”Really? Not even once?” You shake your head and take another bite into your nectarine, a growing favorite of yours. The juiciness is the biggest problem, but Rarity aided you with what she called a bib, a strange piece of cloth that was tied around your neck. It certainly catches the worst of the mess though, so you certainly cannot complain about its efficiency. ”Woo… You’re not joshing me are you? Because if you aren’t… Pheew,” she whistles and leans back in her cloud next to you, “I wouldn’t know what to do if I never slept.”
“It seems to be a misuse of one’s time. Why render yourself into an unconscious state when only the conscious mind can experience such wonders.”
”You can’t just let anypony have their own time to relax, can you? It gets tiring being up all the time.” To tire, exhausting one’s body. It’s been… Six? No, seven days now. A week. Small in the grand scheme of things, but all that you’ve learned thus far…
“I do not tire.”
”Well yeah, of course you don’t. You’re not…”
She pauses all too late, though you don’t blame her. It’s the truth. “Alive,” you can’t help but smile, leaning back against the grass with a crunch, “To be would be- Different.”
She shifts uncomfortably, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say that.”
“We must all be reminded of the cold hard truth at times, it is of no consequence.” You do wonder though, what is it like, this ‘sleep’ that they speak of? A dream. What is that? Where does this word come from? “What is a dream, Ms. Dash?”
”Can’t let that go huh? It’s kind of hard to explain,” she says tossing her nectarine up in the air, catching it with her same hoof, “It’s like your own mini-Equestria, your version of it anyways.” Rainbow Dash sighs, blowing the hair out of her face, “Heck, I’m not very good at explaining this stuff.”
“No, you did quite well. I like the sound of this ‘mini-Equestria.’”
You take another bite, a stream gushing out the side and running down your face, “Need some help there?” She doesn’t even wait for an answer before wiping up your mess with your bib, “You’re not really what I expected you’d be…” Nor she.
You sit back up and are greeted by the sight of Ponyville, the ponies just specks from afar. Thinking back, that’s all they would ever be if you hadn’t come here. ”Oops, looks like I missed a spot.” Something wet drags itself up the side of your head where the trail of juice was left, your skin tingling at its departure. You rub the spot in curiosity, your hand wiping off the dampened track left behind. ”Lucky, yours was sweeter than mine,” you turn to see her smacking her lips gleefully.
“What was that?” you continue rubbing that side of your face.
Rainbow Dash sticks out her tongue and laughs, “Can’t let it go to waste after all.” Hmm. You mimic the Pegasus, barely able to spot the strange appendage as it wiggles up and down. It’s rather silly looking actually… What are you doing Anon? You’re not a child anymore- Were you? It slips back inside your mouth as you stand up on the hillside. Were you ever a child? No, it is but a saying you heard in your travels. ”Hey, you okay big guy?” What would it be like, To be a child? What would it be like to feel sleep? What would your mini-Equestria be like? What if you weren’t- ”Hey!” Rainbow Dash waves a hoof in front of you, shaking you from your daze, “You alright?”
A phantom pain returns as you rub your temples and nod. “Quite. My mind wanders…”
”I’m sure it does.” She hovers in front of you, watching you intently, “Are you sure? You look a bit down.”
“What reason would I have to be down, Ms. Dash?”
She shrugs, “I guess you don’t.” What reason would death have to be down? None. You catch a grin grow on Rainbow Dash’s face, “Last one to town’s a bale of hay!”
“A bale of hay?”
A gust of wind and her signature rainbow are all that’s left as she takes off to town, leaving you rather confused. This must be one of those races you’ve heard her speak of so fondly. This time it’s your turn to grin. Perhaps it’s time you taught her a lesson of your own. You feel the wind pick up around you and in an instant your view has changed. Now it is you who are looking up at the hill and Rainbow Dash as she speeds down it. With your hands behind your back you simply wait for her to arrive. Five seconds, six, sev- The burst of air nearly knocks you off balance as her hooves grind against the road until she comes to a stop. ”Come on Anon!” she shouts back up the hill, “Don’t be embarrassed you got whooped by a mare.” She’s completely oblivious to your presence. Does she think you to be still running? Foolish mare, indeed.
”Jeez, I don’t think he’d be that slow. Hey,” she scratches her head, “Where’d he go?” It would be funny to let her ponder for a while, but like Rarity said, ‘It isn’t kind to make a lady wait.’ You clear your throat causing her to jump, “By Celestia!” Although, you are rather confused.
“Shouldn’t you be a bale of hay?”
”How the heck did you get down here so fast?”
“Ah ah ah,” you shake your finger, “I asked first.”
She scrunches up her face in a way you can only describe as ‘cute,’ which is a weird term in itself. ”It’s just a friendly joke between racers. It’s a game we play.” You- think you understand.
“Like if you were to say, last one to the bottom is a rotten egg?”
”Rotten egg?” she appears grossed out by the very idea, “Why would you ever say that?”
“It sounded familiar. I guess I was incorrect.”
She shrugs, “It’s just a bit weird. Now, how about to tell me how you got down here so fast?”
“I simply moved. Is that so strange?”
”Strange? You beat the fastest pony in Equestria, I think that qualifies.” Still so ignorant in her ways that she does not see the error within. Sigh…
“Do you recall our conversation the day we met Ms. Dash? The one where spoke of that sports team? What were they called again?”
She shakes her hoof, “You make me want to smack you sometimes, they’re called the WONDERBOLTS, and yes, I remember.” If she were to attempt to harm you… No, you wouldn’t. Not anymore.
“Then you recall me saying how everything has potential, but like metal only by tempering and-“
”-sharpening your quality will you achieve greatness blah blah, yeah I remember.”
“I also hope you remember what I said about interrupting me,” you reply in a voice of stone.
”Y-yes… I do,” she droops. She nearly ‘jumps out of her skin’ when you lay your hand on her.
“That was a joke,” you smile.
She smacks your hand off with a laugh, “Well I oughta…” You quite like spending your time with Rainbow Dash. You couldn’t think of harming her so. ”But what of it? You still trying to say I’m not skilled enough?” She would not be wrong.
“Speed is merely one part of the equation, Ms. Dash. Practice will sharpen your edge and moderation will temper your character.”
