• Published 19th Nov 2013
  • 3,712 Views, 77 Comments

To Be Human - Bastinator

Death is a part of life that no one wants to think about, but he's not so fond of it either. After an eternity of work, Death finds Rainbow Dash, but instead of taking her away, he decides to stick around and find out what it means to be 'H

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Chapter 12: The Worst Night Ever

Stop it. Just- Stop… Squeeze a little tighter, wring the memory from your mind like a moist cloth. You thrash about in the small confines of the cabin, hands locked on either side of your head. It just keeps coming and coming… A ringing in your head that does not cease. It must be exterminated. You prop your elbows atop the sink and lean forward, unable even to focus on your own reflection. Though no heart beats in your chest nor do your lungs serve you strength, you find your chest pulsing and yourself out of breath.

Why… Why won’t you stop? Because you know what you want. Pain is not what you seek in this life. You call this life? What else would you? With a groan, the pain subsides in intensity, seemingly content with a dull hum at the back of your skull. You can still feel it though, waiting… angrily. How can something hold such malice? Your exhales begin to lessen in volume, your status returning to normal slowly but surely. What aids them in this? Water, yes.

A slow stream of water is drawn through the sink and into your hands, splashing it back upon your face. It is strange… You stand and watch the night at the end of each day when the ponies go to sleep, protecting themselves from its cold touch. You do this each night, unhindered by the elements and yet… Drops of water roll down your cheeks, plopping back into the copper bowl beneath you. And yet… It is now, of all times, that you feel its chilling strokes. It is unpleasant. The last time you felt such a wintry draft was…

You push up, hands tightening on the sinks edge with your fingers gripping the metal frame. “Ughh… Peace, come to me. Am I unworthy of your grace?” Look at yourself, speaking to beings who aren’t even there. Be ashamed of yourself. “No, it is an act of mortals, and if you-“ Only the crazed and mentally unsound conduct themselves in this way. You’re a fool. “And to act a fool is to-”

A pair of knocks interrupts you, your mental dissonance fading away at the sudden noise. “Anon, darling, is everything alright in there?” It is but madam Rarity, you think as you stand up straight and realign your tie.

“Yes…” you look back at the mirror, the olive being within it staring down to the sink, now warped and bent from these hands. Your hands. “You will be alright.” Why do you feel that to be more a question than a statement?

Allowing yourself another minute to collect yourself, the pain diminished but not fully absent, you pull open the door, Rarity standing there looking as a ‘thing of beauty.’ Each of them appears this way, each in a particular fashion that holds no central point of reference. With a caring smile, Rarity looks up to you, “In all my years I have never known a stallion to spend so much time tidying up. Not that that’s a bad thing.”

“I merely required time to collect myself. I find myself… at wit’s end.”

Her eyes seem to scan the surface of your being with a caring you have come to appreciate, “Why darling you look dreadful.” That will not do at all, but you are confused. Did she not make this suit to her own specifications, since you did not have any ‘fashion sense.’ A superpower that might be.

“Did I splatter it with water?” you check your arms and legs finding them in peak condition, “I do not wish to ruin your suit.”

“No not the suit,” she waves you off. “You look dreadful. You’re positively green, more than usual that is. Are you feeling well? Let me see you,” motioning you to lean down.

“That is quite alright. I am feeling-”

“You, Mr. Anon, better be feeling like letting me take a look at you.” This would be a time to roll your eyes should you have them. However, it would be best to submit to her request. Only hardship can come of your refusal. And to be frank? You have had enough hardship for this trip as it stands. Can it stand? Preposterous, hardship has no legs. You move to a knee, the boney section uncomfortably aligning with the floor. “Now let’s just see how you feel, darling.” She gasps at a touch to your forehead, her hoof only pressing harder against it, “Why darling you are burning up! I think you might be running a fever.”

A fever… A humorous notion, though she meant it not in that manner. “Far from likely. I am of hardy make. Do you recall our time in the Everfree forest?”

She shivers in recollection, “Don’t remind me of such things. When I saw you drop from that cliff- You had us all worried.”

“I do have troubles at this time, to be sure, but a physical illness is not the cause.”

“Oh… You’re just nervous, that’s so cute! Well, if you would like some advice from yours truly-” You would be fine without it. “-Then I would recommend you find something to occupy this big intelligent brain of yours.” Her compliments flatter you, and you tell her as much… but the problem is something else -was- occupying your thoughts. “Now, is there anything else I can help you with?”

You look back over across the car, Rainbow Dash chatting away with dear Ms. Pie, the two equally excited of the coming trip. Well, not entirely equal. “No, I do believe you have done enough.”

“Marvelous, darling, now would you be a dear and scooch aside? You’re not the only one who has some tidying up to do.”

You sit back opposite of Dash and Pinkie, the two barely registering your return as they continue to talk. “-and the dancing! They think they’ve danced before, just wait until Pinkie shows them how to do it!”

“And don’t forget the Wonderbolts will be performing. When I get to show them my stuff, there’s no way they’ll be able to resist giving me a spot on their squad.” Canterlot. How little you’ve changed off there in the distance, your braziers still glowing from the castle walls as they have each night, Equestria’s beacon in the darkness. A dream, nothing more. “How about it, Anon, who do you think is right?” Why do they hide their flaws? Why do you?

“See, he’s so exciting about the dancing that he forgot how to use his mouth.”

“I… don’t think that’s how that works, Pinkie.”

“Don’t be a party pooper.”

“Hmm?” looking back to them, “Did you say something?” Of course they did. Quiet. Don’t ask a question you don’t want- You would rather them give you the answer.

“Ms. Party Pooper thinks that dancing- Dancing! Won’t be the most funnest part of the Gala. This mare is -crazy-!”

“And -I- think that the Wonderbolts performance is going to rock this side of the Foal Mountains. It’s going to be so AWESOME!” She scrunches her face between her hooves making the strangest of faces. It is quite- cute. “But,” returning back to her more serious tone, “We can’t seem to agree on either one. That’s when Party Balloons here thought you could be a judge. So how about it?”

“I like party balloons!” A nickname for Pinkie based on her cutie mark? A fine sounding name for a pony in fact, perhaps she shall bless her foal with such a name. The dancing or the airborne maneuvers of the Wonderbolts… which one shall hold the most sway over these ponies? It is a difficult one to answer.

“Neither,” you return to the sight of Canterlot rapidly approaching, the train turning up along the mountain. “The Gala itself shall be of most significance, no dance, no performance…”

This answer does not sate the appetite of Ms. Dash however. “Duh the Gala is going to be awesome, but -why-?”


“You have any other words to add to that?”

“No, I do not. When something simply is there is no need to question it.”

She chuckles, Pinkie following for a couple seconds before scratching her head, “I don’t get it.”

“Anon here spent an entire afternoon trying to convince me that you should always ask questions about stuff like this, and now here he is…” she shakes her head with a smile, “Shrugging off the very same lesson.”

Pinkie brightens with a raised hoof, “I get it now! …How’s that funny again?”

“It is not, though she seems to appreciate the irony of the statement itself.”

You rub your skull as the throbbing temporarily returns long enough to require action, “Still waiting on that explanation- A good one at that.”

“Ms. Dash, please,” you raise a hand, still looking away from her. “I have a headache and do not wish further unpleasantries at this time.”

From the other side of the car you can almost feel Twilight turn, “You have a headache?”

You nod slowly and trail a finger between your brow, Miss Dash still seemingly amused at the fact, “What’s the big deal huh? He’s a big guy, nothing short of me kicking his flank should give him a problem.” She nudges your elbow with a smirk, “Am I right or am I right?”

Wrong, you think as you pull away. “Anon has been having problems with headaches for almost two months now. I thought we were getting better.” No. It has only gotten worse over the passing days, and only upon your boarding of this train did it drive its spike through your skull. Quite the horrendous sight.

“As did I, Miss Sparkle.” You catch a drop of sweat as it forms and stand up, “I believe some fresh air will serve me well.”

Rainbow Dash prepares to get up as well, “I’ll come with you.”

“No!” you snap at her, the cabin silencing at your word. Why did this happen to you? What have you done to deserve this? “I would not wish to keep you from such stimulating conversation.”

“Anon if you need any help…” Rainbow starts out, but Twilight joins you before she can finish.

“I’ll make sure Anon’s a-okay by the time we reach Canterlot.”


“It means you’ll feel-” Twilight stops with a gasp and points out the window, “Are those the Wonderbolts?”

“WHERE!?” Twilight’s magic pulls you by the tie into the next car and further back until you reach the end of the train, Rainbow Dash too late to notice the ruse placed upon her. “I just wanted to help…”

You breathe in the frosted air and allow the wind cool your heated skin. “So did you forget everything I tried to teach you?” To forget would mean that the lesson were to have escaped your mind. This is not the case.

“I hold your tactics close, Miss Sparkle, but their effects seem to have… diminished.”

“Look, Anon, I’m here to help you, but I can only do so much.”

“You can, can’t you? An artificial limitation that has been propped upon your shoulders like a parrot to a ship’s captain.”

It’s obvious she does not understand the reference and you soon find yourself wondering, only for the throb of your skull to stall you. “Again. Right there.” Just as you thought, she is a master at discerning the smallest of details.

“How might you have known?”

“It was on your face. I could see you were in pain.” That obvious? If only such a force held life within it, then you would have the strength to eradicate it from yourself and be free of its hold. You look up from the tracks passing beneath you, the cliff almost sprinting past, but you know that it is you who are moving away from it instead. The sky is clear… A good night for the Gala you would say.

“It is a nice night, would you not agree?”

Twilight shakes her head, “Anon, I can’t help you if you won’t level with me.” You did not know you were playing a video game… What’s a vid- Stop thinking. You do not want what it brings.

“The air might keep the attendees indoors, but at that thought, they do not venture out to the courtyard much do they?”

“Anon…” you find her with a caring gaze. Why do you pull away from her aid? What harm has she brought you?

“You wish to know about the dream. Not those of your kin when they look to the future, but my dream. That which burrows within my mind.”

“I can only help you so far. Meet me halfway here.” Halfway? Perhaps that much you can manage.

