Wanderer D 5,529 followers · 65 stories

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News Archive

  • 143 weeks
    Jinglemas 2021

    Jinglemas is the annual tradition on Fimfiction to exchange stories around the holidays with users on the site. This single event allows all Fimfiction users to come together and celebrate the reason for the season. Ponies!

    Enroll in this Secret-Santa-style gift exchange to request a holiday themed story, to be written secretly by another participant during the month of December. And in turn, you will be tasked with writing someone else's request. Then all the stories will be exchanged at Christmas! Simplicity itself! Thanks to the hard work of the Breezies, everyone will be ensured to get their gift!

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  • 193 weeks
    Jinglemas 2020

    There's truly no time like the holidays. What's better than copious amounts of food, quality time with family and friends, hearing the sweet sound of 'All I Want For Christmas Is You' on repeat, and unmanaged financial stress from our capitalist overlords?

    Gift exchanges of course!

    Our own little way of bringing Hearth's Warming to Fimfiction

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  • 420 weeks
    Groups Post - July 2016

    Groups Posts are a monthly group advertisement blog open to anyone who wants a signal boost. If you're interested in having your group advertised in one of these, send me a PM with the name of the group, a link to its front page, and a brief description of what the group is for. I'll copy this directly into the post, so write it like you're trying to tell other people about why they should join or pay attention to your group - anything up to around 150-ish words is fine.

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    4 comments · 3,270 views
  • 425 weeks
    Groups Post - June 2016

    Groups Posts are a monthly group advertisement blog open to anyone who wants a signal boost. If you're interested in having your group advertised in one of these, send me a PM with the name of the group, a link to its front page, and a brief description of what the group is for. I'll copy this directly into the post, so write it like you're trying to tell other people about why they should join or pay attention to your group - anything up to around 150-ish words is fine.

    What's Taking So Long?!

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  • 433 weeks
    Groups Post - April 2016

    Groups Posts are a monthly group advertisement blog open to anyone who wants a signal boost. If you're interested in having your group advertised in one of these, send me a PM with the name of the group, a link to its front page, and a brief description of what the group is for. I'll copy this directly into the post, so write it like you're trying to tell other people about why they should join or pay attention to your group - anything up to around 150-ish words is fine.

    The Pony Prisoner

    Welcome to your home from home, Your Village.

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    9 comments · 2,656 views
  • 437 weeks
    Groups Post - March 2016

    Groups Posts are a monthly group advertisement blog open to anyone who wants a signal boost. If you're interested in having your group advertised in one of these, send me a PM with the name of the group, a link to its front page, and a brief description of what the group is for. I'll copy this directly into the post, so write it like you're trying to tell other people about why they should join or pay attention to your group - anything up to around 150-ish words is fine.

    Haven't had as much of a response this month as past months, I'm sorry to say. Keep in mind that these are free and open to anyone, even if you've been advertised before. I just need a new PM every time you want your group to appear.

    Request Criticism

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  • 441 weeks
    Groups Post - February 2016

    Groups Posts are a monthly group advertisement blog open to anyone who wants a signal boost. If you're interested in having your group advertised in one of these, send me a PM with the name of the group, a link to its front page, and a brief description of what the group is for. I'll copy this directly into the post, so write it like you're trying to tell other people about why they should join or pay attention to your group - anything up to around 150-ish words is fine.

    Equestria Girls, where the look of friendship may change, but its magic is forever.

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  • 446 weeks
    Groups Post - January 2016

    Happy New Year, everyone. Hope the holiday season treated you well. I've got a good number of groups for you to check out, so let's get right to it.

    Groups Posts are a monthly group advertisement blog open to anyone who wants a signal boost. If you're interested in having your group advertised in one of these, send me a PM with the name of the group, a link to its front page, and a brief description of what the group is for. I'll copy this directly into the post, so write it like you're trying to tell other people about why they should join or pay attention to your group - anything up to around 150-ish words is fine.

    Monthly Shipfics

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  • 451 weeks
    Groups Post - December 2015

    Alright, it's December. Now I can stop getting irrationally angry at the Santa Claus Coke cans that have already been in stores for weeks, and start getting rationally angry at how terrible everyone is at driving this time of year. Also there's a holiday coming up or something, Iunno.

    Groups Posts are a monthly group advertisement blog open to anyone who wants a signal boost. If you're interested in having your group advertised in one of these, send me a PM with the name of the group, a link to its front page, and a brief description of what the group is for. I'll copy this directly into the post, so write it like you're trying to tell other people about why they should join or pay attention to your group - anything up to around 150-ish words is fine.