”And this is supposed to mean something?” A long way to go…
“It means that you are not perfect nor will you ever be,” you rest your hand on her once again, “And that’s okay.”
”I don’t need this from you,” she shakes you off, far less playful this time, “What do you know? You’re just… just…” You stare down at her as she gathers her strength to speak, her anger causing her coat to flush red. Go ahead, Ms. Dash. Attempt to harm me with that word I know so well.
“Go on then… Say it.”
”You’re just… Shut up!” With a stomp of her hooves she darts out of sight and into town, leaving you somewhat confused. Why didn’t she say you were dead? Strange…
You stand in the alleyway, catching the last glimpse of Rainbow Dash before she disappears amongst the rest of her kin. Perhaps you were too hard on her, the hopes of the young are fragile things. When threatened, anger is almost a certainty. You never meant to offend. She needed to know that the road ahead was a long one, and that she needed to keep practicing. She must’ve though… Don’t try and dabble with the lives of the living Anon. We both know how that turns out. Of course, you’re right, as always… Maybe Twilight can take your mind off of things.
You walk to her house, waiting across the road as a carriage comes in. It’s a simple wooden thing, with a sign that- reminds you of something. A wand and a crescent moon, a light blue in color. Where have you seen that before? You’ll just chalk this up to a bad memory, after all, that seems to be quite a common occurrence for you. But still… you can’t shake the feeling that you’ve seen that carriage before. Hmm. You give the door a knock and turn back to the carriage as you try and place it in your mind. It wasn’t long ago, it had to have been more recent were it to still be around. Where was it… Batlimare? Seaddle? Hoofington? Hoofington… “Oh, hey Anon, long time no see.”
This dragon certainly does indulge himself on interrupting your thoughts. You smile at the creature as he extends a claw, meeting him with a finger, given the difference in size. “How pleasant it is to see you again Mr. Spike.”
Stepping inside he closes the door behind you, Twilight standing in the middle of the room, “Hello Anon.”
“Greetings, I certainly hope I am not intruding,” you wipe off your feet as Spike takes position next to a large looking list beside her.
”Not really, Spike and I were just practicing some spells. You’re free to join us if you’d like.” At last, someone who can truly appreciate the advice you would give. You look for a suitable spot to lay rest, finding the stairs an adequate solution. Your butt smushes against the wood uncomfortably, although it is not without its pros. Atop this stair you feel firmer, more stable, if not uncomfortable as well. As you readjust for the best position you find a cup hovering before you, “A little birdie told me you liked this stuff.”
Holding it up to your nose- Oooh goody! You quite enjoy the taste of punch. Who else knows of your insatiable thirst for this fruity beverage? You already have a candidate in mind. “By birdie,” hmm this brew is delectable, “Were you referring to a pony, or am I to believe an Avialae spoke of my preference?”
”A what?” My dear Spike… You would think that living with an academic mind such as Twilight would ‘rub off’ on him.
”He means a bird Spike, and yes, it was a pony. Rainbow Dash.”
And the mood sours. But you mustn’t let your own disposition deteriorate those around you. “I see… So what spells are we practicing this fine afternoon?” Twilight goes over the list as you listen to her ramblings, the determination in her voice welcome to your ears. You never truly compared the two together, Ms. Dash and Ms. Sparkle, though they do share a few similarities.
>On one hand, Twilight Sparkle. Star pupil, natural talent, element of magic. The other, Rainbow Dash. Self-taught wonder, natural talent, element of loyalty. And yet… their differences couldn’t be more glaring.
”Number sixteen, melody manipulation.” Melody, you tilt your head back as the first rings sound through the house, sharp yet sweet tunes that almost make the world stand still. Your find your finger swaying along with the rhythm of sounds, a river that’s gentle ripples stretch beyond the fabric of imagination. ”You’re doing great, Twilight!”
“Yes,” you agree, rising to your feet and allowing the tune to run through you, “A symphony as pure as the sun and melts together just like the heat of a dragon’s fire does flesh.”
”What?!” *SCREECH* The sound! It’s deafening! You shove your fingers in your ear, silencing the banshee’s squeal. Much better. ”It melts together like WHAT?!” Hmm, you do in fact see her point.
“Yes, perhaps ‘meld’ is a more suitable term than melt. Melting is far messier, much like ice cream.” That sounds like the perfect meal in fact. “On that note, Twilight, do you have any ice cream?”
”My fire does what now?”
Twilight hushes Spike down, “Anon, you can’t change the subject like that. You were talking about- Why would you even think that?”
“Doesn’t everyone?” you shrug, “Alas, it was the first thought that came to mind. I did not mean to offend you, or Spike for that matter.” He’s a good dragon, if a little irritating at moments.
Twilght seems to search for words, “It’s not that you offended anypony-“
“Grand then! Let us continue with the practice. I much enjoyed this number, although that awful screech could be left out.”
”It’s not her fault someone had to start talking about melting flesh-“
”We heard what he said Spike, you don’t have to repeat it.”
Spike crosses his arms, “Well fine then, jeez.”
”How about we just move onto the next one?”
“No that certainly will not do,” you stop her before she can move on, “You cannot simply move on after that… what do you call it?”
“Precisely,” you snap, managing to take another sip, “You must return to the spell and vanquish it as a painter would vanquish his canvas.” That’s not quite the correct metaphor for the situation. Perhaps the story of Romeo and… You scratch your chin as the memory fades.
”Why would she do that? It’s obvious she can cast the spell.”
“Naïve young Spike. Casting a spell is the easy part, sustaining it is the difficulty, doing both under pressure? That is where the true test lies.”
”So what if she slipped like that? There’s not another pony in Ponyville more talented than Twilight.” Were the young always so insolent to their elders?
Twilight steps between the two of you, “No Spike, he’s right. I need to try again.”
The lizard’s shoulders droop, “But why? It’s-”
”It’s not enough for me just to be able to cast a spell,” she slowly walks back over to the room’s center, “I want to make sure I can do it right. Even if it is challenging.”
