• Published 30th Mar 2012
  • 3,831 Views, 25 Comments

Secret of My Excess - ApplejackEquestria

Story Featuring Twilight, Rarity, and Spike a year after the dragon let's his greed get the better of him and runs away.

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That Kind of Friendship...

A sheet white unicorn stared blankly at a dim camp fire. There were other ponies around her, but no pony spoke. Rarity had gone through the motions ever since the group left to chase Twilight. It felt as if this was a dream. A fuzzy, non-existent figment of her imagination. But common sense told her otherwise. This was all wrong, Spike was taken away from her again. Fate couldn't leave them in peace. Spike's natural instinct told him how to live, but his personality always fought back.

Rarity had thought she'd known rock bottom, but this was a new low. Dresses not being accepted, feeling like she wasn't good enough for Canterlot society. She could care less about any of that now.

Just when she had begun to open up, when she was going to tell him how she felt, he went back to his greedy ways. Stealing and fighting, were Spike's idea of fun. How could she even think that it would work out?

But her attention turned to the fire ruby around the sorrow-filled unicorn's neck. It was the most precious thing in the world to her, given in an act of generosity and love. There was still a Spike in there that gave her this beautiful stone.

The unicorn lifted her head to view her friend Twilight. She was face down on the stone mountain floor. She had been there for hours. Rarity figured they were both thinking the same thing. Spike will leave Equestria tomorrow morning, and they would never see him again. He was so confused, and wanted to leave this behind. He didn't belong anywhere else but Ponyville, he didn't deserve a greedy heart. However, sitting there wouldn't help anything. After all he put her through, she needed to tell him something.

Rarity stood up. The ground below her was moving a million miles an hour. Her limbs were numb, not wanting to respond to what she was telling them to do. The determined unicorn struggled from the campsite, leaving her friend's behind.

Muffled voices were calling out her name, trying to stop her. But that didn't matter now. That dragon was going to hear what she had to say, and no pony could stop her.

Something grabbed her, it was yelling, pleading to try and reason. The unicorn responded with a blue sphere around her. Nothing would stop her.

Rarity questioned how she was even functioning. It had been days since she had a proper night's sleep. But that was mainly due to Spike. The closer the unicorn got to the cave, the clearer her head became. The cave was where she needed to be, she could feel it.

In what felt like years, Rarity finally stood in front of the cave. For all she knew, the dragon inside would kill her. No pony would be able to help her. She placed a hoof in the dark cave, and made a light with her horn. Reflections shined off a pile of multicolored gems. On the top, a sleeping dragon was beginning to stir. The face of the dragon shifted uncomfortably as light shined on his face. It's eyes focused on Rarity.

The dragon's face shifted to rage, angry that something had woken it. It then noticed the ruby around the pony's neck.

“Spike...” The unicorn whispered, “I know you're in there, somewhere. I need to tell you- there's something I've always-” Rarity's heart was racing. She tried to speak but the words weren't coming out. Besides, Spike was gone.

The dragon simply stared at the pony. She needed to say it, not just for Spike but for herself. Rarity undid her necklace.

“Spike, you've always had a crush on me. I used to think it was cute, and I would often take you for granted. I want you to know I don't deserve you. No matter how selfish I ever became, you always saw me for who I really was. I want to let you know,” Rarity placed the ruby on the dragon's pile of gems, “That I'll always love you.”

She ran as fast as she could out of the wretched cave. The world span around the broken unicorn, the world moving a thousand miles an hour under her hooves.

Before the unicorn knew it, she was at the campsite, her friend's watching horrified. Rarity collapsed next to the fire and sobbed uncontrollably. Her whole body was shaking. Rarity felt hooves touch her back, voices trying to reassure her. But she was too far gone. Not only was the poor pony heartbroken, she was empty.


The dragon's green, greedy eyes were fixed on the fire ruby. That ruby was necessary, he needed it. Come morning it would be gone along with him leaving this terrible land that only confused him. As the dragon stared into the gem, it started to change. An image formed inside the hard gem.

A baby dragon was crying, he looked so scared. The dragon wanted to look away, the thought of a dragon crying disgusted it. But it's eyes stayed glued to the ruby. The baby went to the bed of a purple pony, saying something to her. She made room for the dragon, then pulled him close.

