• Published 10th Jan 2015
  • 326 Views, 39 Comments

When The River Runs Crimson. - Hopefullygoodgrammar

A terrible plague, born of blood, has begun to spread throughout Manehattan, and the only one who can put an end to the spread is a suffering showmare. Set in the Pony Dreadful 'Verse

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Comments ( 11 )

The disguise changeling

disguised. :D

Wow eaten by a vampire griffon. At least he'll have something interesting to say in the afterlife.

Wait... What? :twilightoops: After all this time, these are all the views, up-votes and comments this story's gotten so far?
What madness is this? This is not nearly enough!

I demand justice!! :flutterrage: This is an outrage!

I know the story is just beginning, but seriously dude, you deserve more if you ask me. :fluttershyouch:
Still, hope you're doing alright, and still looking forward to more of your work.

5814526 Woah there, Red, calm thyself, I'm sure that I'll get somewhere eventually :twilightsmile:

As for my activities, I'll have you know that I've been writing Creepypasta AND outlining more of Healing, but not Healed, Millennial Redemption and Where the Monsters Live. Although my writing stops and goes at odd intervals depending on my mood, depression and overall drive. I'm also in a play.

If you really want some stuff by me, listen to these and yes I know the "grammar"s missing an M, but I couldn't put another one on for some reason:

5817139 Yeah, you're right, need to keep myself zen. Sorry. :twilightblush:

And damn, man. Those stories sent chills down my spine, especially the third one. I don't even find mannequins scary, but that was reeaaaly freaky. Nice job. :pinkiehappy:

Also glad to hear you've been keeping yourself busy, just remember to pace yourself. Can't speak for anyone else, but I meant it when I said I would wait for as long as you need to get things done.
Ah, well, I have no reason to worry. This is your work we're talking about after all, so I expect nothing but great things. :raritywink:

6291806 'M sad to say, but it'll be a while before I get back to this, or any other fic. I have a few thins I need to work on.

6294600 Aww But you have to do what you have to do. Great story anywho. Bummer.

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