“Wise beyond your years, Ms. Sparkle. I understand why the Sun Princess took an interest in you.” She grins back at you and closes her eyes, horn igniting in a blazing light, the glasses and various trinkets orbiting the unicorn. A wince starts the song, the light tracing the rim of the glass and in doing so, releasing the hidden tune within.
“Yes, this is a spell that I can get behind.”
”She’s got a gift.”
“Indeed,” you sit back upon the stairs, “She might have given Starswirl a run for his money.”
Her eyes shoot back open, “Really?”
”Don’t break concentration! Don’t break-” *SCREECH*
Not the noise! “By the snout of satan!”
Twilight trots over to you, her voice thankfully muffled by way of your precious digits. Unfortunately, you can still understand what she says, barely. ”I’m not going to make the noise again,” her lips read, but you know the truth. So instead, you shake your head and keep put where you are. Stand your ground because no one else will stand it for you. You quite like that phrase, where did you hear it? Certainly not from Twilight who’s still pestering you to take your fingers out your ears. You glance over to Spike who has taken refuge under the kitchen counter, claws stuffed in his own ears. He nods to you, and you to him, a silent recognition that if Twilight fails again we are both to flee and never return… although you could’ve misread it. ”Please, it was an accident. I’m not doing this on purpose.”
“Do not be mistaken, I am doing this for the sanctity of my ears, whether you make a mistake on purpose is irrelevant.” You feel a tug at your hands, Twilight attempting to use her magic to pull them free, but no magic is stronger than you.
”Just… listen… to… me…” you can see sweat begin to build below her horn as she tugs at you.
>Why she is focusing her efforts on you though, is a mystery.
“Spike is doing the same over there,” you point out using your elbow, not nearly dull enough to use the finger.
Twilight shoots a stare at Spike who’s eyes widen, “You sellout!” Now able to enjoy both your punch and the sight of Spike holding onto the pipes underneath her sink for dear life, you release your fingers. That strange ‘ear wax’ is still on them though, a mix of red and orange as far as color goes. Much like the nectar- Before you can finish the thought you shove the finger in your mouth… And immediately regret it in turn.
With speed only matched by the winged rainbow Pegasus you dart into the kitchen, shoving the two aside. “Water, glorious water.” With a turn of the knob you wrap your lips around the faucet, the torrents of water flooding down your throat and washing away that horrendous taste. Pulling away, you feel like a weight has been lifted off your palette, a nasty one at that. Perhaps you should keep a running log of all the items NOT to eat. This would list right under Coffee, but just above fertilized soil. Even soil had some redeeming quality to it, even if it tasted like crap… Get it? Crap? Nevermind… “Twilight do you have a journal of some kind that I could borrow?”
”Not… Uhh, on me. There!” she sighs after prying Spike away from any corner in reach, “I can probably find one for you though.” You notify her that it is not of any concern, and so you rejoin her in the library, leaning against the staircase this time. She clears her throat and enters her stance before looking back up to you, “Did you really mean that? What you said?” This is an odd feeling, standing against the bars, only part of your back scrunching through while the rest is held back. Most interesting… Oh Twilight was speaking wasn’t she? Cursed rails have stolen your attention once again. What was it that she was saying? Oh yes…
“The comment regarding Sir Starswirl? I was most serious, correct.”
She tilts her head to the side, “Sir Starswirl? I thought you always called people Mister or Miss.” You do have a habit of doing that don’t you?
“Indeed, however after one receives such a title it is customary to address them likewise.”
”But- Starswirl was never knighted.” Does she think to know history better than you? Preposterous!
“Of course you think so. It wasn’t a formal recognition by Equestrian royalty. No equine back then would recognize a Minotaur’s-“
”It was from the Minotaurs?!” Shame about the King though. Poison through the ear, that was a new one.
”Twilight…” Spike groans, tapping the marker in his claw, “You’re getting off topic.”
”I’m sorry, I’m getting side tracked. I just need to find my notebook… where-“
“Twilight…” she turns to listen to you, “All in due time. Now, are you ready to try again?”
”Y-yes, and I’ll try my hardest to get it right.”
“This vigilance is exactly what places you above the rest,” you praise her, mood dampening, “Unlike a certain other talented pony.”
Spike rubs his claws together and puts on his ‘game face,’ “You better not be talking about who I think you’re talking about.” It’s a shame really. It’s not even cute when he tries to do it.
“Of course I am, she simply fails to listen to criticism, explodes when you attempt to help her, and always with the boasting? I have dealt with many ponies over the ages but none like her.”
”Why I’m going to-” the tiny lizard charges you, Twilight levitating him up by his tail, his tiny dragon arms frantically flailing about while his eyes are closed. Alright, perhaps it is a little cute.
”I don’t think he’s talking about Rarity, Spike. You can calm down.”
Still hovering, he peeks an eye open, “R-really?”
“I do not recall speaking her name, Mr. Spike. Perhaps you should learn not to jump to such conclusions.”
His feet scrape against the floor as he’s set down, “Sorry about that. I don’t know what came over me.” Rage over a loved one, it is a common matter. One you’ve been present at many-a-time.
“And of course I would never talk about Rarity in such a way. She’s an absolute gem, a fresh slice of upper class lifestyle served with a pinch of down-to-earth attitude needed to sustain a business of her caliber. A diamond, if I may say so.”
”Then… who were you talking about?” he asks as Twilight brings you another punch, almost as if she knew…
”He’s talking about Rainbow Dash obviously.” That psychic mind-reading… “It’s all over his face.”
“Wait, what is all over my face? I do not understand.”
She chuckles and dismissed your question, “Besides, who else does he spend time with all the time?” Hmm, you pegged her for a psychic, but it appears that she is merely a master detective. Like that bat thing, or was it the one who was in real estate? You can hardly remember…
”What happened between you and Rainbow Dash then?” the dragon asking as he sits on the stump in the middle of the room beside Twilight. Indeed, what did happen? She seemed so calm, but then she just seemed to- pop, much like a balloon. A balloon filled with malice and resent, that is.
“To be honest, I have no idea what overcame the Pegasus. It is rather dreadful she had to explode in such a way.”
”By explode…” Twilight looks at you questionably.
“Not in the literal sense, Ms. Sparkle. Here I was thinking that it was me who did not understand figures of speech.”
