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Might want to add this story to this group:
5936046 Job Done
5935987 it's okay maybe ill change it
5938143 You spelled Assassin wrong on the title and the description. Sry, for being a grammer nazi. Just want to help.
5939013 its cool i mean i say in the author notes i want contructive critisism and you should point out any typos so its totally fine
(And job done)
Well at least he's going to look badass for all that time.
5969061 The statue of Badass... Ness
5969076 I wonder if Luna made that book? Would be something Rainbow Dash would try out I think. Assassin Rainbow Dash. Sounds very good.
5969177 sssshhh dont tell anyone
5969177 and how irritated she will be when he beats her when she has the black belt in something he brought to Equestria
AND it set the basics for hoof to hoff combat in Equestria
5969804 Awesome!
5970828 so why what you need to be more specific
5977373 Because I can and because I wanted to that's why
Because SOME people like this story, and if you're not one of them, there's a back button just for you!
5981874 Yes and that's why I dont care much about dislikes if they are not explained
personally i like how this is going keep it up
5985350 thank you very much
5987723 If you ever want a colab, my guy is open for it. but hes not Assassin Creed crossover, more like... take the dedication and training of the Assassin's brotherhood, add some Terry Pracett discworld feeling citys, and the ability to redirect magic by asking it nicely.
5969804 Awesome pose, Awesome statue.
6008595 why wouldn't Eddie pose awesomely
6008567 hmm i'll think about... Done, sure, when?
6020674 Just send a token at some point, and I'll send one back.
Family, work/school, your health, then entertaining us is the order your priorities should be in. Also, I am sorry for your loss.
I'll try finishing the sequel so you can see how he's doing... Not good...
6138182 Hey it's ok I made a Blog about it so go read that, but hey I'm ok again sondon't worry about it.
6138513 In will read it now
6138513 your picture is cruel. To cruel
6142256 I know. That's why I like it!
6143617 I would choose Rainbow
6143632 I choose Pinkie! We can all choose one.
6143634 yes then it's not cruel if everyone gets one
6146140 Then again, one guy chose the basket after putting AJ in it.
6146175 Doesn't that mean he chose AJ?
6146191 No, he chose the basket after putting AJ with the others. He chose all, by choosing none! He just got ALL of them!
6146227 Damn he's smart
6146272 I know! I had to resist the urge to kill myself! And I thought I was creative!
I love hearing about Folteren. Good chapter man!
6170325 What Folteren didn't know he wont hurt about (I men he didn't know Eddie looked a bit into Folteren's universe and who he knows.) and thanks
The word is extra. Not ekstra. Any way, been a month or so since Max put her half of the crossover up.
6245007 Yes, ok, have you seen my part of it? No? Because I thought we put the two different parts up the same day, but if you are referring to the in fic time I have an answer: Different Time Flow, but now you could say that time would have gone far while in Eddie's Equestria, the answer is no since she got put back the same spot as before... Also in time. And in my country it's ekstra.
6245125 Huh. English is weird in its dialects.
6245235 I'm actually from Denmark
I will give a read but seriusly finding stories with this kind of description is getting annoying, because most of thge displaced fics out there its the description:
my name xxx and i went to covention as xxx but i found a merchant from resident evil/guy with creepy smile.
Is getting really overused, new descriptions are in order or at least give it a more creative touch rather than a monotomous one
6245878 kinda hard because that is the main damn theme of the Displaced stories...
6246050 I know but at least give the description more life and imagination than that. Besides that descriton only tells you xxxguy dressed as xxx in equestria, a bit of imagination or creativity please?
Why did the cult member try to stop him? He should have been kissing the ground at Edward's feet.
6246464 He did not recognize him in the dark inner cult room
6246062 I changed it a bit, Just for you, me friend.
A displace X-men Jubilee? Which displace story is she from?
6246864 I don't think she exactly has a story, but I don't know BP never said
6246870 Maybe its a future story he going to write.