
Viewing 1 - 20 of 253 results

Got me a can of cider; · 9:33pm Nov 13th, 2017

What are all you folks doing tonight/today?

Report darkstone57 · 292 views · #Drinking

Signal Boost: Don't trust elephants around your drinks. · 8:03pm Dec 31st, 2017

I knew my decision to be a hermit was the right one.

In all seriousness, for those of you who have social lives, read this blog and for goodness sake take its advice. Don't let yourself or others end up having a bad time. 2017 sucked enough as it was.

Here's wishing you nothing but perfectly normal hangovers in the morning.


21st birthday (7/15/17) · 9:20pm Jul 16th, 2017

Holy balls, that was awesome.

I got heavily tipsy, but didn't get any kind of hangover. And I had somewhere around six drinks, so... I dunno. Still, awesome birthday, even if I woke up with terrible breath.


Peach Aloe Drink: The Best Way To Keep You Alert · 7:42am Sep 3rd, 2016

Always work overtime? Are you an athlete who needs that extra energy that edge to conquer? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may have experienced stress and fatigue often. It is important to know that his health was always one of the top priorities in order to be more effective on the job. Work till you drop just to make extra money, or work hard, that this is beyond the limit will not be tolerated.

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Report aloedrink · 398 views · #aloe drink

It’s a new year! · 6:40pm Jan 1st, 2018

...And everything is already going horrible.

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Report Hoops · 333 views · #underage #drinking

Hands Short: Booze · 10:56pm Nov 18th, 2019

Upon Shepherd's first meeting with Princess Celestia, after all the pleasantries have been done with.

Shepherd: "Wow, I've never actually met a demi-goddess. Who was also a horse. Or not... Ahem."

Celestia: "Well, it's been quite a long time since I last met a hominid. So this is an auspicious day for both of us."

Shepherd: "That's good to hear... You won't smite me, right?"

Celestia: "Not unless you offend me."

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Recharge And Buy Aloe Gel Juice Now · 7:36am Sep 3rd, 2016

If you want to buy aloe gel juice, you will surely compare the different energy drinks that appear at the store or vending machine. This can be a difficult decision, especially if this is your first time to buy aloe gel juice. Some people buy aloe gel juice depending on the condition. The energy drinks are mild while some are strong. If you want to buy aloe gel juice, you look at the nutritional information on the back of jars or boxes to make sure that you get the vitamins you need.

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Report aloedrink · 459 views · #aloe drink

Aloe Drink- A Drink From Long Ago · 7:48am Sep 3rd, 2016

Can you imagine a better way to warm up than a big mug of hot chocolate, cold, windy winter night? Things have certainly changed since the Xocolatl was known by the Mayans. The Origins of aloe drink Xocolatl shipped to Europe when the conquistadors, was the reserve of the rich who first called the drink itself chocolate. Later, when solid bars of aloe drink became more common, the "hot chocolate" was used to avoid confusion. In fact, the first time the drink consumed cold and had a spicy taste

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Report aloedrink · 397 views · #aloe drink

The One-Million Word Challenge · 12:19pm Feb 2nd, 2016

Couple fun facts in this blog post, as well as some thoughts on an idea I've had for a while.

Let's start with a fun fact, though!

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A goodbye to When They Come · 2:55pm Oct 17th, 2015

It's done. It's finally done. It took me almost 50,000 words to do it, but I can finally say that I no longer have to work on When They Come, ever ever again. I don't even feel sad. Just really relieved. Wait, that's the one where you feel a little nauseated, giggly, talk to much, hit on everything that moves, keep telling people you love them...
Oh, wait, that's being drunk? My mistake.

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MLP The Movie (1986), a few comments · 1:25am Apr 1st, 2017

So a few months ago I sat down and tried to watch the original MLP movie from 1986. I was curious about G1 as before G4 I never had any motivation to even bother with it.

In short, it did not go well.