”I just wanted to make sure. You usually make it obvious that- You know what? Just tell us how it started.” The beginning is always the troublesome part. Where to start? Do you begin from the day’s morn?
“I guess it all started when I first arrived at Ponyville. It was a splendid day, save for-“
”I’m just going to stop you right there. How did the fight with Rainbow Dash start? Although, if you want to talk about how you got here I can always go grab-” your raise your hand, silencing her.
“That is a tale for another day, as we discussed.”
”What tale?” Spike asks- correction, the more accurate term is whines, “I want to know. Come on Twilight, you can tell me.”
”I don’t know it Spike. I have to wait as well.” You can almost see the words pour from his mouth as he turns to you, but when he sees the emptiness of your expression he remains silent. There’s nothing like silence to clear the mind.
“Well, I guess it started a little while ago. Rainbow Dash asked if I wished to go cloud surfing, of course, I fell straight through, the fall was quite enjoyable though.”
Twilight starts to get suspicious, “How high were-“
“Do you wish to tell the story, or shall I?”
”Closing my mouth.” The living are far more tolerable when they do that.
“Afterwards, we went to purchase a few nectarines for consumption. Ms. Autumn was having a two for one special. Have you tried her nectarines, Twilight?”
”I can’t say I have.”
She has no idea what she’s missing. “It’s at the corner of the Mane and Crest. It is without a doubt the most invigorating fruit that I have eaten. I might still have some left in my teeth actually.” Your dig a finger through your mouth and scrape out a small chunk. “Here,” you hold it out, “It is quite delicious.”
Twilight covers her mouth, her throat convulsing in a strange manner, though you don’t believe she has encountered the Gastral Snake recently. ”I’m good,” she says having to look away from you. You shrug, her loss.
“How about you Spike?” shifting your arm to him, “Care for a sample?”
”Meh, I only ever eat gems anyways,” he walks over and scoops it off your finger with his tongue, “Hmm, it’s not bad.”
”I think I’m going to be sick,” Twilight manages to utter before shutting herself in the bathroom.
“Strange… Your tongue is far rougher than Ms. Dash’s. Are you drinking enough water?”
”Yeah. Say, how do you know how her tongue feels?”
“She licked the side of my head of course. A stream of juice had escaped its destination, she merely cleaned me up.”
”That’s kind of weird dude.” You do not see the problem. It is not as if your tongue could reach such lengths.
You hear a mechanical roar emanate from the restroom, Twilight walking out in a daze, “Please… never do that again.”
“I don’t see what the big deal is, it isn’t the grossest thing to be put in my mouth. That goes to fertilizer.”
”You ate-” Twilight rushes back into the restroom, the door slamming behind her.
“Was it something I said?”
”Just a little.”
After Twilight spends a prolonged period of time doing what sounds like vomiting her own internal organs, she returns. You were slightly worried. It wouldn’t be the first time something like that has happened, but there were those same numbers again, always removing any sense of suspense. “Perhaps you should eat something. Sitting on an empty stomach is a horrible way to go.”
”I think I just might,” she groans, coat pale, “Go on… I’m listening.”
“Well, I had just beaten Ms. Dash in a race. Oh I forgot, Ms. Dash tried to race me-“
”And you won? Wow, you must be really fast!” the dragon sways in his seat, utterly enthralled.
“Speed was her strength, not mine. Technique, on the other hand, was my strength.”
”Alright, you lost me. How did you win?” Dragons never were more the most courteous of creatures.
“To describe it to you would be the equivalent of being described the celestial cycle by a Cockatrice.”
”It’s not going to happen?”
Twilight returns with a cup of water, “You’ll be turned to stone.”
“Precisely, but not to ‘beat around the bush,’ Twilight gives an approving nod, “Rainbow Dash demanded an explanation.”
”Well so would I! That’s like Twilight getting another assistant.” You don’t quite follow… Alas, back to the story.
“You see, Ms. Dash and I had a conversation about a sports team of hers she liked. She called them-“
”The Wonderbolts,” they interrupt you. Oh how you loathe their constant disruptions.
“I will tell you what I told Rainbow Dash. Do not interrupt me,” your voice darkened. You have to touch your lips to make sure they are the very same. Is- is that how you sound? You never- never considered the tone of your own voice. “That pitch was unnecessary, accept my apologies,” you bow your head.
”We understand,” Twilight smiles reassuringly, making you feel a bit more at peace, “We won’t interrupt again. Won’t we Spike?”
”Only when necessary.”
”Spike!” You can’t help but smile.
“I can accept that answer. Where were we? The Wonderbolts correct? Well, I found her dreams somewhat outlandish, though dreams are to be as such. I told her honestly that she had true talent, but it wouldn’t be enough.” All you did was give her advice. That’s all it came down to. You wait for the oncoming question, but the two remain content in listening to your story. “Aren’t you going to ask me a question.”
”Nope,” they reply in unison. You must hold them to their word more often.
“I told her, through practice and moderation would she achieve what it was that she dreamed, and then she ‘blew up.’”
”I didn’t think Rainbow Dash would go off the handle over something like that,” Spike tries to make sense of things. Neither did you, but if your age has taught you anything, it’s that all actions have consequences, sooner or later.
”I wouldn’t think she’d do that either,” Twilight admits, “You had to have said something else to make her snap.”
Could it be- No, impossible. “She was a bale of hay at the time.”
”Come again?”
“A bale of hay. Rainbow Dash said whoever was the last one to reach Ponyville was one. That might’ve angered her.”
”That’s just friendly banter, Anon. She wouldn’t have gotten angry over that.” You’re not so sure. You wouldn’t know how to behave if you were a bale of hay. You’d probably just sit there, waiting to be chopped up and eaten by ponies. Those monsters… They’re not perfect though. Perfect, that might be it as well.
“Afterwards I did say that she was never going to be perfect. Nah, that couldn’t be it.”
”You said what?!” You almost clamp your ears shut on instinct, Twilight a bit too outraged by such a simple comment.
“I just told her she wasn’t perfect, and that she never will be.”
Twilight makes rather erratic hoof gestures before sticking it in her mouth and grunting. Spike just nods his head, “That’d do it.”
