• Member Since 29th Jul, 2015
  • offline last seen 17 hours ago

Dark Nightshade

I like to do occasional crossoves, and I can now draw. Just PM me if you want me to draw or wright something! I'm on Wattpad, check me out: https://www.wattpad.com/user/Dark-Nightshade


In a completion with Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy finds out that she is good with art. Really good. She ends up going to a comic-con, and Sunset Shimmer, Twilight, and Sunny Flare help her get a crowd. This idea actually ends up working.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 9 )

It's a bit of a quick story. Could have added a bit more, but I think you did fine. Not sure it needs the sex tag on it.

6803322 No prob. I know that Sunset brings up boobs from her tight costume, but I don't think that's a reason for the sex tag.

As the lucky one who became the tenth reader to like this story, I must say that it's a great story you have written.

kul #6 · Jan 6th, 2016 · · ·

Im pretty sure thats Maud on the cover, but never judge a fic by its cover right?

For me this seems to make sense, Fluttershy probably draws flora and fauna from forests or fields. She just had to change a deer or tree into people and she gets where she was at the beggining.(You didn't provide a reason for Fluttershy's skills so I made myself one.) This is a great story and you deserve some credit.:yay:

"Can you draw me getting launched from my party cannon with 15 pound sledgehammers for hands?" Pinkie asked. The rest of the girls stared.


The day after the comic-con, Fluttershy was pretty popular among the nerds. Fluttershy was surprised. She knew she was good, but not that good. Even after the comic-con had ended, she was getting requests, and she was happy to do them. However, after a while, she had to go home, so she just gave them her phone number. There were some odd requests, and there were some cool requests. It took her a long time to complete them all, but it was all worth it. After she finished them, she started to wonder what she could buy for the animal shelter when she realized she should get her friends something for there help. So she started asking what kinds of things they would like. Twilight, of course, wanted some more books, Sunny Flare insisted on Fluttershy not getting her anything, and should get something for herself. Sunset Shimmer took some time to get the info out, but it she ended up wanting a kitten. Fortunately, Fluttershy knew what kind of traits Sunset would want in a kitten, and managed to get her one pretty quickly. Of course, Sunset Shimmer needed some help, since this was her first pet, but she caught on pretty quickly.

Not a bad way to repay her back for the huge help if you ask me.

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