• Member Since 23rd Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen July 21st


"I'm Off!" said the Madman!!

Comments ( 39 )

Hmm? Nobody else has commented yet? Then allow me to be the first.
Have to say, when I saw the cover before reading the description, I thought this would be about some sort of Lovecraftian horror from the depths. :rainbowwild:

As always, I'm really impressed with you vocabulary, I had no idea there was a part of ships called "beaks". Also, I didn't know griffons were believers of the Ása (or Æsir) faith, or of Hel at least. Imagine my surprise. :raritywink:

Have to say though, I don't usually read gory stories, hardly even horror stories except some few exceptions (like the Silent Ponyville series), so I can't decide right now if I'll follow this, but I'll keep my eyes on where it goes, then decide.
This does live up to the level of excellence I've come to expect from your writing though (and that is not a backhanded compliment :twilightsmile:), so I have nothing to say against the quality, it's just the contents I'm a little wary of, but as always I would never judge a story based on that, especially so early. So we will have to wait and see. I certainly will. :raritywink:

Edit: Also, your descriptions of the vampires are incredibly similar to an antagonist me and a friend of mine created when we were younger, years ago. Mummified look with a mouth that is practically just a large gash covered in rows a large sharp teeth, and eyes that are like slits in the skin, though our guy had no eyeballs, just holes. :rainbowderp: It was almost freaky what a flashback that gave me.

Thank you for commenting, Mister angel. I'm glad that you'll give this a shot. And the plot will kick off in the next chapter, where we'll meet Trixie.

As for the gore, well this IS a splatterpunk-style story, so it will continue to be gory, but I hope the journey is good enough to keep you invested. This is, as I said, a part of a 'Verse, so if you don't like this one, then maybe the other two will be better suited for your tastes, though I think that this story is definitely going to feature characters from those previous stories.

My only regret about that verse is that no-one besides my and Kinder's Kreig seem to be contributing, maybe you might like to write a story for the 'Verse?

Also, I'm glad that my Vampires got some reaction fro you, it's good when monsters can illicit ANY emotion,. Though I doubt that I can make anything as scary as The Babadook, but that's a review fro my blog sometime.

Thanks fro the comment and I hope you'll stick with the story :twilightsmile:

You are most welcome. :twilightsmile:

I haven't actually read the other Dreadful 'Verse stories before, though Seeing Monsters has been in my Read Later-list (where it promptly got lost in the ocean of unread fics :twilightblush:). Maybe I should give those a once over.
Now that you've asked, I actually find myself thinking of possible stories, but I would need to get a feel for the 'Verse before I commit to it. I also really need to focus on my current story first if I want to get it done. But who knows, sky's the limit and all that jazz. :pinkiehappy:

Also, don't call me Mister Angel, no need to be so formal with me :raritywink: Just Red or something like that will do. We're all friends here after all, right?. :twilightsmile:

I don't think i've ever heard of the term splatter punk before... i like it. I have high hopes for this story, it started off very well. Can't wait to see ow GnPT deals with this interpritation of the living dead.

5487463 Sure thing, Red. I'm glad to call you a friend :pinkiehappy:

And I definitely don't want to distract you from No More Nightmares.

Well this certainly an interesting concept. I look forward to more.

5488784 Well is good to hear.

And know the children of darkness rise.

PROTIP: when people remember things, they don't have "flashbacks" unless they suffer from certain (very rare) mental conditions, or they took some kind of psychoactive drug. So when you remember an important detail about something, you don't relive the whole scene of the time when someone told you, you just remember the detail itself.

That said, I'd recommend sectioning off that flashback bit (maybe with horizontal rules) instead of having Trixie "go into it" or whatever. The scene itself is still good, but the way it's joined with the rest of the fic is just silly.


The object was long, bone white and tapered to a wickedly sharp point, upon closer inspection Trixie saw that it’s tip had a small hole in it, and that the top was hollow.

Just like…..no, that’s crazy. There’s no way.

Trixie shook her head to clear her mind, but the thought remained, and it dredged up a memory. A memory of her father, in one of the few times where he wasn’t either away or arguing with her mother, showing her a replica of a manticore’s fang.

