• Published 19th Nov 2013
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To Be Human - Bastinator

Death is a part of life that no one wants to think about, but he's not so fond of it either. After an eternity of work, Death finds Rainbow Dash, but instead of taking her away, he decides to stick around and find out what it means to be 'H

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Chapter 11: A Curious Day

“No Chewie, down. Down.” You point to the dirt road that rests beneath you, but still, the pup does not relent. Perhaps pup is no longer the proper term. They have not reached their full size to be sure, otherwise it would be near impossible for dear Fluttershy to tend to their needs alone. It is true though that they have grown considerably over the last month. It has always astounded you how creatures grow at such a rate, only to halt it entirely. You would assume a creature would continue to grow, as to ward off predators and the like. It is assured that Chewie wishes to grow as well, as to knock you over it seems.

Long thick strands of sap drip from Chewie’s gaping mouth, her tongue ‘lolled’ halfway out her mouth with her claws digging into the legs of your pants. “What is it you wish of me? Do I appear to have a substance for you to ingest, because I do not.” Again she pushes at you and pants in an almost happy tune, never losing eye contact with you, her blue eyes doing their best to find yours. She seems content with looking at your face, but it is strange how she is able to ascertain exactly where your vision begins, where your eyes should be.

Han, on the other hand, is simply content with lying across the path while Rainbow Dash strokes his back. “They’re softer than I would’ve thought.”

“Indeed. Miss Fluttershy says that the strength of their bark is linked with their emotional state. It is a wondrous mechanism, if you think about it.”

To be able to change your form based on your behavior. In times of joy, your body would relax, while when danger approaches, you can hastily defend oneself. What they do by instinct, you cannot achieve even through the utmost concentration. For you, danger is always close and yet… you are unable to protect them from yourself.

“Sounds like a bunch of egghead stuff to me.” You shake your head, freeing yourself from such worrying thoughts. Yes, Miss Dash is a fine companion to free yourself with.

“Egghead, nerdy. Perhaps, but the correlation is absolute.”

You had asked Applejack if she would like to join the two of you on your weekly walk with Winona, alas, she was hesitant to allow her pet contact with two growing Timberwolves. Not an entirely unjust reason. They easily dwarf the canine at this point, standing at the height of a pony, if not higher. “Now, Ms. Chewie, you are to release me of your grip and return to- No Chewie, do not push me. Chewie- I said- Oh no.”

With a final push of her claws you fall flat on your butt, a torrent of dust puffing up around you. Ms. Dash does her best to suppress her expression of amusement, even Han unable to cease a swift snort. “Chewie, I said no.”

The female canine bows her head as she approaches you with her tail tucked between her legs like a- well, like a dog. You did not intend to dishearten her so, but she must understand and respect your commands. “When I give an order, I expect you to obey, do you understand?”

“You know you’re talking to a Timberwolf, don’t you?”

“Indeed, I do. Ms. Fluttershy also spoke to me of how they respond to the tone of your voice, if not the words that you would present to them.” You reach out your palm to Chewie, who slowly but surely takes a few steps closer and rests her mussel atop it. “As you can see, by assuming the tone of a Slave master, I-”

“A slave master?” she interrupts you, “That’s a little dark, don’t you think?” Oh this is the time to test it out. Okay, how do you move your face in such a way to show her a blank expression? Oh… you just have to look at her, don’t you? Yes, that will work nicely. Testing out your nonverbal communication, you continue to simply look at her, the strands of her mane as they ride the morning breeze, her eyes as they- “Alright, I get it…”

Get? Get what? You do not know- She is talking about the stare, of course. You were… distracted. “As I was saying, with the tone of a superior, if that word is more to your liking, I establish that I am in control, not she. Is that not so, Chewie?” You cock your head in time with her sudden raise of her eyes, her tail shooting up like a bullet- bullet?

There is no time to think before Chewie pounces atop you and drags her tongue across your cheek to your forehead before retreating back to her brother, hopping and prancing much like Pinkie would if she were a canine. ”I think you’re still going to need some practice on that one, Anon,” Dash laughs as you wipe away the residual gunk from your face, knowing all too well not to place it in your mouth. Never again, Anon…

“That was most unkind, Chewie. Why did you perform such deception upon me?”

“You’re doing it again.” Doing what? Ah yes, the talking. It is a most basic process, yet the wolves have not mastered it. Nature works in ways most mysterious to you.

“Why can the wolves of the Everfree not speak, Miss Dash? I am most curious.”

She can only shrug as Chewie lies in the middle of the road, her snout hugging the earth yet her eyes staring up at you, “You always seem to ask me questions I can’t answer. You know what’ll make your life easier?” As expected, she doesn’t wait for your reply, “Just let it go. When you accept the world for what it is, it’s smooth sailing from there on out.”

“Smooth sailing…? Yes, I do see the comparison. When it is a pony who goes out to sea they are met by the cruel reality of the waves. By saying their sailing be smooth, you are implying that their troubles are absent, allowing them safety, yes?”

She laughs and resumes her petting, moving behind Han’s leafy ear, “You always have to put it in the weirdest ways… but yeah, you got it about right.” Han arches his neck back and you are relieved to see that Miss Dash does not retreat as she has. She was not spinning falsehoods when she claimed she was not a wolf person. You had merely thought her ‘playing coy’ as it were. Was it were? What? This thinking might just bring your headache to its peak. It brings you… relief, to see that she has ‘warmed up’ to your friends. Can they be considered such?

“However, I cannot agree with your logic, Miss Dash. It is one that casts a shadow upon the world.”

She pauses, “What?”

“To not ask-” you continue, finally standing back up, “To not ask is to allow the world to pass you by. Perhaps a metaphor would be easier to understand? The world… is an ocean, much as your sailor represents all that is the Equines. This ocean is cast in a fog and the sailor lost within it.” Chewie’s head rolls to the side, almost acting as emissary for Miss Dash’s misunderstanding. “With any fog, there is a degree you can see. A few hundred hooves ahead, let’s say. They can see their direction, this is true, but in the vastness of the ocean, where they will end is a mystery.”

“And you seem to think that asking how Timberwolves can’t speak will have any impact on that?” Dash, ceasing her petting. Han lets out a groan and scoots back toward her, his massage resuming once more. It is a humorous sight.

“That one question, no, but it is in the nature of questioning that brings you salvation.” You raise your arms to the sky and look around, every tree filled with wonder, every bush and house packed with mystery. “Through your curiosity the world becomes clear. See here…”

You step into the bushes away from town, motioning for her to follow. “Really?” Chewie hops up and charges after you with a bark, Han following lazily behind her, “Oh so you’re leaving me too?”

“I believe you are talking to a wolf, Miss Dash.”

“Well I- you-” her cheeks go red in her flustered manner, “I hate you sometimes, Anon.” That… is most disheartening. Most.

She follows you behind the blades of green, your position now camouflaged to any wandering eyes that might spy upon you. You look down to Dash as she turns her head, the two of you mere inches from the other, “It’s a bit cramped. What’re we even doing here?”

“You shall see…” you kneel to the wolves on either side of her. They seem to be playing a game with Dash where whenever she looks at one of them, they look away. A match of deception, attempting to fool the Pegasus with their speed and guile. It is most entertaining. “Han. Chewie.” They ‘cut’ their game short and look back to you, recognizing their names. “I wish for you to remain here. Do not run about. Understood?”

