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after this im thinking that the elements blasting both celestia and the mc would be for the best as at least that way both would hopefully have something happen to them (give the mc shapeshifting between human, pony and both genders maby at a streach or give him/her the magic to work towards with twilight what she wants) (maby de-accend celestia for a bit so she has the body horror she put the mc thorugh)
im bad at spelling and am using mc as im not too good at being consistent
This was the chapter I was waiting for; the confrontation with Celestia.
I hate seeing a defeated Gerry, but Celestia now is forced to see exactly what she's done. She can justify everything she's done, but she never looked into his eyes as she did this to him, and now she has to face him. Actions have consequences, and now Celestia is seeing firsthand what she's done and how much it hurt. And further consequences in that Twilight has no trust in Celestia, and if asked, will likely tell others not to trust her.
You have to wonder which hurts more; facing the life you destroyed or facing the one you used to destroy that life hating you for it. Gerry was right; words on paper don't get the message across.
I hate seeing the defeat, especially considering the circumstances. Loss of species, loss of gender, loss of freaking identity, and can barely feel that loss. And the worst isn't it even that it can't be undone, but that there is no real justice. But that's the point.
Freaking love this story.
sorry Celestia should pay a legal consequence for what she did. Twilight is not thrilled with her. I bet if Luna and Cadance also learned what she did they would not be happy. I bet all three could force her to temporary step down as a princess. Her judgement is now in question. How can she rule a nation if she just did to Gerry what she did? This is the weakest part of your story.
i dont think luna and celestia know yet. if not that should be something that comes up later as both luna and cadences domains are effectid by what celestia did as she basicly decived twilight which would already get both of them mad but also made gerry's core of being chage which is something which is under both cadences and lunas domains i think with luna guarding dreams and cadence love it would be a under reaction to just leave it be by them
The story is brilliant. Doesn’t mean I have to like it, or what’s happened to Gerry.
I’m still hoping for some kind of true consequence for Celestia. Somewhere down the line, from her perspective. Personally, I think Twilight should’ve cut all ties with her. How much do you think that would’ve broken the princess? To truly lose her beloved student? The one she had been grooming to replace her one day? To have one thousand years of destiny and planning destroyed by her own terrible decisions?
To quote from A Wizard of Earthsea,
In other words, as hard as it may be, you keep moving.
I really hope he doesn't kill himself as that would be just a way too easy way out.
Why do I sense suicide in the works
Love the story. I love the maturity and care taken with the subject matter. Kudos on Gerry for avoiding the easy route of attempted suicide... unless that was an early bit of brainwashing performed on him to prevent that route.
I’ve got a bad feeling though. At the Gala, Gerry complained about gender dysphoria, and Celestia secretly fixed it. In this chapter, Gerry complained about having memories of being a male human. Will someone try to help Gerry with a little selective amnesia now?
And I commend you for it. You are telling the story you wanted to tell from the beginning. There is no shame in that. Our comments and reactions can seem harsh because you have written something very strong and that will inevitably evoke such strong reactions, but that never means you need to change anything (other than taking another glance over everything for a tidying up edit). The point has always been to see where you wanted to take us on this version of the story. Wanting to see how it played out was why I held back (and often do hold back) with commenting until very recently. The comments I made previously were entirely made trying to weigh almost exactly what you played out in this chapter, I still stand by them, but, although it is not impossible, it is up to the characters themselves to prove they can find another way. Even if that is only perseverance through spite.
This pretty much sums up things for me, save for one thing, Gerry deciding to he wants to remain a mare. That itself is probably worse than suicide, because it is Toffee commiting murder of Gerry on Celestia's behalf. A good deal of what Gerry says is bullshit, because he is brainwashed and giving Celestia a pass for what she did when she us the one who has altered his mind and told him what to think. He doesn't decide anything, Celestia does and so she gets away with being a monster with no consequences. And Twilight is ultimately a failure as a person and friend with how she does nothing for him to set things right.
Honestly at this point I think suicide is the only real solution for him.
Edit: it all seems absurd they're just leaving him as is and not doing anything. Its like if during the Canterlot Invasion they let Chrysalis get away and keep Shining Armor because he said he wants to marry her instead even though it is painfully obvious he's been brainwashed.
Well now, I can very clearly see the future. People like Celestia in this story don't change. Their untouchability and their complete unaccountability means that they continue to toy with others. Most people like our hero, simply get exasperated and enraged but ultimately fizzle out because they don't see anything that they can do. And so the behavior doesnt change. Why should it?
What always eventually happens is that the unaccountable one "toys" with the wrong persons life. And that person hurts the untouchable person in a way the elite didn't foresee.
You cant touch the untouchable, but you can touch what they built, what they love, what they treasure. And a person with nothing to loose and with spiteful furry will strike. If it were me, I would have found out what Celestia put her heart and soul into. What she has fought for, and built with her own time and hard work. Find the thing that she has the most pride in. And then you burn it to the ground. With the ponies inside.
When there are no more consequences and the future holds no fear, man truly becomes a wraith
The Monk
“Not telling you too much about humanity's special power, but I can give you a big hint! It is pure, concentrated spite.” -Knight Breeze
-From A Wizard of Earth sea.