
Viewing 381 - 400 of 915 results

In Memoriam · 4:20am Oct 14th, 2019

I am very sad to report that Spitfire, my nineteen year old cat, has passed away.

She lived with some friends of mine and when I lived with them we got really close. She just loved when I petted her and gave her kisses. She was such a sweet cat. I'm definitely more of a dog person but she was something else. She got me on that girl level.

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Does God see my Pain? · 5:29pm Mar 2nd, 2019

Suffering is one of life's greatest obstacles to seeing the Goodness of God. Does God see what we suffer? The following words are not my own, but a reflection on this mystery by the late Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen. I share them with the hope that they help you as much as they have helped me. If any of you are in need of prayers for any reason, just let me know in the comments, or feel free to message me, peace.

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THIS IS SAD. THIS MADE ME SAD. · 8:32am Oct 13th, 2017

The penguin Grape-Kun has passed away. And I am sad.

But Pencil, you may heartlessly say, what do you care about a penguin? It happens all the time, and besides, you're a heartless bitch who hates the world! Listen here mufuckas, this penguin was a sweet and special soul. He had a tragic backstory that Warner Brothers only wishes they could imitate.

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IRL BS · 2:34am Nov 27th, 2015

So Tuesday I went in to work, the day after giving my two week notice, and was told to sign an injury report and get out or the Business Manager would call the cops and have me arrested.

I could have punched him.

I SHOULD have punched him.

But I held back. And I aught to take pride in that. When I got home I wrote this up:

Yell and I will nod.
Threaten and I will shrug.
Call me rude and I will be polite.
You kick me just to see me break.
Yet I am strong in my weakness.

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Report S-Clark · 307 views · #abusive #work #poem #cry #sad #anger #rage

Fantastic Reading for "Pony Break"! · 6:40pm Dec 26th, 2018

Hello. Short and sweet.

Here's a really swell reading for an old sad, slice of life story of mine. "Pony Break"! About a human office company that hires Fluttershy to help reduce stress levels. Or maybe it's about a human going through a mid-life crisis. Who knows. Regardless, check it out below. It has music and voice acting and everything! Well, no. Not cake, but...

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A Sad Update · 7:46am Jan 5th, 2019

'Tis a sad day, my friends. Yesterday evening I lost my computer due to a bad trip and my microphone cord. Because of this, I am degraded to having to use my phone as my only way of writing much of anything unless I go to my local library, but... People are nosy as hell. So until I get a new one because I refuse to give those bastards at Apple $1K for a screen I will be using my phone for updates, writing and what have you. Currently working on a new Siren's Keeper and hopefully I'll get

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Wow, emotions are funny · 11:19am May 29th, 2016

I seriously don't know what i'm feeling right now.
It seems to be a mix between sad and happy.

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I'm not dead! · 10:25pm Oct 17th, 2017

Yeah, I'm still alive. I've been dealing with life troubles lately, and been having a really bad time. I've put Surviving Hell to find Heaven on hold for now to deal with what's going on. I'll probably get to writing in a few days, it all depends on whether I can cheer up or decide to go to a therapist and talk about my problems.


Artwork - She is the Starlight · 11:16pm Oct 10th, 2020


Car Stolen! Asking for Help. · 11:33am Jun 28th, 2023

I...Do not have a good way of asking for help. I'm very stubborn that's my AJ side talking, but I feel like this is SOMETHING I should ask for help with.

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State of the Pen · 1:46am Oct 21st, 2022

It's been 10 days since my brother died and 6 since we laid him to rest at the foot of a willow tree near a shady stream. I find myself both functional and numb. I can act, react, and do things, but anything beyond the basics is like trying to push fog with your hands. Something happens but not much. I find myself staring at a computer screen and feeling... nothing.

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Asking for HELP! Stress about House and More. · 7:23pm Nov 29th, 2023

SO. I'm not good at this, but I'm going to try because I legitimately don't know what else I can do. We had a guy come look at our Furnace because the Heat wasn't working, and then just this morning finally kicked on. He told us in no un-certain terms that it won't keep working till Christmas, let alone the whole winter season.

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My first new story in 4 years! · 6:10pm May 8th

Hey there, everypony!

I hope you're all having a splendid week so far. Last night and today, I spent some time pouring my feelings onto paper in the form of a story for your eyes and/or ears. Lately, I've been dealing with the uncertainty of life and lingering a bit too much on the past. This story tackles those feelings, and through writing it, I've learned how best to deal with what I'm going through.

I hope it's something you all enjoy.

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Mayor (Spoilers/Summary) · 4:44pm May 21st


Finally put a name to it. · 1:11am Mar 31st, 2022

The current series I've been writing more or less revolves around a group of family and friends coming together to protect their communities and reshape the world. I've been trying to put a name to what their group would be labelled as. They're not exactly vigilantes because they don't go looking for trouble. They simply respond when it finds them. I was reminded today that civil defense is a thing in the military, but my characters are civilians with no official credentials. The best label I

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Havoc's Hourglass Development and What's Going On With Me · 12:43am Jun 14th, 2015

I wish I could say I've been working on it, but I have not. I've thought a lot about it. I might finish it eventually. But I think it would be best served to finish it completely and release it as a whole, so you don't have to wait months or years between chapters. So within the next year, it will be finished. This I can promise.

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New Story: Super sad · 10:04pm Aug 11th, 2015

If you are looking for a tragic little story about a certain pink pony, take a look at my new story entitled; Diane's Letter: The Last Piece of Pie.

A big shout out to Crow for all the help they gave me with the story. XD


Site Post » Chopper's Top Hat's "The Liar" + Announcement [Royal Canterlot Library] · 2:10pm Jun 26th, 2015

First, an announcement: Fillies and gentlecolts, please join us in extending a warm welcome to the newest member of the Royal Canterlot Library team: AugieDog! Over his time in the pony fandom, Augie has assembled an impressive bibliography (which includes a previous

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This comic... It has been a long time since I've read this... · 9:04am Jan 31st, 2017

Unfortunately, I cannot put this picture up as it is way too big to be able to fit the blog itself. Hence I'm putting the link to the comic in question... be prepared for some feels people...


Pattern Broken :yay: · 6:40pm Oct 4th, 2016

Treatment starts tomorrow.

Viewing 381 - 400 of 915 results