Almost on cue they both cock their heads. “Han. Chewie. Stay.” Chewie’s brows lower into a glare at you. With a snort she bumps your leg with her head, all the while keeping her glare. Han just plants his butt down with a certain uninvolvement. “I don’t think she wants you to leave. Where are we going anyways?” You take another nudge to the knee, and despite your warnings, Chewie does not cease.

“Fine, do you really want to go?” She halts herself midstrike and looks up with her wide blue eyes, tongue once again lolled out as she pants. “Fine, but Han has to come too.” You can almost hear him groan as he lays down in defeat.

“I guess you’re just deaf so I have to ask again, where are we going?”

“You will see.” Rubbing your hand along Chewie’s neck you extend your other to Dash. “If you would take my hand…”

“O-okay, this is getting a little weird.” The warmth of her hoof pulses in your palm, her heat radiating into you. “Am I- supposed to pet Han too?”

“Huh? Yes yes…” Keep your mind forward and true, Anon. Do not let a simple sensation overtake you.

“Alright then,” she scratches Han behind the ear, the wolf groaning in satisfaction. “So what now?”

“Now? Close your eyes.”


“It is, as Pinkie calls it, a surprise.” Her lids close as the air around the four of you begins to tighten, the sudden change in breeze alarming the pups, their bark hardening under your fingertips. “So what is supposed to-” You smile at her pause, Dash’s eye lids quivering at the sudden whisper in the air, water running between her legs. “Happen?”

“You may open your eyes, Miss Dash.”

You can hardly hear her breathe over the rippling waves as they pass through the riverbed, the pupils of Dash’s eyes widening. “Whoa.”

She lifts a hoof before planting it back into the river, the wolves equally enthralled by the sudden transition, even Han taking part in a game of Tag with his sister. They take their game to land through the open field of green, the grassy tips barely high enough to scratch their underbellies while the thicket of trees watch down upon their backs.

In a way, it is a simple river cutting through the wood, but while the Timberwolves are captured by the feel of the earth, Miss Dash steps forward, the view… one she has likely never seen. She reaches outwards much as a child would, “Is this real?” You move alongside her, hand resting on the top of her neck.

“This is your world when the fog has been lifted.” You look back out to the open vastness that steals your companion’s eye, white shimmers of the sun mixed with the sapphire water that stretches further than she can ever see.

“But it’s so- Where are we?”

“Away, Miss Dash. Far far away.”

Peeking over the edge of the cliff she works her gaze along the beachfront as the ocean’s waves roll across the surface. To the left lies a village, far smaller than the one she hails from, but peaceful all the same. Boats cast off from the shore, out for their afternoon catch you would assume. Work, all beings have their task. Even you.

“I didn’t know even know about this part of Equestria. It’s- I mean, it’s nice.”

Equestria. How narrow her vision must be to limit herself to such a local land. “Look out,” you point to the horizon, the sun passing overhead, “There. Follow my finger to the edge of sight and keep going, past the islands of the Fillypines and onwards to the Crystal Mountains. There, right there beyond all you can see. There, rests Equestria.”

She rolls your hand off her neck, “C’mon Anon, how dumb do you think I am?”

Interesting. Did your portrayal of words lead her to believe you thought her mind imbalanced? “I did not intend to disrespect in that regard. I do apologize.”

“You didn’t insult me Anon, jeez. I figured you’d be able to tell when I’m being serious or not by now.”

“Then… Why do you think I deem you dumb?”

She shakes her head with a smile, “By Celestia you are a mood killer, aren’t you? I meant, how dumb do you think I am to believe that somewhere out there…” mimicking your hand motion, “Is Equestria.”

“But it is.”

“Fine, I’ll play along with your little game. How is Equestria all the way out there?”

“Because we are in Bovinia. Homeland of the minotaurs.”

She blinks once. Twice… Hmm, you wonder if she requires medical attention, but the numbers speak otherwise. With shaky hoofsteps she moves out of the river, you sitting beside her on the land.

“Do you require rest?”

“Anon… why did you- why am I all the way out here?”

“To prove my point, Miss Dash,” you can only smile as she begins to learn. You look to the sky just as a fleet of seagulls fly overhead, a new sensation resting inside you. A fullness of some sort. Perhaps you should be the one who requires attention. With Miss Dash by your side here, you cannot help but be distracted from your lesson, but you shall not forget. “I know how my lessons have a tendency to bore, as you so amply put it, so I shall do my best to keep it brief, is this fair?”

She responds with a nod. A fair enough response you would say.

“Long ago, thousands upon thousands, though the exact time is unknown to me. Perhaps I should keep a journal of some kind. What do you think of that? Miss Sparkle keeps a journal, and how ever so precise she is in her day-to-day.”

“Anon, you’re rambling again.”

“Ah, yes, my thanks,” you snap your fingers in an almost natural response, “So long ago it was, that at the time, this land had no name. It was rock and dirt, sand and water, air and wind. You see, the inhabitants of this land have long since passed. Not into Tartarus, mind you, but passed to a place, that to them, would seem like an entirely new world.”

“You’re talking about ponies, right?”

“Yes of course, but the lesson isn’t of their escape itself, but of the manner in which they made headway.”

“Escape? What would they have to escape from?”

“Themselves. Tribal differences between the three races. Pegasi, Unicorn and those of the earth.”

Rainbow Dash props up from her slouch, “Oh I knew this one. It’s about how Equestria was founded. Commander Hurricane was AWESOME!”

“It is true that this leads into such a tale, but it is not where it began. You see, the winter that plagued your famed Commander Hurricane, came once before, but the fire of friendship would not save them then.”
>Leaning back she covers her mouth for a yawn, “So interesting…” Perhaps others would care more for your stories, but it is of no consequence.
“The winter tore at them, their own disharmony breaking them apart. All would face the winter’s wrath, save for the few who would dare to look beyond the fog of their world,” you point out across the ocean, “Out to another world.”
>The route itself was treacherous, as one’s curiosity often is, but you shall leave this out of your tale. It does not aid your lesson.
“They asked why such a winter would befall them instead of why they should turn against their fellow pony. They asked themselves what lied beyond winter’s fog and how they reach out and escape it. It was a dream, but a dream that illuminated and opened their minds. Those who would work together built the first naval vessels of ponykind, only together could they escape the winter, but it was only their questions, their ability to see beyond the fog, that Equestria was allowed to exist. All it took, was a thought.”

Keeping her head turned towards the ocean, she suddenly turns about in shock, “I’m sorry what? Oh you’re done now? Aww, shoot. I missed the whole thing, darnit.” Of course. It is no surprise she acts in such a way. Most disheartening indeed that she would ignore your words in such an ‘offhanded’ manner.

“Your ancestors looked beyond themselves and found a new world. The ponies of today can only dream of achieving such a feat.”

You return to your feet, flicking away the few undried droplets that still snuggled against your shoes, though the stiffness of your movements was not an intended effect. “I’m sorry.”

“Sorry?” You are surprised by her sudden shift in tone. Before she was warm but joking, now replaced by a cool sincerity. “What do I owe this?”

“You were trying to teach me a lesson and I brushed it off jokingly. It’d be funny too, but-“ she cuts off her own laugh, “I forgot that you don’t take things like any pony I’ve known. You want to help, and when I’m difficult… I guess I’d hate me too sometimes.”

You accepted all that she spoke, at least that was until she reached the end of her statement. In no way, from the moment you have met her to the day you shall part, has she ever been so wrong. “I could never hate you, Rainbow Dash. Hate… is not in my nature.” And yet you do hold something in this regard. Something within yourself that you do not entirely understand. Hatred…

“What did I tell you about getting weird on me?” Looking out behind you her laughter returns, “Don’t those two ever take a break?” You join her gaze as the two timberwolves break out into the forest, their sudden entry releasing a flock of fearful birds. Dash expresses concern for them, but you soon calm her fears.

