• Member Since 19th Jan, 2016
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Collared pet

A young writer and brony


Anon-A-Miss: A online user made out of the blue that has been sending other secrets and made her suspect to the account. Being accused and framed for exposing the secrets of her friends, how will sunset deal with it..?

Find out here...

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 26 )

This is really good and I hope you finish it.

I like this keep it coming.

Watching Sunset jump in-front of a bus made me shriek out in shock and horror.


The Girls:

"We don't believe you you snake! We'ere right to not trust you!"

"Oh stop acting like you didn't expect us to fully trust you after all you've done.. Honestly your acting so dramatic.."

How could we ever forgive and forget what you have done to us...! You bullied me for YEARS and expect any kindness from you..? Well here's what you wanted me to do... get more confident to say this..! Fuck you Sunset Shimmer... Never bother us again..."

Also the Girls:

A group of girls sitting in separate classes, who were in the middle of writing notes, suddenly grasp their chest tightly as a sharp pain caused them to stop what they were doing.

Damn that was kind of depressing and really good at the same time.

This story is dark, but amazing. Really hope the lying traitors suffer for what they had done to Sunset, and eager to see more of this and 'Isolated from Fellowship'!

This is decent but a small part of it doesn't sit right with me. It doesn't seem like anything the main 6 would do besides maybe Rainbow. Berating someone to the point they'd try and off themselves is not their M.O.

That being said, this still has potential to be good. Proofread it a little bit. If there's a 2nd chapter, I'll check it out. Tracking this.

To be continued... Dun dun duuuun!

How do I track a story? I'm serious.

Comment posted by Eren Yeager deleted July 29th

Great Chapter :) I can't wait for the next Chapter.

Look for the small symbol things just above the story title. One of them is the tracking.

CMC you spineless cowards are gonna pay for this!

Sunset almost killed herself,,,,all because of a damn lie to spite her?!
Oh these bitches better suffer for what they’ve done once word gets out!
If the CMC don’t get expelled from this then oooooohhhhhh those 5 traitors definitely will be for pushing Sunset to attempted suicide, their little shit sisters may have sold the gun(gun being Anon-A-Miss) but those backstabbers are the ones who pulled the trigger!

Why the heck did you write her to have a tumor!?
Actually, maybe this is good. Getting hit by the bus allowed the tumor to be discovered, and it can be safely removed before its too late.

Or maybe that is where her horn use to.

I think they left before she tried and never realized how much they hurt her. They have no clue about the sucied attempt and certainly are too busy being upset to realized that they went too far. Fluttershy might feel bad about what she said and did but it still not important enough to take priority over everything else.

“Or we just delete the account… I know I have access but this isn’t something that we need to tell anyone…”

FOR REAL?! They are just gonna let Sunset SUFFER EVEN MORE?! Unbelievable!

I really do hope they get revealed...and hope they don't get expelled...cos that is MERCY compared to what the students are gonna do them by the time they are revealed!

A tumor??!! :raritydespair: If Fluttershy is going to slap people start with CMC. Please keep this going I am hooked.

Hopefully they will learn the truth about anon a miss and figure out their friendship issues. Twilight is gonna shocked when she learns that sunset hasn't known love during her childhood.

Things are gonna get ugly

Jesus this Sunset had it rough, so it seems she and Sunburst are siblings who once live with a piece of shit father who abused them but apparently it came to bite him in the ass as that last hit he delivered did something to Sunset to get her Schizophrenia and Personality Shift Disorder and attack him(but the question is where the hell was Stellar Flare at during all this?!).

“It’s not your fault flutters… we were being rash and frankly what I said was uncalled for…-“

Bullshit, it is all your faults for spouting all those lies!

This is getting better. Keep it up.

Tumor??!! Wow this getting serious. I wonder who is going first. I have an idea but I don't want to jinx it.

Wait, ok it’s probably explained in the next chapter but what happened to Twilight. :rainbowhuh:

Ok I have read the next chapters, still have no clue.

More please that or maybe a news about the status of this fic?

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