“Do what? Was it that bad?”
”That bad?” Twilight finally says having freed her hoof from whatever spell it was under, “What if I told you that you weren’t perfect? How would you feel?” You rub the back of your neck as you try and think of your answer. It’s rather simple really.
“My mood wouldn’t alter in the slightest. Nobody is perfect, Ms. Sparkle. We’re all huma- Gah!” you clench your fist as the word’s meaning escapes you. Human. Why does this single word plague your mind just as the Hay Fever plagued Tampa Neigh?
”Look Anon, Rainbow Dash is… sensitive. You can’t just tell her something like that,” explains Twilight. Sensitive? You could laugh at the very prospect of such a thing. In fact you shall.
“Ha, that is quite the humor you have there. Ms. Dash is no such thing, only Applejack surpasses her on such a scale of sturdiness.”
”That’s not what Twilight means. Rainbow Dash… she sees herself in a certain way, that she’s the best at everything she does and nopony could do better.” How, by the peaks of Tartarus, how do they not understand?
“That itself is the problem. She needs to ‘wake up’ from this fantasy land that she lives in. She needs to accept reality.” By blinding herself from the truth, she will never move on in life. You have seen this happen many times to young talents such as her. They stagnate and when they do not progress, they hurt themselves in the worst of ways. You don’t want that for her. She deserves success.
”She’ll learn in time,” Twilight reassures you, “She has a long road ahead of her to pick up these things. Just stick with her, trust me. It’ll work out.” The long road, you can’t help but chuckle at the phrase. Every pony that you’ve taken thinks they had more time. Every. Single. One. Rainbow Dash was no different, but she convinced you to give her more… The next time her phone rings, you can’t help her again. Phone? Another memory, another question for another time. The cycle is unending… What is clear, is that you will never come to an agreement. They have their view, and you, yours.
“Let us not dwell on this issue; my relationship with Rainbow Dash is far stronger than any simple misunderstanding can break. Number Seventeen, correct?
You sit idle as practice continues, Spike checking off each number as they pass, save for sixteen, she still needs to train on that spell. Watching Twilight as she performs is quite a relaxing experience; being one of the few who are allowed to view such a display is a rare occurrence. ”Come on Twilight, you can do it.”
“Have confidence within yourself,” you coach, finger tracing the rim of your cup. A twitch causes your cheek to quiver, an accident of some sort? No, it must have been that fierce storm off of Hoofululu. The eye of the hurricane, also deemed the heart of the beast, is also the safest part. Shame they didn’t know…
”HA HA! You did it! That’s twenty-five!” You free yourself from such thoughts as Spike marvels at himself in the mirror. Oh my… he has a mustache… The dangling twin braids flop about as he grins, “Like the new look Anon? How do you think these’ll work on Rarity?” While the plush of hair does look rather odd, he also looks strangely familiar.
“You remind me of a minotaur I once saw. He had a mustache much the same as yours.”
”See? What’d I tell you Twilight,” he nudges her with his elbow, “I bet he was a real lady killer.” No, though there was a pony who fits that description.
“Unfortunately he also got it stuck in a gear assembly, took off his clear head with a single, pop,” you emulate the noise with your lips, the memory as clear as yesterday.
The horror in his eyes make it all the more memorable, “TAKE IT OFF! TAKE IT OFF!”
”Oh come on Anon, you scared him,” she closes her eyes, the mustache disappearing from view. His claws grope his lip for any sign of it before collapsing to the floor, the tiny dragon’s lungs working twice as hard as they should. Perhaps you should tell him of the dragon who- No, Spike has enough on his chest as it is. You don’t want his heart giving out from the stress.
“Twenty-five… That is most impressive for a unicorn as young as you.”
”Thanks Anon, that means a lot.” This calls for a special occasion you think.
“Come then, let us celebrate with ice cream.”
”That’s quite-“
“Let us go,” you smile hoisting up Spike and hurrying him out the door.
The streets are more barren than you remember them, perhaps they all chose to get an early nights rest. In fact, it’s rather reminiscent of the Ash Fields of Tartarus, empty buildings and the like. In its defense, those buildings weren’t technically empty, although you would never advise a soul to enter them. Soul traps would snap them right up. Rather inventive the abominations had gotten… ”Thanks for the treat. You really didn’t have to do this.”
”Yeah, you’re a real pal,” Spike adds on, his tiny shadow trailing behind him much as the Umbra would. Any second, the creature could pounce and drive its incisors deep into his- “See something you like?”
“N-no,” you rub your skull, a dull pressure building from within, “My head- It’s nothing…” With time the pain recedes. Why do you feel it now, from within? You reach the parlor and tug on the handle, the door shut tight. “This is abnormal. Mrs. Sherbert does not close until the moon is high, she said so herself,” you give it another tug. Nothing.
It had to have come down to ice cream to ruin your afternoon. Curse you ice cream! You shall taste death’s embrace for this treachery. ”That’s alright, it was a nice thought,” Twilight rests a hoof upon you, though it still doesn’t change the fact that the store is still closed.
“You would not happen to know any time alteration spells would you?”
”I’m afraid not,” she laughs. Curses…
”Maybe they’re just restocking,” Spike guesses, “I’ll go around back and- Oof!”
”Gangway! Comin’ through!” A pair of young colts come tackling into Spike as they gallop down the road, a cyclone of dust behind them.
”Sp- *cough* Spike!” Twilight tries to call after him, but can’t through the dust.
“The two of you! Halt!” Your hand clenches as you imagine standing just ahead of them, the wind tightening around you. “I am in no mood to be ignored.”
In an instant, you’re staring both of them down, the fatter one crashing into your leg, the skinny one meeting the heel of your shoe. Unfortunately, Spike rolls back a few feet behind you, but at least these two have ceased their reckless behavior. “The next time I tell you to halt,” you kneel down to eye level with both of them, “You shall obey. Understood?”
Both of their eyes roll around in their skulls. Dazed from a small collision? You thought the youth to be more resilient than this. Twilight gallops over to Spike and helps him up while you see to these two. The larger one seems to be coming out of it, likely due to the built-in airbags, “Ugh- My head hurts.”
