• Published 11th Nov 2013
  • 2,451 Views, 38 Comments

Scootaloo's Father - Matt11

The Cutie Mark Crusaders Were Doing Ther normal Stuff But Sweetie Belle And Applebloom Get Curios As To Who Scoot Father Is So one Day Thay Follow Her

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chapter 1

Celestia’s sun rose across Scootaloo’s window as she began to awake from her wonderful slumber, her eyes opened slightly as she let out a beautiful yawn. Scootaloo blinked a few time’s due to the sun, but she soon got out of bed tossing the cover onto the floor. As Scootaloo began to wobble out of her room trotting to the kitchen. Scootaloo then yelled, “MOM! DAD! I'M AWAKE!” There was no answer so Scootaloo suspected they were at work. She began to make some oatmeal for breakfast, she then poured some milk in the bowl and started eating. Once Scootaloo finished it off she placed it in the sink like her mom always told her, soon she trotted out the front door and grabbed her scooter and started moving towards the clubhouse.

Twenty-five minutes later she arrived at her destination Scootaloo. Then she placed her scooter against the tree and trotted inside, when she got in she was greeted by her fellow crusaders, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle “Hey Scootaloo!” both Applebloom and Sweetie Belle exclaimed,

“Ok girls what kinda crusading are we going to do today?” Said Applebloom.

“I got it lets be Cutie Mark Crusader building destroyers! We can destroy the liberty first I hate that place anyways.” Applebloom and Sweetie Belle had a smile on their face, “You know Scoots, thats not a half bad idea lets do it! By the way why do you want to destroy the library?” Applebloom asks

“Well I just hate books, OK! Lets just burn it down maybe we can get our cutie marks from it.” Scootaloo said slightly annoyed and afraid, she doesn't want anyone to know who her parents truly are.

“Calm down Scootaloo, I got the matches lets just do this all ready!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed, giving a match to each of her friends, the three of them then left the clubhouse. Scootaloo jumped on her scooter the other two jumped in inside the wagon attached to the scooter, Scootaloo then proceeded to drive toward the library.

“Ok girls, were here lets have some fun! Scootaloo said with a smile.

“Wait a second Scootaloo, what if Twilight finds out?” Sweetie Belle asked, worried that her best friend may get her in trouble. Sweetie Belle does not want to explain this to Rarity.

“If she finds out then we will blame Spike! I mean he’s an easy target besides Twilight is out at the store or something.” Scootaloo said as she began to light the match.

“Ok girls, drop your match on the tree.” Then they dropped it, the flame was very huge, the three of them looked at their flanks to see they didn’t get their cutie marks.

“AWWW!” The three yelled in unison, they were about to leave until, a wild Twilight appeared!

“Why is my library on fire!?” Twilight yelled, a tad bit scared as to the answer she may receive.

“Umm, you see Twilight we-” Sweetie Belle was cut short as a hoof went covered her mouth to silence her, she noticed the orange hoof to be scootaloo’s, “You see Twi, it was Spike, he thought it be fun to burn all your books, we heard him say it.” Scootaloo said with a nervous grin, Twilight looked so angry it was as if steam was coming out of her ears and her face was turning red, Twilight then said, “Ok, where's that little dragon at!? I'm going to punish him so bad he will wish he never even thought of it!” Twilight yelled along with an eye twitch. “Ok, girls I think you might want to go home now.” Twilight warned as her horn lit up and used her magic to extinguish the fire.

“Are you sure we should have lied to Twilight like that?” Sweetie Belle asked as they continued walking on the road to sugar cube corner.

“Why? What's the worst that could happen? I mean its not like she’s going to kick him out of the library!” Scootaloo was cut short as familiar purple dragon was flying and landed on a chicken sign. “Uhh, lets just go eat some-” She was cut short as she saw the time, “Oh crap, i’m late!” Scootaloo screamed as she grabbed her scooter. “Sorry girls. I got to get home now! Omigosh! Omigosh! I got to get back home now! Scootaloo zoomed off towards her home.

Sweetie belle and Applebloom were now annoyed. “Thats it! I say we follow her, ya with me?” Applebloom asked pointing a hoof at the direction their friend “Lets find out who her parents are, I mean our friend might be abused and no one abuses our friend! Lets go!” They charged into the direction Scootaloo went.


Scootaloo soon arrived home and placed her scooter down, she opened the door and went in, but she didn’t lock the door.

“This is our chance! Let's go Applebloom!” Applebloom galloped next to the door and bucked it open. Scootaloo then heard the noise and saw them. “What the buck are you two doing here!? Get lost, I don't have time my fathers on his way down and-” she was cut off as her father charged at her and hugged her.

“Aw, my poor little Scootaloo I’m sorry I was too busy to pay any attention to you!” Said Darth Vader as he nearly hugged her to death.

“Daaaaad! Let me go! UGH!” Scootaloo continued to be hugged as her mother trotted in the room.

“What the heck scootaloo!? You're late!” Rainbow Dash said.

