
Viewing 6081 - 6100 of 10,573 results

Blog on Updates #7 (The One Where I Once Again Explain My Lateness) · 12:58am Apr 4th, 2021


I started working a lot more hours on Monday. I do ten hour days + for those who don't know (everyone on this site), I have three kids. So most of my time now is spent working or with my kids. I'm not going to change the current schedule or stop writing altogether, because I don't want to. I want to continue to write my stories and my one shots. It will just take me some time to adjust to this new life schedule and fit in some meaningful writing and editing time.

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New Ruins chapter is up! · 5:10am Nov 6th, 2021

If you liked "The Dragon of the Ruins" but haven't started on its continuation, "Ruins" aims to be a deeper dive into not only the world of G5 and what's been left behind, but the ponies as well!

Starting, of course, with Sunny!

A thousand years is plenty enough time to forget. Yet there remains a story of a dragon, who lives among the ruins of a town...
TheMajorTechie · 15k words  ·  369  12 · 6.4k views

Bon Bon Memory Case File #1: The Slowdown · 4:47pm Mar 20th, 2021

Nothing can invigorate a detective like the rush of a new case, awakening the thrill of the hunt for a new answer. This time was a report of a mysterious phenomenon, an impossible occurrence that bends the very laws of physics out of any recognizable shape, which must be investigated immediately. The client is a concerned young woman on scene who's chosen to remain anonymous, a common enough occurrence in this profession.

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I'm...back??? Life updates, I guess. · 9:17pm Sep 27th, 2021

Not really. I don't really plan on writing anything, this is just sort of a social place for me now. Hell, I haven't even read pony fanfiction in YEARS. The only thing that drew me back here was the recent movie, and my curiosity as to what the fandom would produce in the wake of a new movie and a new generation. And honestly? Not disappointed at all! I was incredibly touched and entertained by a story titled "When Magic

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This is what my pet bird does when she's happy... · 2:18pm Oct 15th, 2019

I don't know why she does this most of the time, but it's an amusing spectacle, to say the least.


Blogs To Keep Everyone Updated On Me And My Thoughts #2 · 8:31pm Nov 6th, 2019

Still working on You And I. It should be out by Friday or Saturday. Other than that, not much is happening. A student threw a pencil and another tried to blame it on me, because, yet again, I'm the classroom scapegoat. I just wish people would leave me alone and stop bothering me. But other than that, nothing new today.


3 men are walking down the street. Two of them walk into a bar, the other ducks.



It’s back! · 8:38pm Jul 25th, 2020

I have resumed writing my Sunset poetry story, Atychiphobia! I have also reformatted previous chapters because there were some inconsistencies. If you downloaded the story, I would suggest doing so again to get the cleaner version.

Expect more updates on this story and others shortly.


Still Here (lol) · 9:50pm Jun 17th, 2020



Newsies #46: That's Life · 7:38pm Aug 30th, 2022

So. There's been a LOT happening in the life of this one sad brony, lately.

Started with me and my mom being forced to change shifts at work, due to her medical issues, which left me with what felt like no time to write anything.

Then, I got diagnosed with High Blood Pressure, which I'm now on meds for.

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Thanks For Everything · 12:32am Jan 14th, 2021

Hi All, I want to give a thank you all for your patience from the end of 2020, the holiday rush is much busier than expected even with Covid going around. Plus having been on nights for 6 years skewed my view of how it would be on days again. I have released 1 old story that was sitting being Shopping for Sex, which I will admit is terrible. However my other two releases, Panty Tryouts and Shining's Secret are a bit more well done and were both inspired by work done by derpX1 on derpibooru.

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Still workin', some delays. · 6:19am Dec 31st, 2022

My story may end up getting updated every-other-day instead of every day because editing something this complex (wow I really know how to pick difficult storylines) is a nightmare and also the disability makes it much slower than expected. Today I've been mostly horizontal with little relief in sight.

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Storm Warning, Part Two (March 2nd, 2023) · 6:43pm Mar 2nd, 2023

The second part of the three-part story Interceptor: Storm Warning is up. I hope you like it. :twilightsmile:

TInterceptor: Storm Warning
Magic and metal combine to create flying mechanical suits of armor in an attempt to combat an emergent threat, but experienced pilots are in short supply.
EroPony1000 · 3k words  ·  16  1 · 334 views

QCC ~ Episode 01 · 3:58am Mar 2nd, 2021

I have the chapter finished, all I need to do is make the final pass of two scenes, edit and make corrections, expect it sometime this week, I'm gonna try to have it out by tomorrow night at the latest.

In the meantime, I have started writing Episode 02, I'm gonna try to get it out before the end of March. I've got the momentum going, I wanna try to keep it up and pick up the pace.

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Warframe Update. · 3:00pm Dec 7th, 2021

So, I've decided to brign back my Warframe crossover, in preparation for the upcoming expansion, the New War, on December 15th. Now, I am very much excited for it, but here's some details.

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Tomorrow! · 7:06pm Aug 20th, 2022

The reception and feedback I've gotten on Alone after releasing its prologue has been fantastic so far! It makes me really happy to know all of you like my story and are excited for what comes next. The first proper chapter will be released sometime tomorrow along with other story updates like the new and more frequent release schedule. So, I hope you'll all enjoy the new chapter and the story moving forward. Thank you so much for the support, can't wait to hear more of your feedback! ~

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The one thing I always think about · 1:15pm Sep 12th, 2019

I don't know about any of you out there or what situations might be spread out before you, but, if you're like me, you find it impossible to think about what might happen next. You always have the troublesome thought poking around here or there that constantly has you fret about the day after tomorrow.

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News. · 7:43pm May 18th, 2023

Heyo, fellow nerds.

Just wanted to give you all an update on the next chapter. It hasn't been written yet, not because I don't know what to write, or my muse is gone. The simple fact is, I just not had a peaceful moment to sit down and write. :twilightsheepish:

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Update (Moon) · 8:38pm Apr 30th, 2021

I'm sorry I've not been updating my story, life's been a bit... I don't want to say 'rough', but hectic. I've been put on meds, and my sleeping schedule's been all outta whack. Plus I'm going back on a diet that made me sharper and healthier after having fallen off it during a move. I've not put anything on 'indefinite hiatus', nor any real hiatus because I kept thinking I'd work on the story, then I forgot, then I remembered and thought I'd finish the chapter and that'd be it and I wouldn't

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I need an opinion · 12:48am Dec 20th, 2020

So, it's obvious that the story's viewership has been falling for a while now and I honestly have no idea how to improve it. I've been trying to advertise it on social media, in servers, in groups, etc, and it never really seems to get any kind of improvement. The story's close to hitting 100,000 words, and still has a long way to go. For reference, based on my rough outline it's maybe a third of the way through, nearing the beginnings of the half way marker. I feel like at this point I'm just

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Another High Score Update! · 7:39pm Jul 10th, 2023


Alright guys, just thought I should keep you guys posted about this story. ^^

The chapter is around 50-ish percent done. I have struggled with some things around the chapter, so I kept deleting stuff, and rewriting it. Added to that I am doing day shifts this month, so my day time writing suddenly has become early evening writing, and the energy is not always there.

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Viewing 6081 - 6100 of 10,573 results