still in the music room and I wasn't responding to a word the girls were saying, if their expressions of concern were anything to go by.

"Are you...okay?"

Sunset was the one who was speaking to me, I shake my head and answer, "I'm fine. I was just...thinking, that's all."

"...About Homeworld?"

I tense up, Sunset notices before I could repress it and hugs me, "It's okay, I'm scared too."

"I can't let you girls get hurt, those Homeworld Gems are far stronger than you know, I got lucky fighting Moonstone. Who knows who they're going to send to end me? I can't...I just can't lose again."

"Again?" Sunset pulls away to look at me, but keeps her hands on my shoulders, "What did you mean by that?"

I sigh, "It's nothing."

She narrows her eyes, "No. You don't get to brush me aside anymore. Tell me what's wrong."

I turn my wrist to look at my gemstone, shimmering in the fluorescent lights above us, "...I'll tell you when school is over. Okay?"

Sunset was hesitant, but nods and hugs me one more time before pulling away, "Okay."

"Sunset Shimmer, please report to the Main Foyer." Vice Principal Luna's boomed through the PA system.

"You wanna come with me and show a few new students around the school?" Sunset offered.

I nod, "Yeah. I think that'll do us both some good."

We leave the music room as Rainbow dismissed Fluttershy's offer to play one of her songs.

Rose Quartz would've been soooo disappointed with Rainbow...then again I'd doubt she'd care. I thought bitterly.

Not long after we left, we arrived at the front entrance of the school, Sunset took the initiative to speak with the new students, "Hi! Are you the new girls we're supposed to show around?"

Stepping out of the shadows, three strange and rather attractive looking girls, one yellow with poofy orange, yellow streaked hair, another pink with purple, aquamarine streaked pigtails, and the last one light blue with a normal blue, dark purple streaked ponytail, all wearing unusual attire, appeared with creepy smiles on their faces, minus the blue one, who held a sweet smile instead, "We are." the yellow one spoke.

Hmm...something about these girls seem...different. And not the good kind of different.

But Sunset didn't seem to notice as she continued the conversation, "Canterlot High is such a great school, I'm sure you'll like it here."

"Oh, yes, we do sense there's something...magical about this place." the yellow added as she and her gal pals sneered.

...That tears it. Something isn't right here. Better keep my eyes on these chicks.

But Sunset seems to be oblivious to their words and behavior as she lead the group down the hall and I followed, keeping a close eye on them.

As Sunset began showing them around, I kept watching them like a hawk as I was thinking who they could be, They can't be from Homeworld, otherwise I would've sensed their power. Are they from that "Equestria" place Sunset explained to me? It's a good possibility, but I need proof to back up my theory. I look their necklaces and it hit me, Those gems...they don't look normal to me, not even normal to Homeworld standards. I strain my senses and feel a faint amount of power coming from those necklaces, Okay, it's there, but how do I prove it?

"A musical showcase?"

I was snapped out of my mind as the yellow girl spoke again, I saw that her little cohorts were giggling amongst themselves, not a good sign.

Sunset took over the conversation again, "I'm sure since new, Principal Celestia will allow you to join. Right, Black Crystal?"

She just HAD to tell them my name and put me on the spot, didn't she?

"...Yeeeeeaaaaah." I say, unsure and suspicious.

Sunset and the yellow girl raise an eyebrow at my answer, prompting me to panic internally, For the love of karat, if there was any way to let them know my suspicions, THAT would certainly do it!

"We have been known to sing from time to time." the pigtailed girl added, conveniently not noticing my apprehension.

"Hello! We sing like all the time!" the ponytailed girl butted in, continuing to divert attention away from me, "It's how we get people to do what we want!"

Wait, what was that?

The yellow, poofy haired girl grunted at the blue girl and moved her hand in a "cut it out" motion, prompting her to speak again, "W-What did I say?" she asks, obliviously.

"What you MEANT to say was that a musical showcase is a great way to get to know our fellow students." she intercepts and corrects.

Yeah, and I'm an almighty Black Diamond. Hence the sarcasm.

