• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011

Shrinky Frod

Exploring the depths of the equine psyche! Now with ko-fi link and SubscribeStar!

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It's been a little over a year since Princess Flurry Heart founded the settlement of Winter's Hearth deep in the unclaimed territory of the Frozen North, and in that time she and her subjects have faced many dangers. But whether through grit or sheer equine spirit, they've survived every one of them.

So when the yaks of the Northwestern Tribes decide to declare war on them, it feels like just another Tuesday.

The yaks feel differently.

This story was originally conceived as an entry to Imposing Sovereigns IV, but I didn't end up writing it until several months after the contest closed. You can read the actual entrants to that contest here! The intended prompt was Flurry Heart/Strength.

Chapters (1)

Gallus is finally about to have the one thing that he grew up without and had always dreamed of having: a family. And the night before Hearth’s Warming, he must fight to keep it.

Written for Shrinky Frod for Jinglemas 2023, asking for holiday horror!

Chapters (1)

Ponyville is not Canterlot, and a Ponyville Hearth's Warming is a far cry from a Canterlot Hearth's Warming.

Twilight thought she understood this when her first holiday season in the village rolled around, but the physical reality of it still hit her harder than expected.

It'll take discovering someone with an even greater gap in holiday expectations to break her out of her weltschmerz.

Written for 6-D Pegasus for Jinglemas 2023

Chapters (1)

Warning: the following story is currently unedited.

Silver Tray was certain that he was going to be fired for sure. In all the years he had been as a waiter for the meals of the Royals, he had made a mistake that got him yelled at by Prince Blueblood. He was certain that his years of stability were over. But as he was preparing to leave the palace, Celestia comes to see if everything is alright.

Chapters (1)

A story about the death of decadence.

Set prior to the CMC getting their marks.

Featured as of 8/4/23????? Somehow??????

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Morning After

Tensions run high for Octavia as she and Vinyl make the long journey from Ponyville to meet her parents in Trottingham. But Vinyl soon regrets coming, as she finds herself juggling Octavia’s desire for them all to get along, with her own ever-growing anger towards Octavia’s father.

Cover art commissioned from Lou Raccoon.

Go check out the hi-res and landscape versions!

Rated teen for some strong language, numerous sexual references, and some emotionally distressing scenes. If you are affected by any of the themes covered in this story, please consult this mental health helpline directory here.

Chapters (6)

With Twilight Sparkle's recent ascension comes not just a new pair of wings, but access to all the added perks of a pegasus pony. Rainbow Dash decides to show Twilight her favorite one of them all.

Cute little story on cloud napping that I just had to get out of my head and into words
Featured on 2/6 - 2/10/23!
Cover art by partylikeanartist

Now with an amazing audio-reading by Skijarama! Check it out here on YouTube! :rainbowkiss:

Chapters (2)

Being a rock farmer is simple. You just have to move and break rocks. Couldn't be any more complicated than that. Someday Limestone Pie is going to be as good at it as Papa! Absolutely nothing can threaten this.

Nothing, that is, except Great Uncle Holder Cobblestone and his stupid boulder.

A cutie mark story for everyone's favorite grouchy pony.

Slightly AU because I altered the history of the Pie Farm a bit, but I was convinced by one of my pre-readers that the AU tag wasn't warranted. We shall see!

All my thanks go to NumberFifth and Serketry for their pre-reading, editing, and plot suggestions. Seriously, it helped a lot.

Cover art belongs to Aureai. Tried to get permission but received no reply. Will change it if they ever ask.

Chapters (1)

In their ongoing efforts to bring all of Equestria into closer Harmony, the three pony kinds are participating in a pen-pal gift exchange! Each group will be assigned names from another, and give gifts that celebrate the culture, identity, and uniqueness of their home; Bridlewood will gift to Maretime Bay, the ponies in the Bay will gift to Zephyr Heights, and the pegasi will gift to the unicorns of Bridlewood.

Of course, as princess, Pipp has the honor of playing Santa Hooves, delivering Zephyr Heights' Wishday gifts to the forests of Bridlewood. Along with her faithful guard, Thunder, she'll be delivering gifts, and she couldn't be more excited.

And, since Pipp is nearly always online somehow, somepony will know right away if something goes wrong.

...won't they?

Written for Iono for Jinglemas 2022

The prompt was, "Anything really, Fluttershy or Pinkie! Or Pipp!"

Pre-reading by badtigra, Sleepless Beholder, and Dreams of Ponies. Thanks!

Chapters (2)

Rarity is a busy mare, but such is the life of an up-and-coming young fashionista like her. Between designing her newest gowns, overseeing multiple shops in multiple cities, all while managing to maintain her social life, she hardly has time for anything else. There are some things, however, some ponies, that she will always have time for, such as that little red-headed filly gazing through her window of her boutique.

Featured 12/3/22 - 12/10/22

Chapters (1)