• Member Since 25th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday

Discorded SheepcityUSA

Sub-Par author with a somewhat light-hearted and silly writing style.


Joshua was a lonely child. His social life was a wreck, and his parents were terribly abusive and hateful towards him. Just when he had lost all hope, Joshua makes friends with a mysterious monstrosity that appeared at his bedside in the form of a small, stone statue, revealing itself as the God of Chaos himself. Will Joshua's new friend have a good influence on him, or will the supernatural trickster convince Joshua to take vengeance on those who have wronged him?

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 9 )

I like this so far...excellent...

Very interesting, i have yet to read a fic like this, keep it up!

Its not bad. Keep up the good work.

Yes, absolutely, continue please!:pinkiecrazy:

Oh god. That dog...I guess you could say...baby he's a firework.


Oh god that was awful XD sorry everyone

5537914 Agh, I haven't touched this thing in a while huh? Anywho, I'll make an attempt to get a new one out not long from now. :twilightblush:

hay do more chapters I like where this story is going:twilightsmile:

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