“My dream- It took place in Ponyville. I awoke in a bed, rainbow blankets… Do you recall that question of mine?”

“It was one of the stranger ones.”

“Yes yes. My eyes- I had those in the dream. At first I believe myself to be blind until I learned how to use the contraptions. Quite the sensation, to choose to see nothing…” you pause for a while, silently swelling on it.

“Do you miss the feeling?” More so than you wish to admit. It is not your place allow such envious thoughts find safe harbor, so you choose to ignore the question, one of the few choices you do have.

“It was a marvelous world. All I had to do was speak it and the world would make it so. I could tame the Everfree with a whisper… Centuries of work done in an instant. Such power-”

Once more she interrupts you, “Do you crave that type of power?”

“Crave, like one would a delicious treat? I cannot say they share the same emotion. With the power there I could do- I could be…” You know what you wish, but do not desire the word. “Short answer, Miss Sparkle, is no, I do not crave power. I respect its usage.”

“Fair enough.” She seems pleased with your response. “Please, continue.” Should you speak of Miss Moon? You do not believe she would be delighted to hear you informing one of her subjects in such a matter. You shall leave her out. Where next then? Ah yes.

“It was the perfect world, or so I had thought. Something was off. Whenever I was displeased at some minor detail, a bell would chime in the distance, a warning perhaps, I did not know at the time, but it signaled those within me that they were to- leave me.”

You can still remember each of them. The absolute mask of terror that befell them when the chime called for them. “I think you’re right. A bell would work well as a representation for danger.” And this is why she is the one you confide in. She works well to ‘put the pieces together.’

“I was late for a party, Miss Dash told me. Ah, I forgot to mention you all were there as well… Quick to please me and just as fast to apologize.” You did not wish them to submit to your desires, but you wished for them to be truthful and act as they would. To have friends who would act instead of be, is to not have friends at all. “I was taken someplace. Darker than the night’s sky, deeper than the crystal mines and colder than the fiercest winter. At the end was a door, text upon that even I could not read. Something within it spoke to me… whispering to me…”

“What did it whisper?” Tell her, Anon. Go ahead, let it all come crashing down around you. You squeeze into the railing, its metal brittle under death’s touch.

“It wished for release, to be free, and when I refused it attempted to finish me off. I would be left alone… in the dark. Cold and afraid. So much anger…”

Twilight’s eyes travel your length, pausing when she see’s your viselike grip. “Have you felt… I don’t know, different lately?”

“How do you mean?”

It is clear that she herself is in a state of puzzlement, unknowing of how to best word her own phrase despite knowing what she wishes to say. “By lately I mean since you came to Ponyville. What’s changed since before?” You look back down to the pair of steel tracks as you hasten over them.

“Too much. Calm and collected, I was for many centuries, millennia… When I saw the world, it was as it was, not as I wished it, not as I hoped it. I held no prejudice to it. The world, simply was.”

“Time can change a pony, even if it takes years. Don’t be so hard on yourself for changing, it’s not necessarily a bad thing.” You consider a nod, but choose against it, even while her words do strike true. Change is inevitable, for most creatures. Change is not necessarily bad, for most creatures. You are not a creature.

“Time and change, they can do well for their host, but as you can see, I am not a pony. I am…” Not yet. She is not ready for the truth. “Different.”

“And you won’t tell me how?” She exhales audibly at your nod and looks out with you, “I think your dream is trying to show you something. I think- and this is just my opinion. I think it’s showing your trouble in control.”

“Control? Anger is not a matter of control! It is-” Stop yelling, not at Twilight. She seeks to help and should you drive her away… Ha, as the saying goes. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. “I do not wish it at all, Miss Sparkle.”

“Anger isn’t something you can just ignore or lose. It’s always a part of us, and not to sound like a record, but it’s not necessarily a bad thing. How you use it is what matters.” Incorrect once more. She bases her beliefs on the fact that you, Death of all things, are common to the living. You share the same plain of existence, yes. You share the ground should your feet rest against it. You share the air around you, but you are nothing -Nothing- like them. “Should I grow angry, Miss Sparkle, should I lose control of my faculty, I would not wish any being in a nation’s span of me. I can hurt them…” you nod, grinding your teeth. “I can hurt them in the worst way imaginable.”

Stop saying things such as this. They are unnerving, off-putting to the living souls around you, Twilight in particular. You can see by the downward tilt of her head that she wishes no more than to cease this line of conversation. “I do not wish this,” you shake your head and release your grip, the metal railing now a mangled mess. “I do not want to hurt anyone, or any pony. I wish to return to a simpler time.”

Maybe it is time… “We can get through this. I won’t stop trying to help if you don’t stop trying.” You turn about, the castle entrance several hundred hoof-lengths away and rapidly approaching. For a moment, you wonder if the gala could convince you, but nothing short of a disaster could change your decision.

“Can you keep a promise, Miss Sparkle?”

Her entire being almost seems to brighten at the prospect of learning some mystic secret from you and her hastened nod brings you the same conclusion, “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my…” she slowly closes an eye and pokes it with a hoof, “eye. Good. I didn’t want to mess that one up.” Laughter comes to mind and it does humor you in some degree, but- It is not the time.

“Tonight, after the Gala and our return to Ponyville… Hmm, a strange- lump, has found its way in my chest.”

“That just means you’re nervous. You don’t need to be, it’s not like you’re leaving or anything.” She laughs lightly, that is, until she sees your face. At that point it lessens to itself to absence entirely. “You can’t be serious. What about the girls? What about Han and Chewie?”

“I would rather not disturb-”

“What about Rainbow Dash?” You pass through the gates, the air swishing through you. You’ll miss that feeling.

“What about her?”

“Well what do you think she’ll think about this?” Assuming the actions of another is a ‘one way trip’ to disappointment. Besides, the living do not obey the same logical process that you adhere to. Their emotions will not allow it.

“I can only hope for her to understand. It was clear to her that this arrangement was only temporary. My vacation is coming to an end.” You take a moment to admire the passing buildings, the pearly exteriors still shining true even after the passage of time.

She presses a hoof against her face, “Oh by Celestia- Are you blind?!” Everyone is blind to something. The subject is what differs.

“I have no eyes, Twilight. Perhaps then, I should be.”

“That’s not what I meant.” The train screeches to a halt inside the station, the streets positively bustling with activity, the unprivileged ponies engaging in their own personal gala. “Rainbow Dash isn’t just going to let you go.” You look through the window in the door, barely able to see her through the next door, “She cares about you, Anon. If this is about the dream-”

“It is not!” you shout back at her, the mere mention of that place bringing you anger, “This is about me and me alone!”

Instead of backing down as she had, she instead presses forward defiantly, “I don’t believe you. You like it in Ponyville, you said that yourself, how much you enjoy the ponies there.”

“It is a fleeting moment in time.” You hiss despite your wishes, but you cannot cease yourself. “They will become just as these ponies have.”

“These ponies?” she questions your judgment with a laugh, “How are they any different from anypony in Ponyville?”

“They just are! I would not expect you to understand.”

“They’re happy, look at them! They care just as much about each other as anypony I know.”

“Until their time has come and they would beg their fellows lives in their place.”

“This isn’t just about you. You’re afraid. You can stand up to Nightmare Moon, but something has you scared like- like a filly! What is it?” End her- Stop it. She dares to yell at you, so finish her. Teach her what it means to face Death. I cannot. Yes you can. Then I will not! “What are you so afraid of?”

With a slam of your fist the railing shatters and warps, all of your anger released in one strike. Twilight goes silent at your feat of strength, a tremble creeping through her and stretching down to the tips of her hooves. When you speak, it is a whisper, barely audible over the echoes of the partying ponies who have not missed a beat. “You are right, Twilight. I am afraid. I’m afraid that one day it is not a simple piece of metal that my anger is unleashed upon.”

“You’re afraid you’ll hurt a pony.”

“I am afraid… that I will hurt Rainbow Dash.”

You press your head against the door, the wood might as well be ice as it cools your skull. “Anon I-”

You suddenly feel like falling forward, looking back up to see the door open and Rainbow Dash standing there with a smile. “Whoa now, watch the dress. If I don’t get into the Wonderbolts because you messed up this dress then I’m going to have to bring the heat to you.” She looks around you to see Twilight who’s wiping off a drop of sweat, “Are you two working out out here? Pfft, let the Dash show you how it’s-” You block the entrance with a forced smile, “You’re not trying to hide something are you?”

“No, but I do believe we have arrived. Surely you have come to fetch us so that we might leave, yes?”

Despite the bluntness of your lie she appears to be more excited about the Gala then investigating your crime, “Buck yeah. I can’t have my date late for the Gala.”

“Date?” you ask following her, Twilight closing the door behind you.

Dash’s face turns red as she attempts to explain herself, “Well uh- More like a- a umm…”

“A bodyguard,” Twilight speaks up.

“Exactly! If I have a bodyguard then the Wonderbolts will think I’m Somepony who’s important, and that’ll bring me another step closer to my dream!” Air catches in your throat at the word but you press on without a sound, hand rubbing your head. “Plus I don’t want any weirdoes hitting on me while I’m there. I’ve got a reputation you know.”

“I have noticed.”

Before long you have returned with the others, Rarity finally coming out of the bathroom with a certain ‘chip’ on her shoulder, “Why Anon, every time I see you you look a little worse for wear.”

“Anon?” Dash looks back at you to only find you equally confused, “Nah, he looks fine. Come on, you don’t want to be late for Hugh Mud or whatever his name is.”

The three of you move past her, “But doesn’t he- What did you just call him?” Rainbow Dash takes off for the exit as Rarity leaps clean over you in pursuit. You didn’t think she was that athletic. Does she perform the yoga?

Stepping out of the train you find the two of them still at it until Dash takes off into the sky and out of reach, Rarity unable to jump high enough. “You get down here this instant!”

“I wouldn’t keep jumping if I were you,” she chuckles in response, “Don’t want your pretty dress ruined for Hugh Mud.”

“Blueblood! His name is Blueblood!”

“So you’re not going to miss any of this?” Twilight whispers to you. Your smile turns to a frown as you continue on.

