Sentinels, while few in number, were the vanguard of humanities final defiance to the demon's onslaught on their world. As the one story ends, another can begin, if one would pick up the pen to write it. Or, if in a final act of defiance on another world just beginning it's turn, someone chucks a rainbow at you. So join Sentinel, who takes the name where his own cannot, as he attempts to navigate the proverbial highway that is his life in the land of Equestria. Expect random adventures, road trips, soul searching, pure and utter confusion and even moments of clarity that can come from growing up without any.

*No gore, rape, or clop.
*Cussing will be kept to story driven excessiveness.
*Romance will be used for conflict, but no active human x pony sexual relationships.
*No "Great evil" overtone. Adventures will be small, and socially inter-connected.
*Sentinel will never, ever, EVER.... get a element of his own, harmony or otherwise.
*Sentinel will never become a Alicorn.

I wish to use this premise to explore relations that could come from such drastically different environmental factors effecting how someone, or somepony, grows up. Equestria is just like the show also. Fun loving and all that jazz, but as with the show, bullying and other social disharmony is going to be shown and highlighted.

Teen or Mature rating? I am still conflicted on this. I am strictly encouraging suggestions or critic on the rating. I was setting it to mature, but after checking out some stories that i've enjoyed here i've noticed they are mostly teen. Pretty much every mature story is about killing ponies with graphic details or very detailed sex/clop. Neither is going to be in this story. So going to shift it to teen for now.

Sex tag: Same as before, for sexual humor and situations, but no clop or graphic sex. At best, its going to be akin to talking the talk, and at worst, insinuated but left at that for the actual act happening. Just isn't what this is going to be about, and if anyone wishes for me to clarify this farther, ask.

Romance: I am entirely still unsure how I wish to approach this. All i can say is there will be no actual active and ongoing physical relationship between Sentinel and a pony as the current premise stands, human in equestria. Some moments, as such things are just going to happen along with emotion induced conflict, sure. However it will be a very slow thing if it goes towards something major, allowable only when certain conditions are met.

Alternate Universe Tag: No Alicorn Twilight, yet. About everything else, within reason to making a fiction based on the mlp fim universe stays. Some oddities that make it impossible to write it as anything but "I went into the TV" will remain out but otherwise the episode history is staying intact. So basically it heads up to the ending of season three then branches off without the final season 3 episodes. MLP in any form does/did not exist in Sentinel's world.

Will Sentinel stay a human? Unsure. If he goes the ponified route, its gonna be one hell of a rough ride and not just a "hey, magic!". Also, due to the possibility of romance actually opening up to something major if this condition is met, it will be much much later. I have no motivation to have him go pony in 2 chapters and snag a element of harmony just cause hes male.

This will also not be a episode to episode thing. The setting will be up until the last few episodes of season 3 and then it just stops. How when or what on when it moves further in canon will depend on several factors.

Also.. Sentinel is not an alicorn, will never be one, will NEVER get wings, and is not as powerful as Celestia or Luna. He is strong, but more of a Earth Pony, with some Point Blank Aura application such as healing and resistance. No long range, no air combat ability, and he is more of a tank than a offensive type fighter. AKA, he is gonna get his ass kicked quite a few times in Equestria, but he won't ever go down without a fight or leaving a scar.

He is proud, but firm, of humanity. This isn't going to be about proving humanity is better than equestria nor is it about proving equestria is better than humanity. Humans are NOT scum. One of the biggest concepts of this fic is consequence of choice, and that will go a very long way in approaching humanity and equestria's differences, and similar social ventures.

Additionally, from the prologue, I want it known that Sentinel is not going to be with any princess, at the time of the prologue, period. No Celestia, no Luna, no Cadance. I am going to maintain and try and even flourish every official relationship, be it romantic, sibling, or parental.

Finally, my form of writing is not for everyone. You are both free and encouraged to voice how you do like it or do not regardless. It will be a progress thing, as I get into the groove of the story myself. I figure i spent more time on the prologue just to get a solid foundation to use for the rest of the story, and is why it is so long for one go.

Finally, there with be some homage to certain media that I've watched, listened, or read. You will find little tidbits here and there, and by no means is it meant as anything but a kick back to the rightful owners.

My little Pony is owned by Hasbro
Hellgate London is owned by... something... now...