“When I see the living, I see them in them their two separate lives. One, is the present where I watch them as they are, oblivious though they might be. The other, I can see a glimmer, the time that their light will be extinguished. Days, they are counted, and you may remain sure that they have many days yet.”

“So you can actually see how somepony is going to-” she swallows hard, “you know…”

“Not how.” you attempt to explain, “I have a subconscious knowledge of their lives, and though the cause of their death I can often infer, the date is all that I can be certain of.”

You can tell by the droop of her ears that this is not a topic she desires to dwell upon, and yet, she asks one final question. “What about me?”

“What about you, Miss Dash?”

“Did you know how I was going to…” Once again she quiets down, the mere mention of the word having the power to silence the living. It is strange you cannot replicate this feat.

“No, but it was in that mystery, the fog of your future, that brought me to you.”

“Hehe, you kind of sound like a stalker when you say that.”

“It would be accurate if nothing else,” you nod your head along. “I dwelled on Ponyville for a time, a few days at most, but more than I usually would.”

“Not even you could resist me,” she smiles jokingly, unaware of her precision.

“I had business in the Fillypines and my time was almost at an end.” You can hardly make out Han and Chewie through the brush, but you can somehow know of their joy. “I would have skipped my time here entirely, if it was not for you.”

“Remember when I said you sounded like a stalker? This doesn’t help.” In another life perhaps, if you existed in such a way.

“But it is true. I caught glimpses of you as you passed through the sky, always out of reach. It was only when you finally touched down to earth that I saw your time was near. I was… curious.” You don’t notice her shift in weight, silencing voicing her own unease at the thought of her own death. “It was odd, in fact. I recall you looking right at me with an arrogant smile upon your face, a smile I have come to appreciate. It was almost as if you knew-”

“Anon…” she softly presses against your leg with a hoof, “Could you not?”

“The topic brings you discomfort. I apologize and will take note not to speak of it in the future.”

She grins weakly, “I’d appreciate that.” A heart attack… She deserved better than that.

A bark turns your attention away, Chewie coming out to the forest’s edge. She rears up and down, arching down with her mouth to the floor. It is her way of goading you into joining her in play. It does not work. “Continue as you were, Chewie. I am content-”

“We’re good. Go play with Han, Chewie.” She speaks much in the manner that an adult would a filly or colt, her reasoning unclear. “Go play with Han. Go on.” You look at Dash questionably as Chewie, in a remarkable turn of events, does as requested, rejoining her brother in the forest. It takes Miss Dash a couple seconds to realize you are staring, “What? You have something to say or do you just like the sight of my backside?”

“Mortals,” you huff in content, “You are an enigma that is impossible to solve.”

“Everypony or just me?”

Sigh… How does a simple action bring such acute relief to your mind? “A little of both, I suppose.”

With a grumble of her belly, Miss Dash’s cheeks grow a deep red, “Whoops. Sorry Anon, didn’t get a chance eat before we went out. Crossing an ocean sure made me hungry.” You did not know distance can induce hunger. Is that where they get home sickness from? You will not the cause of this for Dash.

“Perhaps we can dine with Applejack upon our departure. Her many apple-related products do sound tasty in a ‘mighty’ sort of way.”

“You would say mighty tasty, Anon, not whatever butchering of a sentence that was.”

“Hmmph,” you turn your nose up at her as a joke, “And you call Twilight the egghead.”

“Hey! I am NOT an egghead.” Sure… She merely attempts to correct your grammar. Sounds like something Twilight would do. “And I don’t sound like Twilight either.” Clever girl…

“Did I say anything?”

“No, but you were thinking it,” she points accusingly. Oh Rainbow Dash, you know me too well.

The snapping of wood causes your ears to flinch, head snapping to attention, your alarmed ears now picking up the hastened steps of the wolves. But… there’s something behind it. “Don’t think I can’t see you still working it about in that big head of yours. I’m onto you.”

They are being pursued by something. It is large, behind it lies the steps of something else, hooves, but not in a gallop. That requires four hooves. Her stomach grumbles again, stealing you away for an instant, “Ugh… Where are the wolves? I’m getting hungry.” Filter her out, Anon, listen to the- Did you hear it? The breathing, those deep inhalations that are drug into the creature, only to be cast out in a gust from its flared nostrils. A minotaur approaches… You clench your hand at the next thought. It’s coming for your friends.

Rainbow Dash’s whistling brings you back to the present and you find at the edge of the forest, “C’mon guys, I’m getting hungry!”

“Get away from there, now.”

She looks to you as if you’re crazy, “What’s gotten into you?”

“We have company,” you explain. That’s all she needed to hear as she steps back towards you, the brushes shaking before Han and Chewie join you, their bark rough and teeth bore.

“Is it close?” You nod, though her eyes are more fixated on the trees than yourself.

“Hold onto Han and Chewie. We are leaving.”

You place your hand on Dash just as the minotaur escapes the forest, its axe falling from his grasp when his eyes widen, “Uman?”


The world around you is dark though light escaping from a window upstairs, the thickened beam revealing the scatterings of hay on the floor around you. Kneeling down, you pet Han with your free hand, soothing his fears and allowing him to forget his recent woes. Soon his breathing softens, though you can still- feel the weight of his experience, all the fear… “Shh, it is over now, Han. Safety comes for us, not death this day.”

“Never thought Death would save a life,” Dash teases, performing the same ritual for Chewie. You saved her well enough… and Scootaloo… and Equestria if your actions against Nightmare Moon are to be counted. Strange.

“Does this make me a hero?”

She laughs at your question though you did not intend humor, “Look Anon, I know that some people in Ponyville think of you like that, and I’ll give you props for standing up to an evil night princess. But, the thing is, there’s only room in Ponyville for one hero.” Do cities only have the capacity to harbor one hero? That would bring light to how every town has one ‘town hero.’

“Then… I am that hero?”

”Anon, I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or you really can’t put the pieces together.”

“Does this look like the face of sarcasm,” you point to yourself in a most serious manner.

“And what does the face of sarcasm look like?” You open your mouth, only to find yourself at a loss of words. You scratch your head and attempt to think but are having trouble describing just what that would look like. This is a difficult question.

“I was just joking. Somehow I knew you were going to try to describe it. Don’t worry, I know what you meant.” Leaving the pups behind her she takes a couple steps forward before brushing the hay off her hooves, the river’s remnants allowing them to cling along, “Where are we now? Gryphonnia?”

“No no, our tourism for the day has come to a close. We have returned to Equestria, rest assured.”

“Yeah, it looks like we’re in a dungeon. You’re not planning to make a move on me, are you?” Whatever does she mean by that?

“Why would I ‘make a move?’”

She shrugs, her expression not one you can discern, “Just a joke. Why would you ever want to do that…” Mares can be quite the enigma. “But seriously, where are we?” she asks in a more than flustered manner. Perhaps this is a time to perform the ‘teasing’ action.

“Equestria. I told you as much.”

“Okay yeah, but where in Equestria?” the wolves beginning to poke around the room, large tufts of hay acting as bean bag chairs. Bean bags? What are- It is unimportant, you must continue to tease.

“If you would take a look around, it is clear that we reside in a building. Do your eyes require inspection?”

“Alright then, where’s the building?”

“In Equestria,” you’re forced to bite your lip you’re having so much fun. This must be close to the unbridled joy of a filly. How marvelous!