“What causes such reckless abandonment for safety?” The colt’s head slouches over, forcing you to push it back up, “I am waiting.”
”Are you the unicorn?”he groans, struggling to stay awake, “You’re funny-“ Wait, you remember this one. He was at Scootaloo’s school. Snips, you should’ve recognized those fat rolls.
“Who is this unicorn?”
”I think he hit his head too hard, he can barely speak,” Twilight pulls you away from him.
”Mmm, wanna see the fireworks…”
”Fireworks? Does that make any sense to you? Anon?”
Hoofington, that carriage, the banner, fireworks. Yes, the memory’s a bit clearer this time. “Tell me, Twilight, have you ever seen a magic show.”
She looks rather confused as well as her assistant, “Where did this come from?”
“I’ve always wanted to watch one, for as long as I can remember, and yet I cannot do so. Do you find that strange?”
”Not as strange as how you got over here so fast,” she remarks, the familiar hint of curiosity imbedded with her words.
“I think a new magician is in town, would you care to join me?”
”Do we have a choice?” You wonder if not for you, would they have come this way? It is an interesting thought.
“Of course you do.”
But they chose to come regardless. You smile down at Twilight as she walks beside you, Spike dragging along the two colts behind him. Remarkably predictable. If you had to describe Twilight, that might be your choice, right behind, Intelligently naïve, though that one doesn’t make much sense. She glances up at you before looking back to the road, only to look back once again, “Why’re you smiling at me?”
“No reason in particular. I just find your behavior rather fascinating, tell me, do you ever ponder the grand scheme of life?”
”I- not really. I work off a concise schedule, and if I were to do that, then I’d have to rearrange my entire calendar.” She too has her own fate marked out, loosely, as when the new day comes, she truly has no control over its events.
“I sometimes wonder how things would happen should I have taken action, or inaction rather. A tiny detail that could send ripples through the ages.” Would Twilight have realized her true strength if Celestia hadn’t remained… Maybe. “I find it rather bizarre, this unfolding of events. It all coincides in some manner, like an elaborate array of dominoes.”
You forgot that she does not share the same culture as other races. “It is a small block, used to play a game of sorts. I never bothered to learn, but when arranged, they form a pattern.” A sort of mathematical equation that can be traced. It is no accident that you met those colts today, nor is it that Twilight was practicing magic as this… carriage, comes to town. You remember when you saw Twilight that was destined for something bigger, not that you knew, but what you felt. It was if you knew… but had no way of knowing it... A nervous reaction, or a human one…
”Is that it over there?” Twilight points over to the large stage in front of the town hall, most of Ponyville surrounding the platform, anxious for whatever may come of this. ”I think I see our friends up front, maybe we can all squeeze up together.” Yes, the rest of the mane six are already there, including Rainbow Dash. What will you say to her? Nothing. She is the one who ran from you. But what if- End of conversation.
“Let us depart,” you wave for Twilight to continue, “You can drop them now Mr. Spike. They should be waking up momentarily.”
He’s more than happy to oblige, wiping the sweat from his head, “Snips could stand to lose a few pounds.” You wonder how he stands at all.You join the rest of them at the head of the stage, glancing back over the crowd. An ocean of numbers bobbing amongst them like tiny ships, each dated for its final voyage. That- pain returns to your skull, a minor annoyance that is growing quite troublesome.
”Anon,” Twilight looks at you alarmed, almost sensing the disturbance, “Is everything okay?”
”I’m sure Mr. Perfect over there is doing wonders,” Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes, not paying you the decency to look at whom she speaks. You need- What? What could you possibly need? Hand shaking, you rest it by your side and concentrate on something, anything but that pressure within your skull. Chatter, hooves beating anxiously against the dirt, breathing, heart beats, the wind… the wind as it slips between the cracks of the crowd… Wood, the thud that echoes as a pony approaches.
”Come one, come all! Watch in awe as the Great and Powerful Trixie performs the most spectacular feats of magic ever witnessed by pony eyes!” And then there’s her.
“Trixie…” oh yes, you most certainly remember her. The thunderous roars of her fireworks bash against your body, your very skin shaking in its wake, the flares dazzling the eyes of the spectators. Glorious shades of red and blue, purple and green, each crafted to magnify her own image. It doesn’t last. Unlike a candle that sustains its glare, she is a match that will last a matter of seconds… Murmurs build in the audience, even amongst your pony friends, her boasting having set them on edge.
”There's nothing wrong with being talented, is there?” Twilight… worried should they shun her for her own talents. You sympathize.
”Nothin' at all, 'cept in when someone goes around showin' it off like a school filly with fancy new ribbons.”
“Your talent is nothing to be ashamed of Ms. Sparkle, but it is something to be cherished, not flaunted.”
”Don’t even bother trying to get better though,” Ms. Dash’s words aimed at you, “It’s not like you’re going to be good enough.”
“That is not what I-” you pause and collect yourself, “Maybe one day you will understand… or maybe you’ll never live to see it. Who knows?”
”Why- You…” you can feel her from here. Anger and fear go hand in hand, both feeding off the other. You glance over to her, giving her a challenge of her own. Stand up to you, and by the look in her eyes you know that she will never accept. She’s too much of a coward… Instead, Rainbow Dash flies over to this Trixie and stares her dead in the eye, “So, ‘Great and Powerful Trixie’. What makes you think you're so awesome, anyway?” Let us rate the accuracy of her tale from one to ten.
Trixie scoffs at the question, flicking her mane to the side, “Heh, why, only the Great and Powerful Trixie has magic strong enough to vanquish the dreaded ursa major!” One.
The crowd gasps at the feat as another array of fireworks burst from the stage as she describes the scene. A scene, that you remember much differently. Hoofington, that much is correct, and yes, an Ursa did stumble upon the area. You remember it as clear as day, the ponies running through the streets, the screams that were but a whisper under the child’s roar. A day turned red… Trixie was there, you remember stopping by before the event. One must never be late to an appointment. In that carriage of hers she hid while the Ursa rampaged outside, and you hovered close by, watching the Ursa wreck havoc.