The scene changed, the baby dragon was falling. Along side him there was a white unicorn with a flowing blue mane. The tiny dragon summed up all his courage, more courage than he knew existed in the world.

“Rarity, I need to tell you something. In case we don't make it. I've always sort of had a crush-” A hoof suddenly was lodged in his mouth. The baby stared at her tear filled, blue eyes. She already knew, and she simply smiled at him.

The ruby went dark, and so did the cave. The ghost of generosity, touched the dragon's stone cold heart. Losing what made him a dragon never felt so good to Spike.


Sleep wouldn't come to the weary Twilight Sparkle. She tried lying to herself, that she didn't need that dragon. But Twilight wasn't one to fall for her own trickery. That sometimes felt like a curse.

The beat-up unicorn attempted to get up, fumbling over herself. After straightening herself, Twilight tried to move. She soon found that her hooves shook too much, and couldn't hold her up. Something had happened to her friends not too far off, but instead she just stood there.

Her body was cold, just like the night breeze blowing on her. Twilight didn't faze, she hardly noticed how cold she was. She was too weak and numb to feel anything. Twilight wanted warmth, her friends by her side again, which wouldn't be easy because she shrugged them off last time.

Twilight just wanted somepony there, to lie and tell her she was okay. Her friends would, she knew that. Twilight tried to pt her hoof out in front of her, but her body wasn't responding.

It took all of the chewed up unicorn's strength to place her right hoof forward. She then tried to move the next, but the sad heap of a pony fell.

She hung suspended in mid air, unable to fall. Twilight wondered what was wrong. She strained her neck back to see a pony sized dragon, more terrified than she had ever seen him. His arm was around her chest, keeping her from falling.

“Twi- Twilight?” He said in a shaky voice. Twilight couldn't begin to think of how she should feel. Tears began to form in Spike's eyes.

“Don't give up on me yet... I'm so-” Twilight leaped onto the sobbing dragon, kissing him all over.

“Spike!” Is all she could manage to say. She wouldn't let go of hi, ever again.

“Eh, Twilight.” She loosened her grip a bit and looked at his face. “You look awful.” The two stared at each other for a moment, then burst out laughing.

“You're right, let's go find the others.” Twilight said, hopping down.

“Try not to fall again.” Spike teased. The two walked off to find their friends, together at last.


Twilight Sparkle was in her library, enjoying an afternoon reading a book. Well, at least it looked like she was. A week had passed since spike's return home, and everypony welcomed him back as their friend again. He had stayed with her, on the second floor of the library with a bed of his own.

The unicorn wondered why her silly dragon chose to live with her again, instead of with Rarity. The two obviously had something going on. Twilight didn't complain though, she was glad he stayed with her though.

A feeling had been nagging at her since they returned from the mountain. There was something she forgot, and she couldn't quite figure out what it was. Twilight scanned the room, searching for anything she forgot.

Her eyes fell on her desk, which held a quill and paper. A smile crossed the pony's face. It had been so long since she wrote one, but it seemed like the right thing to do. Twilight closed her book, and trotted over to the desk. The quill magically lifted from the air onto the paper.

Dear Princess Celestia,

A few weeks ago, I would have told you that friendships come to an end. That they are all destined to fall apart and ponies always go their separate ways. The friends we grow up with, the ones we share and learn with, are the hardest to let go. I learned that those friends are never truly gone. Even if they leave, they made an impact on who you are, so they're always with you. I learned that that kind of friendship, lasts a life time.

Your Faithful Student,
Twilight Sparkle

Comments ( 6 )

Ears began to form in Spike's eyes. Should be Tears, It made me laugh at an inappropriate part of the story.

The ending seems a tad... abrupt. You neglected to mention how Rarity reacted when she realized she reached him. I was really looking forward to that part as I read and now, I feel cheated. Same with the epilogue nothing on what was happening with Spike and Rarity. It was a strong point through out the story, but it feels unfinished as it is.

It feels a tad rushed but i enjoyed the story nonetheless.

752740 HAHA didn't notice that thanks. I know it's a bit abrupt, but I had another ending that I didn't really like and figured this would be better. (Not to mention I wanted to be done so I can move onto other things) Either way thanks for reading


- Then, continue.:moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::twilightblush::raritywink:


Too rushed, too short.

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