“More than you know…”

Rarity, after taking her precious time in coming to the realization that, no, she could not in fact reach Ms. Dash, soon ceases her efforts with a single humph and fixes the wrinkles that had begun to appear on her dress. Much time and effort was poured into these assorted pieces of cloth, a simple concept but an achievement beyond any skill a common pony could achieve. You can only look down to your own suit and smile knowing all the heartache it brought her. A strange notion, to smile at dismay, but if humor should follow, is it wrong to laugh? Quite possibly.

Since Madam Rarity had spent her time to construct the fine vestments for her friends, she had assumed fixing a new suit for you would be an easy task. Not so. No suit she made looked quite right. Adding gemstones one of the more outlandish attempts of hers. In the end, this suit is as much a part of you as the cold truth that rests within it. Together you walk past a dancing group of ponies, each dressed in their best attire, though they do not achieve a level such as Rarity’s have.

It is a strange sight, you think while walking past them, a pair wrapped by the leg and swinging in a circle, how content they are, even as they see those who go to a place they cannot. Why does envy not shine in their eyes? Why do they get to be happy? You let yourself stray from the group and walk amongst the others, the ones who aren’t dancing or sipping from their cup are engaging in conversation. Some speak of the Gala and the ponies they’ve seen entering the gates, others of the day’s affairs, no talk of deceit or deception. Do they wait until their kin’s back is turned? None of them pay you much attention. You are but a traveler amongst them, and they would rather not disturb someone in their time of bliss.

A stallion bumps into you from the side, spilling his drink, and you are thankful none gets on you. His breath is cut at the action and he immediately apologizes and looks to see if you have been damaged, despite your assurances. “Sorry again, mate, hard to believe I didn’t see ya.”

“Difficult indeed,” you scan over the crowd, all the numbers colliding and mixing like the waves of a bay.

“Don’t recognize you from around here. Can I offer you a drink at least?”

“No… I was just looking around.” You hurry yourself along, leaving him there with an empty mug, but he does not pry. He simply obtains another beverage and returns to the party. Perhaps you should follow his example.

Do not dwell. Do not allow yourself anger. Care for your fellow, while you still have time to do so. Perhaps that is a part of it… The human condition. Caring… And the pain returns and so must you. Where did they run off to?


Orange lanterns burn above the street as you walk, maneuvering still through the never-ending tide. A laughter catches on the wind and you smile. All it took was the sound of laughter to- You shake your head and continue on. The gates appear ahead of you, but no sign of the friends you seek. At the front stands two guards, both royal in nature due to the shimmering gold plating that adorns their chest.

They look you over as you approach and stand upright, perhaps in an attempt to match your height. It is a foolish motion. Three would be required to match you vertically. “Halt!” the first guard speaks in an authoritative tone of voice, one required to keep order in a city such as this, “A ticket is required for entry.” Ticket? Ah yes, the ticket.

“Yes yes, one moment young sir,” you sift through the interior pockets of your suit.

A snicker erupts from the second guard, the first fixing his glare upon him, “Is something funny, private?”

It would appear you both share a misunderstanding of the guard, but it would be best left unaddressed. “Nothing, sir,” he sniffs and salutes as he has been so often taught do, much like a well-trained dog in fact.

“It is surely a wonder how well you can train a pony.” Perhaps a joke? “Does he roll-over as well?”

This earns a chuckle from the first guard who takes your ticket as you present it, “Yes, he does on occasion. Have a nice night, sir. Enjoy the party.”

He is a noble soul and perhaps soon you shall help him reach his destination. He might even take up his armor once more. “Before I go, might I ask you a question?”

He’s rather taken aback by this but agrees as there is not a queue behind you. “What can I help you with?”

“Do you have family, a wife perhaps?”

You can see his reluctance to speak of this to you. After all, this is much like the plot for many of these ‘Thriller’ movies they play in the theatre. “Yes…”

“I merely ask this, because it is a wondrous night, perhaps you can say beautiful. I do not understand how you can deprive her of your company tonight.”

“I have a job to do. If I have to miss one night with her to put food on the table, then I will. She understands.” Hmm… You reach into your pockets and grab a handful of bits, Miss Dash wishing you to save them for a picture with the Wonderbolts, but this… this means more.

“Here, this should be adequate pay for a nights work. I only desire you convene with your family.”

“I- I can’t accept this. You’re too generous,” he attempts to reject your offer but you insist, “I have an obligation to the guard tonight anyways. I can’t just-”

“I can get one of the other guards to cover you, Spark, no problem. Just take the ponies offer- Well, he’s not exactly a pony.”

“No, I am not. Just another partygoer. Please, sir, take it.”

His hesitation loses ground as he looks to his fellow guard, “You won’t tell Shining Armor about this, will you?”

“Not a word.”

He looks back to you, “Thank you, you have no idea how much this means to me.” With that he takes off away from the gate and through the crowd.

“Pardon my curiosity, but why did you do that?”

You sigh and walk through the gate. “Everyone should be allowed the time they have left…”

Inside the castle hall you take but a moment to marvel the feeling. A torch’s warmth, music pulsing through you from the dining hall, how the very air is saturated in a certain regality. Yet there is no laughter, no frolicking ponies who care for the moment they now possess. Perhaps it is too early to tell, yes, that is a well placed assumption. The crimson carpet flows from your feet to the top of the stairs, Twilight waving down at you. You return the wave, albeit slowly, more focused on the mare beside her. Celestia.

You cock your head, thinking perhaps it is merely the angle of your head that masks her true form, but you find this not the case. She hasn’t aged a day, though her mane does shine with a rejuvenated aura about it, swaying the breeze, despite in fact, the absence of such a thing. Magic is certainly a wonder. A thought creeps through your head as she addresses another guest who walks up the stairs to meet her. Does she know?

Yes, you’ve contemplated this thought many times over, all reaching the same conclusion. She couldn’t possibly. Yet when you visited the hospital to greet an old friend- not a friend… When you met a patient, he knew you at a glance, despite it being your first meeting. If he could know, then perhaps she- “Equestria to Anon, come in please. Helloooo?” Stop thinking about it. She does not know, no more questions. You look down to see Twilight trying to get your attention, “So you are in there after all. Good, I was afraid you might’ve left early.”

“Left? Left where?”

“I was hoping you might tell me.” Not here at the party. You do not wish to spoil this evening, “But later, come on, I want you to meet Celestia. This is my payment after all.” You consider asking what for, but she grabs you by the hand and pulls you along, “I know you don’t remember, and that’s okay. I do, though.”

“Then perhaps it would be best,” you slither your hand free half-way up the stairs, “if I approached without my hand tethered to your hoof, yes?”

“Sorry?” she smiles, though you’re not entirely sure if that was an apology or a question. Both, maybe. You’re not sure why the word ‘cop-out’ comes to mind, but it seems to fit. You wait in line with Twilight, deeming it ‘uncouth’ to simply walk to the front as Twilight had suggested. Surely Celestia taught her better manners than that. Excitement certainly has a way of superseding one’s behavior.

In due time you reach the front, Twilight taking it upon herself to introduce you. “Acheem, Princess Celestia, I would like to introduce to you one of my newest friends in Ponyville. Anonymous.”

“Anon will do fine, Celestia,” you bow politely, though Celestia does not return the favor.
>In fact, she does not make any action worth noting. She just seems to stare- Nope, she blinked. She does still contain the control of her own functions.

“It’s -Princess- Celestia, Anon. Princess.”

At long last, Celestia breaks free of her silent streak and bows her head, “Celestia is just fine, Anon. It is… an honor to meet you.” That pause, a second’s hesitation much akin to yours when you met young Granny Smith. She knows.

“Princess, we’re at a social event. We can’t talk on a first name basis, right?”

“Now Twilight-”

You take the moment to interrupt her with a false smile. “Twilight is most correct, Princess. In front of your subjects, the imagery of their leader is key. One must act in a certain noble light, one which requires the respect of your people. Is this not true of other cultures?”

“Yes. Exactly what Anon said,” Twilight tacks on, “With the respect and the culture. Image! Yes, he hit the nail on the head.” Twilight nervously laughs, half wanting what is best for Celestia and half not wanting to be on her bad side. Damned if you do, damned if you do not. A truer statement… Perhaps a truer statement has been said.

“You both are absolutely correct. This is no place for sociable chatter. There are many attendees to greet and I do not have time to retreat for a social visit.”

“You’re right. Maybe we can talk later?” Twilight prepares to depart with you.

“Of course, my most faithful student, but before you go, I do have a task for you this evening, if you wish to take it.”

Twilight’s eyes practically light up. No, not figuratively, you are almost sure that they have brightened to a certain degree. “Anything, Celestia- I mean, Princess.”

Celestia smiles at her loyal subject, “Could you greet our guests so that Anonymous and I might enjoy a social chat?” Your fake smile drops in an instant.

“Umm, I guess I could, but-”

Once again, Celestia interrupts. “You always were my favorite student, Twilight Sparkle. Please follow me, Anonymous.” You raise your brows in alarm towards Twilight, a worthy attempt to display that, no, you did not wish to be alone with her. Of course, you are an amateur when it comes to these silent messages and that added to Celestia’s distraction leaves Twilight oblivious to your actions.

Twilight raises her head with a smile that would do her teacher proud, “I’ll do my best, Princess.” She turns to an oncoming couple and bows her head, “Welcome to the Gala. Have a wonderful night.”

Behind you comes the sound of Celestia clearing her throat, “Shall we be going?” This is Twilight’s attempt to pay you back, and you shall not have her debt linger over your head for a second longer, as she will not get the chance to try again.



You join her to her personal quarters and you take but a moment to look over the room. Everything is as it was, though her fireplace in its ornate decoration now burning with a light orange glow, its shadows dancing on the rug placed before it. She takes her place on the rug as you walk along the right wall, hand drifting over the cabinet as you get closer to the balcony. Stopping just inside you turn around, reaching the location that strikes you as the most memorable, her bed.

You place a hand on its surface, the cool air having chilled the sheets over the fire’s warmth. It was here that she slept that night. Behind you is where she stood, watching her own form drift away… Until you helped her. Clenching the sheet you can only think of how foolish your actions were, how short-sighted your plans, how utterly- “Do you not like the sheets?” Your hand returns to your side in a manner most swift, her voice catching you off-guard as it were. “They were made in Manehattan, but I do think I prefer this piece of furniture.” She pats along the rug where she rests, the pillow-like lump forming a wide U around her, “It was a gift from a Saddle Arabian princess. Care to sit with me?”