She raises a brow, even the wolves joining her, “You think you’re real funny, don’t you?” By Tartarus, this is too perfect.

“But Miss Dash. I am not Real Funny, my name is Anonymous. Anon for short.”

She shakes a fist in the air with pursed lips, doing her best not to join you in this humorous game, “Anon. I like you, but I won’t be afraid to kick your flank. So, where can I find this building we’re in?” And she ‘walks’ into another one. Splendid.

“A map.”

She’s shaking her head now with a laugh, “Anon, if you don’t tell me where we are I really am going to beat the crud out of you. I’ll ask you one last time, no jokes. Where are we?” Quite the ‘spoil sport.’ And the two of you were having such a wonderful time.

“No need for such violence, Miss Dash. I was only teasing…” you pause for dramatic effect. “We are in Equestria.”

“You son of a-!” she takes off at mach-2, tackling you right into one of the larger hay piles. It isn’t long before her hooves come pounding atop you, though they are lighter than you imagined, “You asked for this.” Where did she keep such a cruel side to her?

It takes time, but you soon realize that her ‘hits’ are meant to be playful, not serious. It just so happens that you are in that kind of mood, if you are allowed such a treat. You hold up your arms in fake-defense, Dash punching away at your open bits with lightened jabs. While Han is content to resting on the floor, Chewie howls in the dim air before launching herself at Dash, the two disappearing further into the pile. You worry for a second, but the emergence of giggling brings to you a smile. This is… pleasant.

Searching through the hay, you find the pup atop of Miss Dash, licking away at her face while she is unable to defend herself. “Return to your sibling,” you shoo her off and take her place, “This soul is mine.”

“This town’s not big enough for the two of us,” she remarks bringing up her hooves for battle.

“Then we must fight for the right to rule. Do you accept my challenge?”

She answers with a jab to the belly, and you are thankful that the only pain you feel is that of the mind. “Consider that a yes. You ball up your fists and begin to tap at her exposed belly, not wishing to harm her but to play instead, “Jeez, Anon. For a big guy you don’t pack a lot of punch.” Well you did not intend on taking a beverage on your walk.

She lands a blow to your chest and neck, a third finding its way across your head, “You’re going to lose if you keep this up.” Then perhaps you should land a blow of your own. Your fist tightens ever so slightly and you release a punch across her face. That… By the plains of Tartarus, that felt good. You raise your fist again, only for her to flinch, her body tensing up beneath you. “S-stop.”

“Two still remain, Miss Dash, and the town has yet to grow.” Raising it a bit higher, you pause, your hand going slack. Her body quakes and trembles… She is scared. You- Yes, Anon, you hurt her. “Ms. Dash, are you alright? I did not intend-” she swipes your hand away as you try to inspect the damage. “Dash… I am sorry.”

“Just- stay back,” her eyes refusing to look at you. Had you ears of a wolf, they too would drop at her words. You take a step back.

“I am sorry.”

She nods, “Yeah well, if it means anything, I’m sorry too.”

“Curious. Why?”

With a smile she stares you down and flares her wings, “For this.”

Your back hits the dirt flooring with Dash riding you like a surfboard in summer. No sharks this time though. She continues with her light punches while you are still stunned, perplexed even, at her sudden deception. In a way, you are ashamed of allowing her to fool you, but in another… You are happy to let her. ”Let’s see if Death is ticklish, shall we?” her hooves sneak under your arms and along the sides of your stomach, revealing the strangest of sensations.

“This action provides feelings that I do not have the capacity to describe. What is that that you’re attempting to do?”

Leaning back she blows a tuft of hair out of her face, “Well obviously tickling you doesn’t work. Ha… That’d be a sight to see.”

“Why am I unable to be tickled?” a certain disappointment filling your chest.

“Heck, I don’t know. You’re not exactly a pony, you’re- Well you know.” Yes… Being Death does not come free of penalty. There are many things that the living enjoy, that you can never fully appreciate… but she can.

“Ms. Dash, I have a question that you might be able to answer.”

Her gaze is not upon you, which only serves to hasten your plans, “Yeah, what is it?”

“Are you ticklish?”

She looks back to see your grin. “Anon, no. Anon!” You swivel your hips around and end up atop of her. Now how did she use her hooves? “Please, Anon, you don’t want to do this.”

“Do I not? For someone who claims to know me so well, you are quite wrong.” She tries to escape, but your weight keeps her pinned to the floor. That might be why she must resort to deception. “I’m not ticklish. You’re wasting your- HNG!” She bites her lips as your fingers trail across the underside of her legs, moisture building in her eyes as she appears to fight herself.

“Are you sad, Miss Dash?” you pull away, more worried about her safety than a mere game.

“Yeah,” forcing down her tears, “I’m fine.”

“Good. Let us continue…”

“NO! GAHAHA! HNG!” Once again she clenches teeth as you appear to successfully tickle her, her reaction most entertaining, “Anon sto- haha- stop!”

“I cannot. My hands are moving on their own.”

”AHAHA! Sto- stop! HELP! UNG- HELP!”

In Equestria, no one can hear you scream. A volley of light pierces the darkness as the door flies open, Applejack standing there with sweat down her face. “Unclaw her ya filthy mongr- Huh?” Well, no one except for her. “Anon? Rainbow Dash?”

“Greetings, Applejack!” you stand up and wave, Rainbow Dash… well she still appears to be trying to contain herself. “How is your day today?”

”Uhh, fine ah guess. Applebloom said she heard howling from the house and then I heard somepony screaming for help. Whatcha doin’ here in the barn?”

“We were merely finding a place to shelter ourselves from the rays of the sun. They seem to have struck you quite well.”

“I was out apple bucking when Applebloom came hollerin’. Ya didn’t happen to see any of them mongrels did ya?”

“Mongrels? Do you mean Han and Chewie?”

“Han and whoha?” she doesn’t seem to understand, at least until she notices the pairs of blue eyes shimmering in the corner. “WHOA NELLY!”

“It’s Han and-” you’re cut off by the barn door slamming back in place. “Chewie… Is she alright?”

Dash finally gets back to her hooves, though they do shake on occasion, “I told you to stop.”

“It must have been the wolves. Yes, that makes perfect sense. They are tamed however. Why be scared of a tamed wolf?”

“A wolf is still a wolf, Anon.” You look back to the two of them as they yawn and curl up together. They are unlike any wolf you have known.

“Not them.” Walking over you knock on the barn door, Applejack’s pants still audible through the wood, “AJ. Might you open the door for us?”

“Maybe y’all, but I ain’t letting them mutts out.”

Dash brushes past you with a smile, “Let the pro handle this. Hey, AJ, what’s up? You still got up for the Running of the Leaves?”

“Yeah, and I ain’t falling for none of your tricks. Them wolves ain’t coming anywhere near my kin, ya hear that Anon? Nothin’ personal.”

“Of course. I understand.”

“Come on, Applejack. They’re not so bad once you get to know them.”

Her defense only raises suspicion on Applejack’s part, you too sharing her intrigue, “And since when’d you get so gosh darn personal with ’em? I thought ya hated wolves.”

“Is this true?”

“Well- yeah I guess at first, but that doesn’t matter. I like them now. They’re cool… and stuff.”

“And stuff?”

“Shut it. AJ, just open the door.”

“Not if them critters are coming too.”

“That’s not fair. They won’t-”

You rest a hand on her and nod. “We must retrieve them when we leave,” speaking through the door, “Until then they shall remain inside. Is this a fair arrangement?”

