New Story · 5:50pm Oct 21st, 2016
So I've taken a little time out from my other projects to work on a new story.
So I've taken a little time out from my other projects to work on a new story.
Sorry about all the blog posts recently, but sometimes things just cluster together.
Anywho, a while back a user named the dobermans asked if I wanted to be interviewed because he liked a story of mine. So here it is, alongside my slightly coherent and rambling answers. Alongside some Sombra-speak, too.
It covers these stories:
1. "Please Open The Door"
2. "Sombra the Highly Unmotivated"
3. "Tyrant Celestia's Trip to the Moon"
Congratulations to Naturalbornderpy! He got his first feature on Equestria Daily!
Look, I know that I'm kind of a nobody on this site, but I've decided to pick up Crystal Wishes' "Share a Smile" idea. In case you haven't heard of it, here's what she wrote:
Here's what I'd like everyone to do: write a blog post about someone (or someones!) who you don't normally interact with that you admire, look up to, or just simply want to praise in some way. Then tag it with Share a Smile, as well as the
I have recently finished reading the story The Many Clones of Twilight Sparkle by naturalbornderpy and thoroughly enjoyed it. You should read it. I found it likeable not only for the fact that it was done by a very professional writer but also because it involved his followers and anyone who commented. He would ask his audience for a
So, first thing's first. Thanks for all the follows!
I said a while back that I'd be halting the blogs about follower numbers, but 1500 seemed a little too big not to. Plus I'm also celebrating for another reason:
I actually had a DARK story reach the feature box! The very top of it for a bit. One called "The Mother Of Many Faces".
First thing's first. Thank you all for the follows. I was happy with 100, but I won't hesitate having more. Or going on to disappoint every single one of you immensely.
Since I really don't have anything important to blog about, I'll just write about some random things I've been thinking about recently. Also, ask me a question if you want! I might even answer it!
Hello. Short and sweet.
Here's a really swell reading for an old sad, slice of life story of mine. "Pony Break"! About a human office company that hires Fluttershy to help reduce stress levels. Or maybe it's about a human going through a mid-life crisis. Who knows. Regardless, check it out below. It has music and voice acting and everything! Well, no. Not cake, but...
I realize by this point, I'm actually closer to 700 followers than 600, but that's only because I was debating stopping these milestone blogs because they might get annoying. Then I thought how little I blog to begin with and... here's my pony stuff!
Since I'm procrastinating like a madman at the moment, I thought I might as well make one random blog post to keep my hands from freezing solid. (I live in Canada, remember? The film "Snowpiercer" was based on the place. )
The question of the day is basically: what is your preferred writing method? Not why you write, just how you write. I'll start.
So I did a short interview awhile ago for Wungiel and some Polish MLP magazine of some sort and here it is!
(I've now been translated into Polish, Japanese, Russian and I think one other foreign language. So why hasn't anyone translated my work into Canadian, huh? Am I not "popular" enough here? Sad. )
So at first I was planning on writing a rather long and sarcastic blog post.
As the title suggests, I'll be appearing on the "Good HIE" podcast this Friday around 6... which is odd, considering I'm still not sure if I technically have any stories on there...
Regardless, go write some questions out and get the rest of the info HERE! naturalbornderpypodcast
I think it's widely known that not all stories are created equal. The same can be said for ideas.
Over the years writing for this site, I've thought and pondered probably hundreds upon hundreds of ideas for stories, scenes, jokes, epics, and everything in between. But there's a rather large difference between what actually becomes a story and what (thankfully) remains just an idea.
Hey everyone. It's me. That guy who decided to platinum "Skyrim" three months ago. What's better than new stories from me? How 'bout two readings of Discord stories! What's that? You want the new stories instead? Too bad. Dawnguard needs my help!
1. "Discord Forms a Cult"
So the other day I was pondering guest voices we've had on the show thus far. The good (Weird Al, whoever voices Maud Pie) and the not-so-good (Patton Oswalt -- just didn't quite work for me). Then I thought who I'd want on the show. And more importantly, who would they play?
Two part question time!
1. Who are they playing.
2. Actor/Actress you'd want lending their voice. And why them?
I'll go first.
1. Character: Starswirl the Bearded.
Hey there!
So seeing as all the cool kids are doing it, I figured I would start a spotlight feature of my own.
I totally am.
Now unlike most, I'm not going to follow any sort of rankings. I'll be spotlighting authors or individual stories which personally tickle my fancy.
It's going to be fun and whiskey-filled. Today we have naturalbornderpy, who I suspect will totally own this shit. And tolerate us. As best he can.
Come here:
Party, enjoy friday, drink, and be merry.
Happy Birthday to me... Happy Birthday to me...
I've gotten so old... I've forgot how to rhyme...
So a little while ago, I was chatting with ChappedPenguinLips and mentioned that on my first year on this site I made a blog just like this one (since deleted) stating that it was my birthday.
Holy! Here we go again. 700 followers! Thank you all very much for the support. Now I’m going to do something very un-Canadian-like… explain a few things that irk me about stories and authors on this site—not as an excuse to target individuals (because I really don’t have any to list), but more of a ways to make sure I never end up doing what I list. Here we go!