In truth, you would not. The mere proximity to one of your… just the thought gives you a strange feeling in your stomach. Butterflies? In any case, just being around one of your past victims fills you with unease. How can a feeling -fill- a person, you wonder? “An honor of the highest accord, I do believe.”

Taking a seat you also take the time to enjoy the soft cushion that meets you, your butt sitting at the pillow’s edge. “I don’t bite you know.” You raise a brow at her sudden and questionable statement to which she elaborates for you. “You are allowed to move closer. We may be strangers, but distancing oneself isn’t the best way to get to know one another. Surely you would agree.”

She… calls you strangers? Yet the look she gave you- You were certain that she knew. Could you have been mistaken? Never. Maybe? Her hoof pats the middle of the bed-thing, not quite a bed though the pillow denotes it as such. A strange piece of furnishing nonetheless. “I find it strange how similar you are to Twilight as she once was. Timid, even.”

“Then perhaps I shall simply pass the emotion along,” you scoot over, more assured now that your nature be a mystery to her. “Shall we begin again?”

Her smile is a reassurance of your previous worry as she raises a hoof, “We shall. My name is Princess Celestia.”

“Anonymous, Miss Celestia,” you lean over and peck her hoof, “However I prefer, Anon, myself.”

“I see you don’t lack in manners,” withdrawing her hoof with a blush of her cheeks. It is a good look for her, you would say.

“Well, after performing the same on Madam Rarity she insisted that I greet her in such a manner at all times. Surely a princess deserves no less, no?”

“I do appreciate the gesture, but here, we are equals. No need for Messrs or Misses, here.” She is far more sociable- is that a word? More sociable than you had imagined. She reminds you of Rainbow Dash in a way, but Twilight in another. Strange.

“Fair enough, Celestia. Fair enough.”

“So Twilight tells me you have only recently came to Ponyville. How long has it been since you’ve arrived?”

“Should my memory be accurate at this moment, my time would be recorded at or around three months.”

“And what might you mean by ‘this moment?’” Hmm? Did you say that? Of course you did, how could you forget so easily? Well…

“My memory is not as it once was. The passage of time withers all, one could say.” You attempt to lean back only to find imbalance as the result. You look back to the pillow, only reaching up to your lower back, not nearly stable enough to serve as a foundation. Poor craftsmanship, despite its desirable appearance.

Celestia constrains her laughter, managing a sniffling chuckle instead. “Do you find me to have withered? I am not a young mare, despite how you might see me.” You cock your head to get a better look at her, finding only the most minute flaws in her appearance. A scuff here in her fur, a twist hair in the mane, though nothing most devastating.

“Should a normal mare of your age be blessed by such a visage, then they can only hope to maintain such a height in the future.”

“And she told me of your peculiar way of talking,” she smiles jokingly.


She is unable to hold her laugh back at this point, giving quite the adorable giggle, though not on par with Pinkie or Rainbow Da… Is- she enjoying the party? “I can see what you meant about your memory.” You were so quick to leave her when Twilight volunteered her aid. Is that how you wish for her to remember you? “Might I say you are quite the peculiar specimen? I can see why my faithful student is so interested in you.”

“Perhaps you should be careful, Celestia. If you keep speaking as your student, then she herself might find herself in your hooves.” Instead of going into a normal response, she pauses, eyes drifting for a moment, unspeaking, yet her words are spoken. You… understand. “It is to be her fate then?”

She looks back up to you in a manner you refer to as shock. It is an appearance you are quite accustom to. “Excuse me?” Did you not make yourself clear? No matter, she shall have an explanation for your sudden statement.

“To be a princess? I assumed she was destined for something more when I saw her. It was… a strange premonition if you would allow me the mystical metaphor.”

Celestia keeps you in her sight before looking to the fire, “I can only hope so. I have done my best to instruct her.” So you were right after all? How grand. Pinkie would consider a celebration to be in order, but she must not know. No pony must know. “I trust-”

“Cross my heart. Hope to Die. Stick a needle in my eye. Hmm, that isn’t how it goes…” You scratch your chin, pinching at your skin as a pain befalls you. “Not again…”

Celestia shuffles a bit closer in alarm, “Are you alright?” You grit your teeth and rub your aching skull, “I shall call for the royal physician.”

“Wait,” you hold your hand out to stop her, Celestia paused at your request, “I am alright. Just… I require but a moment if you would spare me one.”

Why does it befall you here? This is not the time or place. “Would you like to move our conversation somewhere more pleasant? We have a good view of the castle from here. I find fresh air to help me, personally.” She offers you a hoof to aid you in ascent, but you allow yourself up, patting your pants without releasing your head. You do not wish to harm her, and you shall not provide yourself the opportunity. Nevertheless, she guides you to the balcony, fresh air filling your lungs. “Feel any better?”

You take several breathes, slow and deep, letting the pain drift away on its ‘coat-tails.’ Silly, coats do not have tails. Perhaps in a future endeavor you shall such a thing. Somewhere out there, beyond the mountains, beyond sight and sound itself. Another land in the future, one you cannot hope to predict. Life is a miraculous thing after all. “To be allowed a view such as this… It is a royal privilege indeed.”

Celestia rests her hooves over the railing in a casual manner, “I never heard Twilight complain. I only wish more ponies could enjoy this view.” Does she still acquire satisfaction from the sight? It is as common to her… as flying is to a Pegasus. Magic and all of it. At what point does it no longer feel special and become… something less. And at the same time, to never have experienced it would be a damning fate. To never feel something- Is that not why you came to Ponyville? With Rainbow Dash…

“It is a blessing and a curse. To see, but be blinded to beauty’s abundance. To not see, but be blinded by life’s mystery. Quite the predicament.”

“I’m not so sure about that.” She shuffles around, reobtaining a comfortable position? “I’ve watched over Equestria for over a thousand years and not once have I forgotten just how special this view is.” You wish more ponies were like her… but then you are reminded of the ponies in the streets of Canterlot. Unspeakable crimes occurred in those streets, the homes masked in lying bricks and stones, yet- They have another side. All creatures do… even humans- GAH! To Tartarus with you! No- Do not let it win. Cast it out! What is it that Twilight does? Deep breathes. In and out. In… out…

“Don’t tell me I’ve bored you now?” she touches your arm with a hoof, the touch sending you reeling back upwards in a way that causes Celestia humor, “My bed is open to you if you require a quick rest.”

“No,” you snap back without a thought before calming yourself with a smile, “No, Princess, that will not be necessary.”

“As you wish,” she returns to looking over the city, “but I will always be here if you need anything.” Why? Why does she care so much that she would offer you such a treat? Her bed- that bed. Why offer it at all? What are you to her? She glances at you for but a second, “If there is something on your mind, I would be delighted to hear it.”

“Most astute you are, Princess. I merely ponder your interest in me, why you allow me such leisure in your presence.”

“Do I? I haven’t noticed anything of the sort.” She pushes off the railing with a shiver and back inside to the fire’s warmth. “Would you rather have me treat you like another subject?”

“Do not mistake my curiosity with aversion. However, you cannot say with honesty still in your heart that you act towards me without a certain leniency.”

“You are the first true company that I have had in many months,” she explains and sits down, “Is that so treasonous then?”

“Perhaps not, but one does not simply offer the use of their bed to company, especially to one you know so little of.”

She nods, still smiling despite your accusatory tone, “I suppose that is true. In truth I do not know why I act this way towards you. Perhaps my student’s own curiosity has finally worn off on me.”

“She said that you insisted I come here. It is no mere day that a Princess requires one’s audience.”

“Anonymous. A strange name, but you seem to fit it quite well. Do you know what the word means?” Turning a question to a question, a reversal of sorts. Quite the skilled deviation, but do you not frequently answer in questions? It is only fair to answer them, if others have given you the same luxury.

“Anonymous. It stems from the term anonymity, an inability to be identified, though I am quite easy to ‘pick out’ in a crowd.”

“Twilight wrote to me that she had met a strange pony in Ponyville and would do her best to investigate. Only matters of grave importance can tear Twilight away from her books, and you had done it.” She proceeds to tell you more, mainly regarding her updates to the princess, your actions in town and the like. It is strange to hear the retelling of your deeds, the small inconsistencies to be expected of course. “It was only when certain books had found their way out of the Canterlot library that I knew I must meet you.” Certain books. This denotes that they are peculiar in nature. Not unlike you.

“Books? Of what sort?” you mask your curiosity in an innocent query.

“Minotaur fables and archeological papers of all things. You see, Anon, I have known Twilight for many years, and never once has she checked out anything relating to these subjects. When I inquired about her sudden interest, she responded in a way I hadn’t expected.”

“Did she lie?”

“Oh no,” she waves off the very thought, “She waited. It took two days for her to reply, only to simply answer, ‘research.’ That is what Twilight says when she is busy. Very busy.” You believe you are starting to understand. When a mother finds her child acting strange, she questions the behavior, seeking an answer from those who can tell it. In this case, you hope she does not attempt to coerce the information from you. It would be most unfortunate.

“So if you could not obtain answers from her, you wished to obtain them from me.”

She seems to smile at the response, “In a way. If we are leveling with each other, then maybe you’d like to explain -why- she is so fascinated by you.” Is she? You would not say so. You are, as the Princess so accurately put it, a peculiar specimen. It is a matter of research.

“It is in my nature to be mysterious, Princess.”

“Celestia, if you would.” Hmm, no it does not sound right.

“Apologies, but I find calling you by your given name in succession to be most displeasing to my psyche. For most I simply call them Miss or Young, Rarity preferring Madam. For you, Princess would be the most suiting.”

“The formal gentlecolt with a name as unexplained as his actions. A pony who would aid in the quest of another, asking for nothing in return. It is a shame I did not meet you earlier when I arrived in Ponyville.” In the shadows you must stay, a cruel reality to the world as it is, not as you wish it to be.

“It would not have been appropriate, given our relationship.”

