• Published 29th Jun 2014
  • 398 Views, 1 Comments

Living Spell - demi-hammer

A new enemie appears in ponyvill and the elements of harmeny wont be of any help. With celestia's teachings of a new spell to Twilight, it may be the only thing that can sasve equestria.

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ch. 2- The Ralimis

Twilight Suddenly awoke to a loud crash coming from the kitchen. As she entered she finds Spike had just started sweeping the remains of a plate he had dropped. She giggled and shook her head in a way that said 'typical Spike'. A few hours after breakfast Twilight and Spike headed out into ponyville to do there dally check on the town and its ponies. They start with sugar cube corner, check on miss and mister Cake newest creations, then headed on over sofa's and quill's, as usual twilight need more quills. After check the other stores, they headed to the town farm stains, along the way saying hello to just about every pony they past. Finely entering the stains, Twilight immediately turned to the corner in which Sweet Apple's acres stand is located, just as she calculated Applejack was just opening the stand. With a joyful smile on her face she started heading tord Applejack, when spike ran in front of her blocking her path.

"Holed on there Twilight. I know you wont to see your friends, but we need to go threw these others vendors first. You know what happens when you get talking with AJ." Twi lowered her head in disappointment and gave off a long exhale. she sat where she stood keeping her head low. Spike didn't know what to make of this, he had never seen Twilight act so well NOT like Twilight. The awkward silence was starting to make Spike more and more uneasy till finely he gave in. Twilight sprong up in joy and started to trot tord Applejack with her head held high, being a understatement, proud of her self for trolling Spike. Spike knowing what she just did follow behind dragging his front paws and tail along the ground, disappointed that he fell for something, in his mind, stupidly lame. Finely at AJ's stand Twilight walks behind the stand and gave her a huge Hug.

"So why did the princess ask your presents?" Applejack ask and with that Spike new there was no stopping them now from going on and on. So he started to walk off to find something to pass the time while those two talked, he figured he finish the check list him self and give twilight a briefing latter. When all of a sudden a terrifying scream over took every noise in equestria. The cry caused every pony to stop and lessen, all coward in fear of it. After the scream subsided, Twilight and Applejack immediately started running tord the screaming as fast as there hoofs could carry them.

They ran around a corn to fined a harrier seen of a site. Seven large unicorn ponies that all where almost as tall as Celestia had two of there group members holding back one light yellow Pegasus pony and the others where circling over another lighter blue earth pony kicking and stomping all over her. It was clear that the pony being held back was the one who gave out the scream a little wile ago, sense she was begging the larger ponies to stop and that the other pony was on the verge of death. The thing that cot Twilight's attention was the other seven ponies looked almost exactly the same the only thing was there cuttie marks. The other thing Twilight noted was there cutie marks where located on there chest instead of there flanks. Twilight and Applejack couldn't believe there eyes, to see a fellow pony curled up in a ball trying to survive a on-slot of impacts and the other being forced to watch as her friend was being killed. Applejack stamped her hoofs as she walked foreword so to be heard by the ponies and shouted out to them in such anger twilight couldn't believe that this was Applejack talking.

"HEY! WHAT IN TARNAYTION IS GOING ON HERE?" the larger ponies stopped there on-slot to see who had the audacity to shout out to them. Having all seven set of eyes on them was a little intimidating, but they both new that they couldn't let them see that. Twilight finely got the nerve to speak, spreading her wings to put forth her authority.

"My name is princess Twilight Sparkle And I demand that you cease and desist immediately!" she slams her hoof down hoping to scare the ponies. A moment after, the seven ponies looked at each other and started laughing as if they just heard a great joke. Twilight and AJ doing all they could to hold back there anger from these ponies thinking that all this was a joke. Applejack couldn't hold it back any more and charged at the larger ponies. "Applejack!? Wai-" Twilight slams her hoof in her mouth to stop her self from warning the other ponies from Applejack's attack, but it was to late. Applejack was all ready in a full gallop. when suddenly a oraw appeared around her. She began to lift off the ground and float in mid air. Twilight gasp and slams her hoof to the ground again "let her go. NOW!"

"OR what?" said one of the larger ponies who had a cutey mark of a black dagger snapped in half on his chess .

"Or your going to have to answer to me." she said with a the most fears face she could muster. The group of ponies started laughing once more.

"Haha, Oh that is just to good." said the large pony who question Twilight. Twilight came to the conclusion that he was the leader. The Stallion wiped a tear from his eye with his hoof from laughing so hard. "All right princess you clearly don't have any idea who we are do you?"

"No I don't, but it don't matter."