The mare darted from her home, you recall her wail as you finished transporting the last of those that had fallen, when by a stroke of luck, her new fireworks ignited. The beast was terrified, and you were stunned by the display, it had ignited a memory of your own from long ago, watching fireworks in the sky. The Ursa ran and Trixie proclaimed victory. No pony cared to see if it was she who truly set off the fireworks, to her, she was the hero. It… almost angers you how far she has stretched this fallacy, this stroke of luck. ”Hmm, how about you!”
Trixie points down into the crowd, right at Applejack. For some reason Twilight’s shivering like she has a cold, might be allergies. ”That's it! I can't stand for no more of this!” The cowgirl leaps up onto the stage, her faithful lasso hanging at her side, and tips her hat to the crowd.
”You show her, AJ!”
“Do that thing you do with the lasso. Where you twirl it and stuff…”
”And stuff?” Ms. Dash mutters under her breathe, “Give me a break.”
“Which bone?” That put the fear right into her… You shouldn’t give her such a hard time. Why? Because she- Because nothing. Unngh… This pain…
Applejack gives Trixie a show as she leaps between the hoops of her lasso expertly, another pony who practices their natural talents, snagging an apple of a nearby tree and gnawing into it with a single go. The crowd cheers, rearing up in celebration of her feats. Applejack certainly looks pleased with herself, “Top that, missy.” You have to plug your ears, the noise becoming unbearable.
”Are you sure you’re okay, Anon?” she asks again, “Is there something I can do?”
”Anon can take a little noise,” Rainbow Dash hovers next to you, “CAN’T YOU?!”
Even amidst the scream you can barely pick up what’s happening on stage, “Oh ye of little talent. Watch and be amazed at the magic of Trixie!”
”Rainbow, stop! Something’s wrong with him.” Trixie’s horn begins to glow, grabbing hold of AJ’s lasso.
”Anon’ll be fine. I’ll go next, maybe he’ll see how good I really am.” The rope begins to rise, swaying to and fro before Applejack. It just moves… side to side… Your fingers slip out of your ears, unable to look away from the rope.
“To and fro. Side to- Wha-” you can barely think straight, and it feels as though your body’s gone slack. Everything… seems to be getting darker. You try and say something, but it feels so good just to stay quiet. It’s all quiet really, just some distant noises… Ahh, it’s so nice. You can barely see the stage now, it’s so far away, but that rope… as it sways. To and fro. To and fro. To…
You nuzzle into your pillow, cheek grinding into the warm bundle- Oh there’s a wet spot, oh well. Flipping it over gives you a nice cold cushion to rest on… ”Anon! Time to wake up!”
That voice… Pinkie Pie? Why is she telling you to wake up? You don’t sleep. “MMMM!” you hear yourself groan, “Five more minutes…”
”You said that five minutes ago silly.”
How did you get here? Where are you? All you see is blackness, but can still feel. “Well now I want five more,” you shift in what feels like a bed, pulling the blanket tight over you, “Pretty please?” You have to get out of here. Where’s the magic show? Trixie? The rope? Where’s- Wait… Something’s- Something’s different. You feel warm… but not because of the blanket.
The skin of your hand touches your cheek- warmth. You- This is impossible. Where are you?
”..on?” a faint whisper enters your mind, your body not budging nor listening to your commands. Move! Use any part of your body, my body! Just move it! ”…you alright?” There’s that voice again. Twilight… TWILIGHT! This- this unbelievable! Come on body, just listen to your commands. Reach up- Oh you can feel it, the blood in your veins.
This is- Words can hardly describe it! Twilight, are you there? This is incredible! ”An… ou hear me?” her voice is louder this time, growing stronger. Yes, you can. Oh from the farthest plains of the living to the deepest pits of the damned, you never thought to experience-
”Is everything alright in there? Anon?” you hear a banging, “Anon open this door right now.” How did this happen? It doesn’t matter, you’re here and this is great. ”Anon open this door! Ano-“ …
It’s quiet… and you’re back in Ponyville. You were alive.
You look around, the square empty save for you and Twilight, who’s still grabbing for your attention, but you have not time for that. These hands, you raise them before you, twitching their digits, it was… not real. It had to have been. It was so vivid. You could almost- almost taste life. ”Anon?” she waves a stick at you, trying to provoke a reaction, “Are you okay now?”
“Was I not before? No, I was perfect. Whole.”
She tosses the stick aside and sighs, wiping her forehead, “You had me worried there. I was back at the library before I realized you weren’t there.” Were you here the whole time? You felt as though you had slipped away, away to a better place…
“What happened?” you kneel down to Twilight’s level, doing everything you can not to hold onto her, “Tell me everything.”
”You’re freaking me out, Anon. Is everything-“
“Fine. Peachy. First-rate. Grand. Exceptional. Everything, just tell me what happened!”
She has to take a step away from you, “Alright, fine, just- calm down a little.” Calm down? How in Tartarus are you supposed to- She’s right. Calm… Collected. This was an experience on a scale that is without equal, but you must remain as you were. Take your time…
“Alright. Shall you relay what occurred?”
”Nice to see you’re back to normal. Trixie- She hogtied Applejack, shot Rainbow Dash out of the sky and turned Rarity’s hair green. She- She’s really talented.” Why must you hold these ponies by the hoof?
“Not what happened with Trixie, what happened to me? I- I did something. I… I’m not sure.”
Her eyes droop a little, “You look like you took a nap. I’m not sure how, with Trixie’s magic…” Trixie… You remember! The rope!
“Where is Trixie, I must speak with her at once.”
”With Trixie?” she paws her hoof in the dirt, “I thought we were going back to practice some-“
“This is an urgent matter, you can help me or you can not.”
She takes another step back, “If you’re going to act like this- You can find your own way. I don’t know what’s gotten into you.” Selfish creatures these equines. If you must search yourself, then you shall. You leave without a word, turning the corner around the town hall, Twilight standing alone in the square.
No stone left unturned, no alley left unexplored. Wherever she might be, you will find her. Twilight. The very thought of her just… GAH! What nerve! “I thought we were going back to practice some spells,” you mock her angrily. Foolish child. You will find Trixie and she will give you this rope… It must contain magical properties of some kind. Perhaps you would’ve reached your destination if that damned Twilight- You stop yourself mid-rant, a voice of reason breaching the abyss. Twilight… Oh dear Twilight, you abandoned her back there… Maybe- you can fix what you said. You picture the town square, wind gathering up around you. The next moment you’re greeted by the emptiness of the courtyard, no ponies in sight, not even Twilight.
