• Member Since 12th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


A long time ago, I created with abandon. I thought those times were behind me... It's time to pick up the pen once more...


Creaking doors that move without being touched. Lights switching on and off on their own. Moans and whispers coming from empty rooms. There's only one explanation: Something has made its way into the house. Something... unearthly.

But what, exactly? I mean, you can't really exorcise a ghost without knowing what kind of ghost it is first.

Looks like it's up to three fillies to figure it out!

Chapters (1)

WARNING: The Equestrian branch of the Foundation database is CLASSIFIED.

Access by unauthorized personnel is strictly prohibited. Perpetrators will be tracked, located, and detained.


Decrypting files...

Chapters (19)

It takes a lot to be the mayor of a town like Ponyville. You've got to keep a level head in even the most crazy of situations. And believe me, a lot of crazy things happen to this town all the time. Why just the other day... what's that? A monster is attacking? Yes, we get that a lot, but don't worry. Princess Twilight and her friends will take care of it. They always do, after all!

What's that? They're busy with something else right now? But... but then who's going to take care of the monster?!

Just a one shot that wouldn't leave my head until it was written. I hope you at least get a giggle out of it!

11/17/2018 Featured! Thank you all for enjoying my silly little story!

Chapters (1)

Who killed Home Body? Was it Peacock Poppycock in the Library with the Revolver? Was it Green Mail in the Study with the Rope? Was it Plum Pudding in the Ballroom with the Knife?

When Mr. Home Body invites his six best friends to be his guests at his mansion just outside of Ponyville, anything can happen! Can you follow along with their antics and match up characters and crimes? Thirteen daily mini-mysteries will test your ability as a sleuth!

All artwork used in this fic belongs to the very talented GatesMcCloud, and you can find more of their work here: http://gatesmccloud.deviantart.com/

And featured on 11/7! Thank you Case #11!

Chapters (14)

This story is a sequel to Six Best Friends Play Diplomacy

There is nothing more relaxing than spending a quiet evening with your friends playing a fun game. Or at least it should be, if you're smart enough to pick the right game! After a disastrous first try, the mane 6 are determined to give game night another go. And this time, they are going to remember that it is just a game and focus on just having fun.

But that's boring. So let's see what it's like from the game's point of view!

This is a sequel to Six Best Friends Play Diplomacy, but you do not need to read that story to enjoy this one. It only really comes up in the first chapter.

Chapters (7)

Yugi Moto and his friends are invited back to Duelist Kingdom to take part in an exhibition tournament set up by Maximillion Pegasus. There they meet a group of six duelists who know a thing or two about Duel Monsters that even the King of Games has never seen before. But with mysterious pasts, old rivalries, secretive wagers, and the ever-present danger of the Shadows, no friendly contest is ever as simple as it seems. Gather your cards and fortify you life points, cause it's time to Duel!

This is a blatant attempt to shoehorn a complete story out of a comic I found on Deviantart that wouldn't leave my head until I fleshed it out. That comic can be found here. I promise to not use quite as many memes as the comic did. I also promise to try and make the games as interesting as I can.

Chapter titles and character tags may contain spoilers.

Chapters (17)

While doing some cleaning in the library's basement, Twilight comes across an old, long forgotten board game. Deciding that it looks like fun, she invites her friends over for the night to give it a try. Unfortunately, this particular game might prove to be more of a challenge to the Elements of Harmony than anything they've faced before. For you see, in Diplomacy, the number one rule is: Never play this game with friends, or you may need to find new friends...

This has a sister-story named Games Ponies Shouldn't Play, which features the Lunaverse six instead. It isn't going to be the same story with swapped names; each group has different personalities so both games will be very different. I just couldn't decide which group of six would be more interesting, so I wrote both. I must hate free time...

And featured 1/29/15.... ten minutes after I updated with a new chapter....... Why don't I update this story very often again? Gonna have to fix that...

Chapters (10)

While cleaning out her basement, Cheerilee comes across a long forgotten board game. Deciding to give it a shot, she invites her friends over for a night of fun. Unfortunately, she's unaware of the reputation this game has gained. For you see, in Diplomacy, the number one rule is: Never play this game with friends, or you may need to find new friends...

Takes place in the Lunaverse, season 2, during the Winter arc. There really do need to be an option for six tags, but until then, an additional tag for Cheerilee.

This has a sister-story named Six Best Friends Play Diplomacy, which features the Mane six instead. It isn't going to be the same story with swapped names; each group has different personalities so both games will be very different. I just couldn't decide which group of six would be more interesting, so I wrote both. I must hate free time...

Oh My God, my first story to get featured! Thank you, everyone! 7/27/14

Chapters (10)

When Ditzy finds a mysterious letter in the bottom of her mailbag on Hearts and Hooves Day, it's up to her to make sure that somepony doesn't miss their very special delivery. But the letter's true destination is something she didn't expect.

A Lunaverse story, for the Hearts and Hooves Day collection.

Chapters (1)