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Oh boy, oh boy! Things are gettin' better n' better.
Ah, Tyrant-Celestia. We meet again.
Let's hope this story maintains its upward trajectory...
No.i got with Cadance. The shipping
I'm locked in and ready for more.
She might be setting up a romance and the least expected
Ah. Either way, it was evil.
Oh yes I am just guessing the unlikely one people would guess
This was a fun chapter with a wild end I hope it was really Discord who did it.
I can imagine a dust cloud being left behind to mark her previous position.
From how Rarity didn't seem to be taking no for an answer earlier in the story, its a bit surprising that her apology seems genuine. I was kinda expecting her to brush it off and try to make Gerry go around in a dress.
I do wonder what Celestia's reaction to this will be, because from how she's acted there isn't really anything that can excuse her.
This exact shit is what ruined the Silver series for me. Tyrant Celestia, only the main character was a literal doormat, and accepted everything that came their way.
Thankfully, it seems Gerry is actually capable of being angry. Because, ya know, most people would hate having their gender changed. And species changed, for that matter.