“… I suppose.”

“Splendid. Allow Ms. Dash through and I shall be along shortly.”

You give the pups a short but stern talking to, explaining how important it is to you that they be on their best behavior. Han is as lazy as ever and seems to sleep through your lecture, but Chewie gives you a departing lick. Those two are quite the pair. You help close the barn door behind you and lower the wooden plank along the latch, securing it from intruders. “Like ah said, nothin’ personal.”

“You care for the physical and mental wellbeing of your family. It is more than understandable, it is commendable.”

“Shucks, ya sure know how to make a mare blush,” she nudges you as you walk along, Rainbow Dash hovering alongside you.

“They wouldn’t hurt anyone,” Dash grumbles under her breath. How would one do that?

“Might your family have a phobia of timberwolves?”

“Nah, partner, but we know they ain’t to be trifled with. ‘sides, I fret to think what’d happen if Granny Smith saw one of ‘em runnin’ about.” She might suffer a shock and the intensity of such a thing might end her entirely, Celestia forbid. “But ‘nough ‘bout the ol’ family. How you two apples hanging about? Looked like I was interrupting somethin’ back there…” she looks more to your companion than yourself.

“We were just roughhousing, had to kick his flank for being such a goober.”

“If I recall, it was I who was tickling yours.”

AJ’s stare almost seems to intensify, “What was that last part, Dash?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I didn’t say a thing.” But… she did. You just hear her. Why lie?

“Uhuh, sure ya didn’t. I’ll let that one slide. You keep an eye on this one, Anon, she’s a feisty one.”

“Feisty at what?”

“I think that’s enough about me for one day,” Dash finally lands as her tone becomes more exaggerated, “Don’t you think, AJ?”

The farmer can only chuckle with a tilt of her hat, “Don’t cha worry ‘bout nothing, partner. I won’t tell a soul.” How they manage to hold a silent conversation truly is astonishing. You must learn to decode such a message. Later though, Dash’s belly grumbles and that must surely come first. “Got a mighty storm brewing up in there,” AJ points out as Dash covers her stomach, “Ya know what I say, when your stomach be grumbling you soon be tumbling.” Such an odd phrase, but you do not seem to grasp the lesson it holds.

“What do you mean by that phrase?”

“It means you gotta keep well fed. You skip a meal and you might as well skip a night’s work.” To grumble, is to go unfed. To tumble, is to grow weak. Aha! That is where the connection lies. “So watcha think about chowing down with the Apples, Mr. Anon?”

“Mister? I thought you wished to do away with our formalities, Applejack.”

“It’s just a joke, don’t take it too serious,” your companion explains to you. Jokes upon jokes. You live in the land of humor itself, so saturated within it that you cannot discern one from another. These truly are the worst of times, jokingly.

“If I were to be invited, then I would of course have no choice but to accept such a lavish invitation.”

“Yeehaw!” AJ rears up and takes off towards the house, “Big Mac get the water boiling, we got guests for lunch!”

“You could’ve just said yes, you know,” Dash whispering in your ear.

“I could, but I think I enjoy extending my own dialogue. I once saw a stallion like this, ever so curious the creature.”

“I’m guessing you didn’t get a chance to know him.”

“How might you have known this?” You do not recall ever speaking to her of this stallion. Could she have known him, heard his tale?

“I only know one reason you’d remember anypony, and it isn’t because you’re social bee.” Social bee, you understand this one! It works on a idiom as well as a metaphor. Busy as a bee, and then as social as a busy bee. Truly a double-layered wonder. Hmm, is something burning?

Together you enter the house, a cozy little place, though a bit cramped for someone of your size. Ms. Dash had to… aid you through the door. You would’ve simply willed yourself inside, but the risk of being caught was too great. If young Granny Smith were to fear a mere wolf, knowledge of your presence just might do the poor mare in. The wooden walls clip at your fingers as they’re drug across the surface, splinters forming under your skin. “I swear if you eat that…” She huffs at your smile and keeps walking, moving into the next room, “Fine, just don’t let me see you doing it.”

Great success! You nibble at your fingers while inspecting the walls, family photos strung along in unison, their ages ranging from infancy to those whom you believe to be Ms. Smith. Hmm, the size of the portion seems to have an effect on satisfaction as well. The more you work to obtain something, the more potent the prize. Such an interesting concept. Rainbow Dash’s head pops around the corner, “Applejack’s asking how you like your apple cooked.”

“Medium rare with a hot pink center,” never taking your eyes off the pictures.

They appear to be a very close family… “I don’t think that’s how you cook an apple.”

“Huh? Apologies, I was distracted.”

“Newsflash,” she huffs and escapes from sight, “I’ll tell her to make her special.”

No objections on this front. You allow yourself to wander the house, arms locked behind your back like an inspector of crimes. A pipe, you should obtain one of these when you get around to it. You wipe the dust from the mantel and press it to your nose, even they containing a citrusy aroma. At least they do not live in a massive apple. That misconception you will not make again. You hear Rainbow Dash calling you from elsewhere in the house, asking where you’ve run off to.

“Nowhere special,” returning her shout as you pick up a frame, the picture showing the whole family together. “Just… looking around.”

Your finger lingers over the glass for some time, too long. “What do you have there?”

“A family picture,” you show her before placing it back, “Nothing of interest.”

“You seemed pretty interested.” Yes… you were…


“Soup? Did she prepare a nectarine variety?”

“What? No. She just means food’s ready.”

“Ahh…” you rub your aching skull, “Of course.” Nectarine soup. You need to let it go, Anon. Yeah, go ahead and try.

You follow Ms. Dash to the dining room, a small feast laid out along the tan wood. You see some kind of mush alongside a vibrant orange pie crusted with bits of apples bulging from its center. Dash starts to drool over the banquet as your eye glazes over the veggie salad, some purple thing mixed within it. You are unsure what to make of that, yet you are intrigued. Finally you spy a large platter containing stacks of sandwiches, alongside a cube of butter and what appears to be apple jam. It is truly a bounty, and though the sight of hay within the folds of bread, the rest is a sight most pleasant.

“To create such a feast, I would think you to require a trio of chefs.”

“Yeah… Looks great,” you help close Dash’s mouth, pulling out a handkerchief for her drool, “Thanks.”

“My pleasure,” you look up as Applejack and a muscular red stallion enters the room. “Everything looks marvelous. My thanks.”

“Well ah couldn’t get it half way through if it wasn’t for the big guy. Hey, I don’t think I introduced you two yet, did I Mac?”

“Nnnope.” Pony of few words. Short and to the point, quite an oddity in Ponyville. Most are quick to let their mouths run, save a few.

“This here’s Anon, the pony who stood up to Nightmare Moon,” she leans in to whisper.

“So did I!” Dash speaks up.

“Yeah, I remember having to keep ya on a leash. Anyways, Anon, this is my brother, Big Macintosh, but we just call ‘im Big Mac.”

“Howdy.” You walk around the table and shake his hoof, the strength in his leg quite admirable.

“The pleasure is mine, Mr. Macintosh. I recall seeing you in town over the passing weeks.”

“Yep.” You could get used to such a passive companion. Ah what are you thinking, you could replace Rainbow Dash.

“C’mon Big Mac, use your words. Ya got a mouth for a reason, so use it.”

“I did.”

“Ya can’t hold no conversation with two word sentences, what’d Granny think if she heard ya?”

“That is quite alright,” you raise an assuring hand to calm the heated mare, “It is not the length of a sentence that matters, but the content in which is spoken.”

Big Mac responds with a nod, “Yep.”