Question it, Princess. Allow me to be sure. “Our relationship?” So she doesn’t know. Good.

“A figure of speech, I have been attempting to improve upon them.”

Her questioning eyes do not lessen, “That is not a figure of speech, Mr. Anonymous.” Isn’t it? You think back, coming to a rather dread realization that you have worked yourself into what is commonly referred to as the pickle, not the lewd one. You chuckle and look up to avoid her gaze. What’s the term those south-eastern equines used in moments like these? Oh yes, bugger.

Just as you are about to speak once more, the door to your left is thrust open, an azure pony pushing through. Like a light from the darkness, your savior arrives to bring you safe voyage. “Sister! I felt a- a- An- Anon?”

“Aha! Miss Moon, it is grand that you have come to join us.”

Her shock quickly morphs into a scowl and she looks to her sister, “What is -he- doing here?” What resent! It was as if you two left off on bad terms… Well, you did tie her up and chase her through the forest. That might have something to do with it. What are you talking about, you are speaking nonsense.

“Anonymous and I were having a friendly chat, little sister. Would you care to join us?”

“Miss Moon would never accept such an offer, Princess. She and I do not ‘mingle’ well.”

“No, we do not, and it is Princess Luna, not Miss Moon.”

Celestia can only marvel the heated exchange between you, “So... You two have already met.”


”Unforunately.” Her word overlapping yours in an exhilarating manner. It was as if you both were thinking the same thing. Spooky.

You see that she does not ‘sport’ a dress like the others in the gala. Celestia does not either for that matter. “Are you not attending the Gala, Miss Moon?”

“No, and my name is Luna. Princess Luna. Sister, how can you stand this… this…”

“Patience, sister. This pony is peculiar in his ways, but he means no insult to you.”

She truly is the embodiment of patience, to rule alone over the ages despite the adversities she must overcome. It is a virtue, after all. “He is -not- a pony, sister. He is an abomination! A-”

“Enough!” you spring to your feet in anger, ignoring the pain seeping back into your head. “A princess, you might be, but an immature juvenile all the same! Look to your sister for guidance or you will find the blackness that once filled your heart to return tenfold. Your hatred will help… No one.” Why did you yell, Anon? Why did you have to let it go? She insulted you. She- Think first, then act. Emotions like these can topple nations, do not succumb to them.

Celestia and Miss Mo- Miss Luna, both stay silent, your outburst stunning to them like the heavy blow of a hammer, without the mess of course. “That was unnecessary,” you apologize with head downcast. “Please accept my apology, Princess Luna. It is inappropriate to address you in such a manner.”

You hear Luna scoff at your words, but also some sort of guttural noise from Celestia, much like a growl but seemingly more civil. “We- Ugh… I accept your apology.”

“Splendid!” your sudden cheeriness once again catching them both off their guard. They should see to fixing that. “Now, might you accept Princess Celestia’s offer to join us in conversation? I do say another voice to the chatter might increase our enjoyment by a factor of two.” Celestia giggles once more, but Luna does not share the same ‘sense of humor.’ This you and her have in common. “Did I say something entertaining?”

“It’s nothing, Anonymous. It just might take me a bit longer to get used to you than I’m used to.”

“He is different, alright,” Luna cannot hide the loathing in her words, so it appears she makes not even the attempt. No matter.

“Hmm, oh dear,” Celestia shakes her head. You ask her what grabs her attention, “Twilight is still down there greeting guests at my behest when she should be enjoying the Gala with the friends she has gained.”

That is most unfortunate. Surely she plans to end our conversation entirely to relieve the mare. Not an entirely poor choice given how the line of chatter was going. “Twilight Sparkle is here?”

“Yes, and her friends, Luna.”

“-Princess- Luna,” she is quick to correct you. Her speed in the matter is something one could admire.

Standing up, Celestia moves to the door, Luna moving out of her way, “Now now, little sister, play nice with our guest. He may not be a pony, but he is not the first non-equine to grace your company. Please treat him as an extension of myself. Could you do that for me, dearest Luna?” Luna grumbles to herself in response, Celestia taking that as a yes, “And I do hope that you too, Anonymous, will treat my sister with the same respect you have treated me.”

Now you understand why Luna grumbles, the wish to speak, but not openly of your dismay. Alas, it is her request, and you will treat kindness with kindness. “As you wish, Celestia. Might you give Miss Sparkle my regards?” She nods in accord, closing the door behind her. “Dearest Luna-”

“How dare you come here!” Huh… You thought she might last longer than that.

“To dare. I was not dared to come here,” you speak out loud, merely vocalizing your thoughts for her. “Then how do I dare? To dare without being dared is not to dare at all I say.”

You smile at her dissatisfaction, but that feels wrong in a way. To enjoy another’s misery? “You call us a foal and yet you treat this as a mere joke. It is not.” How feeble the minds of the living can be. To not remember a simple word. You are not living, and you do not remember-

“Correction. I called you a juvenile, an immature being for a status as elevated as yours. Without your sister’s grace, I do ponder how you might ever have achieved such a rank.”

“Do not bring our sister into this. You dare defile her with your presense!” Again with the daring, and is this ‘our sister’ she speaks of. Truly her mind is warped of reality.

“She is no sister of mine, Luna, and might I ask you refrain from labeling my actions as daring. They are based on no sort of provocation or based courage. They simply are.”

“We shall speak how we wish, not how you desire. The royal ‘we’ is a cornerstone of the Royal Canterlot Voice, or do you not remember our previous encounter.” The dream- Stop stop stop! Your hands morphs into a fist, clenched tightly to your leggings. “There! What action are you performing?” It is but a memory, another one to be locked away like the others. How you wish to know… the thirst for knowledge that Twilight so adamantly speaks of.

“Why do you care?” you grunt as the pain escapes you. “Do you not gain pleasure from seeing me in pain?”

You retreat as she steps closer with a raised hoof, “Do not flee from me like a foal. Allow me to see what it is that plagues you.” Perhaps- perhaps she can help. If the agony stems from within a dream- Again it comes… She entered yours once before. Might she find why it brings spite to your being?

Rearing on her hind legs the cold of her hoofguard touches your forehead, wings keeping her steady. “This will not be accomplished with resistance. Open your mind and allow us to see.” Open your mind? It is not as easy as she seems to believe. “Open your mind.” You attempt to loosen up with no avail, though a thought does come to mind. Start the reactor. Hehe- Oh! That is a different feeling altogether. Luna’s eyes glow a magnificent white, seemingly peering straight into you through your absent eyes.

“What is it you see?”

“It is dark here,” she speaks, her tone amplified several times. It would surely scare a normal pony should they be in ‘earshot.’ “I should have expected as much from you.” How kind. “We are- having difficulties.” Her head lowers a bit, her horn’s blue aura intensifying.

“Take your time, Luna. Be patient.”

“This would be easier if you were to clear your thoughts. I can hardly keep steady with your rampant thoughts.” Rampant? You weren’t thinking- She shivers, a physical manifestation of how her mind perceives her surroundings, “It’s cold now. Once again, not very surprising.”

While she makes jokes you see the threat that awaits her as you once walked those very steps, down the stairs into the cold never-ending darkness. “Luna, you must leave at once.”

With a light shove, she comes back only stronger, leveraging her weight against you, “Silence, please. There is something here. A noise. Some kind of ringing.” An alarm sounds off in your head, metaphorical but the memory very real. “It’s getting louder.”

“The bell… Danger approaches, Luna. Retreat at once.”

Despite your warning she does not attempt a withdraw, “Is that- I see a door of steel. Can you hear me, Anon?” Why did she not respond to your warning? She is in a place no equine should be.

“Your words reach me, Princess, do mine perform as well?”

“Anon if you can hear me, I’m approaching the door! The ringing is very loud now!” she yells to you even when she does not compete for your- The bell… She is incapable of hearing you. Just shove her away, Anon. Surely that will break whatever connection she has established. Are you willing to take that chance and lock her within that place? Decisions decisions. Tick tock.

“There’s writing upon it, but I can’t read- Wait, there are hoofmarks, as if something was attempting to kick its way out!” She shivers, her trembling worsening by the minute, “Next time I shall bring a coat!” She doesn’t see it. It’s right there in front of her- “What? Who is that?” You attempt to push her off, only to be halted by an agonizing sting in your head, hands clutched upon yourself. “Who are you?”

“Do not listen!” you manage to grunt through your teeth, “Luna, do you hear me?”

She lifts her head and stares back at you, “What is it you want?” For a moment the pain ends and- Has Luna done it? Has she ceased your pain? Refreshed is one word to describe it, but Luna still appears to be linked with you. Is her quest not finished? No, Anon.

You feel the ends of your lips curl towards the ceiling, a grin that you have not chosen to express. This action is not yours. But then who could…From your mouth comes a voice, deep and grovley. One you have heard before. “I want to be free.”

You will not win here, spectre. Begone from me! The voice quickly becoming a string of muffled grunts as you plunge him back into the recesses of your mind. Count your victories while you can, but as sure as night’s fall, you will fail. Your curiosity damns you to this fate. “Who-”


With a final thrust you shove Luna clear of you and into the wall, crumbling to her knees at the force of impact. Luna’s eyes flicker and fade, their cyan color returning after a few blinks. “Where- Why am I back here?”

You pant… why does breathe bring you weakness now? You collapse… Where has your strength gone? Strengthen your mind. You are not a toy to be played with, but an instrument to be utilized. Find your strength and hold it close. You push off your knee and look across to Luna as she struggles to do the same, each attempt bringing her crashing down.

Work you infernal legs, must you master them once more? One in front of the other, just as you instruct, yes, very good. Reaching Luna is far a greater obstacle than you had anticipated as this U-shaped pillow, while not high, proves difficult to get your weakened foot over. Your attempt to do so ends with your face in the ground, and it is that this moment that you are beginning to thank that your nerves be absent. “Luna,” you push up and proceed to shake the mare out of whatever stupor has her, “Is your mind your own?”

”I’m-” her chest rises and falls more quickly than it normally should, but her life is safe for now. Thank the numbers. “I’m quite tired. I need to- to sleep.” Sleep. Just the business that has turned your pleasant life upside-down… She shall be granted her wish. Grabbing hold of her hoof you focus, the both of you appearing across the room, Luna lying on her sister’s bed, “Oh… That was quick.” For the first time you’ve seen her, she smiles to you. It is unpleasant.