Perhaps, she will understand. Do not delude yourself, you cannot hope to recover the words you have spoken. That is a realm beyond your control, but what you can control, is where you go next. Will you go to Twilight and apologize now? Or will you go to Trixie and use the magical rope? Decisions, decisions… Tick, tock… Twilight can wait, she is wiser than her age and will understand. Trixie on the other hand, will not stay in Ponyville. You must strike while the iron’s hot, so to speak. You step off the stage and continue to search for the carriage. Let you hope that she remained in Ponyville.
You step around the corner, a piece of mind laid to rest as you spot the carriage parked out in the distance. The two colts from before are wandering off, leaving it alone and desolate amongst the rest of the town. You walk next to the river and look at your reflection, your tie a tad off center. Nothing a little adjustment cannot fix. The green of your skin still peaks your curiosity, but that is the least of your worries. No number rests above your head, a blessing and curse all the same, but there… The beat of your heart was strong, you can just imagine how it feels as you place your hand upon your chest. Perhaps it’s time you introduced yourself…
You walk over to the carriage and stand before her door, a small sign hanging which says ‘Do Not Disturb.’ A shame, it seems you must wait for the sign to change… or you can ignore it. You quite like the second option more. Knocking on the door you wait, the muffled noises of the carriage’s inhabitant proving her to be home. You spy her hat through the window next to the door, “Who thinks to disturb the great and powerful- Ehhh what in Equestria are you?”
”My name is Anonymous, Anon for short,” you bow, “May I come in?”
She gives you a plain stare, “No,” before slamming the door in your face. You can’t help but smile at her ignorance and knock again, that same groan emanating from within. The unicorn pokes her head out through the door, “Was there something else Trixie could for you?”
“Yes, I am quite a fan of your work and-“
”Ugh, no autographs. That is beneath Trixie. Now begone,” she slams the door once again, though this time you shove your foot in the way, “Who do you think you are?”
“Never interrupt me,” you state, easily shoving your way inside.
”I demand you vacate Trixie’s inner sanctum, immediately, before the Great and Powerful Trixie makes you.” You lock the door behind you and glare at this so called magician.
“I would much like to see you try…” you look around, “This place is rather small.”
”It was built for Trixie and only Trixie, now leave!” She doesn’t have much in here, just enough room for a bed, chest and a wardrobe. She doesn’t deserve any of it.
“I said that I was a fan of your work. I’m afraid that was a lie. What you have isn’t work, it’s a light show.”
”How DARE you! Trixie is but the most Great-“
“And Powerful, please Ms. Trixie, save that for the crowds, or would you still bestow upon yourself such a title if they were to know the truth about who you were?
You take a seat upon her bed, the unicorn doing well to catch her tongue, “I- Trixie has no idea what you’re talking about.” Of course she doesn’t. Will you remind her? Yes, you shall.
“I was there in Hoofington, Ms. Trixie. I saw what happened.”
The nervous sweat begins to build upon her, “Be- be lucky that you could witness my deeds first hand! Ha!” You run your finger down the wooden wall, letting her choke on her own words.
“I never forgot the screams,” you nod, “Nor yours.”
”Scream? Trixie would never-” She cowers back as you stand, all but a shallow ‘eep’ escaping her throat. That’s what you thought she’d do.
“I can tell all of Ponyville if you wish. Show them that you are nothing more than smoke and mirrors.”
You might just enjoy that, watching as they pelt her carriage with tomatoes and the like, “What do you want from me?” Ahh, she dropped the third-person. You quite like that.
“During your show, you had used something, a rope. I would much like to have this.”
”A- rope? Why would you want a rope?” It is of no business of hers, but… you’re feeling rather joyful.
“When you swung that rope, I felt rather strange. I was described as having taken a ‘nap.’ What is a nap? I did not get the chance to ask.”
”It’s a short sleep- W-who are you?”
You smile and bow once more. “I am Anonymous.”
”Well ‘Anonymous,’ I don’t know what good the rope is going to do, since it’s not actually mine.” Not hers? That’s impossible, it must have an enchantment of some sort.
“Do not lie to me. When you shook that rope I most certainly felt an enchantment. You will hand over the rope to me now.” You approach her, stretching your hand out towards her. “It would be wise to obey.”
”Please, i-it-ti’s not a magic rope,” she backs into a corner, “You just- got hypnotized. Please don’t hurt me!” Hypnotism. Oh Anon you are such a fool. How could you believe the rope was- It makes perfect sense now.
“Tell me, since you now have nothing I need, what shall I do with you?” You quite like the sight of terror in her. Rather a disturbing thought really.
”I- I could hypnotize you again. It would be just like last time. I promise!” Hmm. That would do nicely.
“I will allow this.”
Trixie asks you to lay down on the bed, the cloth conforming to your size, though you don’t quite fit. She begins digging through her chest, trinkets being tossed out and clattering against the ground. “Testing my patience…”
”Here,” she finally pulls out another item, a golden watch. It glimmers in the moonlight as she hovers it over you, “Trixie wants you to follow the watch with your eyes- Ummm… where are your eyes?”
“I do not have any, just hurry up.”
”Trixie has no idea what you are,” she nudges the watch, “but keep your attention on the watch.” The rhythmic clunk of gears seem to wrap through you as you watch the watch sway. To and fro. Tick tock. ”You’re feeling veeery sleepy…” And she ruins it… Let’s try again. ”You feel like forgetting aaaaaall about Trixie’s secret.”
“Trixie, be silent. You’re breaking my focus.” Watch, Anon, as it sways to and fro. Tick tock. The room begins to grow dark. To and fro. The crickets grow silent. Tick… Fro…
”Anon! Time to get up, breakfast’s ready!” Mmmm… Five more minutes…
*Orgasm Face*S-s-s-OOOOOeee Frick-i-i-i-N Amazzzz-InG!
You perfectly captured Spike here. Well done.