A terrible plague, born of blood, has begun to spread throughout Manehattan, and the only one who can put an end to the spread is a suffering showmare. Set in the Pony Dreadful 'Verse
Huh, so vampires metamorphose through cocooning? They're not flutter ponies are they? And damn man, it seems like every new chapter you ever post, I learn at least one new word I've never heard before.
You still have my attention.
5539288 Thank you, I'm glad to hear it
Huh, so vampires metamorphose through cocooning? They're not flutter ponies are they?
And damn man, it seems like every new chapter you ever post, I learn at least one new word I've never heard before.
Great work, as always.
5539324 Thanks What word?
5539528 Well, this time it was "sibilant", Had never heard that one before. Learn something new every day, I suppose.
5539597 I never thought the word "Mildly educational" would describe this story.
5539635 Hmm, educational horror... I think you've got something there.
5539293 Are changelings involved in this?
A griffin vampire... that's new.
5542525 That's pretty cool lookin'