Lose the bit that I put in bold. If you insist on pointing out the stuff about her father, put it into the flashback instead.

Trixie came down from her memory and stared at the hollow tip of the thing, wrinkling her snout as an acrid, chemical stench wafted up from it.

Same idea here. People don't "enter" and "exit" memories like this, especially not while someone is potentially in mortal danger right next to them, not to mention the whole "crashed airship" and whatnot.

5492876 Lemme fix that...

There! Though I think I should have kept the father flashback opening, as I think that it gives just enough insight into her character to be useable.

I might add that back later.

That is one creepy song. I love it!

5493631 Thank you, It's one of my favorite songs to write to :twilightsmile:

I kinda have to agree with Dark Avenger a little. While it would be an interesting detail to know about Trixie's father, I think it would be better to show rather than tell. Maybe give us a little example via another flashback? It doesn't seem like the kind of thing someone would think about at a situation like this either, so saving it for later might be best.


Despite my stated apprehensions about gory mlp fanfics, I am way too curious to stay away. :rainbowdetermined2:
So I won't complain about any violence, I mean, there are warnings in both the tags and the prologue notes, so complaining about the gore would be like shouting at water for being wet. :derpytongue2:
Plus, I have faith in your talents. :ajsmug:

5499826 Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!!:yay::pinkiehappy:

I'd cheer, but I have a root beer can clenched between my teeth.

Stay tuned for the next chapter....which might come out in a few days. I dunno, I've got some original fiction to tend to. I'm glad that you have faith in my talents, I needed to hear that. :twilightsmile:

Whoa... :pinkiecrazy:

You still have my attention. :duck:

Huh, so vampires metamorphose through cocooning? They're not flutter ponies are they? :rainbowwild:
And damn man, it seems like every new chapter you ever post, I learn at least one new word I've never heard before. :pinkiehappy:

Great work, as always. :raritywink:

5539528 Well, this time it was "sibilant", Had never heard that one before. Learn something new every day, I suppose. :twilightsmile:

5539597 I never thought the word "Mildly educational" would describe this story. :rainbowlaugh:

5539635 Hmm, educational horror... I think you've got something there. :pinkiehappy:

5539293 Are changelings involved in this?

The disguise changeling

disguised. :D

Wow eaten by a vampire griffon. At least he'll have something interesting to say in the afterlife.

Wait... What? :twilightoops: After all this time, these are all the views, up-votes and comments this story's gotten so far?
What madness is this? This is not nearly enough!

I demand justice!! :flutterrage: This is an outrage!

I know the story is just beginning, but seriously dude, you deserve more if you ask me. :fluttershyouch:
Still, hope you're doing alright, and still looking forward to more of your work.

5814526 Woah there, Red, calm thyself, I'm sure that I'll get somewhere eventually :twilightsmile:

As for my activities, I'll have you know that I've been writing Creepypasta AND outlining more of Healing, but not Healed, Millennial Redemption and Where the Monsters Live. Although my writing stops and goes at odd intervals depending on my mood, depression and overall drive. I'm also in a play.

If you really want some stuff by me, listen to these and yes I know the "grammar"s missing an M, but I couldn't put another one on for some reason:

5817139 Yeah, you're right, need to keep myself zen. Sorry. :twilightblush:

And damn, man. Those stories sent chills down my spine, especially the third one. I don't even find mannequins scary, but that was reeaaaly freaky. Nice job. :pinkiehappy:

Also glad to hear you've been keeping yourself busy, just remember to pace yourself. Can't speak for anyone else, but I meant it when I said I would wait for as long as you need to get things done.
Ah, well, I have no reason to worry. This is your work we're talking about after all, so I expect nothing but great things. :raritywink:

6291806 'M sad to say, but it'll be a while before I get back to this, or any other fic. I have a few thins I need to work on.

6294600 Aww But you have to do what you have to do. Great story anywho. Bummer.

Get the Hellsing Abridged crew here NOW!!! Tell them it's the Nazis again or something!

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