I am taking a break · 1:46pm Jun 12th, 2015
Hey Guys and/or Girls I just wan't to say that I won't be making any new progress on the next chapter for a while because my Grandpa died.
It was actually the best that could happen because he had Dementia, I don't wan't all you guys saying sorry to me because it had nothing to do with you but just understand why I won't write for a while.
Sorry man. I lost three of mine last year...
3141644 Hey it will happen to everyone you just don't know when
My condolences, thank you for sharing that with us.
3192547 Yeah I just wanted it out there so no one asked me why I wasn't writing but I'm back again so yeah
I know the feels. Take all the time you need bro.
3269777 I am back, just so you know and thanks it means a lot.