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Whelp I Guess I Should Mention My Vacation Thingy · 12:11am Aug 21st, 2015

Lemme tells ya, trying to find a decent internet reception in Miami sucks balls. But on the bright side they have incredibly fruity drinks over here, which is rad.

Also holy fuck so much shit in my feed message. Haven't checked Skype in a long time. So many things. So little time.


Eh. So how are you guys doing?


This flexible spirit blends well in a host of mango aloe vera juice · 7:44am Sep 5th, 2016

This cocktail was invented by Charles Ball, executive general manager of Chicago three-headed Productions. He inspired as a brighter take on the classic cocktail Vesper.
3/4 oz. Hangar One Buddha Hand Vodka
3/4 oz. Tanqueray 10
1/2 oz. Bedictine
3/4 oz. lemon juice
1/2 oz. honey syrup

1 flammed lemon, for garnish Mix all ingredients in a shaker, add ice, shake and strain into a chilled coupe. Side dish of baked lemon.


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Happy 4th Merica day! · 7:23pm Jul 4th, 2016

Happy 4th of July everyone!

Hope you are all having a wonderful day. Just giving a shout out, stay safe and remember to party mildly! Don't be silly when you drink and always have a designated driver or friend to take you home if you're out and about!

Remember the best hings are the ones you remember, if you drank so much you can't remember then you did it wrong!

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Rum delights: this spirit shows its flexibility in a host of summer tasty aloe vera juice · 7:40am Sep 5th, 2016

This refreshing summer cocktail was created by Ben Mowbray in Down House in Houston.
1 oz. Buffalo Trace Rye
1/2 oz. Flor de Cana 7 Year Old Rum
1 oz. strawberry syrup
1/2 oz. lemon juice
1 splash of champagne

Half of the strawberries, for garnish Shake all the ingredients together, DOUBLE strain them, pour them into a champagne flute and top with champagne. Garnish with half a strawberry.

COCO-calcium FIZZ

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No. · 12:46pm Mar 12th, 2016

I do apologize for subjecting people to this, and I'm not going to tell you whose fic it's from because that's not how I roll, but...I cannot let this monstrosity lie.

Your head is greeted by a new and better sensation as it penetrates Sunset's womb

That's...not a good thing. Sunset is going to need a medic. And I said so and figured that was the end of it. But then I got a response.

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Big Stupid Birthday Skype party is go · 12:57am Oct 18th, 2015

Contact ahthepowerofcheese for details and to be added to this shit.

Now, I'm off to drink.



Mane six drinks. · 3:11am Aug 3rd, 2023

We all know the mane six drink cider, but what other drinks would the mane six or any pony drink?

I can see.

Twilight drinking wine or champagne

Rarity drinking wine

Pinkie Pie anything

Fluttershy fruity cocktails

Rainbow Dash drinking beer

Applejack whiskeys and bourbons

Tree hugger drinking liquid marijuana and being disappointed lol

What about y'all?

Report Applefai · 138 views · #mlp #drinks #alcohol

Small lychee aloe vera juice drinks, big energy? · 7:43am Sep 5th, 2016

For adults looking for casual impulse answer is a qualified yes. Caffeine and other compounds in energy lychee juice of aloe vera drinks help us stay focused and energetic, causing a surge of stress hormone cortisol. But producers earned frequent use of cortisol in the body (adrenals), prevents sleep and can increase heart rate and blood pressure.

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Random Recipe Time!!! · 2:15am Mar 20th, 2018

DISCLAIMER!!: I honestly eyeballed this entire thing the first 2 times I made it, but judging on my culinary skills I will be leaving accurate measurements in recipe!
Okay so here's something I made on...last Wednesday? (idk. Can't remember! Lol!) Anyways, its' for a D.I.Y Vanilla Chai Tea (I think?) For this you will need:

2 bags of Lipton black tea

1/8 c. Milk

1/2 Tbsp. Vanilla extract

1 & 1/4 c. Water

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 253 results