
Viewing 541 - 560 of 630 results

Timetable of Updates · 7:51am Feb 22nd, 2016


NEW STORY SOON! (FUTURE UPDATE NEWS!) · 2:45am Dec 24th, 2019

There will be a new one shot dropping on the 25th. If you want to read it on that particular day, well, there ya go! That's the release date. Other things I thought I would mention are that I was able to write a significant amount of words recently, and thought I'd drop some updates about those so y'all can get hyped. Considering one of the polls I did a few blogs ago did mention that short stories and buffer updates are ideal to have, I was able to progress on some shorter pieces for that

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The end of MLP:FiM and the Bright Future · 3:00am Feb 17th, 2019

Hello kiddos,

As I'm sure many of you have already heard, and what we have expected since the leaks, it is confirmed that S9 will be the last season of MLP: Friendship is Magic. No doubt people are spooked by this news.

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I regret NOTHING! · 3:07am Feb 15th, 2019

So, I just posted my entry for Categorical Grant’s snugglefic competition, and it is an MLP40K fic. :trollestia:
In the Grim Darkness of the Grimdark far future, there is only Grimdark SNUG. Grimdark. :trollestia:


Intro to Celestial Bodies, Fling a Light into the Future · 12:54am Dec 23rd, 2023


Native Belle Reading · 6:22pm Jan 25th, 2016


Thoughts on up coming season 7 and Guardians of Harmony · 5:16am Jan 18th, 2017


Embroidery! · 7:54pm Aug 14th, 2016

I stayed up until midnight working on a patch, and I finished it today. While I learned some cool techniques, it was the fugliest patch in the world. I made another one today, and it looked a lot better. I got inspired to make some more crafty shit and got ready to go to Hobby Lobby. Then I remembered that it was Sunday... :facehoof:The good news is that I have about 4 months to make this thing. It's just that this is the last week I'll have the time to do this shit. This kind of

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Regrets of a clueless YouTuber and why I began doing YouTube in the first place: a little about my goals and aspirations, what I want to do with it · 8:52pm Apr 27th, 2021

This has also been posted on my YouTube channel - posting here to make sure it isn't missed by anybody interest in the future of FireRain or if they've been wondering where I've been.


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100th Post, and lots of things to discuss! · 10:38am Mar 11th, 2023

A lot of things all at once! Well, let me begin saying... I finally reached 100 blog posts, with most of my later blogs being work-related and meaningful which I'm proud about. It's strange to think I've had a mountain of things going on, but outside of that, it's deadly silent. Not much goes on in my own little bubble on here, since I'm not in any circles or discussions actively. Anywho, let's make this blog post a doozy, since there's so much to talk about!

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A Brief Update on Things (as of 11/2023) · 5:12am Nov 27th, 2023

Just wanted to pop in real quick to say a couple things!

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Future GOB (Planned Sequels, New Stories, and more.) · 3:05am Sep 9th, 2015

Hello everybody. Now, I'll address the elephant in the room, my new contest I'm holding. The OC Hunger Games. Now I realize I haven't been very active when it comes to writing recently, mainly because of the OC Hunger Games. But, I assure you, when the Games end, I'll submit or try to submit the first chapter to Defective, and I'll admit, things have been changed with the story. Not a lot, just minor details is all. Also, as blaitent as my reference will be, to anybody who can catch the name

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MLAABQ distant future preview · 10:53am Sep 10th, 2016

Alright, the poll is in with 33% against the idea and 66% in favor. So here we are, a blog-post with some-things-that-MLAABQ-is-probably-gonna-end-up-containing-and-some-things-that's-less-certain.

At first I was thinking that it might be a bit like a trailer, but a trailer is usually cobbled together from an almost finished product, so it might be more like one of those concept-trailers that game-devs put together so that everyone involved has a clearer image of what they should aim for.

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Happy New Year Ladies & Jellyspoons! · 11:10pm Jan 1st, 2018

2017, what a year.
What a bloody year.

I can easily say this year has been my most eventful in all 19 years of my life.
Believing in connecting with my followers, I thought I'd list all the crazy shizzle I've been through this year so you might know a little more about the author you love! :heart:

So, here we go!

  • I've been at the centre of a court case. (Don't worry, I wasn't the accused, I was the victim :pinkiesad2:)

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Merry Christmas To All And To All A Glimpse Into The Future / Christmas Commission Is Complete · 11:49pm Dec 24th, 2018

Merry Christmas to you all, I bring you a gift, or should I say a nightmare, or at least that is what the artist, Eztp calls it became this truly did get scary. I love how everything came and to make things even more epic I've included an epic scene to go with the piece. Take a look down below...


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Doom Eternal, Guardian, and the Continuing Story · 10:42pm Mar 15th, 2020

Greetings everyone, Thule117 here, just wanted to make a few announcements regarding my story going forward. Particularly how I plan to handle the lore of the coming Doom Eternal. As some of you are likely aware, ID Software has stated that they plan to do a bit more storytelling with Doom Eternal and expand on the lore of the Doom universe. Now, as to what that means for Guardian my plan is quite simple: I'm largely going to ignore it. I know I probably do not need to tell you all this,

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The Far and Future Dark story · 1:48pm Apr 3rd, 2021


Featured · 3:24pm Aug 19th, 2016

Okay, I was somehow featured after my third story was posted.

(I find that message pretty amusing, waking up and just seeing that)

So, I'll give an update of future story plans. I have a Google Docs where I put my ideas, and I have 17 there so far.

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A Promise I Intend To Keep. · 3:56am Jan 11th, 2016

For a while now I've been talking about some personal projects such as "Three Doors Down" and "Cleo the Wanderer" and how I want to focus more on those instead of pony fics. This is very true and I'm not changing my mind on that. However, there'll be something that'll take up what little time I have for pony fics... Sorta. Depending on what happens and how I'll be scheduling the whole deal. When I say I want everybody to know who Walter Stummelson and Hannah Gotstein are, I mean that. Which is

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Story Notes: Como Salsa para los Tacos · 9:31pm Sep 7th, 2020

It’s been a year since I launched the not-a-contest, and in that time there have been 31 stories written specifically (or not specifically) for the group.

That’s pretty good! Keep ‘em coming!


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Viewing 541 - 560 of 630 results