“This ordeal shall not be your end, but it shall be mine. After this night I will walk amongst you no longer. It appears your wish will come true after all, my little star.”

You turn to leave but are met with her hoof on your arm, “Wait. Don’t leave me just yet.”

“Once again, dropping the royal ‘we?’ It is surely a larger pain than your injury…” you press your hand along the top of her head, no lumps to speak of. “I do apologize for that.”

She exhales painfully, her clenched eyes speaking more than her words, “Anon, you must listen to me. Whatever happens, you must not return to that place.” You believe the phrase would be ‘tell me something I do not know.’ “There is… a great danger within you. It’s origin, I do not know.”

“I do,” you stroke her head softly, unlike how you treat your own when pain enters it, “It is my anger. My emotional side that begs to be released. I will not- cannot, let it be so.”

“If this is true then you must learn to control it.” How hard did she hit her head? This insults you.

“I am not- I am not a child,” you quickly lower your voice.

”I know exactly what you are… and if you do care for your friends-” she pauses and turns away in a sigh, “What would I know of friends?” You must leave them behind, all of them. To not would surely doom them… but what is it they would want?

“Luna, if you thought you might become the Night Mare once more, would you stay with your sister?”

>She waits, pondering the thought in her head as you do the same. “No.”

No… Then it is settled. “As would you, as would I. I will not lose control at their expense. Never. My obligation for tonight still stands, and will finish it until its course is due. Farwell.”

”Are the stars alright?” What brings this to her sapped mind?

“They shine, Princess.”

“Only shine?”

You look out into the blue, hundreds of burning specks dotting the sky like the snow in winter. “They shine bright and true. Nothing less would satisfy me.”

She smiles and closes her eyes, “Thank you…” What a strange mare she is.


You descend down the stairs in the main hall, Twilight standing dutifully at Celestia’s side as she greets a near endless line of guests. “Surely the castle cannot hold such a quantity of ponies.”

”Anon, you’re back!” Twilight seems to exclaim, acting as if you had not returned for a hundred years.

“Your student seems to have a habit of stating what can be plainly seen, Princess.”

”Hello, welcome to the Gala. Hello, Anonymous- Good Evening, enjoy the Gala. How was your- Welcome to the Gala, please enjoy. Your conversation?” To speak alone requires much effort, finding the words to correctly demonstrate your point, but to converse with two separate entities simultaneously? That is a curse. Quite busy she is regardless with her greeting each pony that walks up to her. It is not your place to disturb her.

“Quite well, but I shall not disturb you any longer.” You lie through your teeth. A wrongness drapes itself over you, but why? This is not your first occasion to lie.

“Alright, bye Anon,” Twilight’s energetic bounces seemingly contained within her, but she cannot hide her excitement to stand beside her teacher.

“Excuse me one second, madam.” Celestia turns to her student, “Twilight, my faithful student, we have spent the last several minutes telling our guests to enjoy the Gala. Go with Anon. Have some fun for yourself.”

“But Princess-” She does have one of those.

“No buts, Twilight,” her smile too working to convince her student. “I’m sure there’s a lesson to be learned here tonight.”

Clever, knowing of Twilight’s studies has allowed her to supersede Miss Sparkle’s own desires. If she knows there is a lesson, she will surely- “As you wish, Princess.” Well there you go. Twilight leaves her teacher’s side and to yours, “I guess we’ll… be going.” You look down to see her staring back up at you with those inquisitive eyes of hers, “Are you alright?”

“Old woes arise in new flesh…” Aha, the truth is often basked in riddles. Simpler terms would work better, certainly. “My plans for this evening have not swayed. Hastened, perhaps.”

This she surely understands as without further delay she leads you into the dining area where the party is underway, “Let’s at least have one last night to enjoy ourselves.”

“At least.”

You admire the grand statue at the room’s center for a moment, gazing over the crowd like a dutiful guard upon his tower. No herds of creatures in sight, so the town might rest easy. “You thirsty? All that talking made me thirsty.”

“I too find myself parched. Shall you lead the way?” Looking about she finds a catering table along the far wall and together you make haste in hopes of finding a liquid for your arid throats. The stallion working the table directs you down the line to a pyramid of stacked glasses, though they do not appear to be very functional.

Twilight takes two, levitating one over to your hands, “Here. By Celestia I need this.”

“Why have they utilized such a small glass? Would a larger cup not be more useful as the guests could simply enjoy themselves without the need to refill their glass, and why is it yellow?” You have your reasons to question this. You once saw a stallion appear at the end of this joke, however, he was not one to take things well. Four stallions in a span of four minutes. You respect his efficiency, nothing more.

”It’s champagne I think. I haven’t had any before, but there’s a first time for anything, right?” She smiles and together you sip this mysterious ‘champagne…’ And immediately regret it. Twilight is the first to swallow it down, her face scrunched in a manner that serves as a bond between you both, each sharing the same experience, “Uuah, this tastes terrible! Why would they ever serve this?”

A snicker comes from a mare not far from where you stand, “You hear that, Reginald? It appears we are among those of such inferior taste. The rabble they’ll allow into the Gala these days.”

What did she just say to her? “Yes yes, I do say the Gala has degenerated in quality over the years, harhar.” Twilight- the words pain her despite their ethereal being. This shall not go unpunished, you swallow hard.

“I demand you apologize to my companion this instant.”

The two of them laugh at the very principle, “Oh dearest me, do you hear the creature speak? Hardyhar.”

“Indeed I do my dear.” The stallion turns, his prim and proper coat matching that of his mistress. Six hundred thirty seven. “And why might I do that?”

“Anon, it’s fine. They didn’t mean anything by it.”

“Oh, but you are wrong, Miss Sparkle, they did. Perhaps, your teacher, what was her name again? ‘Rats?’ Is that the expression, yes, rats! It was on the tip of my tongue, so to speak.”

“You mean…” Twilight smiles, clarity proving true this day. “Anon, deary,” she seems to mock their own use of the term, “How could you forget the name of our esteemed Princess. Celestia.”

“Celestia!” they both shout in turn, fearful eyes staring into the foggy future that surely ends in the dungeon.

“Ahh yes, Princess Celestia. A delightful mare indeed. Tell me, you two, have you ever seen the inside of the Canterlot dungeon? I hear that they are having a shampoo shortage at the time, but soap is at an all time high.”

The stallion stammers and looks to his date, “Well now- Apologize to the mare.”

She glares back at him, “Me? What about you?!” Does an apology bring pain? Of course not, as you do so as well.

“Both of you. Apologize now.”

”We’re- We apologize.”

“Yes, we did not mean to insult the Princess’s protégé.” And you are sure that if it was anyone else they would not be so quick to take it back.

“Away with you both. The very sight of you makes me feel ill.” They scurry off into the crowd, the surrounding patrons struggling to contain their own laughs at the scenario they were blessed to spectate.

Even Twilight is having issue with her containment, “Anon, that was perfect. I was sure that mare was going to have a heart attack.” You watch them slip out of the dining room, falling down when you’re sure they see Celestia. Unfortunately, they are to be spared.

“They will live. Now can we get some other substance that does not emanate such putridity?”

“I’ll see if they have some punch around, just wait here.” Waiting… You have done that for too long.

Content with your actions you lean against the wall, serving as the guard once more in search of your friends. Spike is nowhere to be seen strangely enough. He expressed his wish to group together, yet the dragon is seemingly unattached to the mare of his desires. On that note, Rarity can be seen outside walking with a stallion. What was his name- Hugh Mud, yes you remember now. A particularly awful name, and she seems to be having a corresponding time, awful.

Also outside, but by her lonesome in a stall is Applejack, a variety of pies and other edibles that are of surely superior quality to any found here if the ‘champagne’ is any indication. Pinkie is buried in her hooves across the room, twirling her hoof around the table in a circle. No sign of Fluttershy though, but that is to be expected when one is as scared of a pony as she is her own shadow. You do ponder if Han and Chewie would have enjoyed the party. You would have enjoyed these guests reaction to them roaming about. A few heart attacks might just end as a result, and that would mean work for you. Perhaps you shan’t bring them to the next Gala.

And speaking of… heart attacks. You find Rainbow Dash as well, standing in what appears to be the VIP section if the sign is correct. She does not appear to be enjoying herself… What did they call it? A running theme? This is not how your last night was to be. You wish to leave on a good ‘note,’ good terms as it were. You did not want to leave when your friends are at their low. You did not want to be reminded of the darkness and anger that lurks inside. You did not want any of this. Then what did you want? The question of the ages, what is it you want? What do you really really want? Where have you heard that? No matter. Death cannot want. He can only be. When you see a pony, they are but a number whose time has not yet come.

You can pick them out in a crowd as easily as Miss Dash can count off the members of the Wonderbolts. Three thousand three hundred and one? She can see Soarin. Five thousand nine hundred and nine? She can see Spitfire. It’s all numbers each and every one of them. Thousands here, hundreds there, some not long to see their grave. It’s all the same. Each and… everyone… one? “I’m back. Can you believe that I had to go to the kitchen to get basic water? This party is crazy.”

Numbers appear above her, but they do not belong. She moves through the crowd, and yet none follow her. “What’re you looking at?”

“That mare,” you point out, “Who is she?”

“Alright, which one of the twenty ponies are you talking about?” Of course, the accuracy of your aim only diminishes over distance.

“There,” you point again, the mare laughing and smiling with another guest. “Do you see her now, the unicorn?”

Most of the guests here are unicorns now that you think about it, “Now you’re pointing at about ten. Which mare is it?” The mare brushes the length of her mane with a comb of gold, the same color glowing from her horn as it strikes her flowing curls.

“She bears a mane of roses, deep yet vibrant red that shines against the light. Whitened mane, that of milk yet solid in make. Do you see her now?”

Twilight squints, “Oh! I know her! Her name is Eir. I’m actually surprised she’s here at all. I’d expect her to be in the Fillypines.”

