• Member Since 13th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen Sep 2nd, 2020


My stories are converted from greentext, so take that into account. Also all my characters name's are Anon. It's an /mlp/ thing.


  • Registered: Nov 13th, 2013

Stories ( 15 )

Top Stories

  • TSpartAnon
    Anon is a Spartan-IV and a member of Fireteam Crimson. When he accidently finds himself on the wrong end of a Forerunner artifact, he finds himself in Equestria. It has to be a dream, right?
    Bastinator · 46k words  ·  151  15 · 3.9k views
  • TSoft Diplomacy
    After arriving in Equestria, Anon was at the mercy of life. He has a crap job, a boring life and he can't even speak up for himself if his life depended on it, but books have always been there for him. What if they got the attention of royalty?
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  • TTo Be Human
    Death is a part of life that no one wants to think about, but he's not so fond of it either. After an eternity of work, Death finds Rainbow Dash, but instead of taking her away, he decides to stick around and find out what it means to be 'H
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  • TAvian Politics
    Following the events of Soft Diplomacy, Anon's spent his months working his dead-end job, but he's fine with that. In fact, everything looks good for Anon. However, fate is a cruel mistress, and when he follows his friends, he sets out on a
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