I will be putting the story on an actual hiatus now until I can actually get something done, sorry if I'm disappointing some of you guys.
Maybe trying to turn a hobby into a job isn’t always the right choice.
Hey Guys and/or Girls I just wan't to say that I won't be making any new progress on the next chapter for a while because my Grandpa died.
It was actually the best that could happen because he had Dementia, I don't wan't all you guys saying sorry to me because it had nothing to do with you but just understand why I won't write for a while.
I have been been a bit taken up by school and haven't had time to begin writing again and I will just declare it now I won't upload chapters very frequently because of school and won't have much time for any writing but I have a writing schedule:
Wednessday: after school most of the time. 14:00 - 17:00 European time.
Saturday and Sunday: Half of each day kinda. When i wake up and get breakfast - 20:45 European time
So see you in the next chapter.