• Member Since 30th Oct, 2021
  • offline last seen June 22nd


I read it for the plot.

Blog Posts

  • 111 weeks

    The Sorrowful and Vengeful Trixie

    I look forward I see death.
    I look backward I see tragedy.
    I look upward I see spirits.
    I look downward I see demons.

    There is ever only one path, one way,
    yet we still manage to fall astray.
    Inaction, confusion for a day,
    stupidity , ignorance on another.

    Yet in us lies something of essence.
    It lies to us and to oneself.
    But our instinct tells apart.

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    0 comments · 106 views

SOMETHING OF INTEREST · 10:33am Jun 10th, 2022

The Sorrowful and Vengeful Trixie

I look forward I see death.
I look backward I see tragedy.
I look upward I see spirits.
I look downward I see demons.

There is ever only one path, one way,
yet we still manage to fall astray.
Inaction, confusion for a day,
stupidity , ignorance on another.

Yet in us lies something of essence.
It lies to us and to oneself.
But our instinct tells apart.

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Report Horsefucker_Faraday · 106 views ·
Comments ( 16 )
  • Viewing 12 - 16 of 16

"I read it for the plot" is probably the most unoriginal line ever, but okay. Hopefully your follow will prompt me to finally finish one of my stories. So maybe you were just responsible for the birth of most horrid writer on FimFiction. Butterflies, man.

I detected a bit of sarcasm and it made me laugh so have a follow.

Spikes in prison for attempted murder. I only gave 1 testicle and a sliced pickle

  • Viewing 12 - 16 of 16
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