//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Weddings suck // Story: Five Past Ten // by Burnin_Dove //------------------------------// The skies opened the morning of the wedding with the loud sound of bells that filled the air, the soft kick of a breeze rolled through the fur of the ponies that trotted towards the large, bright castle. Stained glass shone it's colorful light down on the groups of creatures that trotted into the chapel. Despite it's large windows, high walls and tall ceilings the blonde haired prince felt as if he could hardly breathe. His long lion-like tail tucked between his legs as he paced in front of the altar.  "Calm down, you know how it works," The red colored pony beside him said, he stood tall as the blonde with shaggy black hair and a toothy grin. The locks of hair fell into his face, covering his eyes ever so slightly.  "Peculiarity, I can't do this," the blue pony said to his brother, he watched the other roll a hoof up and down his horn as if stroking it. Large circles etched into the white, curved magical instrument.  "Come on, Yearning." The man snorted, "marrying her will unite kingdoms or...whatever,"  Yearning looked down at his golden hoofs, kicking at a broken light bulb on the floor. The ponies would start filling in at any second now, his heart hammered in his chest at the thought of marrying any creature.  "Besides, she's hot, bro!" Percy mused, sitting up and stretching his large wings before grabbing his brother's tie and yanking it forward.  "Don't worry, if things go south? You know I got a few tricks up my hoofs!"  "More like your horn," Yearning snorted, but he couldn't keep the smile off his face.  Glancing down at the pink suit that covered his pale blue, nearly grey frame. As a prince of love he was meant to fall in love, that love would charge the gem that sat on the throne. It was his destiny. He glanced up at the large, red throne, the gem on the crown was starting to turn black. Only a soft shade of pink remained which caused his heart to drop.  "It's not my fault I couldn't fall in love, how is forcing myself to love going to do anything?"  His brother shrugged, picking stuff from his rather ruffled wings with his teeth.  "You just gotta have a kid with the girl, you don't have to love her!"  "But I want to love someone," Yearning groaned, starting to pace yet again. Peculiarity spit a few feathers to the floor, the lines in his horn glowed a soft red. Using his magic to grab Yearning by the tie causing the Alicorn's to pause.  "Chill out! We have to do this, if that heart goes out…" "I know," Yearning whispered, looking down at his hoofs sadly. He felt frustration burning like a raging fire, he was the only Alicorn of love who had never fallen in love. He was the most important piece in the puzzle to keep their town magical, to keep it shut off from the rest of the world.  "You know that Tenacity picked her out himself, that clucker has a direct connection to Dad."  "Do you think dad's even going to show up? He was the last Alicorn of love," Yearning said this with a mocking tone in his voice.  The doors clacked, the two brothers turned attention to the red doors that were pushed open. Everyone was trotting in, from the rest of the Alicorn family to the peasants that hung out in the streets. They all came, Yearning swallowed back the lump in his throat. He and his family stood tall against the rest of the ponies and scattered creatures in the crowd.  "I can't do this," he whispered to his best man who was now stumbling back away from Yearning.  "You got this!"  He could feel how wide his eyes were growing, his legs trembled, he didn't want to be in love with someone they picked for him.  A few guards trotted through the door, sunlight fell over them as they moved in a tight knit square around his bride. He didn't even know what she'd look like, he shut his eyes tight as the guards parted. He swore everypony could hear his heart pounding against his chest.  He blinked his blue eyes open a few times, standing at the end of the pathway was a tall, blonde haired pony. Her curls rolled down her cheeks, her soft red fur was dotted with freckles that moved like a wave under her eyes and around her muzzle. Long pink dress to match his tuxedo, her shining blue gaze glowed in the heavenly lights of the chapel.  "Dang, you lucked out, she looks like she was made to match you!" Peculiarity whispered from where he stood a few hoof lengths away.  Yearning stared at her, yes, she looked like she matched him perfectly. Her colors mirrored his in such a way he couldn't imagine anyone else being so perfect for him physically. From her soft, curly hair to her brilliant, golden wings she looked like a goddess. Yet, he felt nothing. He could spot his brothers all muttering among themselves, grinning wide at his bride. Yearning suddenly felt sick as she trotted up towards the altar. Her golden hoofs scuffing lightly into the red carpet that was lined with the lights of the stained glass above.  "Yearning," Another large Alicorns trotted up, his helmet covering his long blonde hair, golden hoofs glittered in the sunlight as he grinned down at his brother,  "Meet Courtesy, a princess from another land. With her families help, we will be able to save the crystal and have a strong enemy for the war,"  Everypony whispered to one another as Courtesy stopped beside the large Alicorns. He was the largest of the brothers, the strongest, defending the kingdom with a sword so strong it was wanted by all.  "We need to talk," Yearning whispered to his older brother who scoffed, "still? I brought you exactly what you said you looked for. Long hair, golden accents so she fits in the family a--"  "Is there a problem?" An angry voice bellowed, a large pony with massive, dark wings stepped into the room. His hair buzzed short, with a deep purple pelt.  "No daddy," his bride said towards the war horse, rolling her eyes.  "Then let's get started," his voice was deep, angry, Yearning felt fear flood his system as the large war horse towered over him.  "R-right," he sputtered out, turning towards his bride. The war horse huffed angrily, making his way beside the woman. Standing tall as a skinny pale pony came trotting up to the pair.  *** "Oh I hate this," the male snorted, his light brown fur covered by an even darker brown leather bomber jacket. His favorite jacket! He stared down with narrowed green eyes to the piles of mythical animal dung. The animals were all locked in cages, hooting and screaming as they moved. The small pony looked from the dung up to the devil like creature in the tall, striped cage. The circus life wasn't glamorous, but it kept a roof over his head.  The earth pony sighed, "come on, Devin. You can't keep doing this to me," he snorted at the sickly looking goat creature, it's body skinny and long. It could stand up on two hooven feet but said no words, rendering it an "animal" in the eyes of the circus.  He gasped as pain flashed into his skull, turning around to glare at a monkey in a cage. The monkey let out a roar of laughter as it leapt on the bars and tossed another can at the pony.  "Knock it off, Frank! You only get one bread stick this morning! you're pooping too much," the pony growled, the monkey let out a whine and grabbed the bars. Shaking them with laughter on it's brown furry face.  "If I had thumbs I could do that too," he mumbled, grabbing his shovel between his teeth and shoving the end into the dung that covered the floor outside of the hoofy devil's cage. The day dragged on, from cleaning droppings to having to run a crappy, broken booth. Ponies from all over came to enjoy the old food and bug infested toys.  It was a day like any other day and soon he would return to his tiny, broken down home in the middle of town, go to sleep and do it all over again. He caught a look at his cutie mark at some point while moving, the baseball bat with the stars swirling around it reminded him of a better time. One when he was a filly, one before he changed his gender and ran away as far as he could. He left behind being a baseball player, the only family he had known. He never had expected other ponies to be so negative towards his change, growing up being different was always seen as a negative. He watched in real time as ponies got more and more aggressive with their dislike of anything different from themselves. From hating ponies with wings or horns, to any creature who they deemed unworthy of their attention.  He recalled the stories of Twilight Sparkle and her friends, saving the world with their love! But that's all they were, stories. He groaned softly as he grabbed a broom and started to sweep up trash.  "Hey! Knock-out,"  The pony glanced towards the voice with an eyebrow raised, a rather ruffled looking Griffin padded towards him. His large talons dug into the ground as he moved, telling the pony his boss was a little on edge, panic clear in the others features.  "Hey Mr. Vargas," he said through the grip he had on the broom handle. "Have you seen the monkey?" the griffin gasped out a little too loudly for Knock-outs liking.  Knock-out dropped the broom as worry flooded his mind, "which one?" He asked in a slight panic, his ears pricked forward.  "Mommy look! A midget!" A little pony laughed as the pair walked past "He must be in an act," the mom mused,  Knock-off raised a golden hoof as if he were about to make an obscene gesture.  "Be mad later!" The Griffin yowled,  "They called me a--"  "I know! I'm right here, you have to find the monkey!"  Knock-out rolled his eyes, letting his hoof stomp to the ground, sending a few crumbs of Earth into the air, "which one?"  "The brown one," "You make me want to tear my hair out!" Knock-out snorted, "Look, they listen to you and only you! Go find him or you're fired," With that the Griffin turned tail and shot back into the crowd.  "Fucking-- donkey hole,"  The small pony snorted, kicking the broom and angrily turning attention to the forest that loomed a few wing spans away.  "If it's Frank he's in the forest, trying to get to that damn town," he shook his head.  