• Member Since 30th May, 2020
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


Just a lonely 27-year-old autistic, strawberry blonde, ginger man trying to make things for people to enjoy.


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Legend of Equestria: A Displaced Hero 4th Anniversary Issue · 3:06am February 1st

The next chapter will be late a few days, I’m sorry, it also won’t be an extended chapter like the last anniversary chapter... BUT the anniversary present is in the works, I will be dropping Google Docs for the Item documents soon, I feel like having an interactive website where you can look at Mike, Cole, and Spike’s equipment and stats in groups/filters would be more fun so I’m working on doing that, I’ll even try to make it like the kaleidoscope menu from Ocarina of time (if I can) I will

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Comments ( 27 )
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I’ll look into it, btw if you want to speak more about this, hit me up in my DMs, I don’t want my page to get too full of normal conversation.

By the way after the tournament we can probably do a crossover if you like

K just wanted to see if anyone else was seeing it

yeah, its a site-wide issue, it’ll be fixed soon just hide the message.

Good question. The short answer is that it is a coincidence.

The long answer is DisplacedWriter and ZeldaGeek are the only ones that have reached out so far, and the Zelda ones are their main displaced so I guess it's just a coincidence the only crossovers have been Zelda ones. There were plans for another crossover unrelated to Zelda but those plans were trashed.

Hey just asking out of curiosity do you only do crossover with only legend of Zelda displaced or were those just coincidences?

Thanks for adding my story in your favorite

Thanks fir adding displaced mobian sisters to your bookshelf

Achievement unlocked!

You earned the...

...would a group of fans of Changeling fics be called a swarm?

Comment posted by Men10doh_Mike deleted Apr 23rd, 2022
Comment posted by DarkSpider deleted Apr 23rd, 2022

Currently on chapter 12, still really like it though

How far did you get?

I like it cause it's a good read, keep up the good writing dude!
Sorry for the bad explanation, just a little tired

Thanks for the favorite but what exactly did you like about it?

Comment posted by Dragon Shimmer deleted Jun 2nd, 2021

I made a blog post explaining why it's unsubmitted right now Read it real quick bud. I didn't mean to unsubmit the Xephers story though.

  • Viewing 8 - 27 of 27
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