Prepare the Tissues! · 8:04pm Mar 26th, 2017
It's about to get feels-y!
Show of hands, who here knows what Build-A-Bear is?
Who has seen one near where they live?
Have you ever been inside one?
Who has actually gotten something from there?
I can't stand Build-A-Bear!
BUT that isn't to say that I don't like the place. I love it! I love the idea of it!
If you do one thing today, read this article. This man is an absolute saint. I don't think I've cried this much in a while.
This comic has given me the most feels I've ever had in my life...
Ok, serious Pencil time.
I know. I'm sorry. I'll be brief.
Letting you all know I'm feeling tons better now, I had the stomach flu and basically been in bed all week.
Though now I'm feeling great, so tomorrow I'll be returning with my planned update as well as a few story updates.
Need to get back into the swing of things lol.
...venting is bad, crying is bad, talking about feelings is bad. The last one is especially bad because it makes other people feel bad. Instead you should just pull up your bootstraps and bury your feelings deep down because we all know how healthy that is.
Oh, and crying is blackmail because of course the only reason a person would cry in front of others is to manipulate people, and not at all because they can't hold in all their leaky emotions.
Well between four blog posts, getting insulted by an egotistical admin, enjoying having a story on the front page for nearly 24 hours, releasing a new chapter for Gag Reels Are Magic, assisting Saberking2012 with his latest chapter and working on an impromptu sequel, I'm worn out. Too bad I'm feeling better and have to go to work.
But seriously, thank you to everypony that helped keep Dark Sunset on the Popular Stories section as long as it was.
Next up... the Featured Box.
Well yep it's my birthday today and I turn 18, damn it feels werid as hell to be that age. I guess everything changes from now and I'm now legal to do anything in the UK.
♫ I am the last plushie pony
left in this consignment store bin.
They bought all the others this morning,
when the Black Friday rush was let in.
Though my mane may be matted and faded,
I was once quite a mare in my day.
Will the child you once were, give me life once again,
and take me home with you today?
Parents that brawled for the toy of the year,
cursed as they tripped over me.
I watched a video earlier on the old song, "In the year 2525" by Zager and Evans. After understanding the lyrics, I felt in an apocalyptic mood, which I'm still experiencing an hour to a couple hours later.
I guess I'm a glutton for punishment, because I then went and played the enhanced edition of Interplanetary, which involves a bunch of planets shooting each other till they can't anymore;
Remember the Sunset Simulator Comic?
Well I found this video a while ago of Wubcake doing a voice over of Sunset Shimmer. A really good voice over. It makes the feels so much stronger!
I hope that she is OK though... (Heard what happened to her during my Christmas Vacation.)
I'm back and this time I'm typing this from my Mac. I'm back.
I have been feeling a little emotional after watching Lava. What did I do to deserve this?!?!?!
Besides that, here's the video itself. PLEASE WATCH THIS!!! it'll be worth it. You will cry.
Is there a limit on how many people you can follow? Cus if there is, that really sucks...
But anyway, I hope your day is fantastic and wonderful, just like you are!
Holy cow. 24 hours. For 24 hours, Friendship Bling and Changing Things has been stuck in the featured box. I think the thing's broken...
EDIT: It's now been 38 hours of feature time... there are no words.
Anyways, I just wanted to give everybody that has supported FBaCT in the whatever amount of time it's been up. It's been an insane day, watching my (only) fourth fanfic ever reach new heights of personal achievement. You have no idea what this means to me, I think.
I... I really don't know how to start this blog post, or where to begin. ...I, I just don't feel like I'm that good of a writer any more. It just seems like my latest stories aren't hitting quite the right marks with my followers as my older ones did.
I know the last few months I've been distant, just tons of stuff to deal with. But know to all those kind hearts who sent me pms when I was sad, and all those who took time to simply say hello. It meant the world to me, it wasn't ignored or forgotten but cherished!
Hugs to you all, with all my love.
Thank you, truly.