Beyond the forest was a small town with the best bread anywhere and the monkey often hide himself there for hours to gain access to the bakery. Just above that town sat Heaven, at least, that's what the kingdom called itself.  One of the few places left with full magic, the rest of the world had magic but not the way Heaven did. With a crystal so strong it kept the entire city afloat, an earth pony wasn't even allowed to gaze upon its glory.  "Alright, note to self. Never take away Frank's food,"  *** The wedding vows were prewritten, the pastor didn't seem to care about the anxious pony that was actively sweating through his shirt. His panic was at full swing as she sang out an,  "I do,"  'why?? They're just turning you into a baby maker! Why are you doing this!'  He wanted to scream this at her, no part of him found her attractive. His heart stopped as the pastor spoke directly to him,  "Do you take Clarity to be your wife? Through sickness and in health? With hoof to hold, and wings to fly you to the highest galaxies?"  His throat felt dry, panic was burning through his body. Her face practically glowed up towards him, she was about to be married into an exclusive family. One where she would have the next Alicorn of love. The next pony to take the throne when he died.  "I-I.."  He could hear the ponies around him whispering, he felt their anxieties flood into his fur.  "He does! Let's just do this!" The war horse yelled out, slamming his large hoof to the wooden floor making it splintered. Yearning nearly got sick at this, "I-I can't!" He shouted, sucking in air. The audience gasped, all eyes were on the blonde as he shook violently.  "I can't…" he murmured, turning on his heels and racing out of the church. He heard someone yell his name, the gasp of the ponies around him as he burst from the church doors. He took in deep breaths as he looked around quickly, the outside covered in large tables with food being set out. "Yearning! Man what are you doing!" Peculiarity shouted.  Yearning didn't stop to answer, something carried his hooves down the path, through a maze of roses that stood bright against the soft blue of the plants. He took a few wrong turns, hearing other ponies behind him now as he moved through the maze. The fear was too much, he had to get away. Wings snapping open the alicorn took a few pumps of air under his feathers and he was in the skies within heartbeats. He flew up high into the clouds, feeling the wet water covering his fur. In his panic he wasn't sure where he was but he had to escape. He had to get somewhere, anywhere!  *** Yearning sobbed softly to himself as he laid on a bunch of clouds, they were soft under his hooves with a few rolls of cold that caused him to shiver but he didn't care as he let his emotions flood through his body.  It wasn't long until he heard the soft sound of wings flapping, a shape shot up into the sky. He looked up at the mare in shock, she no longer wore her dress as she spotted the other. Giving him a smile, she held up a hoof and waved it softly. He gave a small smile, returning the wave. Sitting up he attempted to brush the tears that still rolled down his fuzzy cheeks away,  "I-I'm sorry," he started as she landed beside him.  "Don't be," she chuckled, "that party sucked,"  He gave her a small smile, nodding at this before turning attention down to the forest below. They sat on the edge of the world, the sun was rapidly dying down as the pair remained quiet.  "It's not easy...having to marry someone you don't know," Courtesy whispered, she put a hoof against his but he pulled it away. Tucking them closer to his being which made her stiffen,  "So uh, you...kind of ran off before I could...tell you that you look really handsome," she murmured, he could see her face flushing around her eyes where the fur was thinner.  "Thank you," he whispered, he wasn't sure what to say as his shoulders dropped. "Well?" "What?" "How...did I look?" She pressed, eyes glowing. She didn't understand and he didn't blame her, it wasn't something he even knew how to bring up. Sucking in air he glanced away. "Uh, okay I guess,"  "I...looked okay?"  He nodded dumbly causing her to roll her eyes, she stood up and huffed, "I looked damn great! How dare yo--"  She paused, he studied her face but couldn't make out what she was thinking. She chuffed, turning away from him and sitting down. Her cutie mark was a notepad with a heart in the center, he wondered what it meant.  "I'm sorry you're right," he said, attempting to sooth the fur that ruffled on her shoulders with his words.  "No," she groaned turning back to him, "I am so stupid!"  "W-what?"  "You're gay!"  He felt his face burn heavily as if it were on fire, he couldn't come up with the words he needed "w-what! No! W-why would you--"  "Oh I know gay when I smell it," she leaned towards him, sniffing loudly. "Yep, the smell of gay!"  "Hold your saddle, what do you mean I 'smell gay'?" He demanded, feeling bewildered and frustrated now.  "Well," she collapsed down on the cloud, sinking into its murky watery form.  "You...don't actually smell gay, more so, I saw you eyeing my brothers ass and I kind of guessed,"  Shock rolled into his veins as he stared at her with his jaw nearly on the floor, she flipped to look up at him.  "You should run," she said in a matter of fact tone  "What?"  "Run," she repeated, grinning at him, "I'll make something up!" "What about the gem?"  She paused, seeming to roll this thought between her tongue.  "I got it!" She leapt up with such force he nearly fell,  "What?" He asked with panic rising in his throat.  "There's this gem, it's...kind of lost, but it's said the welder of this gem can make any wish they want! You can wish the magic to stay,"  He was shocked at her answer, it was stupid, it wouldn't work, how would he even find this gem? Why is she helping him?  Before he could answer the shout of the war horse could be heard somewhere close, the deep growl of his own father's voice followed. "Oh sweet home in trottingham," she hissed, turning to him, "look," she reached into her feathers and pulled out her small cell phone.  Slipping her hoof into the pop socket and typing quickly into the screen.  "I'm going to send you the information I have! Just go! Go-- find the gem and get back here asap!"  "But...why?" He asked, confusion flooded his body as he took a few steps towards the edge.  A serious look flashed over her face, "the world's running out of magic," she whispered, "a baby isn't going to help, love is, just--" she groaned, swatting at the air in front of him.  "Go!" With that the Pegasus slammed herself into him causing the Alicorn to yowl in pain and fall off the cloud.  *** "Frank!! Frankie come on," the small pony yelled out into the air, carrying a baseball bat strapped around his body over the thick leather jacket. His green gaze scanned the angry, blue trees of the forest. The sound of thunder bellowed above him which caused a shiver to rush into his bones.  "Frank," he said, more meekly than before. He was exhausted, having hunted the woods for hours now, he knew if he returned without the animal he'd be fired. He couldn't afford to lose the job, it was the only thing he knew.  "Man, this blows," he whispered to himself, a sudden scream caused the pony to stand up straight. He watched in shock as a shape fell from the clouds that held the "hidden" kingdom. The shape fell fast and hard into the sharp trees below.  "What the--'' the baseball pony shook out his mane, his golden hooves cracked loudly on the dirty canopy of the forest floor. Trudging through the undergrowth and bramble with ease! The loud snapping of twigs echoed around him until he heard a thud. Rain started to pad against the pony's face as he slowed his gallop into a walk, mud kissing the tips of his feet as he made his way to the shape on the floor.  "Hello?" He whispered, "f-frank?" Fear burned into his body, he felt his small tail tucked between his legs as he took cautious steps forward. It was far too large to be a monkey, but also too large to be an earth pony.  *** The sudden push had caused him such a panic he forgot to open his wings! Before he knew it he was colliding with the twigs and sharp wood of the forest trees, pain flashed all over his skin as the sharp branches ripped at his flesh. He let loose another Yelp of agony until the world went black around him. The darkness didn't last, he found himself opening his eyes only heartbeats later.  The tunnel around his vision was fading as a voice touched his ears, he couldn't make out what they said but it was close. His warrior training kicked in, at least what he saw of his brother's teachings from his library window. Forcing his eyes open to the skies above, rain was falling into his face and rolling down his muzzle. He heard the voice again, it was high pitch and beside his ear causing his head to loll towards the noise.  There stood an Earth pony, with patchy dark hair covering his lips and chin. His fur a pale brown that the Alicorn had never seen before, with shaggy auburn hair and brilliant green eyes the pony stood shorter than any horse the prince had ever seen.  "W-where...am I?" He asked, the moon shone through the clouds above casting brilliant silver light against the earth pony. It made the other glow in a heavenly light, suddenly Yearning felt like he couldn't breath.  "On the floor," the pony replied with a smirk, Yearning attempted to pull himself up but winced as pain raced into his shoulders and down his wings.  "Wow, you're…" The earth pony took a few steps back, eyes wide as the moon.  Alicorns we're seen as the most terrifying, evil ponies. There was a rumor at one point that Alicorns had ruled over the lands and shared stories of love and hope but that was only an old fillies tale. Now as he looked at the Earth pony he could see the fear, eyes moving to the baseball bat on the back of the other's jacket.  "I-I'm not evil I'm...well,"  "Your wings busted," the small pony murmured, despite the fear in his voice the prince was shocked as he still came over to him. The shock faded to fear as the brown pony grabbed the baseball bat with his teeth and pulled it from its sheath.