"Oh, yeah! What she said is what I meant to say, that's what I meant...to say." the blue girl agrees and gives out a completely unconvincing smile.

Sell it somewhere else, ladies, 'cause I ain't buying it.

"Or what you WOULD'VE said if you weren't the worst." the pigtailed girl said to her, making her retaliate.

"You are!"

"You'll have to excuse them, they're idiots." the yellow one assures as the other two go, "Hmph".

Sunset just stares at them weirdly while I keep a neutral expression from years of practicing. She notices the gems around their neck and smiles.

"Those are pretty." Sunset comments as she reaches out to touch them, "Where did you..."

The yellow girl immediately got defensive and grabbed Sunset's wrist before she could get close. Realizing her folly, she let go of her and chuckled nervously.

"Sorry! As you can see, these pendants are very important to us, we'd hate for anything to happen to them."


The trio began to leave, except for the blue girl, who was pulled away as Sunset finally began to have her own suspicions.

"So you finally figured out that those three aren't as innocent as they seem?" I ask her.

Surprised, she asked, "You thought so too?"

"I thought so before you started the tour, something isn't right about those girls, and I've got proof just by watching them."

"Really? What is it?"

"I'll explain once we get to the cafeteria. I think the rest of the girls should hear this."

Sunset nodded in agreement and we headed to the cafeteria to tell the girls our findings and to get something to eat.

Those girls...they weren't acting normally.

And that magical line?

Could they be talking about Equestrian Magic?

...Or was it my Gem Magic?

Either way, Homeworld was going to have to wait, we got bigger problems right now.


Somewhere far outside Canterlot, a crystalline surfaced plate was sitting in a clearing within the woods, this was commonly known as a Warp Pad for Gems. Suddenly, a pillar of light shined down upon it and revealed four figures; the tallest of the four had dark purple skin, a square shaped afro, two gemstones in both of her palms, wearing silver shades and a purple-ish bodysuit, seriousness radiating from her, the second tallest was pale with short blonde hair ending in a point behind her head, a circular gemstone upon her forehead, wearing a blue shirt, yellow shorts, and ballet slippers, acting somewhat as the tallest figure, the shorter third figure was purple with long, messy white-ish pink hair, a gemstone embedded within her chest, wearing a sleeveless dark gray shirt with a strap sliding off a shoulder revealing a black strap, black pants, and white boots, contrary to the last two, this figure had laziness in her eyes, the last figure was a human boy who was as short as the third figure with black fluffy hair, wearing a red shirt, blue pants, and red flip-flops, excitement and determination in his expression. They viewed their surroundings as if they had never had there before, despite that, they knew they were on a mission and had to dismiss any hesitation.

"You're certain about this, Garnet?" the pale one spoke.

"Yes Pearl," Garnet answered, "this Warp Pad may be new, but my Future Vision has never steered me wrong. He's here. I can sense him."

"I don't know," the purple one began, "it's been a long time since the war, what makes you think he'll just come back with us?"

"Don't be like that, Amethyst," the human boy said, "I'm sure he's a nice guy."

Pearl giggled and patted his head, "As optimistic as always, Steven."

"Alright, let's get moving," Garnet said, taking the lead, "I can sense him in this direction."

"Right!" they all agreed.

With that, they began walking in the direction of their goal, or more specifically, the city of Canterlot, where the unsuspecting Gem lives.

"I wonder who this Black Crystal is like..." Steven whispered to himself.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the cliffhanger

Finally, I updated this again! Bet you guys are glad :twilightsmile:

Still a couple slots open for new Gems:

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Comments ( 8 )

Good to see this updated

as always great chapter.

I think I have a gem. But I'm not sure you'll like it or not. Also great to see this one updated again.

When's the next chapter?

When's the next chapter?

:pinkiegasp: Noooooooooo! I already reached the most recent chapter! DAMN YOU, DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL! Seriously though, this is a great story and I would love To see more of it, please. :pinkiehappy:

Yay Steven!

Also curious on what will happen here too.

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