Chapters (12)

You are an Initiate Guard for an empire, an Earth Pony stallion that knows nothing short of loyalty, and on a fateful night in the middle of a snow storm, mysterious and mythical creatures take all that you stand for away from you.

These creatures, referred to and known as Crawlers by lore and stories, know nothing but disharmony and destruction, and they strain against the safety of the citizens of the empire.

''Remember; to fight is to die for your beliefs. A fight is not won until one last faction is standing. At the end of the day, only one will triumph over the other, reeling in a new order of peace.''

Chapters (0)

With the surprise runaway success of its first interdimensional reality show, The Education Network (TEN) thought it had finally found the perfect formula. That was, in till someone else discovered just how easy it was to open a portal to Equestria. Now ponies are everywhere, and people are starting to tire of slice of life pony shows like FIM. It looks like TEN will have to go back to it's previous niche of offering educational programs*.

However, salvation comes in the form of taking ideas from other network's successful shows, adding in ponies, and pureeing. The resulting committee born monstrosity Pony Shore involves throwing four ponies, four bronies, and four pony haters into a house on Nantucket.

Fluttershy has finally gotten up the courage to visit earth for the first time. Unfortunately, based on a slick targeted marketing campaign, Fluttershy decided to participate in Pony Shore, without quite realizing what she was in for. Will she be the last contestant standing? Can she win the ten thousand bit grand prize?

Set in the same universe as A Dash of Fame and Fortune, approximately a year later.

*like Barefoot and Pregnant Teenage dwarfs.

Chapters (6)

Twilight goes and visits princess Celestia to learn a new protection spell. Not getting much information about it, only that it is to be used as a last resort. on her return to ponyville a new enemy appears and they seem to have no good feelings tord ponies especially earth ponies. After the first insistent, one of the main six is put into the hospital and twilight soon realizes that this make the element useless. How are they to fight off this new enemy, twilight mite just have to use the new spell Celestia has tot her and learn that its no ordinary spell in many ways.

Chapters (2)

Trotham city was once a glowing earth pony metropolis, but after Nightmare Moon was banished, it has been in a state of corruption and near-anarchy ever since, but a small of glimmer of hope appeared 20 years ago, that died with Trotmas Mane and his wife.
The Mane family has lived there ever since it's founding by Princess Luna shortly before she was imprisoned.
The only living Mane left has traveled the world, learning whatever he can from where ever he can.
Princess Luna has decided that she will pull Trotham from the ashes if it's the last thing she does, but is she alone?
There has been unrest in the underbelly of Trotham, and a storm is moving in, that threatens Equestria to it's very core, and it's impossible to say who will still stand in the end.
Is all hope dead, or is the night just darkest before the morning?

This is my first Fanfic, so please, all comments welcome. I may have some shipping later on in the story, but not yet. Constructive criticism welcome. I will attempt to update as often as I can, maybe once (or if I'm lucky) twice a week)

Chapters (3)

Criminal Report.

General Information
-First Name: Blah
-Middle Name: Blah
-Last Name: Blah
-Occupation: Private detective
-Age: 23

-Race: Earth Pony
-Coat Color: Brown.
-Mane and Tail Color: Hot Pink (Note: like like, really really pink!)
-Build: Small
-Cutie Mark: A griffin's fist

-Mr. Blah approached Princess Celestia on her biannual visit to Ponyville, and punch her in the nose. Now he's to work community service and get a girlfriend! Like maybe, that pink pony at SugarCube corner, or or, perhaps that violinist who's got the same accent as him, or maybe, MAYBE, my mom!

Blah put down the, 'criminal report' and rolled his eyes. "I say, Apple Splice, get ya tootie down here, wot!"
"So we can see my mom and you two go on a date?!" Slice yelled down from upstairs.

I write a horrible fanfiction for just the kicks, run away all! :P

Chapters (1)

THIS STORY IS PERMANENTLY CANCELLED. I'm sorry, but between losing the original drafts several times over, moving half a country away from a co-author who has since left the fandom, and (most importantly) a crippling lack of motivation, this story has finally been pulled off of life support. Thank you to those who enjoyed it while it lasted, and I'm sorry it didn't develop further.
TL;DR is up top here, while the longer, original description is down below the break.

An advanced, U.N.-built and -run battleship built as a new class of weapons system dropped off the face of the Earth during its Shakedown Cruise, but that doesn't mean it was destroyed - far from it, in fact, as several ponies are about to find out....


((Original, longer description begins here. Looking at you, TNaB.))

