Give me ideas and about dislikes · 12:59pm May 4th, 2015
If you want to give me an idea just give me a pm with your idea and i will consider your idea and will if accepted and i dont have too many fics going on atm. i will probably use your idea and write a fic with your idea in mind.
Ok now i want to talk about dislikes: I think dislikes is bad when they are given without any form of explanation of why they have been given and it is a bit frustruating to get a dislike for something i did wrong and then because they have no explanation i cant change it and there for i think that if you want to dislike my story/fic i want an explanation for the dislike and whatever it is that made you dislike my story.
And constructive critisism is always welcome but please dont just rage about some small detail.
See you later in another fic