//------------------------------// // ch. 1- Spelling it out // Story: Living Spell // by demi-hammer //------------------------------// "Oh Twilight you're back. How was visit to Canterlot." said Spike as twilight walked in from the main double red door to the tree house. "It wasn't exactly what I was expecting." Twilight said with minimal enthusiasm . "Wasn't what you where expecting? How so?" "Well she went and tot me a new spell. A protection spell of things, but not just any protection spell, it's a spell that i am to only use when there is no other choice." She said with frustration. The pink scaled dragon stood and stared at the purple alicorn in a state of surprise. "What is it Spike?" she ask "Well I guess I'm shocked to hear you complain about learning a new spell from the princess." He explained. Twilight sighed as she started walking toured one of the many book shelf's that cover the walls of the tree house. "It's not that I'm ungrateful, its just I don't understand why the princess would go and teach me such a powerful spell, when I, we have the elements of harmony." she turns to faces spike and with other breath of air she continued. "I mean, WHAT could we possibly go up against that the element would be rendered useless?" "Well maybe its more when you don't have them. You don't always have them in hoof all time Twi." Twilight lowers her head in shame. "You're right spike. I normally don't have the elements on hoof." she said in disappointment. Spike feeling proud of his self pumps out his chest and placed his paws on his hips. Getting a sudden unsettling feeling he broke his pose. "Wait??? What did you mean by that?" He ask in a concerning fear. Twilight shot her head up and held it high. Her swing spreed, her back legs together, and her front ones placed in front of the other, and finely cleared her throat. In the most professional voice she could muster. "Which is why from here on out I will carry the elements of harmony with me at all times." braking her stance immediately she gave spike a big grin as if she just made the smartest decision ever. Spike stood once more in shock. after a moment of processing he shook his head in disappointment, then simply turned and walked away. Twilight reposition her stains to something a little more comfortable. Confusion to why spike wasn't praising her idea, but instead was walk away with out saying a thing. "Spike!?!?" she wined. "Didn't you like my idea?" Spike continued walking away from Twilight, walking up a book shelf, he pulls out a book with the tittle 'practical thoughts'. Twilight stared at the book recovering every memory she had of the contents that book held. "Spike that book has nothing to do with what we're doing." Spike stood continuing to hold the book in front of him, gives twilight a disappointing frown. "what?" she ask as if she had done nothing wrong. Rolling his eyes, Spike turns back to the self holding the book in one hand, he pulls another book titled 'stupid strategies'. Twilight gasp " what are you implying?" she ask. "Oh just forget it!" he shouts. throwing the books into the air and stormed off up the stairs. Twilight quickly reacted and using her magic catches the two book inches from hitting the floor. She looked up the stairs to fined spike and watch him clime the last few steps before vanishing behind the wall. "Gees what got under his coat? Oh well there's never any telling with that dragon." she said to her self. putting the books back where spike got them. Satisfied, she went to the kitchen, just as she entered the main door bell went off. Immediately turning around she shouts "come in!" two ponies entered. "yes can I help you?" she asked politely. "Twilight your back. Its great to see your back safely darling." "Why hello Rarity. Good evening Fluttershy." "Oh, Good evening to you too Twilight. I hope we're not intruding or anything?" Fluttershy said softly. "Nonsense, she invited us in silly filly." Rarity said with a giggle. Twilight and Fluttershy quickly followed in with the giggling. "I was just about to make some tea. Would you girls like some?" "Oh terribly sorry darling, but we just came by to return this book for Sweety Bell." Rarity turns and pulls a book out of her white saddlebag. Holding it in her muzzle she places it in the table in the center of the library. "Well we hate run, but we do have lot do. come a long Fluttershy the day waits for no pony." "O.K., see you latter Twilight." speaking once more very softly Twilight waved as her two friends left. she smiled and went back into the kitchen to go get her tea. reentering the library wile levitating the cup of tea Twilight looks over to the large grandfather clock next to the fire place to find out the time. "Well I guess it would be o.k. to lock up a few seconds early. NAAA!" She joke to her self. she looked up the stairs to see if spike was there, but alas he wasn't. Concerned she started to ponder on what got spike so angry earlier. Stumped she re-pulled the two books with her magic. Levitating all three items she walked over in front of the fire place and laid down onto her favorite pillow. She places the books in front of her and stared vigorously at them trying to figure out what spike was trying to say with out saying anything. Taking a sip of the tea that she continues to levitate, begins to open the two books. Before she started, she used her magic to lock the door. satisfied she planted her face into the books and started reading into the night.