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Fimfic idea · 12:15am Aug 29th, 2020

I know it’s been a while but I had this in mind recently, what if someone got so pissed off at discord’s actions that my character OC Lee Nova from Zone, would bard be in on the defeat of Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy glow turning himself into a forerunner warrior with the power to end Discord’s pathetic life.


I'm done · 8:50am Apr 18th, 2018

I'm quitting written. I've lost the love for it, and the desire to care. Thank you all, but this is goodbye. As for my story's a good friend of mine has volunteered to take them. He's name is PersonaGodzilla. He will continue my story's on his account, I'll leave a link down below.

Thank you all for the time you spent reading my little wish fulfilments, and hope you have a nice day.

Report Lockgate · 417 views · #The End

Springtrapped: Alternate Ending/Bad Ending · 5:09pm Feb 6th, 2016

hello all!

I'm just here to ask, would all the fans of my fic 'Springtrapped' be ok with their being an alternate ending where David killed Starlight and then defeated Starspring but wasn't freed from the suit and went into hiding, leaving his friends and family to be depressed?


Don't Look Back In Anger · 1:34am Oct 13th, 2019

Well. that's that, I suppose. There've been plenty of ups, and plenty of downs. Where exactly these final three episode lie on that spectrum remains to be truly seen; to say there's some debate would be an understatement. Personally, while it's far from perfect, I think there are far worse notes for a show to go out on.

But that's just me. You do you.

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Wrapping up "I Think I Summoned a Ponk" · 1:15am Aug 30th, 2016

With my sudden (and surprising) slowdown of decent chapter updates on the story due to writer's block, I think that I'll have to start wrapping up and concluding the story. I just can't continue much longer anymore. All the crazy ideas are gone. it's all just potato now, so I've been writing shorter and shorter chapters each time, and occasionally screwing up what should be written and what shouldn't.

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Finis · 6:30pm Mar 3rd, 2016

I've never been good at endings, not even other stories' endings. The only ending I've ever truly been happy with is the End of Evangelion. It left me feeling like they'd actually wrapped everything up, they didn't leave any unanswered questions. But, look what I'm doing? I'm not answering all the questions at all. I'm simply ending it. I'll be honest, this was the end I planned from the beginning. I don't usually plan the ending or the middle of things I write anymore, but in my mind this was

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Report Pathos14489 · 443 views · #endings

Legacy · 9:55pm Oct 16th, 2019

While watching that final episode, with tearful eyes, the thought that was put in my mind by all the Moving On / Growing Up / Over-To-The-Next-Generation stuff was the realisation that there is now a generation of children who grew up with these little ponies. Children who were six when Twilight Sparkle was first sent to Ponyville to study Friendship are now fifteen as she is crowned ruler of Equestria.

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Report Pineta · 503 views · #ending

R.I.P., FiM · 4:05am Oct 13th, 2019

And if you're curious, yes... D.i.E. is gonna end soon. Next chapter is gonna be a standard chapter with the last 2 ponies, the goals, with Floofy, and the finale afterwards... But with a twist. Let's just say it'll be dramatic.

Report MrAquino · 382 views · #The end

I used to wonder what friendship could be... · 8:25pm Nov 8th, 2019

Hey guys, yeah, it’s me. I don’t know how many of you are still here but I feel I should say something now that the end of the show has hit us. I was putting it off because I didn’t want things to end. That’s what everything does eventually though doesn’t it? Things end. Every great story has an end. Every great feat in history ended eventually. People die.

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Report MrSpartan · 690 views · #The End

Its been fun! · 10:53pm Oct 26th, 2020

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDD the long (Kinda short actually) journey of the rambunctious quadruplet. Thank you for your time entertaining me and being entertained by my weird self.

Report Connect-the-Pie · 196 views · #the=end.

Grey Guard Pony passed away on 12/7/2018. · 8:50am Apr 15th, 2019

Sorry, I'm Zalabar; a friend who was asked to spread the word. Somehow I didn't think of posting here. Instead it was... well, direct message to the few we both knew. Phyco put up a blog on it back in December;

It was the cancer, and GGP passed in their sleep.

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Report GreyGuardPony · 1,814 views · #Endings

Some News. · 6:32am May 4th

For those of you who don’t care to read it all, or at all.

TLDR: I’m officially canceling "Little Pony" after reevaluating some things, my complications mixed with other prevalent things about the story have made me come to this conclusion. I’m still writing on the site, though. 

It might seem a little sudden, or maybe, it’s something that’s been a long time coming. My thoughts are jumbled but I think you can get the gist.

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Report ButterscotchFTW · 1,114 views · #End.

(T>B) Which finale would have been best to end it? · 4:46pm Nov 19th, 2020

Original thread:

A pretty simple question - I'll be giving my own opinions once I've seen some of yours. But just for clarification:

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Report Latecomer · 231 views · #ending

End of All · 1:21pm Oct 14th, 2019

Well, the end has happened. Can't say I'm pleased about that, but at least it ended well.

I guess it's a big thank you to MLP G4, eh? For providing us with years of content to create stories off of. It has been an honour.

And what more to continue the legacy and continue creating more stories here? So stay tuned, y'all, we're not done yet!

Report Cinders of War · 287 views · #End

Fimfic idea · 12:16am Aug 29th, 2020

I know it’s been a while but I had this in mind recently, what if someone got so pissed off at discord’s actions that my character OC Lee Nova from Zone, would bard be in on the defeat of Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy glow turning himself into a forerunner warrior with the power to end Discord’s pathetic life.


Last hour of work before my three days off! · 10:23pm Sep 30th, 2017


Report darkstone57 · 347 views · #To the end!

Angry at Holy Science. · 11:27pm Nov 23rd, 2020

...At The End Of The World two stand, theologician and scientist.

-- I provided World with framework of thinking: war-as-peace, expansion-as-norm, uncare-as-care! - says Theologician
-- And I finished off job by providing Material Science to those who wanted it! - Happy Scientist replied.

And so they fled TOGETHER, to new planet, or star or universe - so they can repeat their 'bad cop/good cop' trick once more ......

Report Andrew-R · 170 views · #End

mSCt3K: Special Episode! · 11:33pm May 25th, 2019

Three months ago, a document was released. 175 pages long, 64.4K words. The contents of said document were so terrible that I spent the last three months on-and-off riffing it. And since most of my riffing friends were too busy with their own things, I did it by myself. And boy, was it a challenge. I think it might be the longest thing I ever riffed solo; Nintenkingdom the Story was only about 48K. Nor have I ever riffed something of this nature. It's a wild ride, I'll tell you that!

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Comments on MLP Finale · 1:31am Oct 14th, 2019

No fanfic chapters this week, because all that energy went into writing a 4k word post on what I thought about the series finale for the show. Available at my old analysis blog:


Site Post » S9E24-25 - The Ending of the End · 2:55pm Oct 12th, 2019


24 - A villainous alliance unleashes their power on Equestria.
25 - The Mane Six face off against Equestria's most dangerous foes.

Reminder: Links to unofficial streams/downloads of episodes are not allowed!

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