• Published 14th Jan 2015
  • 4,804 Views, 178 Comments

Handsome Jack's Return - Architect of Realities

One Handsome Stoned VISIONARY, add some mechanical extraction by one claptrap unit, two loaderbots and a escape during Tirak's antics in the capital as cover and you have one freed possibly near psychotic Displaced keeping it together barely by rage.

Comments ( 46 )

Ooooh man is the princesses gonna be horrified when they realize they basically allowed a law to be passed allowing for killing not only Sombra provided he's dead, but also killing the rightfull, original heirs unrelated to Sombra, all from REALLY bad wording.

Nicely done. Bouncer loader bots ftw

5855799 Well considering that the wording would have been left to the "legally inclined" AKA, "The Nobles" the wording was VERY specific and VERY intentional.

I figured that once someone that knew what was doing, started looking they'd find the surviving royalty in short order but JEEZE! Didn't think it'd be THAT quick. Looking forward to more and hoping more and more that the alicorns get introduced to horn clippers or a depleted uranium round

Also, with caddy having signed the law AND having presided over the beheading of a LEGITIMATE heir to the throne:pinkiecrazy: ANY arguments that Equestria was NOT attempting to forcibly annex (conquer) The Crystal Empire kind of loses any and all credibility

5855843 Or get introduced to soulcrushing guilt, promptly before the two options you mentioned naturally, well, aside from Twilight, I highly doubt she had a hoof in that and she does not seem the kind to even consider doing something like that, much less even able to handle the guilt over it.

I really enjoyed the Colisseum fights and the interaction between Jack and Glitterstone. Great chapter.

HUZZAH IT HAS BEEN UPDATED ONCE AGAIN!:pinkiehappy: nice work as always our inky tentacle friend:D

5855799 It may have been quite as intended for certain reasoning, also yes they may likely react badly.

5855827 The Bouncer Loader shall be mentioned sooner or later for how 'comical' it's fights were.

5855843 Those who seek power often if having the mind for it can skew what is written to benefit them. As for the 'ease' of Jack's finding royal blood, do remember that first Jack made their Crystal Heart to link them together and generate their warm field around the city proper. He would likely have not taught anyone else besides the royal family and main heir on how to use said heart for security reasons, but it works so long as said being is inside the city. As for the Princess of Love? She didn't even need to be present or informed of such things, as all there would be needed was a discrete guard report backlogged and 'all' is well in the world. Because it is all for the 'gentle' princess's feelings to simply leave her out of any 'private' punishments.

5855856 How would the princess of 'love' react to having authorized said previous nobles to behead say a mate to a princess in hiding who would have easily deposed her station? Also how would the citizenry react towards any likeness of said foreign princess whom signed such an action and brought to light publicly? *looks for a moment seeing crystal ponies tearing down a statue of Princess Cadence, while leaving spike the dragon's alone.*

5855895 You speak of beautiful mosaics, they are pretty are thy not? The phrasing of breaking a couple eggs similarly works there.

5855956 In which point would this point be neat?

5856788 We hope to ask what about said fights drew this opinion, also of jack and his new 'Niece' Glitterstone.

5856799 We meet thou 'HUZZAH', and make it doubled in return! We ask how though thought on events that transpire.

5856953 The reaction would not be a positive one, that's for sure, the quickest reaction would likely be outrage, though Twilight HAS been in the kingdom prior and did also bring with her Spike who saved the crystal heart, so that would probably lessen the hostility to at least not outright "maim horribly on sight", not to mention I could see one of her reactions to Cadence's unintended actions involving the contents of her stomach evacuating her body expediently through her mouth to it's new residency of a nearby bush or if lacking that, the floor.

5857049 Ah true, though before than was Spike the Dragon mentioned being with them? Likely not as he is perhaps at their shiny crystal castle in ponyville, while other things may be happening, later shown of a humorous sorts.

5857060 I meant when Spike was brought with them when they went to the empire and managed to save it by his effort right at the end, you'd think some of them might recognize twilight if she does go there, though probably not many of them. Anyways I find myself hoping that the nobles, or the ones that abused and tried to increase their power through murder and such get killed horribly or at least quite maimed.

5857070 We shall say that many of them died, though there is a frustrated Metal Will because he felt that the better fighters went to either our human jack or the Bouncer Loader Bot.

I will be interested in seeing how the metting with the Equestrians will go and I am always up to see what's going to happen with Jack, Nightmare Moon, Faust and the other members of Hyperion. Keep it up!