Both Sweetie Belle and Applebloom were shocked “The heck is going on here!?” They both asked in unison, causing Scootaloo’s parents to look at them.

Rainbow then turned to Scootaloo and asked “Scootaloo, why did you bring your friend’s I told you this was supposed to be a secret!” Rainbow said rather angry.

“*sniff* S-sorry mommy.” Scootaloo said as she wiped a tear from her eye, Rainbow then saw she caused Scootaloo to cry, Rainbow then spoke.

“Oh come here sweetie.” Rainbow held her arms out as Scootaloo put her forelegs around her and cried into Rainbow’s chest, Rainbow Dash then turned to Applebloom and Sweetie Belle and said, “Ok you two, I think its time you head home we will talk about this another time, oh and one more thing, do not, I repeat do not tell the other elements about this.” Rainbow said with a scary looking face.

Applebloom and Sweetie Belle then left. Rainbow then turned to her daughter “Ok Scoots time for bed.” Rainbow said as she began to carry Scootaloo in her hooves

“But mommy I'm not tired!” Scootaloo said with a yawn, Dash thought it was pretty cute though. Dash would never admit it or tell anypony, Dash then opened Scootaloos door and soon put her into bed and tucked her in, she kissed her on the head then she spoke up, “Goodnight sweetheart.” Dash whispered, soon Vader came in and kissed her on the head then Dash and Vader walked out and turned the light off.

Scootaloo then yawned and whispered “Goodnight mommy, goodnight daddy.” As she passed out until the next day.

Author's Note:

i hope the last part was cute. allso for thos of u who might be mad at how i made twi shes supposed to be like derp she is to smart most of the time

allso id like to thank http://www.fimfiction.net/user/The+Celtic+Pony for editing this

Comments ( 38 )

really twilight? why would she believe the cmc?

3471313 in this one shes suppose to be like derpy lol

..... no comment....i'm just gonna go back to my hotel pizza...... o.o....

3471681 lol honesly im not surprised this fic i guess was random or somethan lawl

cool and awesome! good job

3556710 really this was my worst fic ever but eh thanks

3556719Shit man even I can make this better. And I'm not that good! The story was rusted and their was no time for bonding between the charters. A good story comes in time. I spent 4 Months finding a tittle for my story. You need to tell how Darth-. Darth Vader! ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE?!!!!
(:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: 2 Out Of 5 Happy Pinkies)
Of all the fucked up minds yours comes in at 2th place.


heh lol...darth vader and rainbow dash!

3836060 I'm glad u like it but I'm doing a re write soon it was rushed

What. Was. That.:rainbowhuh:

I was dealing okay until DARTH VADAR!!!! :facehoof: what the hell? When it said crossover I was expecting something that would make sense. That didn't make any sense.

I'm sorry, I thought I'd enjoy this, but that last bit ruined it for me:ajbemused:

4108142 sorry, I don't mean to be mean, but I just didn't like this.

4108144 yes its my worst story but it gets a rewrite soon

It doesn't make any sense and it was hilarious! Darth vader really? Even through I think its hilarious!! I would place a cool pony smiley, but I guess that doesn't work on iphone..

4441803 i will be making a rewrite of this story when i get time the reason is this story was rushed:twilightblush:

4441808 quick response, but it was a nice story, only weird i guess..

4441818 maybe so but i might as well rewrite it lol maybe i can add a backstory on how she and Vader met lol but thx for reminding me on this story :rainbowkiss::yay:

4441838 yeah I'm always awesome like that reminding people of things.. So no problem =D (I really wish I could do pony smileys on my iPhone)

This was a very weird and feeling very disjointed about how some part of this story connect and it very hard to follow what is going with this story because that other than that it was a fun story to read. But just way to random and hard to follow.

4603287 that is why I'm making a remake of this story it was to rushed in my option

4603949 I'll be honest it isn't my best story......

4603995 you could have AT least put on the alternat unveriser tag

4604208 I just did I did not thank the AU tag was necessary at the time :derpyderp1:


4608122 calm down please, lots of peaplo would make this mistake I thought the crosscover tag was well a hint as to what I added :raritycry:

4608209 it needs both tags to make it clear not just one of them

Ouch. You say you had an editor for this?

Anytime you have a new speaker you need a new paragraph, that is the biggest editing mistake I spotted, but it is riff with errors throughout.

Twenty-five minutes later she arrived at her destination Scootaloo.

I can't even parse this. Is it supposed to be a new sentence starting with Scootaloo, or is it just a random remnant of an abandoned idea?

Buried in the library burning Darth Vader randomness is a nice story gem. I cannot upvote, the editing is just too bad, and if you are going to name your story Scootaloo's father, maybe give him some dialog? Something?

Logic.exe stopped working :applejackconfused:

Comment posted by Brony_Fife deleted Nov 7th, 2014
Comment posted by Matt11 deleted Nov 7th, 2014

darth pinkie, make it happen!

This was so stupid and funny at the same time.

I forgot I made this story:facehoof:

Don't be disappointed. This was hilarious.

oh my goodness, it’s darth Vader from star wars, *gasps*

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