Death is a part of life that no one wants to think about, but he's not so fond of it either. After an eternity of work, Death finds Rainbow Dash, but instead of taking her away, he decides to stick around and find out what it means to be 'Human,' a word that's origin eludes him.
Death in the role of a regular joe
you write Death's character very nicely![:pinkiehappy:](
Thank you. I tried to make him almost childlike in his curiosity, but also very firm and cold when it comes to his job as Death.
this was kind of sweet
in a sort of grimdark Death learns about the magic of freindship way![:yay:](
this was heart warming![:heart:](
lol it was a recipe for Dragon viagra![:rainbowlaugh:](
this is very well writen![:twilightsmile:](
Thanks, this is one of the few stories that I've tried to take my time writing, as not to fall into the "Quicker Content but Lower Quality" trap I so easily succumb to.
3542303 you can really tell![:yay:](
Insert new high-priority read to reading list. Read all in a day. Glare at bothering brother when disturbed. ??? Profit.
So death quite literally is her companion.....She just got 20% more badass
I like comedic portrayals of death.
God that's great.
Is singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, then almost immediately saying he's Whole a reference to Dead Space 2? (Also do I say "he's" or "I'm"? Second person confuses me.)
Nope, not an intentional reference.
And it would be He as Anon is the character in the story.
Jesus Christ I thought this would never update. I saw it my box and was rather confused, because I couldn't remember what it was. 10k words is... satisfactory, though. Certainly satisfactory.
yay happy days
a new update
it sure has been awhile![:heart:](
A bond not even death can break
I'll go sit in the corner of shame
Han and Chewie! HAN AND CHEWIE!? AHHHHHHHH!!!??!!!!!
lol found this at derpibooru
I requested a pic of Anon defending a salad from Twilight on /mlp/ and that was one of them. This was the other one i got:
All in all, I didn't find it that surprising that Granny Smith found out about Anon's secret and I really enjoyed his interaction with her.
Great chapter! Can't wait for the Gala, Discord, and the Royal Wedding!
Whaaaat? Get outta here.
My thanks, sir, take them. No please, I insist.
Whoever said anything about Discord and the Royal Wedding? You need to check yourself, brother... Okay, Discord going to pop up.
These stories are so damn well written, how are you doing this? Are you hacking the life code again?
While I do thank you for the praise, it's certainly not perfect. Much appreciated.
Shit went down in more ways than I thought was possible within a thousand words.
I can almost foresee death being nigh useless in the land of the dead...You cant really kill whats allready dead after all
This story is absolutely awesome. Magnificent. FOTY. Keep up the good work, Bastinator.
In the old 4chan days writing 'pony' counted as spam so 'p0ny' was how we got around it. I might go back and fix all these one day.
All he did was suffer a large headache and almost break a sink. That's not so bad.
I will try, sir.
It is him domain though, serving an extension of himself, and there is a fate worse than death, nonexistence. I'll explain it more in the next chapter.
Well... this should be an interesting turn of events.
Will Anon's secret be revealed? Will Rainbow literally spell it out to Anon that she loves him? Will the CMC be alright? Find out next time on To Be Human!
(or the time after that, or the time after that, etc)
4081273 I actually like the idea of Death habitually/instinctively referring to ponies as "p0nies" with a zero, even when just speaking it. It feels quirky and foreign to life.
Im looking forward to the next chapter![:pinkiehappy:](
I only saw like, 3 spelling mistakes! Not bad. Also this story is better than snorting cheeze puffz like a tall yellow black spotted cheeta with sunglasses on ( it ain't easy....). I really hate waiting... BUT I WILL IF IT MEANS I GET TO SEE MORE OF THIS BUCKING (I feel like an "f" is missing in there) STORY. WORK IT
!!!!!!!!!!!!DAEHEROF YM DEHCUOT EH![:pinkiegasp:](
*Orgasm Face*S-s-s-OOOOOeee Frick-i-i-i-N Amazzzz-InG!![:pinkiegasp:](
I love this.
You sir, make great stories with these characters.
You sir, make great stories with these characters.
Amazing. Beautiful visual imagery; I can see it like I'm right there.
Twilight and Rainbow better not screw this up.
If we have Death, why not Life? Why not?
I can't believe I missed it again, too. I've gotta lurk Circlejerk General more.
Great chapter
this story just gets more awesome by the chapter![:heart:](
3528030 maybe it was just male enhancement
4242470 wut![:rainbowderp:](