    Zebras of Equestria

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  • 460 weeks
    Groups Post - October 2015

    Welp, it's October, so it's finally culturally acceptable again to have a spooky skellington as your avatar picture (lookin' at you, Meeester)
    Also skulltrumpet videos as far as the eye can see, because what even is Halloween without skulltrumpet

    Now here's the somewhat embarrassing part - in a month, it looks like I've only been given three group submissions. Last month we had several times that, and interest has been pretty steady for awhile. This month, I've only got a total of three, and even going through my PM history doesn't turn up any I missed. If you did submit one, and it's not here, bug me about it ASAP and I'll get you added back on, but otherwise I'm just going to chalk this up to a slow month. Too many people getting ready for the SKELETON WAR to worry about what their groups are doing, I dunno.

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Groups » Barcast Last Call · 11:30pm April 2nd

The time has come for Fimfiction’s premiere interview podcast to close its doors. The Barcast, a podcast that’s dedicated the last eight years to interviewing authors, artists, show staff, and community guests of the brony fandom is having its final two episodes.

First, we’d like to personally invite every single one of you to our first event, a final blitz interview marathon. Initially popularized at Bronycon 2019, we’re interviewing as many people as we can over the course of April 20th. Who are we interviewing? YOU!

This is our sign up form. Pick up to 3 slots that work best for you and we’ll put you on the schedule the best we can. Come April 20th at 12pm PDT, we’ll start dragging people into the channel and putting them through the ringer!

This is our discord server, where you can view the chaos happening in real time on a discord stage or as we stream it on twitch. This will be a long, long event and we plan to post the vod on youtube for history, so we hope to interview as many talented individuals from the community as possible.

Our final event, the following week on April 27th is a much more relaxed event. We’re devoting our usual 2 hour runtime to ourselves, to reminisce on the last 8 years, show some exclusive footage we’ve never shown before, and have a nice ugly cry together.

While our podcast’s PG-13 to Mature rating definitely kept us out of many people’s radar, we’re excited to try and include as much of the community as possible as we close the doors on our work.

Report Wanderer D · 5,855 views ·
Comments ( 50 )
Ice Star #1 · April 2nd · · 1 ·

Oh shit it wasn’t a joke :C

Es triste saber que llegué muy tarde para ver esto

Unfortunately, an Era of some kind came to an end.

It's closing time, lads.

So what you guys planning next? Or are you all stepping away from the fandom?

We're planning on living our lives, being friends, and making efforts to be happy. I wrote an FAQ about it all here if you want more answers: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/1035911/last-call-at-the-bar-the-end-of-an-era

I just found out about you guys a year ago, man, talk about timing :fluttercry:

Still seems crazy that it’s really ending.

Def gonna have to get a spot for that show on the 20th.

I think I did a question for my buddy Meep the Changeling, but aside from that, can't say Ive had much interaction with you. Regardless, I wish you well in your future endeavors

Honestly I didn’t know there was even a podcast.

Rytex #12 · April 3rd · · ·

Maaaaan. BABSCon ending, Barcast ending, feels like a lot of the mainstays of the back half of the show/fandom are starting to clock out, so to speak.

I missed out on too much. Can't rewind time. Can't take anything back. So many missed opportunities.

we’re interviewing as many people as we can


Looking forward to holing up and watching that; good wishes for the hosts with the last shows and future endeavors (I only found out about the barcast a week ago)

BabsCon ended?

Le sigh, so many pony cons so little time/money.

It hurts to see more and more pieces of the fandom die like this. It seems like more and more has come to an end these last few years.

All things end, or at least wind down. But the MLP:FiM fandom has produced so much good stuff, and given so many people so much, it has all been worth it.

Come April 20th at 12pm PDT

12pm as in midday?

Author Interviewer

if only it wasn't a saturday :/

Lot of people are going to see this and BABSCON closing down as the Fandom in its death throes, but that's not the case, really. All things come to an end, and even though the community continues on, not everything is going to be the same. Change is a part of life.

See you around, pals!
But...I don't want to be sad, so... cheers to new beginnings and new opportunities for the future endeavors?

On the bright side, this clears the way for more things.


On the bright side, this clears the way for more things.

What do you mean?

Even though I've never been to cons or anything, but what could you be thinking exactly? :rainbowhuh:

This is depressing to even hear, and I've never been to any podcasts or to the cons when it comes to the MLP fandom.

Something similar happened back around 2014-2016. A lot of big fandom names kinda moved on from the show so a lot of podcasts, reviewers, and creatives kinda just left. But due to the show being ongoing their shoes were filled by younger fans who had come of age with the show.

Then during lockdown a lot of people discovered or rediscovered the show there was a mini revitalisation of the fandom. This was pretty nice, but a symptom of that was that a lot of these new fans are on things like Tik Tok, Discord, and Instagram.

Now we're at a stage where a lot of the old fandom spaces are dying out while the "new" fandom exists in places us old codgers don't understand, and are maybe a little too stubborn to try.