It just won't stop.

First it was the Taliban, then the Jihadis of Al-Quaeda. And when they all seemed to be done, we let our guard down, and now Geneva, Belgium is a nuclear wasteland irradiated more than even Pripyat. How will the world react when the Representatives of every UN, NATO, EU, and G8 nation are glassed by nuke-happy Mongolian Extremists, Hell-bent on restoring the Golden Hoarde of Ghengis Kahn?


Everyone gets so pissed, even Kim-Li Jung (the son of Kim-Jong Un) gives up trying to nuke Washington, D.C. for the sake of retaliation against the Kahnites.

However, by the year 2030, technology has advanced enough to where, when Sub-Hypersonic Commercial Air Travel is common and Mankind has the technology to start Terraforming Mars to be more hospitable to humans, just how much of such technological development has reached the Military and its Departments of Research?

Enough to say three words:
Railgun-Armed Battleships.

However, such a ship has not been truly tested in the field; in fact, the joint-UN testbed prototype unit is the only one that has truly worked more than a few hours in a CAD program or simulated firing ranges. But when duty calls, its all-hands on deck for a glimpse of the world's future militaries.

Just.... what is the purpose of this secure computer terminal next to the navigation consoles? Oh well, it has the internet, and Three-Star Admiral of the United Stated Navy - SOCOM Fritz S. SturmWanderer never did get to completely see the rest of that one animated show that his late daughter loved so much, that one of the last things she asked for from her Father was to watch the show to the end for her, and let her know what happened in the great after. Well, we're sailing from Norfolk, Virginia to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, so he should have some time, right?

... Right?

"Oh hell, now was die scheiße have I gotten us into this time?"
-Admiral Fritz S. SturmWanderer


FYI: this is a CO-AUTHORED JOINT-VENTURE between myself and a wonderful friend of mine, a one Mr. Dasubur. You will be seeing various pieces throughout the story from both of our collaborative efforts into this, please keep this in mind while reading due to the different writing styles. In a nutshell, he edits my chapters, and I edit his; and we conglomerate daily to discuss how to take this along without stringing the loose ends out to strangle the plot. Thank you.

A/N: Yes, that's an Anthro tag. Yes, there may-or-may-not be some form of Nudity/Explicitly Adult Content. Yes, this is currently accurate. Yes, the tags are subject to change. Yes, the "Terrorists" are Mongolians. What, did you expect to have Space-Nazis from the surface of Venus? Let's not use an already-overused stereotype cliche, eh? You have problem? My complaint department, led by a one Miss Pinkamena Diane Pie, is now taking preliminary rants. Thank you for your patronism.

Chapters (4)

Long ago, there was a group of warriors who called themselves the Chosen. They were once the bridge between ponies and the great guardians of the sky, sea , and earth. While they were powerful, they were still not unstoppable. Over time the guardians started to fall; one by one they fell to greed, and in the process turning on those that they once protected. As the guardians turned their backs on the creatures they once helped and served to feed their greed, the Chosen disappeared at the same rate as the fall. Stories have been told that a single Chosen remains but none know were to begin the search to find the once powerful order's last remaining member.

Chapters (1)

***This happens between the last gen and the newest gen! Right before magic is gone***

Prince Yearning is an alicorn of Love, he lives in Heaven. A city that is up in the clouds, at one point it was rumored that there was even more cloud cities but that could just be an old fillies tale. He is destined to marry a pony in another kingdom, one that would unite the pair and power the love crystal that produced such strong magic it kept the city afloat and gives the unicorns and Alicorns intense power. Only one problem? Yearning doesn't love the woman he was chosen to be with. He runs away, running into a small, Earth Pony who had changed his gender to male but due to the rapid bigotry in the pony universe he was shunned and joined the circus, cleaning up after the mythical animals the small circus kept in cages.

Despite the fear of Alicorns, the Earth pony followed Yearning on his quest to find a gem that was rumored to grant three wishes under special circumstances. With a wish, he hopes to restore the love in his kingdom and never have to worry about marrying anyone. That is, until he starts to see the real darkness in his sheltered life and how things aren't as black and white as they seemed.

**If you enjoy this make sure to read my novel, the main two characters are directly from it! darapofficial (dot) com ***

Chapters (1)

Saturn, an earth pony king ruling a small city of earth ponies, is almost killed by King Sombra, but saved at the last second, barely.

Chapters (7)