• Member Since 15th Sep, 2014


A brony living in the states that really likes Fallout.

The Trioverse 8 stories
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This story is a sequel to Midnight's Radiance

Sunset finally has time alone with Shining Armor. Naturally, she's too distracted to take advantage of that, thanks to what everypony's been saying.
She's the one that saved the princesses. The one that saved Equestria. 'Sunset Shimmer the Hero'.
But Sunset, she just wants to change. She wants to become a better friend, and be closer to the ponies important in her life.
So just how is she supposed to do that, if those very same ponies want her to be the hero everypony believes her to be?

Thanks to Cloureed again for the cover!
Set in the Trio-verse.

Chapters (3)

The Changeling General, war hero, driven to win at any cost. The Moon Princess, Equestria's guiding light, seeking to protect her ponies from an unseen threat.
Between these two, a secret war was waged. Between these two, stood a young changeling princess: Chrysalis
Born of a different color from her mother's hive, Chrysalis finds herself being drawn towards the center of the conflict. With those she holds dear backing her, she'll march into the heart of this war, changing the fate of her race. For better, or worse...

Set in the Trio-verse, an AU where Celestia was banished, instead of Luna. No prior reading required.
Want to give my most sincere thanks to Seiya, Llyrisviel, and docontra for their help editing this tale.

Chapters (29)

Trixie is anything but an ordinary stage magician, so it goes without saying that only a unique kind of assistant should accompany her.

Without even intending it, that's exactly what she gets, along with all the headaches and life lessons that come with it.

Set in the Trio-verse, an AU where Celestia was banished instead, and Luna took up Sunset, Trixie and Twilight as her students. Cover art provided by Cloureed.

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to Luna's Protégé

Growing up is an adventure. Especially when it takes place under the tutelage of Princess Luna! Under her care, Twilight, Trixie, and Sunset are now friends. However, they're not quite PBFFs, yet. And since they've barely begun being Luna's Protégées, there's still a great deal left for them to learn.

Naturally, since they're still fillies, there will be some missteps, mistakes, and even the odd problem or two along the way. But, it's nothing they can't handle, as long as they have each other!

Direct sequel to Luna's Protégé
Set in the Trio-verse.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Midnight's Radiance

'By Shadow's Flare, dreams swallowed in Nightmare.'

Eternal night, unwaking slumber.
When everypony in Equestria is trapped within their own nightmares, it's up to one pony to save them.
Okay, one pony, and a changeling queen ... and maybe a former enemy. And also a baby dragon, as well as a shy filly?
No, wait-
There's only one pony to save them! A pony who will dive into her friends worst nightmares without even batting an eye! A pony that'll uncover ancient secrets in order to end this eternal night!
Who is this pony, you may ask? Why, none other then The Great and Powerful Trixie~!
Rest assured, Equestria is in good hooves.

Thanks to Cloureed for the cover, as always~!
Set in the Trio-verse, an AU where Celestia was banished, and Luna took up Sunset, Trixie and Twilight as her students. Recommend reading Luna's Protégé and Midnight's Radiance first.

Chapters (6)

Being the Princess of Equestria is busy work. Luna would know. She raises the sun and moon everyday, looks over the dreams of her beloved subjects, and, well, runs Equestria. Now, in addition to all that, she must find herself a protégé, before her sister's banishment ends!

But, that isn't the problem. The problem, is that three particular fillies stand out for the role!

Who will she choose? Can these three fillies become friends? Who will become Equestria's future savior!?

I guess you'll have to read to find out~!

First story of the Trio-verse.
Cover Art commissioned by Cloureed. Thanks again~!
Also want to thank Izanagi for the help with editing!

Chapters (5)

While looking through a big book of spells, Trixie finds one she's never tried before. One that'll let her get even closer to her friends!
Can anything go wrong? Oh sweet Luna! Yes, yes it can!

Set in the Trio-verse, an AU where Celestia was banished, and Luna took up Sunset, Trixie and Twilight as her students. Recommend reading Luna's Protégé and The Fillies of Canterlot Castle before this one.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Luna's Protégé

'Or through Midnight's Radiance, the Sun extracts obedience.'

Things are looking up for Sunset Shimmer.
She's been a proud student of Princess Luna for over twelve years, has the best friends a pony could ask for, a young dragon she cares for dearly, and ambitions on the cusp of completion.
And even better, it looks like everypony will be spending the Winter Solstice together! Assuming of course, that Celestia's return doesn't end up ruining everything...

Distant sequel to Luna's Protégé
Thanks to Cloureed again for the cover!
Set in the Trio-verse.

Chapters (6)