• Member Since 12th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


More Blog Posts42

  • 77 weeks
    Art Commission By Beaniebabykin

    So, still in the phase of debating rebooting the story, but I did say that I was looking to get a commission done based on it and so I did. Artwork is done by Beaniebabykin on Twitter and will likely serve as the cover art for any future long-term reboot (thinking of doing a one-shot centered on Trixie as Luna's apprentice to warm up first):

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  • 81 weeks
    In Somepony's Shadow - Quick Question

    Hi readers (if any remain)!

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    6 comments · 150 views
  • 150 weeks
    MLP Month on My Analysis Blog

    Hey everyone, this is just a quick announcement that while I'm not quite yet in a position to get back to doing fanfiction right now, I am doing an MLP themed month over at my analysis blog in celebration of the new movie. In addition to a review of the original three episodes of Friendship is Magic, I'm doing character builds of various characters in tabletop gaming, with a focus primarily on

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  • 155 weeks
    The Past Year & In Somepony's Shadow

    ...yeah, probably weird to do an update, like, a year and some months since the last one.

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  • 221 weeks
    Just Minor Update

    Hey, apologies that it's been a while since there's been an update on the story. Things have been somewhat crazy at the moment for obvious reasons. Over the last few weeks had to: move all my course online, move out of dorm (so in a completely different state right now), had a competition that had to get moved online, and am currently finishing up dissertation project stuff. Not going to even

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Comments on MLP Finale · 1:31am Oct 14th, 2019

No fanfic chapters this week, because all that energy went into writing a 4k word post on what I thought about the series finale for the show. Available at my old analysis blog: https://wordpress.com/stats/post/641/analysisismagic.wordpress.com

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