“Why is that, Miss Sparkle?” you ask ‘off-hand,’ attempting to discern the cutie mark on her flank. It’s resembles a staff, wings outstretched at its tip, a duo of snakes twirling up the base with their heads mere inches apart.

“You haven’t heard about the Fillypines? They’ve only recently stopped fighting a month ago. It’s a political nightmare.” Why does she not show- Twilight is speaking to you and you ponder such things? Truly disrespectful.

“Ah yes, I do recall this. In fact, that was my next destination should I not have encountered Miss Dash. Why would this ‘Eir’ go?”

She returns your question with a deadpan stare, something you do quite well, both parts. “You’re serious? How could you not know about Eir?” How could one now know about the Fillypines? Most news a pony would intake is relating to them and their home, not those an ocean away.

“It is not my business to know. However, a scholar such as yourself has surely researched her…” Yes, with a prod that would allow the researcher to reveal her secrets is a most fine plan indeed.

“Of course I have. She’s the most powerful healer in Equestria, her whole family’s been that way.”

“That is quite the claim,” you do not take your eyes off of Eir as she moves along the crowd and up to the stage. “Is her magic superior to Celestia’s?”

“Alright, second most powerful healer-”

“And Princess Luna’s?”

She purses her lips at your constant corrections, “Okay… She’s the third most-”


”She’s a powerful healer alright? It gets annoying every time you interrupt me when I make a mist…” she pauses, “You’re not going to do it again?”

“Do what?”

“Interrupt me.”

Oh what a foolish young mare she is, asking such questions. “Why, Young Miss Sparkle, I would never interrupt you.”

Wait for it… Any second now- “But- you- just- with me- Gah! How does anypony put up with you?”

“It is a wonder indeed.”

With a shake of her head she passes you the cup, to which you thank her and take a sip. Ahh, delicious tasteless water that tasted delicious. Ironic. “So why do you ask about her all of a sudden? You’re not going to run off with her are you?” Eir chats with the musician who nods and mutters something to her companions, a new tune flowing through their instruments. It’s nice and slow.

“When I saw her- It was strange. A part of it reminded me of how I first saw you, a mare with something hidden.”

“What?” A partial shock stemming from your perceived accusation, but you did not mean it in such a way. “I have nothing to hide, unlike some ponies.”

“I mean hidden in the most polite way imaginable. For you, I speak of the hidden potential that rests within you. Dash too has this.”

“And Eir?”

“What about her?” you wag your finger slowly as the music flows. It reminds you of a river, constrained and beautiful.

“What about her is hidden?”

“Ahh. It is something I have not encountered before. I see her… differently. To say more, I cannot. You say she has family yes?”

Twilight nods, also taking the time to wash her mouth clean of the ‘champagnes’ waste. “Her mother passed away when she was a foal. She doesn’t have any brothers or sisters, just her.”

“It is a shame, to have the power to live a lifetime more… and more.”

Until the end of time. “You want to talk to her?”


Twilight can only laugh at your shortened ‘train of thought.’ “Eir. Do you want me to introduce you to her?” An introduction? Before, you must ask yourself why one would dare introduce themselves? The answer is to establish a relationship, whether it be friendship or otherwise, both long-lasting. And you do not have the time left for such a thing.

“I must decline, Miss Sparkle. The night is nearing a close and she must return to her chambers for rest.” You look back over to Rainbow Dash, still as bored as ever. When she looks up to you, she almost seems to perk up with a smile, waving lazily back over. “But… the night is not over, and there is one thing left to do before it ends. If you will pardon me.”

She sees where you’re headed and pats you along, “Don’t step on her hooves.”

To the VIP section you go, the red rope that blocks you from it a most trivial thing. However, your legs still do not feel quite up to the task as they once have. You shall persevere. Dash’s head is looking to the ground, her esteemed Wonderbolts talking with the other VIPS while ignoring the true one right behind them. No pony should have this be their last memory of the gala. “Miss Dash,” you whisper over the crowd. Rainbow Dash only brushes her ear, thinking your voice an illusion. It is not. “Rainbow Dash, your attention if you would.”

She turns her head slightly, still unsure of what she heard until she sees you leaning down over the rope, “Anon? What are you doing?”

“Attempting to not topple over like your infamous ‘sack of bricks’ at the moment,” you joke as she steps toward the rope, “I do say this position is quite unwieldy, might you aid my ascent?” With a grin she helps push you upright. Yes, you find the standing position far more pleasant. “My thanks extend to you, Miss Dash. I do not know how you can tolerate such a pose with your legs as they are. I would surely fall upon my own face.”

“I think you’ve done that enough already.” You share a brief moment of laughter with her, her rear leg swinging as she stands there, “So… How’s the party going?”

“I find it not to have been the experience I imagined. More joy and less… what is it you take onboard a trip? Baggage? There’s far too much.”

“So it could be better then?” Leaning in closer she whispers, “Don’t let the Wonderbolts hear you, but I kind of feel the same way.”

“Did they not leave their belongings with the valet?” You would not blame them if they did not. You once saw two workers take a carriage on a joy-ride. Their undue conduct landed them straight into your care. Not quite sure whatever happened to that carriage…

“Very funny, Anon.” You raise a brow. “You didn’t mean that one did you? Why am I not surprised?” You are about to answer only for her to do so instead and in a strikingly familiar voice, “‘Might my actions be repetitive?’ Once again-”

“Why are you not surprised?” you finish her sentence, reversing her own reversal. Does that make you the reverse? Rather confusing line of thought.

Dash can only nod, “My thoughts exactly.” And yours as well. You will miss this… the back and forth you share with her. Never again might you- “You alright there?”

“Would you like to dance?”

“D-dance?” she acts shocked at your offer, her words stuttering along before she regains herself, “Pfft… come on Anon, you know I don’t dance.” Too marish for her, hmm? It is not a pleasant thing to be turned down. Press the advance? Surely so.

“I do understand your hesitation. In front of all the ponies,” you display with a wave of your hands, “It can take quite a toll on one’s nerves. Surely the Wonderbolts mere presence has taxed them already.”

“Are you trying to say I’m chicken?” Good, allow your reputation to take the proverbial wheel. “Rainbow Dash isn’t scared of nothing.” She might take care not to use herself in the third person though. To act as the immodest Trixie would surely doom the very reputation she has spent such a quantity of time to construct.

“Then it is me then? I do not meet your requirements…”

Her proud demeanor quickly shifts to one that expresses empathy, taking the bait as a fish to a hook. “No- It’s not like that at all. It’s just- The Wonderbolts could be done at any moment and I want to be there when they’re finished.” So she is content to stand bored by the Wonderbolts side, spending her time ignored much as a peasant to their king. If that is what she wishes… you have no place to speak otherwise.

“Very well then. Perhaps one of our other friends shall accept. Twilight perhaps.”

“You haven’t asked any of them yet?” You shake your head in response.

“I wished you to be my partner while this song still plays. It has a most rhythmic tune. A shame that-”

“Hold that thought,” she interrupts. Have you not expressed your feelings towards this action? Not wishing for your verbal counter she escapes, flying over to the stage. As if you cannot simply follow her, no place is beyond your grasp. Mostly. You are surprised when after a quick moment she soon returns, “Alright, they’ve still got a couple minutes for this song. Come on then.” Come on then? Where are you going?

“I do not follow.”

Hopping over the rope she pushes you towards the rooms center, “We’re going to dance. That’s what you said.” So you are? So you are! Yes now you understand.

“Indeed, let us.”

She stands opposite of you and looks up at you, “So… How exactly are we going to do this?” Do what- Yes dance… Huh, you have not seem to have thought this through.

“I… do not know. How might a couple dance in Equine culture?” The parties you attend do not accompany such a ritual. Much more punch.

She blushes oddly enough. “First off we don’t dance to something like this. It’s kind of why I was shocked.”

“Truly? Then we find ourselves in quite the dilemma.”

You look to her in hopes she has a plan to solve this mess, but she does not. “Don’t look at me; you’re the one who asked me to dance.” True enough you suppose. Then how do you… Hmm…

“Raise your forelegs if you would.” Miss Dash does not do so, raising a brow at your odd request. “I believe I must take hold of your hooves with my hand.”

“Uhh… Alright I guess. Don’t you dare pick me up though. I won’t forgive you if you make me look like a foal.”

“I would not dare.”

Taking her hoof in your hand you lock your fingers around her hoof, feeling her own hoof squeeze against you, “Whoa.”

“Am I squeezing too hard?”

“No it’s just- I didn’t know you were so cold.” That is to be expected of you.

“It would mean that I am at ease. Is it… unpleasant?”

She shakes her head and wobbles on her feet, “No, but I feel foolish standing on two hooves like you. You said you wouldn’t dare, remember?” That you did promise.

“Apologies. If I remember- If I remember… We must begin to move in sync.”

Other ponies are beginning to stare and Dash’s face reddens, “They’re looking at us.” How best to do this, you wonder. Every second you waste only allows her discomfort to rise. You remember she enjoys taking the lead, but… In the immortal words of Rainbow Dash: Buck it. You step backwards, Dash stumbling after you with a gasp, “Easy there. Jeez. It’s not like I normally move like this.”

“Sorry,” you laugh, your own nerves working against you. “but you are going to have to learn. We are moving backwards now.”

“But you’re already- Whoa!” She stifles her yell as you suddenly move towards her. “Take it easy on me. It’s not every day I dance with death.” You pause at the word, a harsh sting of reality harming you more than any ache that strikes your head, “Sorry.”

“No…” you return with a reassuring smile, “It is good you have come to accept that small part of me.”

“It’s kind of hard to miss,” she jokes in turn, pushing you two steps back as the two of you begin to adapt to this alien dance of yours.

“That it is, Rainbow Dash.”

You surprise her with a turn, Rainbow burying her face in your chest, “Warn me if you’re going to do that.”

“I am doing what feels natural. Shall we stop?”

Pulling away from your chest she brushes her dress back with her tail, “No way, not until you look as foolish as me.” With an assertive tug you’re flung around, almost hitting another patron along the way. “How do you like that, huh? Ha ha!” She tries it once more, only managing to have herself spun by your superior dexterity in this pose.

“To see you enjoying yourself? Yes, I guess I do enjoy that.”

“Yeah yeah, save that for the mares.”

