
Viewing 121 - 140 of 202 results

Lore of the Pony Show · 10:22pm Nov 14th, 2019

What follows is my attempt to synthesize all the lore from the SHOW, COMICS, BOOKS, and whatever else to get a clearer picture of this strange world that is Equestria. I will try my best to only make claims backed by evidence and avoid headcanon at all costs, which is going to make this fun considering how much the show contradicts itself half the time. The show is primary canon, the comics are secondary, and all else is tertiary. If the show contradicts something in the comics directly (such

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"Ice Star, why did you mention memory issues in your last blog?" · 9:07pm Feb 25th, 2023

If you don't like mentions of injury or the author's personal life, consider not reading this blog. There will quite literally be some bloody details.

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Review: Imposing Sovereigns Stories, Warrior pt 2 · 12:58am Apr 4th, 2017

Alright, so that first batch of reviews went done amazingly well, let's keep this train moving and get to the second set of Warrior Princess fics to review. Now, while I'm not in on any judging for this contest, might as well give my thoughts on who I'd pick because, why not? Out of the first five, should be obvious which I like the most, Principle's just an all around well written story with a very good idea. The only qualm I might have is the sort of tenuous link to the whole 'warrior'

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Signal Boost: Business Trip · 4:25am Nov 1st, 2019

AlwaysDressesInStyle has done it again! Another fic for my not-a-contest, this time featuring a hotelier/taxi driver!


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Crimson Dynamos and Alexandria's Follower Rush · 4:06am Jul 15th, 2017

* Note: For context on the title, Alexandria is Quillamore and Quillamore is Alexandria. I don't often use my real name on FiMFic, but for some reason, it has a better ring to it than "Quilla's Follower Rush." Yes, I am one of the few female users on this site, yes, the only other one I can name off the top of my head is Crystal Wishes, and yes, I kinda thought Estee was a girl up until a couple months ago.

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some other stories · 5:36am Jul 31st, 2018

this is the most blog posts ive done in like a year.

but i thought i'd put out there, if only so i don't forget about them, that i have two, non HiE stores that i've had in the works for a bit. and if anybody thinks they sound interesting, i might finish them up and post them once Family Tree gets rolling

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Random Ramblings CCCXXXII · 9:39pm Nov 7th, 2018

As I write this, my newest terrible story is set to go live. In the meantime…

With that out of the way, onto news! If you'll follow me…

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"So, Ice Star, do you ever plan on releasing other books?" · 3:28am Jul 26th, 2023

Yes! I have a shelf full of the stories that need work done to them. It's currently down to eleven stories and 610,931 words. Yeah, that's the hard part. The word count of some of the stories I'll be getting to is heavy. The amount of work some of them need is also excessive too. All of that is admittedly very frustrating, as everyone knows, I loathe the editing process and would much rather be adding to my backlog of content to release.

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The final chapter of Siren Days is out now! · 2:47pm Sep 10th, 2022

Hello, everyone!
I just wanted to say thank you for all the continued support for this story of mine~ This first short story is finally complete and I'll get to work on the next installment soon! It would mean a lot to me if everyone could check out this final chapter of Siren Days~ I really hope everyone likes it and I hope you all have a great day!

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New Zootopia Story w Gazelle · 10:47pm Sep 23rd, 2016

Continuing my string of non-MLP stories, here's some more Zootopia smut. This time featuring the lovely Shakira fursona Gazelle, getting some sexual therapy from her buff and scantily clad backup dancers.
I know Gazelle was barely in the movie at all, but I loved every minute she was on screen. Loved her accent, loved her attitude, loved the song for the movie, everything about her I just loved. Really hope she comes back in the sequel, and maybe gets to play a more active role.

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Writing Again · 1:17am Mar 5th, 2022

I've moved in every random thing I had to from where I was living previously and I'm much more balanced in what I can do writing wise. I had to write stuff that wasn't as labor intensive for the last six months to not have some sort of stress related mess happen.

Doesn't mean I never looked at the chapter I had had wanted to start writing back in December, November whenever I last updated.

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“Anti-Art” and “Anti-Music” · 2:25am Aug 30th, 2023

This has… close to nothing to do with what I used to write here. Those were examinations of fanfic as an art medium… this is instead about music. But, I still want to touch on a sentiment I’ve seen expressed around certain types of music.

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Imagine ur otp · 1:17pm Sep 5th, 2017


Signal Boost: Filly Cheesesteaks · 12:57am Jul 25th, 2020

Gather ‘round, friends; it’s time for another adorable Not-A-Contest entry!


EFilly Cheesesteaks
Coconut Cream started working a new job in Philadelphia at Gustave Le Grande's Filly Cheesesteaks, and I just 'volunteered' to drive Toola Roola to Philadelphia to see her best friend. Me and my big mouth.
AlwaysDressesInStyle · 12k words · 894 views

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So, making a title image for an upcoming story I'll begin posting next week... · 10:39am Oct 19th, 2019

... is proving to be very tedious and very complicated for an idea that shouldn’t have been. Curse my muses and their fickle nature, and my insistence of getting it “right”. Well, at least the plotting is done for the details, and most of the shading is done on it’s own merits. Thank god for my makeshift light-table, or this would have driven me to a fit of blind ragequitting and art destroying.

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Con report: PVCF 2023 · 3:54am Nov 22nd, 2023

Hey, it's been over a year since I wrote a con blog post.

Well, not if you count the very late SeaquestriaFest blog post.


So let's talk about Ponyville Ciderfest while it's still fresh in my mind.

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Updates galore! · 3:39pm Aug 7th, 2016

Uhh, hi guys! I've been a very busy Ice lately and haven't had much time to blog lately but I'm fixing that now to fill you folks in on what I've been doing and stuff. First off, I'm delighted that you people have been reading my stories. With the re-write of Crystalline coming out there's been a huge increase in 'ohmigosh Ice writes stuff and I wanna read it'. Just yesterday I got two PMs about what order to read my

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I haven't been idle, honest! · 1:03pm Sep 5th, 2015

So, I'll be working on (and publishing) the next chapter for What I've Done in the next couple of days. Shouldn't take me too long, seeing as how I know exactly what I want to do.

In other news, I've finished a new chapter for A Hiss in the Dark. Come on, guys, I'm not asking for money, donations, or free stuff. All I'm asking is that you give this story a chance.

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Updates and such (short break coming in a few weeks, as well as a new story) · 12:50pm Feb 9th, 2017

Howdy, y'all. I'm gonna give a rambly status update on my life because I can. But let's get to the heart of the matter first: I might go on a small break from updating. I've got a few more chapters left to post, and I might be able to get back to writing before the buffer is exhausted. So hopefully this whole blog post is pointless, and thus I should really wait until I know for sure, but I feel like posting it will help me feel less stressed, so that's what I'm gonna do

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Back in the Saddle! (And also... thank you. Yes, you.) · 7:20am Aug 15th, 2018

You may recall how about a month ago, I reported on being laid off from my job. Well, I am now happy to report that I've found another teaching job right here in my beloved Houston! :yay: Now, before I get too caught up in that, I want to just say something: thank you. To you specifically.

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Viewing 121 - 140 of 202 results