“We are going to get along quite well, Big Mac.”

“Yep.” Quite well indeed.

“Since you two get along so well, would ya mind helping Mac set the table while I get the girls and Granny?”

“Of course,” you reply with a bow, accidentally hitting a ceiling beam on the way down. “Right away.”

She bounds up the stairs while Dash takes a seat and holds her rumbling tummy. “Plates are over here.” He hands over a short stack of plates from a cupboard and you take a moment to examine the table. How was it arranged before? Hmm, you place a plate on one place matt after another, recalling just who sat where. You believe his name Mustard, or something close to that. You recall it was in the kitchen, but with what? Candle? Couldn’t be.

“Rainbow Dash, how good is a candle as a weapon?”

“Not here,” her eyes glance at to Big Mac who has his flank turned, “Content, Anon. Remember?” The content one speaks. You nod, deciphering her little riddle with ease. Perhaps you deserve that pipe after all.

You set the last plate as a rattle comes from the stairs, a trio of familiar filly’s leaping down three steps at a time. “Hey! It’s Anon!”

“AW SWEET! Rainbow Dash is here too!”

Dash flicks her mane around, “Sup Scootaloo.” You swear the filly almost fainted.

“Good day, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo. How are you doing Sweetie Belle?”

“Alright, thank you.” The manners on that one. She is going to make a fine mother one day.

They take their seats with Big Mac as AJ creaks down the stairs with who appears to be Granny Smith, “Ya don’t got to babysit me. I changed your diapers, missy!” The table holds back their laughter when Applejack blushes, everyone except for you who does not find it as funny. The truth does not bring you such joy.

She’s led to her seat by the table which appears to be across from yourself. Her limbs are weak and they struggle to keep her up as she attempts to sit. It’s through her wrinkled eyes that she finally notices you, “Hheee? Who’s this? You’re the weirdest looking pony I ever saw… Applejack, where are my glasses?”

“You don’t have glasses, Granny.”

“Oh…” she nods but still expresses confusion, “So he just looks that ugly, huh?”

“Granny!” she snaps in shock, the fillies laughing in tune with their elder.

“You are not so bad looking yourself, madam.” One could not tell from simply looking upon her, but she has a strong heart that will last for a while yet.

“So does the young stallion have a name?” the elder leans forward slowly.

“Indeed I do. Anonymous is my name, though I find ponies seem to prefer the shortened, Anon, instead.”

”Ehh, Anon huh? You got a strange name too? Well, I am Granny Smith, but don’t let me fool ya, I’ll still give any bad pony a whooping if I need.” You have no doubt. An artifact from another time. She is refreshing, if that makes sense. Which of course, it does to you. AJ sits beside you, Dash on the other, both beginning to chat with the others.

You reach a hand towards the salad only to be smacked away by Applejack, “Hold it. We ain’t ready yet. Acheem! Granny, you ready?”

With a clap of her hooves, the idle chatter of Ms. Dash and the fillies are cut short, “Alrighty then, first things first.” An obvious phrase, how could they not be first? Each member of the table bows their heads and closes their eyes to your astonishment, a ritual unlike- Wait, you have seen such an event before, yet… There is a lack of turkey. Hmm… Was it in Gryphonnia? You don’t remember ponies eating turkey.

“anon,” a voice whispers to you. You find it to be Apple Bloom’s of all. She demonstrates the ritual for you, despite its workings being evident in their behavior. “like this.” It would be best just to follow in their hoofsteps. You lower your head, but your eyes… You cannot successfully complete the ritual. Tragic.

Granny Smith opens up the chant, “Dear Celestia, we thank you for the bounty blessed upon us and pray your sun stays strong over the coming harvests. We ask for your guidance in the days ahead and hope you will watch over us as you do the rest of Equestria.” You peek back up to see Granny Smith looking at you before closing her eyes again, “Oh and Princess? We ask that our guest be blessed with a mirror so he can get his apples in a row. Amen.”

You don’t need to look to see who it is when she shrieks, “Granny! During grace?”

“Now now, no need to get your saddle in a twist, I’m just makin’ a little fun with our guest Aromamous.”

“Actually, ma’am, it is pronounced-”

“Pronunciation, substantiation…” You’re surprised she can pronounce that at all. “Just dig in.”

Big Mac helps Granny with her plate, Applejack doing the same for the fillies. Dash, on the other hand, makes for the salad as you do the same, hand and hoof coming in conflict. She stares you down, and you her, neither willing to back down, not while the allure of the purple substance works its magic upon you.

“Mares first.” So she seeks to overcome you with the prospect of a noble action, to allow a mare first entry? The foolish mare, two can play that game.

“But Miss Dash, age before beauty, correct?”

“Did you just…” She blushes at your statement but keeps her hoof in place until Granny Smith clears her throat.

“Then how ‘bout I squeeze in for the first bite?”

“Granny…” Big Mac starts out as his elder reaches for the tongs. You hesitate to pull back, knowing all too well your age dwarfs her own by millennia, but you do so regardless. No sense in bringing up such a sensitive topic.

“You and your sister worry too much about your ol’ Granny. I still got some strength left in these bones,” she claims as she serves herself a hefty portion. Something within you plummets as you watch the slice of purple leave the salad and out of your grasp. So close… Do not dwell on loss, focus on that which you have. Try some of the mushy stuff, perhaps. It smells good, or is that the pie?

“Might I try that mushy substance,” you ask Big Mac who takes the plate from you and begins to serve.

“Hey Anon,” Scootaloo waves to get your attention, “How’s it hanging?”

“It hangs as an apple from a tree,” taking your plate back. “So that would be quite well. How do you fair this day? Have your cutie marks appeared?”

All three pout in unison, “No… We’re still trying though!”

Apple Bloom hops up in her seat, “We won’t never give up!”

She doesn’t get two seconds before AJ’s on her, “No jumping at the table.”

The elder speaks up in the filly’s defense, “Let her be, Applejack. After all, fillies will be fillies.” AJ grovels in submission, toying with her mush as she whispers inaudibly to herself. For someone who seeks to teach manners, she should learn to show them herself when things do not go her way.

“So uh… what did you two do today?” Scootaloo asks after the awkward family encounter.

You are unable to answer as your mouth is filled with the mush, but Rainbow Dash fills in for you, “We went on a- a road trip.”

“Whoa, really?! Where to?”

She looks at you for an answer only to find you had scooped yourself another helping of the mush. It’s really good. “Oh, you know, around…”

“Did you have fun at least?”

Once more she steals a glance at you stuffing your face and laughs, “Yeah. We did.” You wipe the remaining goop from your lips on your napkin and hum in satisfaction, “Sounds like you enjoyed the Apple Sauce.”

“Is that what it’s called, a most delicious dish indeed. Might I have another serving, Big Mac?”

The table looks questionably at you, the dish already almost empty thanks to your stuffing. “Ya sure?”

“Most certainly, such commendable cooking should not go to waste.”

Granny stops him, “Anon, deary, let the others have some first. No need to be a glutton, now.” A glutton? You merely enjoy the taste so you wish to have more. Is that so wrong?

“My stomach is not full, but I see your point. I must allow others to share in my enjoyment before I consume it entirely.”

She scoops the rest of the ‘apple sauce’ onto her plate, “I just wanted more for myself, hehehe,” the old mare cackles to your amusement.

“Still, a good lesson can be learned here,” you point out to the fillies who start out on their second helping, “To truly grow as a pony, you must learn to give as well as get. Allow yourself control of your assets and you shall help your fellow equine.”