5857243 We believe it will not be pretty, either way depending on what happens upon arrival to said meeting. As for jack, we fear his first morning of having coffee will be interrupted by another, before said meeting. As for Nightmare Moon, she is sadly still stabilizing and her form receiving 'tweaks' to maintain it's form by F.A.U.S.T. on the Lunar Base. As for F.A.U.S.T., she is happily updating her personal collection of jack pictures and short vids. Which may or may not take up more than a couple terabytes of storage space, but as for other new Hyperion hires, they shall show up very soon away from current story plots.

Other then not capitalizing Jack's name a few times I see no errors.

5857479 Besides that how does thou feel of what has happened?

5856953 the events that happend was AMAZING although I would have liked to seen the loader bot and metal will fight as well

still nervous to put much blame on any nation since you never singled it out but I did enjouy the character development of jack... I cant help but think this arena might help with trade negotiations and visitation to the empire for most foreign nations, with the exception of ponies... but really we've established they're fairly unstable to things out of the normal so I expect them to be skittish of older Civ's. on bright side this has one of two results as I see nobles learn to stay the buck out if there corrupt and only good ones will likely come or they get to simply deal with the commoners, or they try to attack get serious demands to surrender the nobles to them, to be put into crystal empire legal system as 'war' criminals (honestly think equestrians will be hauling most dead... total winter zone, no clearable area for permanent bases, and empire has a shield to stave off this disadvantage so all forces are frozen.... plus loaders feel little cold) or equestrian gets sacked some or forced to pay a large some for peace, weakening its economy for any trade negotatians and leaving the empire to shine as a new heavy weight player which other nations will be more likely to deal with fairly and might even usurp Equestria in dominant coinage use if the start there own (got enough mountains, crystal or metal coins anyone)... (maybe not crystal dragon risk to high then but... it would make acquiring dragons services easier if your currency is literally food.

5855843 I don't know, I was a little hesitant to point fingers since it didn't mention which royalty made the decree and most known nations are basically royalty designed as well. I'd also like to know if the law came to pass from another nation after the take over or before when the empire disappeared though that matters more for curiosity I don't see it making a huge impact on an angry crowd or sobbing widowed princess.
5857243 can you say wrong destruction of property and environmental lawsuit against nation of equestrian because I can and see it as well. an entire region turned nearly in habitable, unknown number of dead, immense psychological damage clearly present in jack and a massive facility destroyed releasing toxic elements and deadly predators ( really its like another nation attacking a nuclear plant with ballistic missiles and going whoops when everything goes fallout and kills nearly everyone inside)... there will be legal repercussions one way or another after something like that... specially if you still have video

5857931 an interesting side fight, I'd certainly say but that could always be done from the loader or faust playing the log in either video or the blue virtual constructions you see in some scifi (name currently escapes me). the character development and where it points the fact of where elements died for jack is more interesting and the fact the elements couldn't fix it in the least. guess true emotional damage goes beyond the mutilating rewrite ability of them.

5858745 For the first two points brought up we would humbly wish to hear them expanded upon in detail, while the third point there will be a reason why the greatest most purest things of the world in that one lay line could not have worked besides containing him. There is one example of Luna being supposedly purified but in this version the essence was pulled from her, while in the case of discord he is merely turned to stone with no worries.

What could prevent what beset's Jack's recovery instead of a stopped spiral?

1764549 not yet ... but still ...your right about it being hard to find a impartial party but where there's a will there has to be a way even if it takes starting a u.n. to do. (though unlike the real one I recommend serious definitions on what a country is non of this the Vatican is a country ( country inside a city of another country...) and we have some main members are monetarily or otherwise incentivized not to recognize a country or which has separated or revolted or otherwise broke away from another . [also a no both country's can be named the same policy so issues such as the China, China issue where basically the old china had a revolt apparently and the last of it forces fell back to a island base and the new people republic of china was formed on the mainland that revoulted... leaving the old china and the new peoples republic of china (that annoying issue)]

5858873 well minatours, griffins and even diamond dogs for a quick example value strength and we know griffins tend to have a more war style national hierarchy or rulership so it stands
to reason that showing you still value strength by having an arena and punishing the vile serves to establish a bit of cultural connection and make relations easier then the ponies
as they abhor violence as a whole and 'army' tends to be nothing more then a parade group and basic police force (exception likely being Luna's guard as bat ponies are more likely
to have instincts and settlements alone and need to use force to defense so there likely more combat inclined and trained as result... possible 1-2 years in colony defense might be
required for most citizens)

As for if you mean ponies being skittish well we have seen how they react to the forest, there primarily scared of meat eaters, and there not the nicest to anyone outside own
given there more distrusting and the national 'everpony' quickly gets rather offensive or irritating. ohh and from ponyville example they panic at a dime, leading to shunning and
distrust (honestly not surprising there's no diamond dogs that are friends... although ones seen don't seem very developed likely because being dominated by dragons or others or just
a fringe colony possible banished from main groups)

finally given that you've just made a public removal and bloody combat most repulsive nobles wont likely want anything to do with you and will avoid the empire likely out of fear,
leaving only those like fancy pants to likely consider or take action to capitalize on investments, stores and the like in the empire given they will be the few with the rep to
likely be trusted. or the nobles in equestrian will learn of this and the corrupt will press for an attack on the empire current ruler ship and try to oppress them leading to the
potential results below (worse if they just hire mercenaries ... unless there dhaul mercs) and could lead to embargos, retribution and even sacking or demands for the criminal
nobility to be extricated to the crystal empire for trial and punishment.

