Maybe trying to turn a hobby into a job isn’t always the right choice.
In life I received a minor enlightenment , everything is pointless but I refused to accept it and so I tried to search/seek another and I found that It's HOPE the one thing which bring us to continue.
I Love Reading, Games and Transformers and want my imagination to run WILD
"Unwavering faith and resilient bonds will bring even miracles to your side."
I kick evil in the NARDS ! Here be thy Patronage Page !
When darkness arises they will call me many know the story of the 6 elements but few know of the 7th.
Coming soon the Ghosttamer Story IDEA! Challenge. I blog a story Idea and you try to get your story as my #1 favorite story of the month. Find 2 challenges on Fanfiction profile same user name.
Behold, the coming oblivion. 'Twas the end of our era, and the beginning of our great work. -Emet Selch
Hi there! I'm the ("D") Trainer. An editor and would be writer. Got some stuff that needed editing? Well, you can count on me and best yet, it's FREE! :D
I am a proud high school drop out of the OKC public school system, a part time brony and a chain smoking asshole; I wouldn't recommend any of them to a kid.
Well this my first time at fimfiction. I'm a brony since i like My little pony friend: Friendship is magic. I hope i can get along here and make new friends. I hope.