SCP Foundation - Equestrian Files

by DagaYemar

SCP-EQ-004 - I'd Like To Be A Tree

Item #: SCP-EQ-004

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: Level A hazmat suits are required for interaction with SCP-EQ-004. The Foundation's role in containment is largely preventative; should a containment failure occur, agents embedded in local governments are to issue a "forest fire" warning and initiate a temporary evacuation to unaffected areas. Ponies found in affected areas are to be detained and examined for early signs of infection.

Regular sweeps are to be performed in areas of known SCP-EQ-004 infection for signs of reemergence. Foundation doctors embedded in all major civilian populations, notably those abutting swamps or heavily forested areas, are to be trained to recognize and easily diagnose early symptoms. Regular sweeps of isolated communities are to be performed once a month. Adult specimen of SCP-EQ-004 are to be cut down and mulched. Infected creatures are to be quarantined and treated with FB-mel. Should symptoms persist, subjects should be made as comfortable as possible.

Description: SCP-EQ-004 is an invasive flowering subspecies of the genus salix, or willow tree. Specimens are biologically identical to natural willow trees with the exception of its reproduction cycle. During spring, adult specimens bud bright blue blossoms attached by very thin pedicels, which break easily from the parent plant. Fallen blossoms will anomalously detect when they are near a living mammal, and will unfold to exude a cloud of pollen in a three meter radius.

Pollen from SCP-EQ-004 contains a virus that is 100% infectious to all forms of mammalian life. Infection occurs when an entity inhales just one breath containing pollen, even at concentrations of _%. Sap collected from SCP-EQ-004 contains trace amounts of the same virus. Symptoms are as follows:

To date, there is no cure for victims of SCP-EQ-004. On __/__/____, during an outbreak of SCP-EQ-004 in the town of _________, researchers discovered a record left over from PoI Mage Meadowbrook containing their efforts to combat SCP-EQ-004. While only a partial record, it detailed a substance capable of reversing the effects of the virus, hereafter labeled FB-mel. Creatures introduced with FB-mel exhibit a complete reversal of all symptoms so long as symptoms have not extended past stage 3. FB-mel applied to adult SCP-EQ-004 have no apparent effect. Approximately __% of entities do not respond to FB-mel, implying that it is an incomplete cure. Research into perfecting the cure is ongoing.

Statistical and behavioral mapping have yet to produce the origin of the "patient zero" instance of SCP-EQ-004. Groves of SCP-EQ-004 are occasionally discovered in areas with no sign of apparent infectious spread or reports of missing ponies. In these instances, it has been theorized that an animal contracted the virus and traveled before succumbing to symptoms, though some cases exist at such distances from known outbreaks that this is deemed unlikely. Whether SCP-EQ-004 is the result of a natural phenomenon or a malicious entity is currently unknown.