Aw...I was hoping by the time we did a proper crossover that Avarice would have some nobles to horribly torture in public.

Ah well, at least they got theirs in a public and humiliating whilst gruesome manner, AND got soul tortured by Faust.


5859072 As a note their corpses will be put to use, yet to be shown. The Bio division among others inside Hyperion in their prime were and are quite nearly capable of great things, it has just not yet been shown what results may happen. Or have they?

5859057 True such a thing if it was undertaken by a more noble soul would maybe be possible or at least a start, though Our Jack does have his Bias when speaking to other species. his impressions are still strong from how they were a thousand years ago, and future hints and events may truly offset progress as that was NOT the only D.A.H.L. base or stronghold if what was struck would be called a forward strike base.

Even world events could change from the now stolen Vault Key, as per the first crossover will imply. Will surely draw issues to hand, but the worse has not even started.

But on more pleasant points there is still avenues of political repair that could be done, even if not directly if events fail of said meeting.

5859290 *looks shamed down casting eyes, making a note to try reworking that one later.* We see.

Good, those nobles got punished.
Mmm, this is going along nicely.

I wonder, has jack ever had a wet dream? After his return, and Nightmare moon, watched or intervened? Because that would be awkward, and I love awkward.

5859512 We shall Say the Nightmare will definitely try to 'open' him up to such things, he is a human after all and still had thought of 'banging the locals' was wrong.

could be worse I slowly try to make a story first chapter... mine lacks the parts to consider relations and the perk I have in mind which could trigger it is unpleasant thought to put it lightly.

5859606 True, though being Nightmare Moon. Thou should wonder what twisted things could or would be done, while in his contemplative state. as Nightmares are not really 'gentle', due to lacking certain equalizing bits of things that Luna could have though may not act on while the former would definitely.

but he has already banged the locals, putting holes in thier heads and various other parts, with his pistol.

5859677 True in the introduction of guns to locals by his trigger finger, also chaos spawns. but we mean he is speaking of a erotic kind, a human male can hold back for so long..

I know, I'm just being a smart ass.

5859704 We know, it was simply entertaining to expand upon it. While making thou state it without us doing so.

but I wanted you to say that so I could say it.
it was fun to type it.

5859685 really as I understand it monks and ministers go there entire life some times (others not so much and I wont go into detail but it may have other results )

(will just have to see if jack starts substituting blood for other relations)

:rainbowderp: shitting bricks in a barrel :pinkiecrazy: this is getting crazy :pinkiecrazy: i like it :eeyup::yay:

Great chapter! Can't wait for the next update!

6205014 It shall come, though sadly it must take time but after our next doom thou who read this will know THIS update be next.

6205150 Great! Time to read about doom, continue the great work!

Also, the character of handsome jack gave me an idea for another displaced I might write when I finish with my current one, so thanks for that.

Started nicely, ended horribly

why no updates?

More please.

To start off I am really enjoying the story. I'm enjoying the humor and I'm also enjoying the crossovers. I like the Direction the Story is going and hope to see a new chapter real soon. It's interesting how Luna and Celestia are still in love with him even though they were the ones who turned him to Stone. It seemed that they did not take the time to acquire enough information before they made such a decision. Now that Jack has been returned to flesh, it is interesting how Nightmare Moon and Faust have their own designs on him. I know Handsome Jack knows that something is up but he doesn't suspect the level at which they will go to have him. I am loving the premise of the story. I can't wait to see what happens next. But It has been quite some time since you have written a new chapter to this story. I only get glimpses of the story from crossovers now. Are you planning on making a new chapter? It has been more than a year since your last chapter. I know that you riding the story is out of love of writing stories. I like many others really hope that you write new chapters to the story.


I really hope this story isn't completely dead

Are you going to complete this story? It has been over three years sins you made a chapter to this story. Did you decide to cancel this story? I seem to git more out of the crossovers then from this story. Are you still out there?


Hey Jack if I somehow got hold of let's say a stack of 64 Bedrock from Minecraft how much would you pay for that.

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