I don't see the MLP:FIM fandom dying anytime soon. But the Brony fandom is definitely on its way out, and has been for years. Gone are the days when I'd listen to Everfree Radio and read fancomics on DeviantArt or askblogs on tumblr while waiting for the latest episode of the Bronyville Podcast or Stay Brony my Friends.

correct. 12am is considered midnight. Americans are weird

Indeed we are. I will not deny that.

Sorry, selling at a convention that weekend, won't be able to participate.

Sadly I can't make that time but that's okay because I'm going to make my own Barcast with blackjack and hookers

Well, hell.

Aww, well y'all should be real proud of all the work you've done over the years. Ugly cry your hearts out

Question: Is there a deadline to sign up for the penultimate show? I wanna make sure I'm actually free before I sign up, but I'll have to double-check with some folks!

EDIT: Was able to clarify that while I'll be busy during the day, the evening hours should work for me. Signed up!

What I meant was that newer cons might show up.

I've signed up. My regret is I hadn't known about you from beforehand, and I'm sad to see it's end. However, whatever you do going forward, let this ending be a new beginning. I hope to see you guys around for some time to come in some form or another.:pinkiesad2:

whelp.....there goes another thing I enjoyed and had hopped to be part of someday.

this has not been a good couple of weeks.

It's a terrifying thing, Time. Even for the things you enjoyed simply yesterday, it can be gone in an instant. More than once I've discovered a comic or a fanfic across the internet that was being ERASED FROM EXISTENCE AS I DISCOVERED IT. And the Wayback machine doesn't touch everything. It doesn't store everything that's out there, especially now as so many things attempt to protect themselves from such archiving.

The memory hole of "5 minutes ago? New Reality! Who dis?!" makes it nearly impossible to know what we've lost until it's too late. Youtube changes policy, and videos with no backup are deleted. Old websites go offline and the masterpieces of dead authors evaporate. Everything needed to settle someone's final affairs is locked inside an online account no one relevant knows exists, let alone has the passwords to.

Treasure the time you get, realize that you're always missing SOMETHING and may NEVER know it, and do what you can, where you can to slow down the destruction of beautiful things we can't afford to let be "Gone".

Past that? Good luck.

This is why internet archives are so incredibly important! Someone needs to backup The Barcast somewhere ASAP.

5775042 Imagine how much vanished in the days before the Internet. Things that were never known outside of a handful of people in a small town. Think of how many fanfics scribbled into notebooks were never seen by anyone since the days mainstream media really began to take off with the advent of radio.

And before than, when even paper was a luxury, and the ideas never went beyond a person's daydreams.

We're simply now aware of how many ideas there are because for the first period in history, there is an easy means by which millions can see all these ideas in an instant.

Fear not, all of the BarCast videos will remain on our YouTube channel. Those will not be going anywhere.

The barcast should last as long as the site does. I feel like it ending brings Fimfiction closer to ending.

Such is the nature of impermanence. That doesn’t mean we can’t put forth a good-faith effort to stave off the decay into entropy.

By this metric, the pony fandom has been doing better than the rest of the internet as a whole. Not only do some people religiously download the site dumps to keep fics archived somewhere, even the deleted ones, but this also applies to the music, video, & art scenes. Remember when people threw hissy fits over Derpibooru policy changes a few years back? One of the unexpected benefits was that the new boorus seeded their initial collections with archives that included many images long ago deleted from Derpi or erased by artists who wanted to scrub themselves offline.

Be your own NSA. Be the embodiment of /r/DataHoarder to the point you now own a /r/HomeDataCenter. Share freely.

It's usually a bad idea for the owner to be the only archivist of a finished work. There are countless bits of internet history that have been lost because they weren't archived by outside sources.

Hey, if someone else wants to archive our vids somewhere, I won't be stopping them. The files are on youtube, iTunes, SoundCloud, and somewhere else probably, I don't entirely remember. I also have a few videos that are my favorites downloaded, because I'm a sentimental little creature. So, hopefully, if people want to find the 250 shows we did in the future, they will be able to do so.

It’s a shame I’m only finding about this now! I will definitely enjoy picking through the back catalog to catch up for the final episodes, but it’s bittersweet being a new pony fan.


The Internet Archive welcomes uploads from anyone with the legal right to do so, so they're a good additional place to put things, given that, unlike the others, they're a legally recognized library and a nonprofit.

wait, so is fimfiction shutting down?


The Bar Cast is shutting down. Not FimFiction. They're not the same.

Id love to partake, but the 20th is a busy day at work , being a Saturday.

Just so y'all are in the know, the schedule has been posted! if you've signed up, make sure to join the discord for your time slot!

Check here for your time!

quordle It's a pity about this

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