“Yeah,” Dash babbles between bites, “What he said.”

You can only smile as time continues on, the portions lessening with each serving. “On a prior note, young Scootaloo, I do wish you could have attended our trip together. I believe its lessons would not be wasted on you.”

“Hey!” Dash’s mouth full of food, “I heard that.”

Scootaloo seems to find it funny, as do you. “What lesson’s that?”

“That curiosity illuminates one’s world. I took Ms. Dash to a land she had not seen, and responded with speechless wonder. In a way, it is how the three of you act when you come up with another method to obtain your cutie marks. A sight like this is rarely seen.”

“Pfft… Rainbow Dash would never act like that. She’s too cool for school.”

“Oh, Celestia…” her fellow crusaders facehoof.

“Don’t be hating on the Dash,” Scoots defends her idol, something she might never grow out of. A role model will stay with you in such a way. Who have you ever idolized? Humanit… Ugh-

“Maybe if you didn’t bring her up every other sentence…”

“Why -wouldn’t- you always talk about her?”

Applejack turns to Rainbow Dash, “Shouldn’t you be stopping this?”

“I don’t see anything to stop. Keep going there Scootaloo.” You stop her from propping up her hooves. Manners, she must learn them.

“Scootaloo,” you garner her attention with a smile, “Perhaps you should learn more of the lands around Equestria. They might just earn you a similar response.”

“Yeah, if you’re an egghead,” Dash mutters.

“Might I recommend on your next visit to Ponyville that you stop by Twilight’s Library. I do recall seeing multiple tombs of relevance to this topic.”

Her reluctance lies heavy on her words, “Reading? Isn’t that why I’m in school?”

“Like I said,” Dash leans back, “Egghead.” A quick stare is enough for her to look away and whistle nonchalantly. “Didn’t say a word…”

“I don’t know about that, Anon,” Apple Bloom tacks on. “I don’t think we’re going to earn our cutie marks in reading.”

You’re about to speak but Sweetie Belle is quick to respond. “Maybe… It’s not the reading itself… but what we learn from it! It’s worth a shot.” Most astute that one is. You could not tell from looking at her, much like you could not with young Granny Smith.

“It could not hurt,” you nudge hopefully and by the newfound determination that they display, your hopes soon ‘pay off.’

“Well what are we waiting for then? Let’s get going!”

They’re halfway out the door before they freeze at a pony clearing their throat, “And just what you three younglings gonna do with them dirty plates of yours?” You can almost feel their motivation drain away like a writer with his pen and quill. “That’s what ah thought…”

They drag their hooves back to the table and take their plates to the kitchen while you look over the salad remains. “Hmm… Shame. I was hoping to try some of that purple material in the salad.”

Dash clears her throat and pushes her plate over, a small heap of salad resting in the center with a… “Cat got your tongue?”

“Opal is not here,” you smile back at her, “I thank you.”

You reach for your fork, the only one that was used it would seem and take a bite, smile fading away. “Beets not your style?” You nod. “Figured, let’s get you something to wash that down with.” What would you do without her?

It takes the five of you no time to clean the table after you had washed down the ‘beet,’ an awful substance that attempts to be sweet but reminds you distinctly of manure, a memory you wish to purge. You say five, but the number is closer to three, with Granny Smith giving instructions from her rocker and Rainbow Dash… Well, she’s Rainbow Dash.

With a wipe of your brow you take a sip of cider, enjoying the tingle that runs along the back of your throat. “Me and Big Mac gotta finish working the west field before the sun goes, can you two watch Granny for us?”

“Ah don’t need a foalsitter, how old do you think I am?”

AJ ignores her and looks to you, “Just in case.”

“I shall do my best.”

Granny snorts as the door closes behind them, “Don’t need no foalsitter…”

“To appease them is easier than it would be to convince them, no?”

She cracks a smile, “Ya make a good point there, sonny.” She looks up from her chair and out the window as her family escapes from sight, taking that moment to stand back up, “What they don’t know won’t hurt them, hehe.” Rainbow Dash excuses herself and asks where the restroom is, Granny pointing her up the stairs. Now it’s just the two of you, and Granny motions you over, “So ya liked the apple sauce huh? Ah like it too myself. C’mere.”

She opens up the fridge and takes out a shallow tub filled with the mouth-watering cuisine. “I always keep a reserve in case of Apple emergencies.” Pouring you a bowl she fishes out a spoon, something they don’t use too often if lunch served as the norm. You are about to dig in when you realize she did not join you to eat.

“Do you not wish to have more?”

“I’m too old to eat much more. Lunch got me stuffed like an Apple pie. You just enjoy that there sauce.” And so you do, you might have done so regardless. She begins to chuckle strangely enough and you check yourself for any spills. Hmm, none. Then why does she laugh? “I am sorry, but I do not understand the joke.”

She peters off to her normal voice, “Oh its nothing. Look at me, trying to bribe you for the time I got left.” You almost drop your bowl, Granny walking back and sitting in her rocker, “Didn’t think I could tell, did ya?”

“I do not know-”

“Don’t you worry none, it’s just us now.”

“Yes, I suppose it is… Are you afraid?” you ask and set your bowl in the sink.

“No… I think I’m ready.”

Fate is a funny thing. The living are often quick to assume their end may not come, and too that they shall not live for much longer. Both assumptions of their fate, both incorrect. But if she knows of you, perhaps you might still learn something from her.

“When did you learn of my… nature?”

Back and forth she rocks happily, somehow comfortable in your presence, “Ah think it was when you first saw me. Ya lingered on me like I do when I find a spoiled apple in the bunch… Ya made it obvious when you started talking ‘bout age and beauty.”

“When I hesitated…”

She nods with a shallow sigh, “I didn’t think ya’d come get me all personal and such.” Your hands grasps the edge of the counter as you lean over the sink, silently cursing your failure at subterfuge. You… idiot… You have to end her now, Anon. When she tells Applejack- If she tells- You know she will. Do not think to know the future, even you do not truly know. “Guess I should feel honored. Ah wish you’d let me know first so I could put on somethin’ nice.”

“And ruin the surprise?” you joke, “I think not.”

“Surprise. Go ahead and finish that bowl…” Granny goes quiet before letting out a whisper. “… then we can get going.” That voice… So she does fear death. Good, then she can still appreciate the gift of life.

“With age, comes wisdom. Would you agree with me?” You don’t wait for her response, you know she agrees. “Then could you answer why a wise old pony such as yourself assumes her time has come? Might you, humor me?”

“Ah lived a full life, Anonymous, if that’s your real name. I ain’t the mare I used to be, despite what I tell the others. Just figured you’d come for me eventually…” another pause. “How ‘bout you humor me then. Why not now?”

Why does a bird fly in flock? Why does the sun rise in the east and set in the west? Why might Han and Chewie be unable to speak? We are all full of questions. It just so happens that this is one you can, in fact, answer. “It is simple, truth be told,” you look back to her with a grin, “It is not your time.”

Granny Smith appears to brighten in her seat. Relief is a powerful tool. “How long… Never mind that, I don’t want to know.” Wise beyond even her years.

“To know one’s fate is to change it. When your time does come, young Granny Smith, then I will see you a safe journey home. You have my word.”

“Young Granny Smith… Ah hope I’ll look as good as you when I’m your age.” Even after she joked at your looks… Perhaps Rainbow Dash was correct in a way, to let things go… If she is happy, then surely you can follow.

“You’ll look even better. That too, you have my word upon.”