“Are you not a mare? I would think not to waste it on another.”

She shrugs it off, tossing her mane to the other side, “Yeah right… I’m just another pony to you. A chauffeur, right?”

“I did call you by such a term, true.” You push her back, not caring of the several onlooker and their prying eyes. “But it is also true that I have come to enjoy your company. My time with you- I would not give that up for life itself.”

Her cheeks continue to redden as the motions between you both become more and more fluid, every step simpler than the last. “You get this sappy with all the mares?” Sappy? Like a tree? No, she must mean the foolish type, sentimental perhaps?

“I would say not. I will say what I believe, not what one wishes to hear… mostly.”

“Can’t have everypony knowing the truth about you now can we?” She replies with a light chuckle and turn of her head.

“I have the need to tell you that I will- I shall cherish these times together and keep them close.”

“You make it sound like you’re about to run off,” she attempts to joke… but the truth has not yet reached her ears. She will learn in time.

“We all do one day, Miss Dash.”

She tightens her hold on your hand and looks up, “But today’s not that day, and I don’t want to run anymore. Anon I…” She clenches her eyes with a head shake, “You make me feel like a fool.”

“I believe you mean foal.”

“Fool, foal, whatever the word is, it’s all the same. I can’t act normal around you, you’re just- different.”

“So my nature brings you discomfort still…”

She tries to smile but fails, a certain excitement riding through her words, “No it’s not that- I don’t know how to say it. Come on, Dash, just… let it all go.” The music ends and with it your dance, the two of you standing there looking at the other.

“Let what all go?” She takes a deep breathe and leans forward, a cue of gasps escaping your audience. What is she-

The slam of a door interrupts Rainbow Dash, a dozen heart-wrenching screams escaping the audience. “You’re… going… to LOVE ME!”

Applejack’s carting in a cake when the first ponies and woodland creatures make way, “Cake’s on everyp- Whoa now!”

Pinkie’s ears spring up like a fox, “Did somebody say cake?!” In mere moments she’s tackled the cowgirl and sent her hat flying through the air like a Frisbee. No wait, that’s the cake… and it appears to be headed for Madam Rarity. Perhaps she should- In a swift motion she is used as a shield by Mr. Mud, the green and blue bits of pastry plastered along her dress leaving the prince spotless. Chaos is rank in this establishment, indeed. The world itself appears to be crumbling around you in one of the finest spectacles you have ever seen.

Rarity shakes herself clean and- Oh she is getting the Prince dirty as well, quite uncouth of her. You watch as the Prince backs into the statue that serves as the room’s centerpiece and it appears to be tipping if the screams and hollers of ponies was not evidence enough. It feels like you’re back in Tartarus already…

“If you still wish to gain the Wonderbolt’s attention, that statue could use a hero.”

You look back to a very red and apparently very angry Rainbow Dash. “Buck the Wonderbolts.” A retreating patron bumps into her and sends her back in your direction, Rainbow’s lips pressing against yours. You had not expected the abrupt change of direction and find yourself toppling backwards, landing with the shattering of the equine statue. Rainbow Dash quickly pulls away with widened eyes, “Oh buck!” Somehow you think an ‘f’ is missing from that word. She helps you to her feet, cheeks crimson in blush, “I didn’t- I mean-”

“It was an accident,” you agree with her. “I understand.”

“Y-yeah… an accident. Right…” Looking over you find the rest of your friends waving at you both in an attempt to ‘flag you down’ “Looks like we’re going! See you at the train.” Before you can say a word she’s fast off her wings and out of the castle. So you stand there, amidst the roaring crowd that flees in directions unbeknownst to even them, surrounded, yet alone… and confused.


The trip back to Ponyville was no less awkward. Your attempts to speak with Miss Dash had always ended in short and swift demises. Nothing you said was able to break this metaphorical shell that you found impossible to pierce. It was not your intention to cause such distress to her… but perhaps this works well in the end. Should she not wish to speak to you, it would be then easier for her to forget you, yes? You must agree with your own logic. Anything else… it would be unpleasant.

You part ways upon your return to Twilight’s library, several ponies scattering about town as if it were ablaze. No smoke rises above the town, so no alarm is sounded. All is right in Ponyville… You close the door behind you to find Twilight hovering a very tired Spike up the stairs. “Reminds me of the night I first came to Ponyville. Do you remember the tale?”

“I’m not sure I’d call it a tale, but I remember.” She puts the sleeping dragon to bed, covering him with a thin blanket. “It feels like yesterday when we stopped Nightmare Moon.”

“Indeed, and the mess was quite similar as well,” you decide to point out, disheveled piles of books and random ‘knick-knacks’ tossed about.

“I swore I had this place as clean as a whistle when I left. You say that because you have to keep a whistle clean to use it.” Aaand she has answered your question. Good show, Miss Sparkle. She begins to place her books back upon the shelves only to pause, “You’re leaving now… aren’t you?” There is no need to answer as Twilight’s sigh reveals her knowledge of the coming events. “You won’t hurt any pony by staying. I know you wouldn’t.” And yet, it was only a short trip ago that you had done the very same to Princess Luna. Danger was present and she was ‘caught in the crossfire.’ You do not even wish to know the origin of that phrase. It always ends the same way. “I saw the two of you at the Gala. You can’t leave now.”

“Two? Two of who?”

“You and Rainbow Dash. I was watching you two the whole time. When everything was going to Tartarus I looked away. When I came back-” Ahh yes the misunderstanding. How such an accident can have such results are so minute that they dare be impossible.

“A patron had bumped into Miss Dash, Twilight. Nothing more.”

Twilight shakes head, “How can you not see it? I know you don’t have eyes, but you aren’t blind.” She asserts that your vision be shrouded. What would make her claim such a thing?

“And what might I be blind of?”

“Do I have to spell it out? Rainbow Dash lo-”

Like the Rockodile to its prey, a pink mare erupts out of the pile of books, “FOREVER!”

“Oh, hello Miss Pie.”

“Hiya Super Secret-” she remembers Twilight is in the room and whispers instead, “super secret friend.” She returns to her normal Pinkie volume afterwards. “Have you seen those pesky CMC? Applejack and Rarity can’t find them anywhere.”


“The Cutie Mark Crusaders, silly. They’re missing. I wonder where they’re hiding?”

This gets Twilight’s attention, “What do you mean they’re missing?”

“Like, gone. Super gone! I’ve been looking everywhere and I can’t find them, and I’ve -never- lost a game of hide-and-seek. They’re good…” Missing? Surely they must be somewhere, under a bed perhaps. Foals these days can be quite the hassle. You hear them before you can actually see them, but the rest of your friends soon explode through the door, figuratively.

“Twilight! Thank Celestia yur still here. Ah can’t find Apple Bloom anywhere! Big Mac said she went explorin’ with her friends, but no pony knows where they went!”

Rarity speaks up after her, “Sweetie Belle is gone too, and while I might enjoy the occasional moment of silence in my boutique, I planned to give my dear sister a makeover. Now my night is ruined, AGAIN!”

“Surely they could not have gone far. Three fillies their age could not have simply vanished.”

“umm, Angel and the others didn’t see them go in the forest. Just so you know…”

Twilight tries to wrap her head around this but pauses when she looks back to the piles of books on the ground. “How’s we gonna find ‘em?”

“They were here…” Twilight whispers under her breath and approaches the pile, levitating them away one by one.

Pinkie hops around her nonchalantly, “They’re totally not there. I checked. Twice! Unless they’re super sneaky… super super sneaky…” While Pinkie’s innocent tone is refreshing, you do your best to ignore her in face of such a serious situation.

“What is it you are looking for, Miss Sparkle?”

“A few days ago the three of them came in looking for some books, and I know that I cleaned this place before I left so that can only mean-”

“They’re here!” Rarity and Applejack shout in unison, “Sweetie Belle! Apple Bloom!”

“Were here,” Twilight corrects them. “But maybe one of these books can tell us where they went.” Quick thinking. Twilight will make Celestia proud when her fateful day arrives. Each one of the ponies begins to look, pouring over the books as if their life depended on it. Onto another quest already… The journey of friendship is never over.

It is time to leave, and now is as good a time as any. You open the door, taking what is likely your last breath of fresh air. “Goodb-”

“Ah found it!” Applejack exclaims, the ponies circling around her, even staying your departure on curiosity’s sake.

“How can you tell?” Pinkie asks, Applejack holding up a bow.

“This here’s her bow. She must’ve stuffed it in one of the pages ‘fore she left.”

“Well where’d it say they went?” Twilight asks, Applejack’s head moving away from the page.

“That don’t make a lick of sense.”

“Where did they go?” You ask, your voice drowned out by their growing commotion.

Pinkie drops from above like a spider, eyebrow raising, “I don’t get it.”

“Where did they go?” Once again, you ask.

Rainbow Dash has had enough and tears the book away for a second before Twilight can get a hold on it. “Scootaloo…” She turns to you- Fear. She fears where they went. Where did they go, Twilight? Tell me! Where did they go?!

“That can’t be right. This must be a mistake.”

You focus, appearing behind Twilight and tearing the book from her hands. “When I ask a question I demand an answer.” You step away from them and look down to the book, scanning over the pages. It’s all speculation of some far off land. Nothing to worry- Of course they turned the page over, what did you expect? “Now,” you flip the page back over to reveal a picture of a barren plain, “Where did they…”

The book escapes your grasp, Pinkie sliding underneath you, “Got it! Here you go, Anon, you dropped this.”

“I didn’t get to see,” Rarity complains. She should be glad, knowledge… is not as powerful as the phrase suggested. “Where did they go?”

“A place beyond which the living dare not see,” you reply before any others can dare describe it. “A desolate land that the sun had long forgotten and the moon not dare go.” You find your hand clenched, a silent cackle echoing within you. “Our Cutie Mark Crusaders have gone to the land of death itself. Tartarus.”

Cue dramatic gasp from Rarity… and scene. Of all things, of the entirety of the emotional spectrum, you choose to laugh. It is time for the ponies to wonder, to face the same confusion you have found each day you walked on this plain. Figures… You were headed home anyways.

Today could have been the best night ever.

Tomorrow is going to be quite interesting.