• Member Since 31st Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Jan 22nd, 2023



Applejack has always been a pony everypony could rely on, honest, hard working and reliable. But can she be honest with herself?

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 10 )

cute peace i like it

SoarinJack? Soarinjack

Great fimfic! :twilightsmile: But I still don't understand why there are so few views.:unsuresweetie:

This was very good. I've always wondered about how ponies react when they want to rip their masks off:ajsleepy:. And Soarjack doesn't get enough love, you did it right.:ajsmug:
Rarity is a good friend, and as much as I ship Rarijack it simply would not have fit here. Bravo, I will visit this some other time, maybe to print it out.:pinkiehappy:

Goodness, thanks very much. I don't consider myself the best writer ever but I'm glad I can write stuff that entertains people. ^^ Oh and I also ship Rarijack when it comes to simply the Mane 6. ^^

Great story, I love Soarjack, and I think you presented it very in-character. I loved the Rarity bits too!

4232635 Thanks, glad you liked it. :pinkiehappy:

I love the whole concept on this, that each of us creates a façade to hide our true self in order to be accepted by others.

"Who would date an ugly mule like you, Applejack?"

I would, and I believe so would any self-respecting stallion.

Awww this is adorable!! Def going to my fav list!

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