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poor Gerry. at least we can now guess why the elements couldnt be used by her in this universe if this was her reaction to all of this
Good chapter but I'm starting to feel like its being rushed now.
Good chapter and i see you've started to include the romance tag into your story. Now I want to see how you handle it after everything that has happened to Gerry/Toffee. This will be a very delicate thing to introduce after everthing I read, up to this point. I look forward to how it plays out.
Despite being told that she's done plenty and certainly having plenty of bits,
GerryToffee still is determined to earn her keep.Lawful Good.
I'm... Not sure it's that. Stockholm syndrome is most often associated with falling for your kidnapper.
Toffee it is.
While I agree, you also have to be realistic. Celestia isnt a pony. She is a pony shaped demigod that wields power to evaporate you or simply open your skull and tinker around with your very mind itself. Realistically, Twilight and Applejack cant do crap and if they tried, they risk not only themselves, but the lives of their families. Celestia runs a police force, a military and all countries have assassins, even ours. So dont think she doesn't.
However like I said before, once you come to terms that your life is over you become powerful. Walking into the throne room or the court with an IED and immolating everyone in the room while Celestia sits in stunned silence is the closest anyone could really get to giving her a rebuke that would effect her at all.
That however would derail the story and is something I wouldn't want to see here. But it would be nice if Toffee had the ability to lock out further manipulations from her.
The Monk
“and brought her muzzle to his ear. “If you so much as hurt one little hair on her head, I’ll feed you to my cock,” she hissed.” -Some Leech
I’m actually worried Twilight’s about to do something to that effect.
Not sure what story the Author wants to tell, but there are always options, even if its only to "Grey Rock" and simply refuse to play.
When dealing with situations way out of your ability to control, your only real choices are "Thinking outside the box."
I am very interested in seeing where this goes.
The Monk
“They may have been a pair of idiots, but the true test of intelligence is how you stick the landing!” -The Dimensional Traveler
This here is incredibly dissapointing to see from Big Mac. It says that even though he has fallen in love with Gerry and knows the truth about him, he doesn't care about his wellbeing, only selfishly caring for "Toffee". He knows Gerry wants to be Gerry, and everything of Toffee is something artificially forced onto him by Celestia, but prefers Toffee. That's just dark as hell, and I can't see Big Mac as a good pony after that.
And I'm still surprised Twilight hasn't gotten anyone else involved, like Cadence or Luna, maybe even Discord. Then there's Sunset, wgo would definitely pirch in to help hearing her mentor has hurt someone. Starlight could possibly turn her dislike of cutie marks into something beneficial, by stripping Gerry of the dark magic hes under.
This story is pre-S3, I think.
But, yeah. Big Mac looks bad.
I wanna feel happy but at the same time I'm not sure toffee is ready for a relationship
Then that just makes them all horrible, because niw they have no excuse that allows them to fight Chrysalis and Sombra without admitting that Mind Control is unethical, and that by not forcing Celestia to reverse everything she did they have knowingly betrayed a friend.
Some kind of comeuppance must happen. You're right, in that Celestia is no better than any of those monsters. Honestly, at the bare minimum, Twilight should have basically told her that she (Twilight) was no longer the Princess' pupil, and to never contact her again. Celestia, in this fic, really deserves to lose everything. Her protégé, the love of her friends and family, and most definitely her throne.
If Celestia actually gets away with this... I'll riot.
Honestly... I'm not angry at Celestia. More than anything, I pity her.
To have gone to such drastic actions only shows what something went wrong a long time ago. While not forgivable, it is understandable.
That's fucked up Mac.
How exactly could they force to do anything? She’s a goddess with enough power to move both the sun and moon unaided for 1000 years. If she wanted she could just vaporize them so they stop annoying her. There’s also the fact that she probably can’t undo the transformation or she would’ve done that instead of using mind control.
Twilight and Appljqck are Elements of Harmony, they're the heroes who chaged 8nto obvious danger to stop Nightmare Moon. If Celestia ia obviously being evil, there is no reason for them to not try to stop her, especially since they go aup against so much else.
Furthermore the EoH doing nothing means they knowingly violate their elements by abandoning a friend in dire need to the villian without a struggle. They know all the details of what's happened, and that Gerry not only has been deeply violated against his will, but that Celestia has forced him to submit to her via magic and he uncapable if saying bo to her only because her magic makes him, yet they allow her magic to remain.
Why suicide is the onky way there could be a happy ending is because the good guys have all betrayed their principles and the villian has destroyed his ability to say no or resist, so he cannot be happy or like anything about his current life of his own accord. Its the only thing other than breaking Celestia's dark magic and beconing human, or being rescued by the elements that would mean he doesn't suffer forever the torture of knowing he is brainwashed but incapable or resisting.
Honestly with how things have turned out we've gone right back to Gerry being raped, albeit this time there's no actual sex.