“Don’t figure you’d break your word…” she continues to rock, back and forth… back and- No! “Ya know, you ain’t what I was expecting.”

“Did you think me a skeleton wielding… what is it that I am often depicted to wield? It is curved and on a stick.”

“A scythe, and no. Nothin’ so flashy. Ya seem… different. I don’t know why, but you seem to care ‘bout us common ponyfolk.” Life is a wondrous thing. To spend time amongst those that thrive in it is a gift.

“You assumed I to be cold and unfeeling. A mere accident of nature… So I was, Granny, for a very long time…”

“I don’t see none o’ that now, just another pony.” To be a pony… it doesn’t fit. It doesn’t sound right, you know the right word and yet- Why does it bring pain to think?

Clambering down the stairs, Dash makes her entrance, “You ready to blow this joint?”

You look to Granny who creaks out of her chair, “I’ll walk you two out.”

With slow steps you both trail behind the aged mare, working out onto the dirt road back to Ponyville. “I’ll get Han and Chewie. It was nice to see you Granny.”

“Be careful with the door,” she shouts after her. “You take care of that Pegasus, Anon. She cares for you.”

“And I for her. I do not wish to come for her again.”

She watches the barn door open and shakes her head, “Anonymous, you have much to learn about mares…”

“What do you mean-”

“Chewie NO!” You barely see the Timberwolf make it past Dash who runs aground trying to stop the canine, the wolf setting her sights on you and- Her health.


Chewie takes that as her cue to charge, but Granny makes no move to run, or change position at all.


Granny stands her ground and squints, glaring at the rapidly approaching wolf, “Darn wolves…” Chewie slides to a halt and rests on her flank two hooves away from Granny, her snout looking to the floor, almost avoiding the mare’s gaze. “Don’t you turn away from me, look at me.” The wolf does so with hesitation, Han finally peeking around the corner. “Whatcha got to say for yourself hmm? That’s a bad wolf.”

Her tail stiffens as she accepts her scolding, “Wolves these days got no manners. Back in the day, they’d at least howl as a warning ‘fore they charged ya. Where’s its mother?”

Don’t think about it, Anon. You were protecting Scootaloo. You were trying to help… “Oh…” you find her inspecting you, sensing your dissonance and looking at the wolf in a new light, “So that’s how it is…”

Dash sets down beside Chewie with a snort, “Did I tell you to stop, or did I not? You’re in big trouble now.”

“What’s her name?” Granny asks, lightening her gaze.

“Chewie,” you explain, your hands dirty at your past deeds, “Her brother is over there, his name is Han.”

“Chewie… That’s a nice name, isn’t it?” Her tone seems to lift the wolf’s spirits and he tail begins to wag again. “You just need to learn some manners is all. Well, I taught Winona well enough, how ‘bout I teach her and her brother?”

You’re honestly surprised at her offer. From what Applejack said- Well she said many things to protect her kin, this is no different. “I cannot possibly accept your offer. I have nothing to offer in return.”

“We can’t have Chewie here running at every pony she sees though, can we? I’ll get Big Mac to fetch ‘em this weekend.”

“How might I repay you then?”

Granny Smith just smiles and turns back to the house, “Your company’s payment enough. Now you two run along. I got more apple sauce to cook.” She has you to thank for that…


You walk back along the road in Ponyville having already dropped off Han and Chewie. “So what was that whole ‘company’ thing about?”

“Nothing of importance. She merely deduced my nature through my actions and we had a pleasant conversation. Nothing to ‘write home about.’”

“Aren’t you worried she’ll tell someone?”

You pass by a group of stallions playing Hoofball, steering clear as the ball goes flying by. “Not at all. She is wise and will not seek to unveil me. I like her.”

“I’m sure you’re a big hit with the older mares…” she laughs and decides to form a nest atop your shoulders. “So is this what you’re wearing to the Gala?”

“Gala?” You blow her tail out of your face, unable to see through the colorful strands, “What is this Gala?”

“The Grand Galloping Gala? Twilight said you’d be coming with us this weekend.” To make plans for another without their knowledge… Often this ends in your arrival, but never would someone make plans for you. “You didn’t know.”

“I might just have a chat with Miss Sparkle. Care to join me?”

“Yeah- no. You can count me out. I need to see if Rarity’s still got my dress.” You raise a brow at the thought of her wearing a dress and Rainbow Dash seems to read your mind, “Nothing too girly, you numbskull. It’s just as cool as me.”

“Those two terms do not seem to work together.”

“Yeah yeah you keep talking. I’ll see you tomorrow. Up for a movie?”

“I must check my schedule first. Twilight might have me busy all day.” The both of you share a laugh before she leaves, you retreating to a more enclosed location. Once you’re sure no pony can see you, you focus yourself, willing yourself inside Twilight’s home.

You adjust to the change in light as it seems the sun does not grace this building’s interior so easily. Commotion coming from downstairs in the cellar. You lean just outside, the door opening shortly after. Twilight closes the door midstride, oblivious to your presence, you assume, as she walks right by. “A Gala?”

“GAH!” Twilight trips over the stump in the room’s center, stars comically spinning about her head. She shakes her head free and sees you, “Anon?”

“I do not take kindly to ponies making plans for me. Would you concur?”

“Plans... The Gala! Anon, I’m glad you’re here. Do you want to go the Gala this weekend?” If you had eyes this would be the time to blink in succession. Surely she is not serious.

“Rainbow Dash told me everything.”

Twilight chuckles with a nervous smile, “Surprise?”

She is no Pinkie Pie.


“To repay me? I do not recall such a transaction needing to occur?”

“It was a month back, we were talking about Saddle Arabia and- It doesn’t matter, what does it that I found a way to pay you back.”

“Could you not have simply asked if I would like to attend?”

Twilight gawks in disbelief, “Why wouldn’t you want to attend? Rainbow Dash and the rest of my friends were ready to duke it out over the tickets.”

“Duke- Duke it out? I do not understand.”

“Come on, Anon. Please go,” she begins to beg on the knees, “It’d mean the world to me if you went.”

You hold such value to her. It is an admirable feeling to be important in her life… despite the attempt at deceit. With a sigh, as not to show how much you are actually interested in the event, you are more cunning than she is after all, you nod.

“If I must, then I shall attend this event with you.” You live on a sea of lies... How delightful that your ship be built true.

“Brilliant! I’ll send a letter to Celestia right away! I’m sure she’ll be just as excited. Spike? Spike?”


“Princess Celestia,” she corrects you, overturning a table in search of her assistant. “She was the one who suggested you come in the first place. It was such a great idea, I couldn’t believe I didn’t think of it myself.” Celestia… If fate would favor you, she shall not recall your encounter. It has been millennia past… What worries you, Anon? No words were exchanged, just a favor of the most blasphemous nature. Your nature. “That… isn’t a problem is it? You don’t have some kind of feud with her or anything, right?”

“Hmm? No, nothing of the sort.”

“Good.” She stops to think before continuing her search for the missing dragon, “She was pretty adamant about you coming, actually. Kind of weird.” She does not remember. She cannot know you. “Where is he? Spike!” She grumbles something and quickly gets something to drink, milk it appears to be.

“Did you check Rarity’s hooves? He seems to cling to those.”

“Trust me, I’ve noticed. Milk?”

With a polite decline she begins to drink. Wait wasn’t there something- correct! You almost forgot to ask entirely! Shame on your poor memory, Anon. “Twilight, what is a fetish?” Milk spews from her nostrils and across her countertop, white droplets running down her chin. “Was it something I said?”

Today was a curious day. She never did give you an answer.