"Don't matter!?!? Oh princess you have no idea how so wrong that little statement is. For we're the Ralimis." he said with great pride. As he said that the other six ponies dropping what they where doing with a pegasus and earth pony to gathered around behind the other stallion, confirming Twilight's suspicions on him being the leader. The pegasus crawled over to her suffering friend as quietly as possible, but quietly so not to draw attention back to them. once next to her she placed her self right next to frind and placed her right wing over her to comfort the earth pony and started crying.

"Never heard of you." Twilight blew out with out a second thought. The Ralimis gasped and all looked a there leader who clearly wasn't to thrilled to hear that. After a moment of silence the stallion smiled and gave off a little chuckle.

"You are really something princess. Allow me to introduce my self, My name is Bla-" suddenly interrupted by Applejack, who was still being levitated by him, was trying to somehow free her self thinking sense he was being preoccupied with Twi, that his magic hold on her was weak enough that she could free her self, but it seemed to be no good. Starting to get frustrated thinking every pony had forgotten about her began to shout.

"Let me go this instant so I can buck y'all sky high to next week!" she shouted wile still trying to break free. With a groan the stallion levitated Applejack closer to him self.

"Now lessen here you pathetic earth pony!" He said most fearlessly.

"Pathetic?!?! why don't y'all put me down and ye will see how pathetic this pony really is." AJ announced with such confidence that even Twilight her self was concerned for the larger ponies even though she was keeping a clear memory check on there crimes. The stallion smiles once more, but a little differently them normal. Twilight noticed this and recognized to it immediately, with no time to spare she shot a blast of magicle assents at the stallion. It seamed it was going to hit its mark when a magic wall appeared in front of the stallion holding Applejack through it off of its cores. The stallion turned his head and looked at Twilight with a grin. The spell landed right next to the pegasus and earth pony tossing chunk's of rock and dirt all over them.

"Hay you need to get out of here." Twilight shouted to the pegasus. The pegasus nod in complains to Twi, grabbing her friend and taking to the sky. One of the Ralimis began to cast a spell at the ponies flying away when the leader placed he hoof on him to get his attention.

"forget about them they got the message and beside I doubt that earth pony will live much longer." Twilight couldn't believe her eyes, she also couldn't believe that he was the one who cased the spell wile holding AJ. so she quickly looked around at the other pony's to see witch on cased the spell. Shire enough one of the other six did cast it, it was cased by a stallion with a cutey mark of a black shield and a white skull in the senter of it on his chest.

"Good job Sarrow." said the commanding pony. Sarrow bowed his head in compliance of his commanders praze. "Now where was I, Oh yes, before I release you earth pony. I have two things to say, one my name is Black Dagger, but you can just call me Dagger. As you so foolishly interrupted me from saying earlier and two." he stopped to inhale a breath of air. "This next part is GOING to hurt a lot." stating in a low anger voice so to prevent Twilight from hearing it. With that Loud snaps came from all over Applejack. Dagger had broken random bones throughout Applejack's body including all four of her legs. Applejack gave of a cry of pear pain and Twilight was compleatly helpless. Dagger removed his levitation spell from Applejack dropping her a few feet to the ground. After hitting the ground, Applejack curled her self up and began to muter. Twilight had enough, not only where two other ponies being harmed for no apparent reason, but one of her closest friends was taking it to far. Twilight began to charge the stallions, wings spread, and tears running down her cheeks. She started to cast a spell, the other ponies notus of this do to her horn starting to glow ever so brighter with every passing second. The Ralimis took to there fighting stances readying for what ever Twilight was going to cast. With a flash of light that was almost blinding Twilight had cased a spell that temporarily removed the Ralimis from using there magic and she then quickly cased an other spell tossing the stallions right out to ponyvilles borders.

"YOU'VE WON THIS ROUND PRINCESS, BUT WE"LL BE BACK TO RECLAIM WHAT IS OURS!!!" Dagger shouted thinking that Twilight could heard him and so they took off heading tord the everfree forest. Twilight came to a halt next to Apple jack, as soon as she cased to second spell in success in driving the Ralimis back. she turned, looking down at her fallen friend and began crying.

"Applejack are you O.K.?"

"That darn Stallion broke my legs! what do you think!?!?"

"I'm sorry I-I didn't see it. I'm sorry AJ."

"its all right sugar cube. you tried your best and that's all that matters." Twilight smile and wiped away her tears.

"lets get you to a hospital." With that Twilight cased a transportation spell on Applejack and her self sending them to ponyville hospital.

Comments ( 1 )
Comment posted by YbJ deleted Jun 30th, 2014
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