After becoming an Alicorn, Twilight was aware that her life was about to take a rather drastic turn. After all, she was now considered a princess by all who saw her, even her closest friends! However, as the days went on past her alicornification (say that three times fast), she began to notice an odd figure lurking in the background everywhere she went, and despite nopony being able to see it Twilight could tell it was watching her every move. Coming to the brink of losing her mind over her impromptu stalker, the newly found princess decides to confront the individual, only to realize how much of her life changed when she became an alicorn would be more apparent than ever.

Set right after Twilights ascension, join the lavender princess as her eyes are opened to the very laws of the world she lives in and her new role in it as a princess. Will she be able to overcome the weight that comes with the title of alicorn?

Death tag is self-explanatory, but it won't be anything gory. Sex tag for the occasional innuendo and implied events between two persons.

2/10/2025-This...got put in the front page? Wow, wasn't expecting that, thanks to everyone for liking it that much so far!

Chapters (3)

One night, Twilight discovers a book. Much later, Equestria is no more. A human explores a desolate land in search of answers.

Chapters (6)

There are very few cults left in Equestria, and those that remain are hard to find.

NovaStar, a rookie in Princess Luna’s royal guard needs to convince somepony, anypony, in her chain of command that there’s a new cult in Canterlot, hellbent on bringing back Nightmare Moon.

Problem is, who’s gonna believe a rookie about a big conspiracy like this?

(Quite a bit of my worldbuilding and lore is inspired by this work. Reading it isn’t required to understand, but credit is due. Cross-Posted to AO3)

Chapters (2)

Young man finds himself lost in badlands as a changeling, send to this world by unknown forces, he has to fend for himself in a world much darker than his favorite show has ever been. But why try to survive when you can thrive?

People say "be the change you want to see" and i decided to do so and write a fanfic i myself was looking for this entire time. I have experience writing DnD campaigns and quests, so, why not try to write a full-fledged story?

Fair warning, i'am from Russia and may have some problems with English grammar, feel free to correct any mistakes you find and criticize my story in the comments.

This story contains: HiE and human-to-changeling (obviously), occasional violence, Early-Medieval setting, RGRE themes, sexism (towards males), xenophobia, villain-protagonist, wholesome villain romance ("we can be horrible together" type), some angst, obscure references to CIS/Soviet/Russian media and literature.

Chapters (12)

A thousand years ago in Equestria, Princess Luna’s frustration and isolation grew as the bond with her sister, Celestia, weakened. Just as Luna’s jealousy threatened to consume her, an unexpected discovery shattered her fragile mind. Alone in Celestia’s private chambers, Luna found her sister’s diary, revealing years of hidden criticisms, exposing how Luna had become a burden, unfit for the throne.

The realization that even Celestia no longer valued her broke Luna’s spirit. Feeling unloved and unwanted, she decided to leave—abandoning Equestria and everything she had known. Her abdication, however, was only the beginning of a journey that would take her into forgotten lands, full of hidden dangers and dark powers that would change not just her fate, but the course of the world itself.

(Image credit: GoatAnimeDatingSim)

Chapters (38)

During a fierce battle between Link and Ganondorf once more, the two engage in a horse back battle, each dealing blow after blow. However, the battle causes Link to be on the losing end, with Zelda unable to aid. Epona gathers her own courage and attacks Ganondorf, only to be intercepted by his own steed, Phantom. In a twisted turn of fate, both steeds end up touching the Triforce, causing the two to be sent to a whole other universe.

Waking up in Equestria, Epona finds herself starting over as a wild filly adopted by the Fae, learning how to adapt for survival. As she grows, she soon learns that her arch-nemesis, Phantom, has been hard at work and had mare-napped the six bearers of the Elements of Harmony. Now, Epona begins an adventure, learning just how much the burden a hero bears. In order to return home, she must save the Elements of Harmony and defeat Phantom from taking over Equestria, in the name of her rider.

Cover Art by: Little Tigress

Chapters (2)

Wednesday, 26th: Autumn Paradise started work on the farm today. I think she'll fit right in.

Wednesday, 26th: Autumn Paradise started work on the farm today. She seems a little tense, but does she ever know her way around an apple tree.

Wednesday, 26th: Autumn Paradise started work on the farm today. She says she's spent the last two days here, but I don't remember seeing her at all.

Wednesday, 26th: Autumn Paradise started work on the farm today and wouldn't stop crying. She says she can't find a way out.

Edited by spigo.

Chapters (1)

Twilight’s greatest enemy and deepest regret are one and the same.

The feeling’s mutual.

Artwork by Maxima

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Perfect Green

Note: It is highly suggested you read Perfect Green before reading this story.

After the events of Perfect Green an investigation occurs, led by Princess Luna. The discoveries that result from it will ripple out for decades, for beneath that still perfect and yet abnormal stretch of green grass something, or some things, are lurking underhoof.

Part one is set a few days after the second to last scene in Perfect Green. It covers the investigation, it’s findings, and the possible nature of what was once the property of Cranky Doodle Donkey and Matilda. It is a few chapters long.

Intermission is set in Twilight’s Castle of Friendship, and covers things from her perspective twenty years after the first part. It should be no more than two chapters long.

Part two is set thirty years later, and follows a group of young ponies who decide to prove thier bravery by venturing onto the supposedly “Cursed Lot”. They find that some legends are not just true, but lurk patiently underhoof. Of course, the dangers beneath may not be as horrifying as that which has decided to visit it’s home. Expect about the same chapter number as part one.

Chapters will be released every third week or earlier until completion as time allows.

Death tag for stated deaths, gore for events in part one and two.

Glen Gorewood

Chapters (1)

Felicity Peridot, avid journalist, mild-mannered unicorn, moonlighting vigilante, must take up her alter-ego, The Mysterious Mare Do Well, to combat her most dangerous opponent yet! An enigma, Checkmate, who single-hoofedly turned the underground criminal world of Manehattan upside down.

With a young ward at her side, will she meet her downfall at the hooves of Checkmate?

Chapters (2)