JLBDreamer's PMV of the Month of July 2015 · 11:12pm Jul 18th, 2015
JLBDreamer’s AMV of the Week: PMV of the Month 7/18/15
Title: Immortals (Fall Out Boy) PMV
Editor: PinkChaos
Song: “Immortals” by Fall Out Boy
JLBDreamer’s AMV of the Week: PMV of the Month 7/18/15
Title: Immortals (Fall Out Boy) PMV
Editor: PinkChaos
Song: “Immortals” by Fall Out Boy
Today I feature one of the best, if not the best PMV ever!
I don't know how any brony would not know this one. If they don't well... I don't blame them.
This time it's a fan made opening for mlp, and it is awesome!!! Plus it was made by Galaxyart, who is one of the best fan made opening makers I've seen in any cartoon or anime in a while.
Here it is:
This video is a short little animation or GIF I guess by Ponut Joe. Short, and sweet.
Because boy have I got a treat for you! Me and several artists have been working together with Artekko to create vectors for his latest PMV. It's just been released and I promised I would help it get the attention it needs!
I highly recommend everyone go and check it out. The song is Peace Sign, from My Hero Academia and it's been turned into--J-just watch it. It's awesome.
I don't often find PMVs these days that I watch over and over -- La Da Dee and Pony Girl may have been the last -- but Cole Donnerstag's "The Journey Thus Far" is now another. An epic, eight-minute reminder of the FiM story up to the end of S7 with great editing and a fabulous Thomas Bergersen soundtrack, it's a wonderful retrospective. Watch it in 1080p.
Since I'm back to watching WWE again, I looked for a pmv crossover with wwe. I found one that pretty much is the promo of team WWF (Former name of WWE) vs The Alliance (WCW and ECW).
Ever heard of Achievement Hunter? Are you a fan? Since it's about pony videos, today's video is an animation video of one of their Let's Plays of Survivors Beta 3. LOUD WARNING IN ADVANCE!
If you don't know their names in this Let's Play, here they are:
Geoff Ramsey - Twilight Sparkle
Michael Jones - Rainbow Dash
Gavin Free - Pinkie Pie
Well I haven't done this in a while, so I guess time to bring up another pony video! And it's another WWE promo turned into PMV by redch0pstick again! This time it's the promo of CM Punk vs John Cena Money In The Bank 2011, one of the best matches ever in the modern era of wrestling. Fun Fact: This is the match that made wrestling fun for me again in 2 years since Wrestlemania 25.
How about a collab? This pmv is very well made by the many editors that partake in this. Plus the song (Centuries by Fall Out Boy) fits the show really well, especially with the villans.
From what I've found, I can't find any RWBY Cold PMV's. I've made some around when I first started writing my story, and was wondering if any of you would like to see them? How would I be able to post them following all the rules for copyright and stuff though?
This is a pmv of my favorite band ever RED, and probably my 2nd favorite song of all of their songs.
Today's Pony video is a fan animation called "Fall from Grace." Its visuals are beautiful, and the story was well written and very well narrated by the narrator.
Another WWE/MLP Video. This time its Twilight Sparkle (Triple H) vs Princess Celestia (Undertaker) at Wrestlemania 27. Probably one of the best promos ever. Plus the characters fits pretty dam well.
So about every Thursday or Friday I will feature a Pony Music Video (PMV) or any pony video in general. Here is the first one:
I'm going to be honest, I've never seen this PMV until yesterday (OF ONE OF MY FAVORITE SONGS OF ALL TIME). So pretty much this pmv got this idea in my head.
Doing this before I sleep. This Pony video is a crossover of MLP and the Sonic franchise. There are 2 versions of it so I will put both of them below. Reason why both is because 1 version has no vocals while the other version has vocals. So check them out and comment which version sounds better for you.
Link 1:No Vocals
Link 2:Vocals
Anyone knows what Celestia and Luna do at their spare time or off-air? Well this a possibility on what they might do. You don't know if it's true or not but hey, who cares? It's awesome!
Now back to catching up to season five since episode 15...
I'm so excited for today! Woooooooo!
Plus since its also pony video day, lets get a song going!
Plus shout out to MLPFan234 for having the same birthday as me!